Survival or Passion

As this went on, it was not long before little Liz found herself in the arms of her new mate. all of them moving to hold her close, and comfort the young lady.
yet little did ether of them know, with in the next few nights, as she grew comfortable, and safe, her old man would come hunting for her. eventually he would kidnap his daughter from
her new home, and mate. unless she returned to him on her own, however for right now she would feel how this entity moved to hold, and comfort her. even moving it's
odd antenna to touch her once more. this allowed for the mental communication. as the creature would ask if she was alright? if she needed something special for her condition?
if she wanted to keep or have the doc remove this one growing with in her? their were many worlds of questions and options being laid out before Liz, however it might be to much to take
all at once. let alone if she did remove or abort this infant, what her old man do to her, if he got his hands on her, and found out?
Being scooped up into his four arms was quite the sensation on the little pregnant human, glancing up to him as he held her speaking through his antenna which was reassuring to hear his voice, wishing it was his child. Already she knew that her father would come for her, he knew it, he knew she was pregnant, he will not let her go easily. Ridding it will simply anger him, who knows what he would do then? She shook her head " father is looking for me, he will find me and take me away from you" stating that as a fact just a matter of time.
" Man threat, Can deal with if he comes to our den. You are mine now, I am yours, not sharing with another."
as the voice said this, it would be as troublesome as it was enjoyable for the gentle and fragile mind of Liz.

she would find this mate wanted to keep her safe, and close. however this would be short lived, as nether of them knew the horrors which would
follow all to soon. but now Liz knew her old man would be gunning to get her back at any cost, if she was with his baby growing in her. yet for now, the medical
expert creature would wave to them, before leaving the den. as it's back split open, allowing several wings to sprout before flying off suddenly. as this would leave Liz
with this creature holding her close.
Her words were more to state fact than warn him but clearly it took it as an act of war, needing to protect his mate with child, a child that is not of his blood. Liz already felt guilty, already felt disgusted and undeserving. She would hide herself into his frame, watching the medic take their leave, her eyes sparkling to the sight of the creature taking off in flight, oh how beautiful the view must be from the sky. "I am sorry" she whispers returning to her current situation "I did not know I was pregnant...I thought I was taking a pill to prevent it but I was lied too...and taken advantage of" sighing with a little whimper following. Least now she felt better, more like herself but leaving this den terrified her.
hearing her words, mentally, the antenna's still on her, Liz would hear the soft voice of her mate in her mind. as it would speak softly and clearly to her.

" Mine or not, mate's child, is my child if she keeps it. family is family now, until you say other wise. " as it said this, the words were a bit broken up, even mentally as if the creature
was struggling to find the right way to make this statement. but with them connected like this, his feelings would be easier to understand with the mental words. however the physical actions upon her body
were more then proof enough. this creature was unlike the man who had supposedly protected her, and in truth used her, while slowly training the girl's body. little did she know, the training, and conditioning she had
been through thus far, had helped to make her body all the more ideal even for this creature to mate with. so perhaps a small blessing in the horrible truth of her situation.

It would not be long before the soft hissing voice ask if she wished to rest in his arms, or if she wished for them to share a proper dip in the near by stream together, under the open sky.
as it was becoming very clear this creature had no intention to allow her out of his sight, and reach when liz was not in the den. however he would also be willing to give her some space if the young lady requested it, to an extent now.
but more then that, she would be able to think back to the so called pills. with how quickly she was knocked up, it would come together like a puzzle fitting just right. those pills were to help knock her up, not protect her. more then that,
it was no secret her old man had a hard time getting her mother pregnant, thus he had such pills to help with her, and her brother conceptions. yet such realizations could only entice hire mental pain, and anger which could be picked up on
by her new mate. as she had much to learn about his abilities, and anatomy still. other then the fact he was well equipped and knew how to make her melt in pleasure.
Her head would return toward the mouth of the den guessing some fresh air would do her some good, would be nice to experience this world through eyes that lived within all hos life. Yet she had worries blossoming through her mind of the development of this child inside, whether she would survive the birth and then care for it after. Never has she baby sat or cared for an infant, no clue what to do, hopefully his people can help her or he can at least. "Lets take a dip, I would like that" smiling toward him with all her trust.
Having made up her mind, the wicked looking yet gentle creature would move to get up. lifting Liz in it's arms. as the mate of this lovely young lady would move to carry her safely out of the den.

taking it's time, as two of the arms supported her delicate frame, under the knees, and back. another one holding one of her hands. as the fourth pointed out quiet the magnificent sights. even some
of the more colorful birds. However it would be unexpected, but a faint heat would be felt with in her core, and loins. one which was not made by drugs, but a more natural one which would be odd, or at least
unexpected, due to how what it did and filled her with should have prevented this, or more so prevented any more unnatural, or induced heats from drugs. little did Liz know, the combination of how this thing made her
feel, and treated her along with her body's natural reaction to the constant exposure to this creature's alien pheromones would have this kind of effect on her. not mind breaking her to the point she would absolutely need
a quickie to subdue the need. but noticeable enough to tell her, that it was different then what she endured prior.
Resting her head against his chest as she was lifted into his arms, carrying her out of the den toward their destination in aim to settle her nerves. Looking around she would smile an even reach out to touch a few plants as he explained when they passed, gasping when seeing the colorful birds take flight from the light noise they made while walking. Her hand would squeeze his a little, a smile growing as she felt safe and stable with him, unlike her father. She felt on edge, unsafe, and always in need, desperate need which now she understood why. "I don't know your name" speaking out loud, lifting her head to look toward him.
hearing her question, as the made their way to the edge of the stream. the entity would answer Liz's inquiry, as it revealed it's name is Seth. however by sharing it's name, she would now be the second to know it's true name, as only the medical creature knew it. to most it was just known as Entity S. or S for short. revealing this, it would inform Liz that these creature's had names, but did not share them so openly, yet she was shared with it's name, and had become it's one chosen partner.

It would not be long before the creature was in the stream, as it moved to gently, and slowly lower her body into the water, this Liz would enjoy remaining in two of it's arms, or even positioned herself, to stand as this creature seemed content with holding her, and cleaning liz. it would be odd, however pampering in this cursed world would not be so bad for the young soon to be mother.
Smiling to the word of his name she felt honored for she was picking up some repeated hisses and clicks that she gathered were names but how he said his personal name was different, his species was so strange and remarkable. She would remain in his arms as he settled them both down into the stream, content to not move unless she had too. Moving her hand to trace over his chest before taking a deep breath to speak. "W...will I be okay giving birth here?" meaning his planet, his home, she was scared based on what she knew about birthing for humans. It can be short and not painful or long and very painful, also so much could happen during or after. Of course his gestures of cleaning did keep her docile, feel safe in his presence, not even realizing how co-dependent she was.
Once the process had begin, the two arms holding Liz close, as the other two arms moving to fondle her impressive breast, teasing her tender lower region, and knead along her belly, arms, and legs. taking his time Seth the entity was taking very good care of liz. However little did this creature know, his gentle caring, and touches would begin to have an odd effect on liz. Her body would begin to feel the all to familiar heat with in her forming, but at the same time it would be different. Unlike the drug induced heat her body had endured prior. it would be the first time, the strong desire, would begin to form in her, in a much more natural way. however his attention, despite the potentially sexually touches was more so caring, and pampering in nature. yet she could easily use her own hands to touch his antenna's, or other body parts. as this creature was her mate, and protective partner. However little did the two know, that once she was fully bonded with him in a more emotional state, it would also be the moment her mind had grown weak enough to be abused by her father in the near future, as Liz would have some one she would want to keep safe, but this would be a nightmare to be discovered in the coming days.
Resting in his arms she simply allowed his hands and arms to engulf her into his care, his tender nature of intent for good and use abuse or advantage of her body that was already in such a fragile state. Laying her head on his chest as she looks up to Seth with eyes full of admiration and possibly love for this creature, how he snatched her away from her father, how he ensured her safety, found medical aid for her after being sure she felt safe for him to leave. Of course she had not mentioned how close her father had grown to the den, in fear that would either rive Seth to go find the man leaving her vulnerable or for them to change dens deeper into the village. So much change has already occurred for the mother to be.

As his hands caressed her body a soft moan escapes her lips, a blush crossing her chest to shoot her eyes down from his face finding that a little too unexpecting from herself. Collecting herself she reaches up to run her hands down his antennas and his face with a smile on her lips.
Upon touching the creature's impressive, albeit sensitive insect like antenna, her mind would suddenly link to his. as a gentle voice hissed in Liz's mind.

"Did I make you uncomfortable? or perhaps my mate desires a more comfortable position?"

asking this, unaware that her mental link was most likely a pleasant accident on her part, however discovering this would allow the young lady to know that the most sensitive spot of this
creature was something she was able to touch, and would quickly learn besides the mental link like this, it would also cause her mate to become a bit aroused. yet more then that, his offer, and question
would be heard. giving the young lady a chance to ether think about how to best enjoy this moment, or to share the horrible truth about her father having gotten dangerously close to their den.
Squeaking in surprise to his voice in her head all of a sudden, blinking up to him with a shake of her head "that sound is of pleasure" she murmurs in truth to him. She would look off to the water, out to the forest before wiggling in his arms to straddle her legs in his lap as she faces him with that sweet smile of hers. "this is more comfortable" humming her answer, scooting up his lap a little bit. Already spotting the erection of his own desire, lust for her.
Now making herself more comfortable in the embrace of her mate, Liz would feel and see the impressive double, prehensile cocks once more. as they were coiled around one another forming a single drill like one. the same form it had when it penetrated her prior.
However this time, Liz was in more control, as she could request, or even dictate any actions she desired. as her mate moved his four arms to play with her, support, and wash her.

His one antenna still in her grasp, as this allowed their minds to remained linked. as he would speak gently in his hissing tone in her mind. requesting to know what she would enjoy more, be it something gentle? forceful?
perhaps a mix of both, or would she care to give it her own pace, and use her mate for her own pleasure, as he would allow her to do what ever she so desired with him, as long as it did not endanger her.
His four hands barely could all touch her at the same time from her small frame making her smile, feel so special with how he held her, spoke to her as a fashion to learn more about her. Liz would press her head against his chest, motioning her hips to grind into his lap, teasing his twin cocks that press upon her stomach "I like how gentle you are with me...then how you read just when to get rough" admitting to him. Licking her lips she would press kisses to his chest up to kiss even adding in some nips and light bites to see his own reaction to her being more in control of him.
As the young lady began to act a bit more dominant, and aggressive in a playful manor. Liz would find Seth acting in an oddly adorable albeit unexpected way.
his body would seem to grow even more aroused, to the point both cocks began to thicken enough that they could no longer remained coiled as one larger one. however more then that.
the odd sound she would get from him would be what revealed this creature had never been on the receiving end of the playful assault, or affection. most likely the females of his species, albeit it rare
would most likely be the lay done and take it kind so to speak. as this planet females were rare, and valuable, thus it was easy to expect the few got royal treatment, and thus mating was a choir.

yet here Liz was, with this alien stud, enjoying her own actions, as he used his fingers in two of his claws to playfully grasp her ass cheeks, kneading and teasing them. as the other hands, moved to tease her breast, and slid along her one arm.

all the while Liz was in the position to easily push her mate down so he would be laying partially in the water, and partially on the shore, if she wanted to experiment with being the dominant one this time. as she would know all to well, how
he was when the entity was dominant with their last experience, albeit it their first one together. it was more of a real, and passionate then when her old man violated her like a fuck doll, or sex slave in training.
Pausing in response to his reaction was picked up on his lack of receiving care of his own which caused some guilt in her chest that he may believe she took advantage of him, but was not true, actually forming a real bond was the best choice she has made in her life. She was not well versed in sex but she could certainly try, care for him in a way that he falls all the more for her, protects her with his entire being. "Someone is real excited" panting out as she presses her body so he would lay back onto the soft shore allowing her more space to move. Problem was his twin cocks were of their won seeing how pumped and swollen they currently were, she could not remember if she was still a virgin in her backdoor since moments with her father always were so blurry. Rolling her hips as she lifts herself to position the heads of his twin cocks against both her sweet entrance and her back door, biting her lips a little as she slowly sits back into his lap, entering his cock inside of her.
Now taking her chance, Liz would be both horrified, and pleased to discover her back door was unused until now. Meaning that her precious black cherry was being plucked by the stud of her choice, and not her abusive father.
However this would also mean a good deal of pain, as the thick spear slowly buried itself into her depths, as Liz brought herself down on the twin spears.

His four arms moving, two of them moving to hold her hands, wanting to interlock claws with her fingers, and press palms together, as the other two moved. one to tease her breast, the other to gently caress her cheek.
however this was now at Liz's own pace, as she had at least one thing which was her first with her mate of choice however the view of pain on her voice would cause some concern for the entity, unless she assured him she would be fine.
Her answer was given by the tight resistance of her black cherry popping as his twin hot rod buried inside of her, inch by inch. Grasping her hands into his needing that comfort, needing that connection that felt so instinctual from him, made her wish she had met him first, had him be her first, show her love, passion, pleasuring sex with free will than forced heated cycles of great lust. Once settling both his cocks deep inside her, Liz would pause looking up to him with her lips parted with heavy pants, her face flush from the rush of pleasure and pain as he was stretching her out. "I'm okay, let me please you" answering his worried gaze not minding his hands kneading on her body, her ass cheeks, her breasts, and even his hand being so affectionate and gentle on her cheek that made her smile.

With a deep breath she rolls her hips to grind his twin spears deep inside her, stretch her out which did result in some whimpers and soft mewls from her before able to lift herself up and back down in his lap giving her an ounce of pleasure at last. Her juices and the water would help lube her up and pick up the pace, bouncing in his lap after a few minute warm up.
Allowing himself to be ridden, and enjoyed by liz. as the odd multi limbed beast was loving this sensation how the view of her movements. the antenna's began to move about, as his one hand took hold of liz's making sure it moved to hold the base of the one antenna, which would allow her to hear his voice much clearer now. even more so, while she felt her own pleasure, her body would begin to feel jolts of pleasure coming from his body as well. as if this entity was linking his own feelings, and sensations to her, while wanting to feel hers as well. sharing their pleasure, and intimate action together in a way no human could ever do, or imagine feeling.

That's when it would finally happen, as the melding of their desires, both physically, and mentally happened. something would snap, as if the constant contact, and linking. a strange pleasuring and unknown sensation would be felt through Liz.
however little did she know, that once her mate seeded her depths. after this odd mental, and physical reaction happen. they would become linked, to the point they could communicate with out the need of his antenna's being touched, as long as they were close enough to one another.

However the fact remained, the pleasure grew, her belly seemed to distort, and bulge with the invasive and girthy rods digging out both her holes at once.
What was this sensation, random pulses of pure pleasure but not her own, her eyes blinking up to his antenna where her hand was gently grasping at the base, she must be feeling him. But she could not think clearly for long as they continued this new position of her riding him, giving him pleasure than her always receiving. Glancing down a moment to realize his twin cocks bulging out of her stomach caused her to blush, tightly closing her eyes. "Oh...seth!" moaning out his name as she continued her steady pace of riding him, her whole body bouncing and jiggling with each thrust. Leaning over him further to keep her balance, panting heavily between her moans beginning to quite enjoy having sex with him.
Now enjoying the sensation of making love all the more. Liz finding this new sensation all the more eye opening to the world her father had almost ruined for her.
Liz's body bouncing up and down. The young human lady would find her alien life form of a lover's powerful hands moving to enjoy her body, frame, and the sight and sounds
of her form upon his own body. With each impact, her body hit into his, her flawless features being abused, as the sounds, sight, and experience grew all the more exciting.

It would not be much longer before Liz would begin to feel the monstrous cocks filling her holes bulging, pulsating, and preparing to erupt with in her young welcoming depths.
all the more, the wicked sensation would be like a carnal reward for her wanting to pleasure the mate of her choosing so to speak.
"Fuck, you are a big boy" she breathes out, panting out as she felt his seed filling up both of her holes for the first time in their love making. But this water and riding him was weighing her down, exhausting her pretty body that was developing a child in her womb, a child she did not want but would not rid. She presses her kisses on his neck, moaning out her pleasure as she came over and over just for him until her hips halted movement and settled in his lap. Soon resting her head on his shoulder feeling at one with him a way she could not understand but knew it was good "C-can you hear me?" dropping her hand from his antenna before speaking.
As she removed her hold on his antenna, before speaking, the creature would move it's powerful arms to rub along her now exhausted and well abused body. in a gentle, and soothing manor, all the more. she would begin to hear his hissing tone in her mind with out contact with the antenna. which would be new, more then that, it would have a pleased tone in her mind.

"Are are finally, true mates now. We are one, and you are mine, I am yours. if to big, can try to be smaller for next cuddle. "
saying this, the creature seemed to think her comment about being big, meant he might have did a bit more pain then pleasure for her, yet it was clear Liz rocked this entity's world. as it would be clear the females as rare as they were, only received and never really gave. yet now a woman of a different species gave service to her new mate, or alien fiancé as it seemed.
leaning down into his lap against his chest while catching her breath while he spoke to her, his voice clear as day to her making her smile all the more that she had someone that was all hers and that she safely could be all his. She could not help glancing back to the forest knowing her father was still in search of her, unknown if he was wanting his daughter back or the child she was carrying which only scared her to remain close to Seth or the den for her safety. Slowly she moves to remove his twin cocks from inside her before slipping back into the water to clean herself off though seh was a trembling mess from the pleasure. "For no help me clean up then we can go back home" humming to his comment of changing his size for cuddling.
It would not be long before Liz would suddenly find herself being easily man handled by the four clawed like arms. gently teasing, and washing her body off very carefully. Even to the point sparks of unplanned yet enjoyable sensations would shoot through her body. as it was. this creature would take very good care of the young human lover. only to lift her up once done, and carry Liz, bridal style back to the den. the way it was pampering and caring for her, only seemed to help push her dependency upon another to an even more troublesome level. as Liz herself would be unaware of this, due to how it started with her father's way of raising and abusing her, now with this creature. despite the world difference in her mate, and father's actions tours her, the young lady would for lack of terms find her needs, and desires to be near a partner slowly forming. and the gentler, and caring way she was now being taken care of would only push this to new levels, albeit more enjoyable scenario then with her old man.
Laughing and wiggling as he would bathe her, the edge of his claws making her ticklish and enjoy their time together here in the watering hole he brought her too, such a wonderous time. Once returning back to the den she knew for sure that she found her soul mate, even though he is of a different species, on a planet they crashed into with no hope for aid to come their way. Though she was still greatly concerned about the child developing in her womb, how she will survive the birth, if her father snatches her back before the end of term, how she will tell her child about their true father. Resting back into the bed of the den she took a deep breath, shakey but trying to remember that she was safe with Seth.
Now back in the den, Liz would find the next few hours much more relaxing, and restful. However as things continued like this. the world only seemed to be falling more and more into place for Liz's well being.
As time would go on, once her stomach would begin to growl, it would not be hard to have Seth go hunting, or gathering. or if Liz was feeling brave she could have her mate take her out to hunt, and gather together.
perhaps learning more about this world, and what natural things were the drug like herbs her old man abused her with. regardless the new scenario would present a unique chance, for both daughter and father who was else
where with in this wicked forest.
Lifting her heard by the sound of a growling stomach she would look up and around for Seth before sitting up and stretching herself out, resulting in a cramp to remind her of taking it easy. "Seth" calling out in a slightly whiny voice "Is there any food?" asking of him, still learning how things worked in his culture and species. She moves from the bed she had been napping off and on in to join him not even thinking of following him on a hunt and gathering trip, leaving the den spooked her enough after her father almost finding her.

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