Fantasy RP The Cursed Maiden, and the Evil Lord of a Destroyed Realm

Nov 19, 2022
@Lord Sesshoumaru

Omi Tannis


Rabbit Neko (Bloodline leans more toward Rabbitfolk)


SSS Adventurer and Guild Liaison

Class: Wizard
Speciality: Graviturgy (The Manipulation of space and gravity)



BelBerith Duke of Hell
(bel for short)

Adventurer name:

Male ( true gender)
Able to shift gender as desired.

Hybrid Darkling
( half High Elder Vamp )
( Half Corrupted Arch Angelic Demon kin )

Ancient, and Unknown
Appears between 17 -19 in human form

( human / Humanoid )

True / Demonization form


In a small town hidden deep in the region of Hiyatosai, a land filled with many Demi humans, and demonic hybrids alike. living along side many humans, this small province lives free of the rule of the high church, as well as the rulers of other realms. being in a neutral area, the small town makes a living off the massive, and twisted dungeon which resides with in the center of it now. this dungeon known to be the deepest, and most dangerous dungeon to ever exist, despite how the higher levels have some of the weakest, and most harmless enemies. this was a dungeon which once long ago served as the fortress of the late, and once believed to be immortal demon lord. the one which had been defeated by the hero, and it's group of helpers, and comrades. little did the world know, this hero was not all that good, having done things many did not know, nor should ever discover if time told no lies, yet this is not a tale of the hero, but the one who it had slain, or supposedly slain, along with the lively hood of a lovely albino warrior unlike any other, despite being seen as a cursed entity, or even a beauty which would only bring disaster or suffering to those who got close, due to stupid superstition.

In this small town, it was a usual morning, as the guild's multiple desks were all busy except for one. this one had what many saw as a giant woman, which had the fluffy rabbit ears, on her hands, and small parts of her features were also feline traits, if not for the unique coloring, or eyes, any one would see this as a true beauty. yet it was like any other day, getting glares, and looks from others, who kept their distance, meaning little work, yet this maiden was also one of the strongest adventurers known, with the unwanted nickname of the cursed mage of death, despite the magic not being related to death or black magic by any means.

as time passed many adventurers, rookie, and the likes moved through out the day, as a few boring hours passed. it would be as this maiden known as Ms. Tannis. a young looking man, with silver, and grey hair, violet, and purple eyes. wearing what appeared like simple cloth, and leather armor, with the exception of the odd floating shoulder guards, which seemed like some kind of magical defensive equipment. as he smiled gently tours the massive maiden, tapping on the desk. as he pulled out a strange piece of paper.

" Excuse me, is this the guild to become an adventurer, and get the needed ID? I was told by the guard outside of town to get one done if I wished to stay here for a bit. "
in an oddly gentle, and almost timid tone, the young looking man spoke, as he had a bit of a faint blush on his face. it was unknown if this was a joke or the real thing, as it would end up being Ms. Tannis who would need to do a sparing match and test his skills if she was the one to do the paper work for him, however this could also be some kind of cruel joke from one of the guards or fellow villagers sending this young man to her, who did not know the rumors.
Omi was in the midst of skimming along a book, prepared for a another day of being left to her own devices. Her eyes were purely red, her palid complexion like untouched snow. The tall women dragged a finger along the page but someone spoke to her. Her head rose up, looking over there time to the novice that had approached her. "You are in the correct place then." She said simply, her hand released the book, but it hung in the air as she folded her hands at her desk politely. "You want to be an Adventurer, do you have the fees paid for?" She said. Her expression was neutral, her pupilless eyes holding on him. Very few approached her, yet she took her job and responsibilities quite seriously. Even if this would be some foolishness, she wouldn't turn this Rookie away.
"I do not know if this is enough, But it is all I have. "
as he spoke up moving to reach into his satchel, and pull out a rather impressive platinum coin. one which was by far way to much for such a fee, as usually it was a few silver or copper. however he would place it on the counter, looking to ms. Tannis, as he would ask if this was enough to cover his fee. unaware it seems that this could cover much much more then just that. however the fact he was here with this giant maiden of snow white complexion. it would pay off as many of the other counter workers would easily rip off a rookie such as himself in such a manor.

"if this is enough what is the process we need to take care of for this ?"
asking this, it was clear he was more then just a rookie, but apparent he was not even aware of what he had to do, however as their eyes met, a strange sensation would move through Omi's body. an odd alluring tours this young man. one which she had not felt before, unaware that it was the natural lure to something more dangerous, as his heterochromia eyes were unique to say the least, each one a different color, and each one a color not related to any known race. however unknown to ether of them, the vampiric passive would effect her slightly as it was unconsciously being done when ever their eyes met. however for this moment, it was a moment of business, as the worse part would be the practical exam for this young man or so one would think. as he had chosen one of the most dangerous liaison would be his examiner as well as she was the one doing his paper work.
She hummed at she felt herself drawn to his eyes, once she looked to the coin he placed down, she raised a brow. All the allure and draw snapped away as she picked up the platinum coin. "This will cover but...this is far too much. Are you sure you don't have anything lesser? It's only a a few silvers or even a gold peice." She said as she turned it over in her hand. Was he some sort of nobles son, trying to a play about at Adventuring.
"No, sadly that is all I have on me, as it is, I need to complete this task so I can earn properly. "

as he spoke up, that's when something would click, this single coin being all he had, the heirloom looking magical armor, and the low rank looking cloth, and leather protective armor for clothing. was it possible this young man was one who had lost every thing, even family, or an exiled former royalty. ether way, it would seem that this young man carried himself properly. as he would look into her eyes, with a gentle smile, before asking something other's have not before, even if only out of some misplace fear.

"Ms. I never got your name, and if this is to much, perhaps you can help me use it as needed then? I do not know if the guild offers aid with getting proper equipment once the membership is done, But I could use some experienced help with that. " as he spoke up, asking her for a name, and for her help to gear up if he passed the entrance exam, not knowing that over 80 percent of those who were tested by Omi had failed for being to weak to past her examine, or having been to perverted in their own way. Yet, something about this young man would seem to hit in an odd way, which would come and go, as if swaying oceans of an alluring sensation and a serious business mode for her.

as she handled this coin, one of the fellow guild workers saw it. with greedy eyes.
"hey kid, why not let me take care of you, instead of our little cursed rabbit here hmm?"
as he spoke, the young man Valvotia, or valvo for short would be one who was always some what cruel yet one of the few Omi could call a friend to some extent. however his worse habit was his greed always looking to get any one which has some coin under him, to pass them easily for some extra pocket money. however as he spoke up, the young man would smile, looking over to him then back to Omi, ignoring the fellow clerk who barked out from under his breath. I see, only interested in talking with the pretty ones well good luck kid you'll need it then.
She looked away as he asked her for help and smiled at her. Considering her options a moment, but the calls of her fellow Liaison made her sigh in frustration.
"Valvotia." Omi said as she looked at over in his direction, her hand waving with a brief flick of her fingers. The papers and pushes he kept on his desk wavered briefly then started to rustle and move, floating up in the air around him and starting to mix and fall into disorder. "You really should take better care of your paperwork." She said. She put the coin down. "If this is all you have. I will have to give you back the difference." Omi said as sge started to pull out paperwork and slid it over the desk.
Clicking his tongue as she did this to his paper work. Moving to fix the now shuffled papers. Leaving omi to take care of the new recruit.

Back to the task at hand, the young man would begun to do the paper work she handed over to him. Things seemed to go normally and uneventful as the paper work would soon be done. However the odd alluring sensation would be felt more and more each time their eyes met. Despite being easily dismissed as enjoyment for having a customer finally, however his paper work would have the information she needed except for family and history. As this wouldreveal he had no memories of his past beyond coming to in the nearby woods and trying to start a new.

Giving omi the choice of how she wanted to test him, be it in a public arna in the back of the guild. Or the private one in the basement. More then that if she was going to do the requested shopping with him herself if he passed or if she would deligate the task to another.
She examined the paperwork running a finger along the paper, though he watched each of them move without even her gesture. "You've left out your history." She remarked. Her eyes narrowed slightly on the page. Certainly the guild had a handful of people without recorded history, but none of them ever got in easily, and even fewer were often trusted. But before you could speak, she rolled the parchment up and slid them into a scroll case. The mage rose up slowly, the tall woman only made all the more noticeable. "I will test you." She said as she started to lead him to the arena, opting for the public arena to take him further into the guild and show him a few more things. She walked with the even poise of a dancer, though her stride almost gave the illusion that she was gliding along the floor. Her fellow adventurers parted the moment she approached them, but the newcomer noticed that she didn't even react. "Do not fret on the outcome of this test. " She said to him as they approached the small arena.
" uhm so what kind of exam will this be? Is their something special I need to know for this? "

Asking this as the soon got our into the back field of the guild, where the stadium rested. Their would be several fellow high rangers asking if they would get to see the violent bunny crush another rookie. Hearing these words would seem to unsettle the young man a bit. However it would not be long before the two would be entering the arena together with a growing interest.
"A test of your prowess in battle. " She said simply as she stopped in thee center of the arena. "All you must do is last as long as you can." She said as she walked away from him. As she walked from his side, she extended her hand, a silvery staff warping into existence, with a dark spot housed at the top of the staff. She lifted her other hand, drawing on the raw stuff of magic, gathering it in her hand and pushing it out. A crack formed in the air, the plane tapping into another boulders and stones tumbling out towards the newcomer.
Using her magic to create a dimensional tear above the rookie, as it allowed for debris, rocks, and boulders to fall upon the young man. with out paying it any mind, side stepping each item, and dodging with little to no movement. as those which could not be dodged seemed to be turned into puffs of dust instantly. happening far faster then an untrained eye could notice. however his shadows lashed out in an instant like tendrils multi slashing the target, and retracting in less time then it took to blink. however as this was going on, it would seem like the shadow magic was part of his unique armor which was the only magical equipment he had on his body. while his dodging seemed to be instinct alone.

"Ok, so is this the warm up for us? or are we doing simple child's game of dodge for the test?"
asking this, as if he was an excited kid wanting to play something more exciting, however the fact remained. Omi could turn up the challenge, as it was right now. she perhaps could begin a small sparring match if his show of instinctual movement, combined with the odd allure which would be felt any time their eyes met, albeit it, easy to push back for now.
"If you want to plays games, go to a nursery." Omi said simply, seeming to be unfazed by his armor or instincts. The newcomer was suddenly swept aside by the hand of a stony fist from behind as the stones began to form together into a earth elemental. She folded her arms as he staff floated beside her, her hand forming the tome and opening it again as the elemental glided towards him, driving another massive swung down upon him.
once things began to heat up. and beating on the young man, appearing as if she was about to kill his body. however the limp rag doll body would evaporate into dark dust once the attack stopped with no signs of him any where to be seen.

at this moment, would be when Omi would feel his smaller frame right behind her, tapping the massive maiden's back.
"well, that is impressive, never imagined using magic like that before. pretty and powerful such a combo. " as he spoke up, looking as if his eyes were sparkling with both admiration, and desire. he would speak up, asking what would be the next trick, as she had now seen him use an instant shadow displacement, and replication ability, as well as the prior whips, and his instinctive movements. yet now he was point blank in her personal zone. for a normal mage this was the safest spot to be, yet with a gravity master it was the opposite, as they could control the area directly against and closer to their bodies better then the farther targets. thus showing he knew something about mages, or perhaps instinctively he knew to get close, yet had made a mistake as it appeared at this point.

as this was going on, several of the other adventurers would be making wages on how long the boy would last, as well as if Omi would lose her temper and destroy him worse then a normal examiner would be allowed to do so. however little did any of them realize or could tell. the way this was going on, as well as how he was acting tours her, speaking, and the odd allure his eyes would keep triggering for her, when ever they met her own even if easily pushed to the back of her mind for work, and business. it was already painting an ideal spot for him to invade her emotions at any moment so to speak, even if she did not realize this as of yet. however little did ether of them know. this was more along the lines of an ideal set of ground work for a situation which would begin to ruin their peaceful days all to soon.
She jumped as he touched on her backside. "How dare you!" Shevsaid as she snapped the tome shut, the sound making a thunderous snap in the air. No man touched her like that. And this young upstart would not be the one to make it a habit. The young man however would learn the folly of his action. His hand had made contact with her ever so briefly but in that instant his body was subject to a increase in the gravity around it. The ground came rushing towards him as the gravity well expanded around them both. Well for him it would be like standing under the pressure of immense weight, Omi was not effected at all. Ofcourse she was careful not to accidentally over do it. In a real fight...she's been known to turn fleshy enemies into puddles of bony gore with the gravitational pressure she could bring.
as the pressure increased, slowly shadows snaked around his limbs, and body. almost like tendrils taking control of his body like a puppet. the metallic hovering shoulder pads were now missing, as they seemed to melt away and fuse into his body. as he smiled looking at her. looking a bit confused.

"this is odd, I feel a bit heavier then normal? is this normal for something like this, the ground is break, and it's hard to move?"
as he spoke moving to look at his palm, opening and closing it. showing that her gravity was indeed effecting him, however not like it should. it would be once the shadows seemed to change his shape, and appeared slowly contorting, showing how his magic was adapting his body to the increase in gravity and impressively quickly. however that's when it would become visible. this ancient, and almost unknown kind of magic known to any who knew the more fabled or rare magic even if only from stories or whispers. shadow blood magic. and it had one weakness, it could not maintain itself in a supportive armor like form when bright light was shined on him. however this was the only known weakness, if this was the right kind of magic, as it was the closest magic known to mimic the kind of magic only demons, and monsters could use, to a much weaker effect. however as it was, he was still effected by her magic, meaning one good hard kick and she could send him flying out of the ring to end the match. as he could not dodge or evade while supporting his body and adapting to the constantly changing gravity. however the audience closest to the arena could be seen suffering even more then the actual test subject.
Oni stepped aside as she watched his armor try to keep up with the scaling pressure, but in his eagerness, the Rookie had forgotten to actually take care of his proper foe. The Elemental slide up from the earth as he fought to stay up on his feet, the only other being that Omi allowed to step in her gravity well. The stone giant taking its mistresses for and giving him a good slap to send him out of the ring.
as the elemental summoned beast hit the rook hard, it's arm seemed to shatter into dust, however the impact sent the rookie flying into the near by building. with a loud, and audible impact. The young man slid onto the ground, grimacing in pain, as he landed onto the ground.

"tch, tch, that really hurt, I guess I lost this one, oh well, "

struggling to stand up, and dust himself off after saying this. unlike a normal person which took the hit from the elemental, he did not seem to have any real injuries at first sight. however if one was skilled enough it could be seen, a faint glow of red and purple sparks of mana around his frame. as his body was healing quicker then most could notice. thinking that he failed, the young man was getting ready to leave, as it would be revealed he was going back to the odd cave he had been making a living in. unknown to most, this young man had been surviving alone in an actual dungeon, which would also explain the coin he had. yet he failed to keep up with Omi, unaware of her actual power, and ranking.
"Where are you going." Omi said as her elemental started to crumble back into stone, dissolving back into its dormant state. "I said the outcome was to not important to your guild membership." She said as she saw the subtle magics crackling over him. Omi approached him. "Where did you find your items?"
"It's always been with me sense I can remember. Been living in a weird cave near by, lots of tasty monsters live their. "
as he spoke up telling her this in a bit of a timid, and embarassed tone. it would reveal to Omi the unique reason why he had no history filled out on his form, and more so why he looked
the way he did. thus why he only had one coin. besides nobles, only dungeon divers got such coin, and they came from rare monsters, like metal slimes, thorned goblins etc.

"so then what do we do now if the failure didn't mean much?"
asking this the young man would look up tours her once more, having almost whispered the answer about his den, and equipment. probably thinking she was about to scold him over the odd magical piece of gear he had on his body at this point.
Tilting his head a bit before speaking once more, the young lady looked into omis eyes.
"Life style? You others choose to live like this?"

Asking this and sounding rather confused now. It would be a topic to talk moreabout later, however work wise would still require omi to take the ld shopping and grant him is license. Yet oddly now a strange sensation begin to grow with in her, one which was almost like a desire to be alone with this oddity of a rookie. Was it curiosity about him or something more. As the influence of his charm grew with each time their eyes met. The long they looked into the eyes of the new recruite the more dominant the allure would grow slowly.
She shook her head slightly. "Not often- but we have had those without places to go in the city..." She said as she felt the odd urge cross her mind. But she let her staff vanish from sight. "We should go into town, to discuss what you will need to properly adventure with." She said softly, though she didn't give it away or show her slight sensation of shyness, the feeling to be with this stranger on her own made her almost uncomfortable with herself. She chalked it up to simply spending too much time alone lately.
Hearing this a beaming smile came across his face, as the young man excitedly agreed. As he would begin to walk with 9mi, getting the door for the massive maiden.

"So then where shall we head first? Weapons? Armor?" Asking it qould become very obvious he wad more excited to spend time with some one doing something new, atleasy for him.
"Armor, perhaps." She said as she stepped through the door while he held it open for her. She gave a gentle nod of appreciation, stepping leading him through the city. The public seemed to be slightly more appreciative of the guild Liaison, at the look of her. Some perhaps people She helped about this side of town. But her stand out appearance drew the opposite as they got further out from her regular public.
Moving together through the town. A strange yet enjoyable sensation would be growing with in Omi's senses. The two qould soon begin to approach the local smithy which was located a good bit put of reach of the town center. However this was the best smithy In the area.

As they approached the sound of the smithy kicking out several more adventurers could be heard. Hard to ignore the insults, as he refused to make gear if it was not to be used correctly, ad this was also the one which did Omi's personal gear.

" is this a good time for us to visit? Sounds like this one might be to busy at the moment. " Saying as he asked the tall rabbit eared beauty would be able to deal with this if the need was their. Yet it was clear with all the ways they were looked at most saw her as intimidating with the exception of the few which jnew her from the help she could give.
"That's how Gage always is," Omi said looking at the rookie, giving a faint ghost of a smile. "He is just a bit passionate about the care that goes into one thing." The mage said as she watched the adventurers filter out of the smithy. She seemed to hold the owner in high regard, some knowledge deeper than friendship. They had fallen briefly in love, it was said that they very well were drawn together by the muses of love themself. But tough times tested them, not in battle but in their bonds, Omi spent quite a long time away in the early chaos of the countryside expansions. The longer they spent apart and the more she gained strength and arcane skill, the less she seemed to be the woman he once loved. The split was mutual, almost painless by then, they rebuilt their relationship a bit, returning to friendship.
As things began to echo, the sensation of dread began to slowly permeate the air as they got closer to the smithy shop. Omi heading to her now close friend, and former love from a life time ago would soon be able to sense it as well. the faint aura of a familiar student, one who had become a strong adventurer, but lost to his own ego. boasting his high end defense, and almost near perfect immunity to most magical forms of attacks. this would be a headache for Omi to deal with, if she didn't leave it to the Brute Gage to take care off. as the tiny dwarf of a man was still a monster, able to easily man handle Omi herself with one arm and move swiftly. his size was deceiving for many, but he was a true blooded dwarf, and a master of his class, albeit for the dwarven kin, he was a giant, standing about the size of a short person just under 5 ft, but massive for a normal dwarf's height.

as they drew closer, a strange aura unknown to Omi would be felt albeit only for a few moments at a time before vanishing. this blood freezing, and bone chilling aura was actually felt from the rookie which was walking with her, as it almost felt like she was walking besides an apex predator from the deepest reaches of hell itself for those moments. however any time she would look tours the young man it would vanish, as if it was instinctually happening. appearing as if he had no idea of this himself. However this would cause some odd ideas, which were out of character for Omi to pop into her mind. perhaps to test this unknown male, which seemed to be sparking some kind of interest with in her for reasons she did not yet know, or perhaps noticed herself as of yet, however the sight would soon begin to come into view.

"Uhm, should we perhaps help one of them?"
asking this, as the two figures inside the smithy shop could soon be seen, as they stood chest to chest, or as close to it as they could. one being a Neko male with twin daggers at the ready, the other the tiny man which had a massive battle axe, which was far larger, it's blade the size of his body alone. as he had two smaller smithing hammers on his belt, which could double as close range mallets or war hammers so to speak. as things would begin to play out, our powerful hybrid maiden of the pure white variant could have a chance to enjoy a show, or show off some of her own physical prowess if she so desired.
"There's my Gage!" Omi said as the tension in the shop thickened, though much to the rookie's surprise the otherwise stern-looking mage seemed to brighten up as she stepped into the smithy, instantly drawing the focus onto herself. "What have we here? hm? is someone having a bit of a pissing match?" She said as she looked around her old student to Gage, pretending the former didn't even register on her radar. Mostly to further put them at odds with her rather than Gage.
the feline smirked, the instant he thought the old dwarf let his guard down, as he excitedly turned to greet Omi. as the feline made his move, aiming for the wrist, and knee on the smithy, only to suddenly get swatted by the flat end of the axe. and sent flying out of the building past Omi, however smacking into Hito. as he was sent tumbling as well. but unlike the feline stud, the young man would rub the back of his head, and shout out.

"Hey, watch your aim old man, that hurt. "
saying this as he reacted with out thinking, it would be almost comical, however Omi would see a strange red, and purple glow once more, as the young lad following her had begun to heal once more. yet the massive beauty would suddenly feel the tiny man before her easily hugging her legs, and lifting the tall bunny, up and spinning her enough to make Omi dizzy before letting her down, and ignoring the rookie which was with her.

"so why you still with the training program? I can make you the best gear, and we can make you as heroine again, think of the old days right?"
saying this, ignoring the rookie he knocked out and the one he had as a customer, pretending Hito did not exist, as he began to try and talk Omi into dungeon diving with him once more, just like the old days. despite no real romantic sparks being their any more, the two were close friends, and the old bearded man was as pervy as he had always been.

Little they know, the feline would come to with in 10 minutes or so, as he would rush back in once things would appear to be settling down, with a dangerous poison, dragon fang dagger. which was the blade he earned from Omi long ago, as it would be aimed for the very man who made it when this happens.
"Gage! I am not the one looking to buy things, and I don't need anything right now.: she said giggling slightly as she was set down. She leaned slightly, stooping low to her shorter companions ear. "Its for the new boy hm? He's trying to get the best gear in town you know? I brought him right to you!" She said nudging him. While they weren't entangled with each other the same way anymore, she knew he was one of her top choices for anything that needed smithing. "I'll vouch for him." She added as she stood up right. Her ears twitched, her hears picking up easily on the faintest motion as someone was rushing in. But she saw the dagger first. She shifted around, her tall Frame blocking Gage, her eyes flaring briefly as she shifted gravity just as the neko got up close. It wasn't an offensive spell, a mere party trick really, but she adjusted gravity, inverting it to force the neko to levitate straight upwards as she made the ceiling above him the source of gravity rather than the ground.

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