Sci-Fi RP Synthetic Heart, Human Desire (RedCoat)

Twelve paused as she approached him, and she'd see him give a little nervous swallow before... He blushed as she kissed him, feeling her press her tongue between his lips and letting her with ease. When she pulled away and spoke of him being perfect the flush got deeper "I... well, thank... you." He murmured back, even as Tamara's uncle would hug her "Nothing to thank me for, Tamara. Twelve deserves it, as much as any of his siblings did, and I'm just happy to help you both." He replied to Tamara's thanks, even as Twelve moved to take her hand when her uncle stopped hugging her.
Tamara was smiling ear to ear, even as she squeezed Twelve’s hand. She then heard her uncle said that he had made reservations for them at a wonderful restaurant- so that Twelve could try out his new tastebuds. She was shocked yet happy, saying that this would be a fun night for him, one of his many firsts to try out. Then they went to pick out outfits for them, and she had picked a black tight fitting dress, that sparkled with glitter and was low cut. She had commented on Twelve’s choice, saying how handsome he looked.

It wasn’t until they got back to their current residence that Tamara and Twelve eventually fumbled through the door. They both had became ‘wine drunk’ for the first time, and Tamara was giggling to Twelve how much of a lightweight he was, when she in fact was more tipsy than he.

But the way she looked in that dress..and how it hugged every curve of hers..
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Twelve's outfit was a delightfully formal black suit, that revealed almost nothing compared to her dress. Of course, as they stumbled back into their home he wasn't really considering that, even as he looked her in the eyes "Shush... Your drun...drun...drunker thn me!" He replied to her teasing, before moving closer to her, his arms wrapping around her body "This...hic This dress is so beautiful but it's nothing compared to what's underneath." He told her, even as she'd feel his hand moving down her body to start undoing the straps holding it to her "And I wanna see that..."
Tamara couldn’t help but flush more than she already was from the alcohol- at the words and feeling of his hands on her body. “ see-“ she slurred out and grinned, her own hands on his body, tugging at the buttons of his shirt, and pulling at the buckle to his pants. “I wanna,” she whined out softly, urging for him to continue.
He nodded, his hands moving from her dress to his own clothes, stripping the jacket, tie and shirt from his body with surprising speed, before he started to slide his pants down "Alrii.... I'll take mine off, if you take yours off..." He slurred back, even as he was already nude infront of her, his length stiffening up even before she'd revealed her curves from under the glittery black silk.
She managed to get her dress off, only remaining in her stockings and underwear, her hand reaching forward and feeling his length in this form for the first time. How different it felt..but similar in size and girth it was. She had kicked her shoes off as she began to kneel, her mouth eagerly taking his member into its warm caress, glancing up at Twelve, wanting to see his eyes respond to her actions with his expression for the first time..
She'd see Twelve's blue eyes widening in pleasure as she knelt between his legs, a moan escaping his lips when he felt her mouth wrapping around his length. She'd feel his hands moving to her head, gently entangling with her hair and resting there whilst she sucked him off, and as she watched his face would twist and turn into various pleasured expressions, his mouth hanging open as he moaned, or his teeth biting his lip, whilst his eyes were either wide open and staring, or closed as he cast his head back, loving the way her mouth felt on him.
Oh how she enjoyed seeing those expressions from him, which it turned her on more- and she continued to deep throat him, the sensation of how his member was oh so warm, and pulsating within her mouth.

She pulled off of his cock, and a trail of saliva from his tip to her lips followed, and she looked up at him with her big round eyes. She squeezed her legs together, and she parted her lips to speak. “Twelve can you..I want to feel you..” she asked of him, hoping he’d pick her up and fuck her against the wall he was leaning on.
She'd hear Twelve give a whine as she pulled her mouth off his length, but when she spoke... He reached down and pulled her up gently, hands dropping to her hips once he could reach, first pulling her panties off with a rip before he gripped her rear and held her up against the wall, his stiff cock pressing into her dripping wet slit, almost pushing straight into her womb with his first thrust "Like... That, Tamara?" He asked her, his hands on her ass squeezing it tightly.
Tamara made a soft noise of surprise as he suddenly lifted her up, ripping her panties and shoving his cock into her awaiting wet pussy.. gasping out- moaning in pleasure as she felt him deep inside of her. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and she nodded to her lover, “Yes,” she breathed out to Twelve. “J-Just like that,” she affirmed, her stockings still on her legs, only going up to the middle of her thigh- her squish bulging out slightly- perfect for Twelve to also grip on, if he so desired.
When she wrapped her legs around him he moved his hands down to get a better grip, squeezing the exact point her tights squished her thighs outwards as he continued to thrust his length deep inside her body, his tip pushing up and into her womb as he did so, his moans filling the air around them just as much as the wet sounds of their coupling did "Your... so soft, Tamara..." He moaned out to her, moving to kiss her again, his tongue pressing into her mouth.
Tamara panted out as he continued fuck her, her depths tightening on his cock the more he thrusted, showing to him how much she enjoyed this feeling between them. Obviously the wet, lewd noises between them as well proved that too- along with her sweet sweet moaning. Her moans only increased in volume the moment she felt him push past something, her eyes widening slightly at the feeling, but she wasn’t complaining.. at his words, she couldn’t help but blush and kiss him just as hungrily as he did to her- loving the way how Twelve’s lips felt against her own, craving more. And then feeling his tongue.. she rubbed her own around his, moaning hotly into his mouth. “A-and’re so..warm!” She finally managed to moan out a response against his mouth. As he pulled back in his thrusting, she couldn’t help but cum- squirting heavily- her cries of pleasure filling Twelve’s mouth.
Twelve loved every second of their connection, feeling her tighten around him as he listened to the mixture of pants and moans she made before the kiss, then he listened to the wet noises and muffled moans she made into it, his tongue diving deep into her mouth, wrapping and twisting around hers as she tried to press past it into his mouth. She'd feel him start swelling now he was inside her deepest depths, his length preparing to disgorge his load as he increased his pace. And when she finally reached her limit, he gave a delighted cry back into her mouth, replying to her climax with one of his own as he disgorged his hot thick load straight into her womb with one final thrust that left them so tightly locked together.
Tamara cried out again into his mouth, the feeling of his cum inside of her was warm and heavy. At this point in their heated passion, she moaned out- “that..that’s it..yes..I want to carry your child-“ she panted out in between her moaning, holding herself up against him, although there was no chance anything would escape. She pulled away from his lips, her eyes looking on his face, her cheeks very rosy and her eyes heavily dilated.
As she panted more, he moved to kiss her again, even as he removed her from the wall and headed for their bedroom "I would love to have a child with you, Tamara... my love..." He replied after the kiss, gently lying her onto the bed and moving to cuddle her as they lay there together "Tomorrow, for breakfast... Might I taste that Syrup?" He teased her softly as they rested there.
Tamara kept herself pressed close to Twelve as she was carried by him to their bedroom, blushing from what he had said in response. And as they were cuddling, she gave a shy hiding with the pillow next to her face and she nodded slightly to his question. “Y-Yes..I’d like that,” she murmured out in response, peeking slightly up to his face.
Her flush only increased, “Oh hush!” She shook her head, burying it into his chest, breathing in his scent. “I love you,” she breathed out finally, snuggling into his frame, closing her eyes and beginning to drift off to sleep. She wasn’t expecting the overwhelming hangover though waiting for her in the morning, forgetting that they had to turn that feature off..
Twelve's smile got a little brighter as she buried her head into his chest, his arms moving to snuggle even closer with her as they drifted off. And unlike Tamara, Twelve had remembered to disable the hangover system, meaning that when he woke up he didn't have to deal with the aching skull that Tamara did, greeting her groans with a gentle soothing kiss and a whispered "Good Morning, Dear..."
He gently stroked her head, moving to press his fingers against the point that would allow external disabling of certain programs. This one was the hangover system, and the moment the switch was pressed Tamara would find all her troubles swept away, even as he moved to help her sit up "Is that better, Tammy?" Twelve asked, watching her face for her reaction.
Tamara, as she sat up gave a soft sigh of relief, her face relaxing as the pain went away. “That’s..that’s better,” she murmured in response, opening her eyes and looking to Twelve, a soft blush on her face. “I..forgot about that feature, truly..” she had been caught up last night celebrating with him..and she looked around their bedroom. “I’m assuming we did most of the damage out in the living room?” She asked shyly, knowing that two synthetics going at it was cause for destruction..
Twelve tilted her head and moved off the bed, still nude as he picked her up, the only clothes on her body the stockings she'd finished the night in "Well, shall we go look? Then we can have our breakfast... You did promise me some syrup last night, after all." He teased her gently, before he started to walk, entering the front room and looking for any damage. There was very little, the only real traces of their actions the discarded clothes on the floor and a very slight dent in the wall. Apparently the house was built to last and then some.
As she was picked up, she gave a soft giggle towards him and shook her head, “Mm.. I know..will you keep these on me then?” She asked, motioning to her stockings. And then at the sight of the aftermath..her blush only deepened at the slight dent in the wall. And..well, she noticed her ripped underwear. “Huh,” she spoke in disbelief, “ least we know we didn’t..well..break anything,” she murmured out shyly. Looking up at Twelve as he still carried her.
Twelve nodded to her, before glancing down at her stockings with a smile "Mmm. I think so, the way they squish your legs looks cute..." He told her, before smirking at her blushes and moving towards the kitchen "Mmm... But the only thing I want to always be in one piece is you, Tammy." He murmured softly before gently lying her onto the kitchen table and turning towards a cupboard, looking for where he'd left the syrup the day before.
She blushed as he mentioned about her squish, and then the way he said he wanted to keep her in one piece.. “You’re so kind to me.." she breathed out, watching him search for the syrup. And once finding it.. she bit her lip, raising her head up, wondering where he would first pour it. She knew she ached for him to touch her nipples for the first time with his mouth and tongue- and most definitely wanted him in between her legs..
The feeling of the cool syrup made her shiver lightly, and then that's when she felt his warm tongue on her breasts for the first time- moaning out happily, reaching up, caressing his head with her hand. She breathed steadily, and could feel her heart starting to beat faster as Twelve began his ministrations with her.
He moaned softly at the mixture of flavours, the syrup and her complementing each other, even as he made a trail down from her breasts towards her slit, which was still messy from the night before as his tongue began to rub against it "Mmm... Too sweet... doesn't need any syrup..." He teased her softly, listening for her moan as his tongue lapped at her.
Tamara shivered in pleasure as his tongue continued to taste her skin, and the syrup, in perfect combination and sensation.. and at the feeling of his tongue on her slit for the first time she couldn’t help but moan out sweetly for him. She arched her back slightly from the feeling but settled back down, raising her head to look at him. “Y-You think..I’m too sweet?” She asked, panting a little, her cheeks flushed heavily.

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