Survival or Passion

Landing in the village, and carrying her like this. The pink soft skin maiden would get many looks, and glares. the females almost like they wanted to rip her to shreds, the males the all to familiar look of wanting to
use, and sample her. However none approached or made any actions. as it was very clear, how they felt about this other worldly woman. Yet she would see herself, and seth approaching the massive tree in the center of this town.
as the base would begin to slowly split, revealing a door way, as the doc would be their with a gentle smile. moving to wave them into his humble abode. with a gentle tone, Seth would communicate to Liz, that he would not leave her side, even if she wanted him to. they would be fine, as he would not let any one or thing get her from him again. saying this almost possessively, as if thinking of how her father got her from his reaches once already. they would be introduced to the impressive, organic tech of the doc in his tree house, everything he used as furniture, and tools made from the living organism which was his home itself.

( feel free to set us up, how you wish for our little test to go, be it a slow one, or a long one wink wink. )
Shrinking into Seth as they touched down before a massive tree that revealed a door, welcomed by the Doc ready and waiting for their arrival, thank gods for she did not wish the look of any of the civilians in this area, the females were angry, the males desiring but there were two reason they hung back. One, Seth being very intimating and protective of her, while the second could be from her father beheading any beings that came close to the house that one night. She blinks up to her mate he reassured he would remained her side regardless of her or the Doc's wishes, she was grateful in all honesty.

Looking ahead as they enter the tree home, the door closing or sealing behind them once fully inside, the Doc gesturing she to be set on the couch for examination for she did not understand anyone except Seth. She did feel nervous but not scared, no one could hurt her here, her father would never dare enter the heart of enemy territory. "tell him I have scrapes and bruising...also to check on the baby" rubbing her hand over her small swollen stomach.
Now with her on the sofa like piece of furniture, the mate sitting next to her. as he could be heard clicking, and hissing as he communicated with the doc. as requested by liz. she would soon see
the insect male moving back tours them. as it held a strange almost sexual looking piece of organic flesh. if one did not know any better, one might think it was about to try and insert a larva or embryo
into her body. as Seth would explain this is an organic sonic organ. to allow them to see images of the infant. as the entity told her to gently take hold of it's antenna, and she would be able to
see the utra sound images of the infant from this organ being used on her. as the doc would check the infant first, then her physical body after words. unless told to stop this action.
Glancing between the two creatures she gathered Seth spoke in a different dialect of clicking and hissing so she remained quiet until seeing some strange organic material being taken hold and brought to her. She exchanged a concerned look to Seth for him to explain before she overreacted, thank gods she didn't for it was just a medical tool though very strange. Hesitant to even see the child she kept her hands to herself not desiring to see it for just thinking about her baby flashes horrific images of the father through her head. Tensing up she glances down to her swollen belly where the infant was indeed developing well and healthy, her body having done well of protecting it while presenting bruises and even some messily healed sprains in her wrists. "So, is everything okay?" looking toward the medic.
a bit of communication would go on between the creature's, only being able to understand the bits from her mate. thanks to their mental link.
Seth would reveal to Liz that her baby was perfectly fine, however her own body would need some proper care. however as this creature told her this,
it would paint an oddly cute image of her being pampered and cuddled by her mate in their den. even if this was not what it actually meant. However if
she had to remain alone in the den, their would always be that haunting horror of being discovered again. Yet for right now, she was safe, and her little one
growing with in her for the moment was as well.

Once some time passed, and everything would finally begin to settle down, the entity would ask if Liz was feeling hungry, as it could introduce her to it's
own kin, and they could get a nice meal. or if she preferred they could head back to the den, where it would take care of her. this was a rare opportunity, as Liz now knew
her mate was more of an outcast of his own species. however if she met it's kin, she would discover that by taking her as a mate. Seth had for a lack of terms turned on his own
species, for such a deed. it was acceptable to use other species as breeding partners, but not to claim one as a life long mate, like it had with her.
Was a relief to hear the baby was fine that nothing her father did to her harmed it but she had a feeling her body was not in the best shape currently, least now she can get started on a treatment plan. Ready to head out she blink in surprise of Seth's offer to stick around to eat before heading home which she was uncertain about with how everyone looked at her when they arrived into the city, so many hated her and others wanted her a fashion she felt disgusted over. She took a deep breath before nodding her head "yeah, lets get something to eat, I am eating for two" humming with a small smile unaware of how Seth ruined his reputation to be with her. Not even carrying his child and he still sealed the deal with being her mate for a life time.
"Well then, do we want to go some where nice, and private, or perhaps you would like to meet some kin?"
as the entity asked her this, in a gentle and caring tone. Liz would soon discover the horrible truth of her new mate's decision, and what it means to be his
mate for their species. when she is of a different species, and not even incubating his kin.

However this request would be gently asked, as he would move to instead of helping Liz onto her feet, but lifting her bridal style. not caring what any one thought or saw.
the doc on the odd end seemed to smile at this sight. even if the smile showed of fit's nightmarish jaws, and teeth. however knowing this entity, the sight of the smile could easily
be seen as a genuine smile of happiness for them.
Unaware she was not mentally prepared for a public meal but she knew he must miss his friends or family "I would not meeting some of your Kin" knowing she will probably not understand a sound they make. She glances down to her stomach, biting her inner lip a little beginning to hate this feeling of disgust over her own child. Maybe she should have attempted to rid it when she had the chance. Resting her head against his chest, glancing over to the medic who offering a fangy smile was a little creepy but she knew that he meant well "Come on, I am starving"
Spreading his wings, the entity would soon lift himself off, as they would begin to head deeper into the small village of these odd alien creatures. but more then that, to this planet, Liz was the odd alien creature to be seen.
it would not be long before a small round building would begin to come into view. one which was surrounded by all to familiar plants. the odd tentacle planets her father once used. but these ones seemed to be blooming, and had
fruit growing on them. showing a side of the alien entity for Liz to see. a side which would be oddly rewarding, due to the naturally calming scent they produced. However this would be but the first sight. as he began to decent tours
the small walkway tours the pulsating build which hid several creatures much like Seth. some smaller, and other's taller then the one which carried liz.

(care to be ether our big sister / mother who will be our big bully for poor Liz? )
Such sights were beautiful until spotting the plants that abused her or forced her into feelings she did not desire. Once they touched down before the small round building she wraps her arms around Seth's neck not wanting him to put her on her feet just yet. Through the door way came a smaller species but was an adult female who was over joyed by the sight of her son visiting but spotting the naked soft creature in his arms made her confused as she halted to take in the scene before her. It took a few seconds to assess Liz that she was Seth's mate and also with child resulting in angry gestures to result through her hissing and clicking much like shouting. Speaking of how he has been gone for weeks only to return with some naked pregnant creature without mentioning a thing to his family and his disappointed she was that he chose this unknown creature to be his life long mate as his parents had been arranging him a mate for quite some time. But a sigh ended her shouting as she sets her gaze on Liz questioning if the child was at least his so this pairing was not a complete waste. Liz looks up to Seth wondering what in the world they were talking about.
with out even thinking about it, the entity would inform her, that it was indeed his off spring. not lying to his mother, as he claimed her child as his, the night he claimed her. However the fact remained, it might be his child via their relationship, but was not the child from his seed. Yet, the entity would move to carry Liz, and keeping her close. as his one antenna would release itself, and move to gently rest against her head. this would allow Liz to understand
the smaller female creature at least when communicating tours her, or seth. However as he touched Liz, a faint voice in her mind would inform Liz, that the child in her was his. not to let any one know other wise. as for the reason it would become known very soon. but for now, the entity would ask it's mother if they could join the family for a meal? and he wished to introduce his mate to them all. sounding quiet, proud of being with her, despite how a soft creature like
Liz was often only seen as a potential incubator, and sex toy for their species, not mating material or deserving of treatment better then just being a pet or toy. but for liz, she was his equal, his mate, and lover.
His antenna touching on her head did allow her to get the ending of the conversation followed by Seth ensuring his mother knew it was his child and that Liz had to also tell all that it was his child, she did not understand the reasoning behind why but seemed important besides the truth will come about once the baby is born. She offers a small smile toward the mother who gestured the pair to follow her inside speaking that it was just in time for dinner. His father was out working so just his sister and little brother were at the table, both astonished to at last see their big brother after all this time. Both clearly confused of the creature he held so lovingly in his arms having over heard the shouting outside that this being was his life long mate and carrying his child. Of course questions of how far along Liz was, if Seth was moving back home for them to help with the baby, if he wanted a boy or girl, how his sister would start making toys and cute clothes for the babe which resulted in mother hushing the young siblings. Apologizing for their excitement all sat down at the table to begin the meal.
"No, we will be living out in our private den, But would like to continue interacting with kin. Want mate to have family now as well. "
as the entity shared this, Liz was now sitting in seth's lap. as she would be able to understand, and hear the conversation as long as she was touching his
antenna. However the way he spoke wanting her to enjoy the affection of kinfolk, also he would state to his own mother, that the off spring might be like them, or
more like her a soft skin. so they would need to see which parent it took after more, before deciding on clothing.

this would be almost comical, as he was making sure to cover the needs to keep her safe from all around them, while also trying to make sure their could be a connection
or relationship, so that Liz could find a family to rely on, when the need ever arises besides seth itself.

However this would bring up a question for the little sister to ask about, as their parent always taught them, soft skin creatures were never meant for anything more then toys, or pets.
how would she be able to properly understand them, and communcate. However as he had his antenna gently against Liz's head. she would be able to hear this, and her alien language would be
translated for any to to understand while she was with her mate like this. as if he was her natural translator.
Able to keep up with the back and forth questions along with the mother hushing the young sibling from overwhelming the newly wed mates, Liz could not help feeling a little out of sorts being here in Seth's original home making her wonder of his life as a youngster and his room, his place int eh village was. She glances up to him as he smoothly answers a few of the questions while adding he wished the family to allow Liz in to feel more comfortable around others than just Seth. She smiles up to him before hearing his sister speak up "Brother, why not just play and breed her? Mama already arranged a mate for you" pointing out with confusion. The mother did not halt such question for she was curious as to why her son choose this soft creature over his own kind.
"Cause I fell for her. no pet, no toy, This is my lover. Much like mama herself, and papa, who turn against traditions to be together. I made my choice. I am not a shame of it, and will never be. this soft skin is a wonderful woman,
who is worth all the effort to be with. "

as he said this sounding very proud for having taken Liz as a mate, and stating no matter the cost or hardships, she was his, and he would not change his mind on this decision. However more then that, this would be the key moment for Liz to speak up, if she wanted to get her own words in on her mind set for being with Seth, or she could remain silent, and listen in to how the scenario could play out all the quicker.
Everyone was speechless by the answer of Seth, his mother could not deny she and their father did go against traditions to be together and create this family but to see her son go to such lengths did left her concerned. This quieted the siblings as mother dished out dinner, Liz remaining silent for she was a stranger here, an outcast for now. She glances toward Seth wanting to ask so many questions but this was not the time or place as she looks down to the food presents, wiggling in his lap a little which allowed his family to notice her bruises and on the medic dressed her wrists to set them up for proper healing. Little broke spoke up "Why is she all banged up?" pointing to her wrists and a few visible bruises. Seeing him point made Liz freeze and still not speak for she could not come up with a lie quick enough to explain such injuries.
As she asked this, Seth spoke up with out hesitation.
" we got a bit to carried away, I forgot how fragile her body was. some adaptations are still needed. "
as he said this, even moving a few of his limbs to soothingly rub her body, and show off his woman so to speak. It was almost a cute sight for the mother.
however the worse thought for this matriarch would be her first grand baby could very well be a soft skin creature, due to the mate chosen by her eldest.

however the fact remained, he admitted he was to rough with her, and did this, while in the act of making love, however leaving out the details. this would give the mother a reason
to perhaps share a bit of healing herbs, and knowledge which only females knew, due to how rough males got when mating some time. or to at least grant a quicker healing for Liz this one
time, after the meal. however the fact remained, Liz was still a creature their kind should never consider equal, but pets at best, and fuck toys which was more commonly used. as the family had no
idea all the wild sensations her body endure were from some one other then her so called mate.
The siblings exchanged regretted glances of asking their older brother why his mate was a mess, they did not wish to hear such things at their age though sister getting close to having her own mate arranged for her. Liz blushes deeply of how confidently Seth answered that, darting a look to the mother who did not seem phased for she knew how males of her species can be with mating though quite the sight how Seth openly caressed Liz's body in such a loving manner. His mother could not deny she adored seeing her son happy even with a soft creature "I have some herbs to aid with healing the development of the baby" she spoke up as dinner was coming to an end. "you two clean up, I will gather those herbs them to take home" standing from the table. Groans sounded from the younger siblings but since Seth had a pregnant mate he was expected to rarely leave her side.
Once the meal was done, despite how Liz was in the nude, her body would seem to feel oddly light once the meal was done. as if this entity's species had a kind of odd high or healing effect with their cooking for her species. Little did Liz know, that was indeed the case, and more so this discovery would allow her body to endure far rougher abuse before falling into her current state once healed up.

Which would be a blessing normally would become a curse once her wicked old man got ahold of her once more. However Seth would move to let Liz up off his lap. so she could walk with his mother to get the herb, and perhaps the first treatment from her directly. However the entity would ask if she wanted him to stay at her side, or would she like to get to experience his mother's care alone, and she could shout for him, as the entity would be in this room if she needed him. the choice was liz's, however the fact remained, this would be the first time in quiet some time, that this pink skin maiden could say she was around creatures which did not pose a threat to her.
Standing on her own two feet once lifted from his lap to follow his mother into the back where she was walked through all the mixing of the herbs and how t apply the paste or prepare the tea which his mother removed the bandaging to apple the paste and reapply the bandage correctly. She was lead back out to Seth with a smile feeling more comfortable but very much ready to call it a day. "She is all good to go" handing over a leaf bag of all the herbs "just stop by if you need more" reminding them this home was their home as well, door always open.
once they were cared for, and well fed. The two youngest creatures would do something a bit unexpected, rushing up to Hug liz's legs. calling her big sis suddenly before the duo left. leaving a warm and welcoming sensation for liz to remember now. despite the difference in species, she now had a kind of family to turn to so to speak. even if it was not a fully accepting one, but one which would still be their for her, and her mate as long as she was with Seth.

once the finally left the little house, seth would move to lift Liz and prep to fly them back to the den. as his antenna would move once more to gently touch her. asking if she was ready to head back or if she wanted to make a stop at the local stream to rest up a bit, before the full trip. asking for her condition, as it seemed seth was wanting to ensure Liz's comfort and safety for the long flight back.
Certainly was a surprise to have the two younger siblings run up to say goodbye with a hug to add making Liz tense up with a shy smile, waving to them as the pair left. She rests her head on Seth's chest once back in his strong arms "Just fly home, I am so tired" blinking her eyes closed to reveal she may sleep the whole trip home. She did feel guilty him having to carry and fly her so often but was grew up here, better suited to the environment while she was a sore thumb sticking out.
Once she was held close, his arms wrapped around her, supporting Liz's frame in a comfortable and protective manor.

his wings spread, as the duo would soon be off. as they flew tours the massive tree which hid their home under it's root system. It would be a beautiful sight,
as seth would awaken his slumbering mate in his arms. in time to see the beautifully lit sky as the sun was setting over the view of their home coming closer as they moved ever steadily
tours their hidden den.
"Beautiful no? we enjoy this on way home, then rest peacefully in new home. " his words echoed softly in her mind.
as Liz would soon be greeted by a tree top view of the forest, which was the giant tree they lived under now. more then that, a tiny pillar of smoke in the distance
was her father's location. the home miles away, which she was rescued from. however this fact only added to the odd sensation of safety she got to feel from now on.

As he held her, his feet like claws grasping the tree top, as they enjoyed the wind, and view. once the sunset was over, the wicked creature would move to take his mate back into the den.
so they could call it a night together, and rest from such a long, and eventful day for liz.
Looking out at such a view she had no hope to ever see anywhere else she spotted the smoke in the far distance, she tensed in his arms at the image if it being her father out there, camping out as he searches for her. Last thing she ever wanted was for him to ever find her again, who knows the punishment he would give her.

Telling out a breath in reminder she was safe here with seth, she smiles as the sun went down and Seth headed down to the den. Once they were inside her body finally relaxed.
Moving to gently lay Liz in the make shift bed of soft furs, and plantation. the entity would be laying their with her, his four limbs wrapped protectively and comfortably around her.
as he was in an ideal position for Liz to snuggle into his taller, albeit alien frame. his odd scent would be one which had become the scent of safety, and comfort for her mind.

however meant or not, she would feel her mate's arousal poking at her, forcing the young pink skin maiden to adjust herself. however even with this, their would be no forced, or coarsed action
to try and get into her depths. but instead he would remain their with his arms around her, and would even offer his silky soft wings to wrap around her if she so desired. which was something amidst of
taboo by his kind. yet their coupling as mates was already taboo. thus it was something he did not care about, as long as he could keep her safe, and comfortable.
A sigh of relaxation left her, closing her eyes to feel so safe and have a restful sleep instead of from exhaustion or just blacking out when the pain or fear grew to much. She tenses to the memory knowing these will haunt her all her life which she hated, she hates her father so much, he inflicted so much fear in her but somehow thanks to him, she met Seth. Opening her eyes she looks up to him with a sweet smile soon feeling his twin cocks coming to life against her soft skin making her squirm against him to get comfortable again. Focusing on sleep she knew that she needed to rest based off all the minor injuries she possessed.
many hours into the next day as Liz would awaken in the arms and frame of her mate. It would seem Seth had awaken much earlier but remained still, just gently stroking her frame, and soothingly
holding her close. however if the young lady took notice. she would see the clear signs of some kicks, and scratches on her mate. making it appear as if something in her sleep caused her body to struggle a bit.

Little did Liz realize, the treatment from the experienced matriarch had shown it's fruits upon her frame. despite the bruises still being their, her cuts and wounds were all sealed. meaning with in a few more hours,
even her body would feel more energetic this day. However more then that, she would appear strong enough and healthy enough to join her mate hunting. she could be the one to gather fruits, and vegetable while seth hunted, and fished.

however for now one must come to, or she could choose to remain in his embrace until she felt sated with the cuddles.
Best sleep she got in weeks, she woke feeling rather rested, energy inkling back into her body as she was healing properly thanks to Seth and his mother. She shifts in his arms to realize she had been struggling in the night and hurt him, gasping she sits up to look toward his face "seth, are you okay? Did I hurt you?" doubting she could truly hurt him physically but may have pained his heart seeing even in her sleep such a thing.

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