Sci-Fi RP Synthetic Heart, Human Desire (RedCoat)

(hey it could always be trans, m t female that is :3 )

Tamara drifted off to sleep, and felt safe within in his arms. She had the most peaceful sleep she could ever have with Twelve by her side and she was thankful that he was there. When she woke in the morning, she yawned slowly and looked over at his face, smiling softly as she did. She hoped he had slept well, and she snuggled into his frame a bit more. She kept wondering about his anatomy though, and wondered if they would get any more answers on if they could really have a family together.
(True? But also if they've had a robot body made they would just be F for all intents and purposes, right?)

Twelve sat up slowly when Tamara started to awaken, his arms staying gently around her "Good morning, Tammy... How was your rest?" He asked softly, even as they both knew exactly who they'd have to ask the question about their procreation to.
(I hope you’re doing okay! All things considered, that is)

She gave a soft giggle as he picked her up and brought her to the kitchen, while sitting her down. “You know, I could have walked myself,” she teased lightly, but obviously wasn’t complaining. As she was sat down in a chair she bummed lightly, “First I want to contact my uncle about our..anatomy,” she mentioned to him as he began to prepare her favorite breakfast food- watching him grab the pancake mix. “Then I wish to see more of the forest,” she explained, hoping that today might be warmer than it had been recently.
"Oh, I know, but I thought you'd like to rest your legs... I'm sure your hips are still sore from last night" He teased her back, tucking some of her hair behind her ear before he turned around and began to cook the pancakes, nodding to her words "Why don't you call him now, whilst I am cooking?" He suggested, even as she'd realise just how late they'd awoken after their tiring 'exploits' the night before "And perhaps you should wear something more warming than your last choice, considering the cold yesterday."
(I was just getting to this XD)

She began to drift off in her thoughts but then at the sound of his teasing and how he pushed her hair behind her ears, she began to turn a flush of red. “Oh- you..-!” She huffed in embarrassment, rolling her eyes with a soft chuckle and smirk.

After she had mentioned about contacting her uncle, her phone began to ring and it was her uncle’s number. She went to grab her phone to answer it. “Mm maybe, it looks a bit warmer than yesterday,” she commented in response to him mentioning about wearing warmer clothes while she picked her phone up. Noting the time, as she answered the phone call, she sighed. “Look if you’re going to ask if I just woke’d be right,” she said into the speaker, wondering what her uncle would say next.
"That... That wasn't what I was going to ask, Tamara." He replied to her "I was actually phoning to ask how you are doing, with your new body? I know Twelve is looking after you, but I still do worry. Is everything functioning correctly? No glitches or malfunctions?" He asked her, his voice level but with that little tinge of worry she'd easily pick up on "If you are sleeping in too late, I'm sure I can make an adjustment to your internal clock systems to compensate..."
She gave a small, soundless sigh and responded to her uncle’s worries. “I’m doing alright- I promise..I was..well, actually going to call you,” she started, glancing over to Twelve. “I was going to ask you about Twelve and..his anatomy..” she trailed off, wondering how she should phrase this. “When I was in the lab with you, did you, do some upgrading to Twelve?" she asked, waiting for her uncle to give a response to her questions.
She gave a smile towards Twelve as he gave her the plate of pancakes- taking the fork and beginning to eat them as she continued to ask her uncle certain questions about Twelve’s anatomy. “Mm, well..” she trailed off in between bites, “His lower half, is there a reason you made him anatomically correct down there?” To her uncle- he would finally realize what she was talking seemed she had developed feelings for Twelve: “I guess you could say he was malfunctioning in a way, almost human like..” she clarified.
"Ana... Ah. I see." Her uncle replied "Well, if it helps I didn't... exactly plan things to go this way. But as for Twelve... When his siblings all requested the modifications, I felt... wrong, not performing a similar action for him. I'm assuming that you and him have... explored, his anatomy, then?" He asked her, before sighing and speaking again "No, nevermind. Don't answer, just... I would rather not know the details. Just be aware that with your bodies, you have complete control of their... Ahem, fertility. So if you do not wish to become pregnant, you will not. And if Twelve does not wish to impregnate you, he will not. I call it the Consent Protocol."
Tamara paused in her eating of her pancakes and looked towards Twelve. "The...consent protocol?" She echoed, and then leaned back ever so slightly. "So I'm assuming we both have to agree to it.." she trailed off, beginning to think about how the child between them would look like then. She wasn't even sure if it was to be a good idea, but she knew her uncle probably wouldn't discourage her.
"Well, I mean... I designed it thinking about individuals using their new bodies to... experiment, especially those who changed significantly." He continued onwards, seeming to not hear what she'd said when she leant backwards. There was a sudden, loud noise from the other end of the call, as well as her uncle swearing under his breath "Ah, that's not good... I'm sorry Tamara, I have to deal with this! If you have any other questions or need, don't hesitate to call." He ended the call, leaving her and Twelve in the kitchen alone, those thoughts still in her head about what Twelve and her child might look like.
Tamara gave a soft sigh as the call ended, obviously a bit confused and curious about certain things. She then looked at Twelve’s body, scanning it over- almost like she was assessing something. Well, that’s what she was doing, trying to make the image in her mind. Sure, she had wanted kids before but never had considered… making them with Twelve.

She resumed eating her pancakes as her mind continued to think on these things, deciding it might be best to leave it alone for now.
Twelve moved across to her side, sitting on the chair next to her and moving an arm around her shoulders as she ate her food. He'd caught her look towards him and he had a feeling he knew what she was thinking, but unless she said something he wasn't going to pre-empt the conversation. He was just happy to be with her, happy that she was safe and sound alongside him "Are you enjoying the pancakes, Tamara?" He asked her, wanting to know she was enjoying the food he'd cooked.
Tamara felt Twelve approach her and sit by her, soon feeling his arm wrapped around her shoulders. As she continued to eat she heard his question and swallowed her last bite. “Mm, I think you did an exceptional job,” she said happily, wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

It would then be an idea that crossed her mind, if only Twelve had lips and tastebuds..this syrup could be used for something..other than food.

Her cheeks became rosy, but she didn’t really want to voice her idea out, let alone she was still thinking about the child she could potentially have with him.
She blinked as he responded about it, and talking to her uncle. “’d do that, just to satiate my desires?” She asked a bit shyly, certainly not telling him no. She had grown quite fond of his current form, but to have him upgraded in a way..that could..well, she certainly wasn’t going to object.

"You know you dont have to.. right? I don't want you to..change, if you're not comfortable with it.." she explained to him next, still blushing.
"I would be happy yo change, if it would make you happy." He replied to her, moving to take her hand in his "And... If we were to have a child, I think... it would be more sensible for me to have a more... human appearance, just to stop them from being scared of me." He continued onwards with his words "If that means I could satiate that desire of yours... well, that would just be an additional bonus."
She looked to the hand he held, and she bit her lip, looking up at his face. “Twelve.. I hope you know that I’ll love you, no matter what form you take,” she explained softly, her free hand reaching up to his cheek. “Plus, I feel like if we did have a child, they would love you just as much as I do,” she said, soon placing the same hand on her stomach, almost as if thinking on how a child would feel there.
He moved a hand up to her face, caressing her cheeks as she spoke before nodding "I know you would, Tamara... And I hope they would... But... without lips, how can I ever kiss you?" He murmured, leaning in and pressing where his mouth would be to her lips, but it wasn't the same as a true kiss "I want to be able to kiss you and our baby..." He then moved his other hand and picked up the syrup "And to taste this, how you wish me to taste it..."
(Hes going to make me cry T-T)

Tamara blinked at his words, blushing heavily as he pulled closer and put her lips where his would have been. She then bit her lip, listening further and then blushing still as he mentioned about the syrup.

“Alright.. we can contact my uncle again then, I’m sure he already has an upgrade waiting for you..” she mentioned now, squeezing his hand with hers. She looked at his face, “I love you Twelve. I hope it’ll be everything and more for you, to finally be able to kiss me..” she smiled shyly, wondering what he would say next.
And eventually, her Uncle would walk out of the room with a massive smile on his face, stepping aside with a flourish "Tamara... Might I present Twelve." And as he did, she'd see a figure stepping out, blue hair atop his head and shining blue eyes looking out towards her "Tamara... what... what do you think?" Twelve asked, his voice uncertain as it emanated from her new throat and lips.
Twelve would watch Tamara stare at him, coming closer and reaching her hand up to touch his cheek- touching the soft flesh like surface. Her fingers then touched on his lips gently and she searched his eyes. “I think..” she trailed off, moving to kiss him slowly, tasting his mouth for the first time. She then pulled away, blushing deeply. “I think it’s perfect, you’re..perfect,” she breathed out happily, smiling and turning towards her uncle. “Thank you so much..!” She said happily.

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