Survival or Passion

Noticing how Liz kept jumping so easily at every little thing. Victor would move to suddenly take his daughter with out warning in his arms. moving to lift her, as the young lady would find herself now being carried
in his embrace. feeling his powerful arms around her, hearing his oddly calming heart beat. It was becoming more and more clear, no matter how gross, lewd, or even twisted he seemed to become tours her.
this man was always going to be the one to go out of his way to keep her safe. however as he now had Liz in his arms like this, it would also give her body a rare chance to both calm down, and slowly begin to feel
an all to familiar heat growing with in her core. yet not as potent as it once was, but potent enough to mask her pregnancy with the growing unnatural heat. as this would cause more sounds to be heard around them, yet
nothing visible, as if remainingh out of sight, and reach of the male with her.
Squealing out as she thought something had grabbed her, she scrambling about until realizing it was father holding her which she was uncertain how to react for she was not a baby but for now she tolerated it until she calmed down. Being in a state of anxiety was certainly not good for his upcoming offspring nor her getting taken or eaten by some creature in the forest. "You need to hunt" she scuffs, hopping out of his arms after several minutes of hunting, to instead walk on her own.
"I can hunt once were at the open spot to set up our little camp, and fire. besides are you feeling well enough to keep up?"
asking this with a gentle chuckle, as his one hand moved to gently touch Liz. the wicked man did make some sense, however it would not
be much longer before the open spot in the field came into view, with a small fire pit made from wood, and stones. one which was put together by her old man
prior when she did not go hunting and gathering with him. however his little hunting camp site would now be the safe spot for Liz while victor hunted, or so it would seem.
She would pout by him pointing out about her being unwell, still not certain what was wrong with her in that aspect. Least the open site came about letting her take a seat to catch her breath and settle her nerves . She would glance him over a second before looking out "is a fire a good idea?" she questions knowing it could give away their spot.
If nothing else, it will keep you warm, and give a way to scare off any predators. all you'll need to do is keep a longer stick in the fire, so you can pull it out safely if the need is their, and swing it. "
as he spoke up saying this with a gentle tone, Victor would assure her, if anything happens, he would come running. more then that, she could always run tours him so they could meet up. as he would be close by, and with her in the open
field, it would be easier for her old man to see and watch for any dangers around her. however nether of them were thinking of how some creatures might be able to camouflage themselves, move under ground or in the water.

yet as he spoke, the plan would seem to make sense, as if her safety was the first prioriity, and not the high chance of a harmless predator capturing her, and giving her old man a show, for which he could rescue her from.
in his own twisted mind, things had gone so smoothly, except for a few hic ups, but still at this rate, he would break his daughter completely, making her an ideal fuck doll, of a partner, and baby breeder of a pet long before any one or thing
found them, and attempted a rescue on this planet.
She would set back into her chair that was a rock by the fire, moving to find a thick stick to poke into the fire place by his idea before starting it by sparking rocks. " better come back with a good kill" she comments with a smile. Liz glances around the forest than back to father "And don't you dare get hurt" beginning to gather he was the main source of food and protection. If he got injured she would be vulnerable.
Moving up to give Liz a gentle kiss, before winking at his daughter. promising to get her the best tasting beast he could hunt.

Once victor finally left the site, leaving Liz alone, to rest, and keep herself occupied. as their were plenty of things to enjoy a small fishing spot near the fire, a nice large tree with some shade, some fruit bushes near by.
as the spot seemed to have just about everything one which might need. however more then that, she was free to do or explore as she saw fit.
Pouting by his parting kiss she would watch him go, her eyes not leaving him until he vanished into the forest. She rose from her seat to wander around, stretching her body to attempt in relaxing herself, enjoy the nature around her in this strange world. She would smile seeing some fruits but thought best not to tempt risk as she continued on, keeping an eye out for any thing hanging about in the trees or bushes. Knowing they still had a stalking that somehow avoided fathers killing spree last night, made her wonder their interest.
Some time passed, as Liz was now alone, and comfortable in the camp site. it would be while she was comfy, her feet in the stream, and fire crackling behind her.
the young lady would hear the sound of creatures around her, however like her father said. it seemed as if the fire was keeping them away, and hidden.

The fact remained, it would seem more and more like the set up, and the way he had placed the fire pit were ideal for her to be safe, and comfortable.
However at this point the effect of her meal would finally begin to fully kick in. the heat in her core growing, the needy sensation slowly being felt once more.

Little did Liz know, if her body fell, into this heat, and moved tours the sound which her mind might think was her father. it would be the entity waiting for the ideal moment to
strike. However if she fell into the effect of the heat completely by the time her old man returned. he would jump her bones, which would prompt the unknown entity to
kidnap the young lady from her own father, thinking she needed to be rescued from the abuse.
Returning to the chair rock she would settle herself before feeling uneasy, heated and a juicy liquid between her thighs. She would look up wondering when father would return though she hated he had to satisfy her but at least she had the birth control pills to somewhat protect them. She rose from her seat waddling a few steps in aim to distract herself before settling down with her feet in the water to cool herself off, hopefully he gets back soon for a quick fuck and dinner.
As she waited patiently, the time continued to pass, it might not have been that long but in Liz's current state would feel like an eternity by the time her old man was coming back.
dragging behind him, a large boar looking beast. the creature looked intimidating, and deadly, but it was now meat for them to cook up and enjoy.

as he was entering the open field, waving his one hand tours her, calling out to Liz. Victor would ask how she felt with slow roasted pork.
making look as though he had no idea of her condition, when the old man purposely took long enough to allow his enhanced concoction to take full effect on
her system, while all the seasoning they had was still laced. thus even this pork cooked over an open fire would be more lustful enhancing drug, and sustenance.
She was literally in the middle of playing with herself when he at last returned with a huge board to prep and cook for the next coming days at least which made her excited in a different way. For now she rose from the river to attempt in keeping casual as he came closer to the fire, not approaching him until he dropped the board. She was quick to snatch his hands "Papa, please, you took so long and I need you badly" not seeming to care they were out in the wilderness. Not even thinking she pulls over her clothing before laying down on the grass with her legs spread for him "Oh fuck me please" begging of him in a volume only he could hear her whining.
Hearing this, a wicked smile came across his face, as the old man noticed how she presented herself. however he would move to slowly lean in over her.
unlike the prior time, Victor was beginning to savor this interaction each time. moving to kiss her neck, while fondling her one breast. his rock hard love spear
already sliding against her slick folds. it would not be long before Liz would begin to feel what she needed, no her body desired being given to her. However the sensation of
his thick log slowly pushing past her tender entrance. stretching with each inch she took in. it would give quiet the scene for any one or thing watching.

little did the two know, that this time the show was being watched even more intently. as the instant her legs would kick, her toes stretch and curl, even if it was in the
woes ecstasy, the entity would see this as a struggle to escape. however it would be much needed pleasure for a short while for Liz. as the two began to go at it, in a much slower, and more romantic feeling
then his usual rough and savage assault upon her.
Guessing he rather enjoyed seeing her mewl for him, beg for his love spear to penetrate her though she still squirmed by his lips pressing against her neck as he teased her folds before slowly entering his meaty rod into her depths. A moan escaping her as her hands grasp into the grass and her legs wrap around his frame. At first she was loving the sensation of being deeply penetrated like she desired and needed but the romantics would not last long. Her breath would hitch when he was be fully sheathed inside of her, wiggling a little from his hand teasing on her breasts that were slowly becoming more sensitive.
Taking his time to fill her up with his entire rod. moving to slid out, and back in, slowly at first. as Victor felt his daughter's legs tightly locked around him. the show had just begin, as his hands began to gently, and aggressively
Slowly picking up his pace, as each strike seemed to get deeper, and deeper into Liz. as this went on, Victor would ask her how much she wanted this, if she wanted it rougher, or gentler. giving her a choice between ravage pleasure, or
slow passionate pleasure. as he was picking up his pace already.

as this went on, the unseen entity was now moving silently among the tree tops. to get a bird eye view, as the sounds were beginning to grow. making it think, perhaps this was not mutual, but forced.
the oddity would wait for just the right moment, when it looked like she was needing to get away, or needed to call for help, or for him to stop. however it would now be in striking position to attempt it's so called rescue.
Liz would a mewling mess of need underneath him, squirming randomly when he would hit a certain spot in her depths while he spoke of giving her options to go rough and fast or slow and passionate. She did not wish for that as she shook her head letting out a whine just needing this quickly over with which he seemed to catch upon as he picked up pace but anytime he rammed himself deeper she would gasp out a squeak, her body pushing herself from him so he would have to pull her back.
The pleasure, and enjoyment of this moment grew, as Victor took his daughter with no remorse. finally getting as rough as he could be, so the high speed thrusting, the way her body slid and bounced.
the fact he was pulling her back by the hips with each thrust. The pleasure continued to grow for Liz's body, as she would feel the much needed release building up with in her core.

However before she could be properly sated, the young lady would suddenly feel her old man stop in mid motion. only to slump over, as a powerful other worldly entity had struck.
now quickly moving to pull him off of her body, so the creature could then scoop Liz over it's shoulder, and rush off with it's prize. as her old man would recover in time to see his daughter
being taken into the woods.
Panting for breath letting out soft needy whines as she was fucked by her father feeling close to her relase. Then all stilled making her pause as her father was pulled off her to reveal a creature which made her scream as she was lifted up. Struggling in his arms as she was carried away hating this was occurring to her. “Daddy!” Calling to her father as she saw him come too just as she disappeared into the forest
Now over the shoulder of this strange entity, with four arms. as it moved swiftly through the forest, as if it was in some form of water. Liz's body now being carried like some kind of luggage, as it moved. the two would hear Victor calling out for his daughter.
as he was giving chase, but no where with in view. If nothing else, liz would know her old man was coming for her, and would rescue her eventually. however this thing was at home on the planet, and in the forest. meaning she would have to stay strong, and brave,
however little did she know. the young lady was being taken into a hidden den.

it would be with in this den where the entity would drop her off, and go seek another of it's kind. one to give her a strange examination, however this would also lead into a strange scenario where the growing need in her body would continue to get worse, having been left unsated. once she would be alone. Unaware that said situation would also draw attention of these humanoid creatures even more so.
Her struggles were clearly in vain as her fathers voice at first rang close was not fading and then gone by the time they reached a den like homestead where she was set to remain until the creature returned. At first thinking she kidnapped than rescued she attempts to slip out but the pangs of heat struck her into staying put. Sitting back she would crossed her legs trying to cover herself a little for she realized that she was completely naked, how embarrassing!
Now left alone in the den, Around Liz were piles of Bones. but the piles if one looked closely were very well cleaned. and set up as if being dried. all the more their would be some pelt, and fur along different spots in the den. as if to act like resting spots, and comfort spots. as one spot was near what looked to be a kind of fire pit, albeit it crude, and made from mud. it would all be easily missed at first glance, as such a simple monster den, However the fact remained this thing dropped her off in this den, then left. was it going to try and deal with her old man, who was coming for her? or was it going to get some thing to use on Liz? little did she know, this creature was actually getting one of it's own kind to examine her, thinking it rescued the young lady, when the scene painted a picture of a monster kidnapping a damsel for it's own purposes be it breeding or eating for her mind to think, if not getting over whelmed by her own heat.
A quick study of the den calmed her slightly though was more outlandish and much monster like, was comfortable. She scooted over to a soft pelt, grunting by the pangs in her womb from the heat cycle she was forced into. Laying back she felt how wet her folds were and knew her fingers could not please her.

Footsteps then began to approach, not one set but possibly two. She grabs the pelt to pull over her nude body trying to shoeld herself in a fashion “who are you!? What do you want??” Calling out.
It would not be long before the odd four armed entity would become visible entering the den, along with a massive six armed one which had several bat like wings, and a long serpent tail on it's humanoid figure. the two were worlds apart, yet had the same kind of basic core features, and face. as the two conversed in an unknown language, sounding more like clicks, and hisses to Liz's ear. the one which was the new coming began to move tours the naked girl, now wrapped in the fur.

Little did she know, that this one would examine her, more then that, once they discovered her condition, as well as the need her body had. it would be her so called kidnapper which would satisfy her body, albeit forcefully at first, but not in a way one would expect. however the first task would be to endure the odd six armed entity, as it's four digit clawed hands began to ooze out what looked like light blue, pink, and red slime. moving to coat her, and run it's palms along the slime. even if the one which kidnapped her would have to step in, and restrain their unwilling patient, and rescued damsel, which would not know what they intended currently.
Eyes widening to the appearance of the four armed male bringing along a creature with an extra pair, their clicks and hissing freaking her out to scramble backwards into the wall as she neared. She grew tense at the six armed creature kneeled down waving their hand over her body with an unknown slime oozing out of their hand which did result in her attempting to move away but a pang made her remain in her position. Looking between these creatures, terrified of what they have planned for her, was this the end? She would be the only human left on this planet since her father would die trying to find her. Would she have babies of these strange creatures? Would they instead eat her? Was this sauce? She squeaks shutting her eyes tightly to try and imagine a better place before she was slain.
As she thought she was about to be prepared and killed. Liz would feel the oddly cool, and soothing gel like slime on her. as the hands began to gently knead against her flesh, at the sides and top of her belly . the hips, even at one point rolling her over to run along the young lady's spine. before the entity would move away from her. shaking it's hands, thus removing the gel like slime it had been generating from it's paws. the wicked thing began to talk with the other entity in the odd clicking and hissing tone once more.

as the two communicated, the one which had kidnapped Liz, would begin to form what could only be described as a Oddly, lewd shape antennas .
the entity would seem to move slightly to look tours Liz, if it's facial expression could be read, it would be like that of a perverted creep looking at a helpless victim, or perhaps this would be just a cruel thought in her now tormented mind.
Her body relaxed under the kneading of fingers along her stomach and sides following into her back before the creature moved away allowing her to take a breather. Hearing the two speak in their tongue she would slowly sit up looking around for some escape but attention was set back onto her by the initial kidnapper that formed something else onto his body made her tense up. There was nothing she could offer for her safety, they values were different here and she barely understood their planet, hell she was mostly scared of it. Did not help with this forced heat driving her sexually mad though she was already currently pregnant by her father which these creature may be able to figure out but telling her will be difficult with vast language difference.

Worst of all she was met with an expression by this male creature that reminded her of her father when he suggested she be nude and other admiring things he enjoyed of her. She would cover herself more with the pelt, her gaze dropping to the side not wanting to imagine the thoughts of this creature while her juices were soaking the pelt under her, the scent of her need evident in the air.
Once the two were done communicating with one another, the odd one would leave. as her kidnapper moved to face Liz. as the entity moved to close the distance, before kneeling down in front of the young lady.
it's one claw moved to place it's palm gently on her head. as the two antennas began to move about.

at first a painful head ache would be felt, as a high frequency communication was being attempted. it would be a bit painful at first, however once the frequency was found. the entity's hissing voice would be heard
as if it was in her mind directly.

" Young one, you are safe now. You are in Heat. . . Need to fix. . . "
as it spoke, the words were oddly broken up, and would be like a machine trying to translate words, as some did not have translations. However if she could calm herself enough to ask.
perhaps this entity could draw a kind of diagram to show what it is referring to, as the creature was trying to tell her that the woman was in a heat cycle, which was made worse with her body being
influence, while pregnant. yet Liz could easily push the entity down as it was trying to communicate with her, and take the chance to try fruitless attempt at escaping.
Gulping down her nerves at the creature approached her, eyeing his antenna like appendages as he kneels down before her, at first it tickled but a groan rose from her as she tightly shut her eyes by a pang in her head, she was reaching up to cover her ears as if that may help. Next thing she heard a voice, his voice that spoke to her that was was safe and in heat which was a term not used though she had a feeling of what he meant. His term of fix brought hope that possibly they had somethin to rid this constant need she feels having to be used by her father to release, also he may know how she suddenly was having heat. Currently she was so focused on grasping answers she was calm "How can you help? Do you know why I am in heat? I do not understand" admitting to him.
once she seemed calmed down enough and even asked, the beast would move to shift his form into a smaller more agile form. which would be almost instantly recognized as the shadow she saw periodically watching her from the window.
at this point the entity would move to pull Liz into his embrace, and bring her out of the Den. he would begin to show the young lady something both amazing and horrifying.

Revealing that her heat was due to the ingestion of the life forms of this planet, as such it was like she was bring drugged or so it would appear to her mind. However fixing her, it would seem the entity would be leading
Liz to a garden filled with actual glowing flowers, forming a strange bed. Little did she know, these odd plants would release a relaxing, and powerful pollen to effect any one which lays or steps into the small field.

This was it's so called solution, or so it seemed. however her mind would race to the way she was being fucked by her father before the kidnapping, as if thinking this thing was about to try and breed her to fix her.
Before her eyes the being slimmed down his frame to a similar look of the shadow that had been watching them for sometime, had he been waiting to steal her away from papa, his timing was interesting to say the least. When he reached toward her, she would squeak as he embraced her to carry her out of the den toward the herbs that had been used in her food to drug her body into a forced heat, oh the anger in her chest. Her father had tricked her! Knowing what she did of most mammals that heat meant breeding though her father had promised the birth control pills would keep her safe though thinking back they were similar to the life forms presented before her. How screwed she was. Looking up to the male leading her into a small field where a bed like form was created she would bite on her lip " can you fix me?" questioning for a different answer, who knows how compatible his kind and human were but she did not even know his name or anything about him, this was crazy.

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