Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

“Halt!” One of the guards shouted at the gate. As such, the quartet paused. Henry immediately went on the defense, David trying to look proper, and Max pulling his hood down slightly.
”Identities?” Max groaned. “Sir David Evershine!” “Max Quintero. My cat Henry,” He gestured to him, “And Nessa, my elf. She’s with me.” The guard narrowed his eyes and looked at her. “Can your slave speak?” Max gritted his teeth and tried not to burst out in anger. “She can, but certainly at your request.” “Alright then. Not mine anyways. You sure you don’t need shackles with her? You know, to make sure she doesn’t run?” “No, thank you.” Max said not another word and walked past him. Once they were a few ways away, he sighed and turned to Nessa with an empathetic look.
Nessa was trembling as her eyes darted around, looking for anyone who might try to attack her for simply existing. Her mind was clouded with fear as many eyes glared at her and the whispers of what the towns people wanted to do to her felt over whelming. She looked up into Max's eyes, pleading for his comfort as her breath shook. "Max...they...they all want to hurt me."
Max held her tight and close to him, folding his robes over her as if to protect her. ”Ignore them. Those people don’t matter. And they certainly have to get through me first before they get a chance to get you.” He said, trying to be reassuring, and putting his arm around her waist while glaring at everyone else who was staring at them with his other hand shining with energy. David took notice and put his hand on his sword’s hilt, pretending to be prepared.
Nessa slowly stop trembling and hugged Max tightly as they got closer to the castle. A dangerous presence became very obvious to her and Max, both being magic users. Something was wrong inside the castle. Nessa could almost feel the dangerous spells being used. She couldn't tell exactly what is was just yet, but she knew someone was using light magic for evil...something that was almost never heard of. "Max...we need to be careful...I'm sure you feel it too."
Max was unsure. Mostly because he was unaware. Walking closer to the castle, he didn’t feel anything extreme, nor did he usually. “…I…don’t?” Perhaps it was because he practiced dark magic specifically, or maybe it was because he had been away from…people, in general, for so long. He knew something was malicious a-brewing, but he didn’t seem to feel it intensely like Nessa did. “Not that I need to, anyway.” David nodded in agreement. Henry certainly felt something too, being a cat, and buried itself in Max’s robes. They slowly ascended the stairs to the castle, and Max did nothing more but magic shoves to move soldiers away and to the side. David unsheathed his sword, getting ready to attack.

(Sorry I was gone, I was reviewing a test!😅)
Nessa readied her arrows and took a deep breathe, trying to calm herself from the unsettling feeling. As the doors to the castle opened, Nessa's eyes widened and she stood in shock, almost draping her bow from the mere sight of what was going on. She could see the white strand of light magic swirling from the Pure-Vieled leader's hand and around the king's head.'s not possible... She had only heard about it in myths, but to see light magic used for something as traderous as mind control was unfathomable. "Max he's..Ahh!" Before she could finish a burst of light magic slammed her against the wall, having come from another member of the Pure-Vieled.
“Nessa!“ He teleported over to check on her while David launched his assault, slashing at anyone too close and blocking most of their spells with his shield.
”Are you okay?” Max asked, worried, and Henry came out to check on her too.
”What. Is Going On??” the leader of it all shouted, distracted from his magic for a moment and looking over to see the 3 (or 4, including the cat🤣) of them. “Sire! Intruders!”
The king, however, was dazed, being released from the spell for a moment, and felt a bit dizzy. “Wha…what’s going on?”
Soldiers all around arrived to protect the king and aimed their weapons at David. “Stay back!”
Nessa struggled to regain her steady mind after being thrown into the stone wall. "The leader...he's..using light control...the kings mind." Heavy breaths cut through her sentence she tried to stand. Pain radiated from the back of her shoulder, making her wince in pain and and grind her teeth. "We have to kill the leader first....the king will be released from his spell and we can end this." Her eyes glowed bright red as she tried to heal herself....tried. "What the? Wh...why can't i heal myself?!" Nessa frantically sent energy towards David to test if she was still of use. When she saw her green energy orbs dissolving into David's back, she panicked. What did that Pure-Veiled jerk do to her? "Max, get to the leader and end him now!" Nessa grabbed Henry and limped away, trying to find a spot to hide and figure out what was going on.
“Got it!” Max turned around dramatically and flourished his robe. “Eyes on me, mister.“ The leader turned around just as dramatically and appeared malicious. “Ah, a challenger. About time I got one!” He sent out a spell of light magic, which Max reflected away with a barrier towards some enemy soldiers to help out David. “Thanks, Max!” Max grinned in reply before turning back to the leader: “I think it’s about time you bring your projections to an end.” He said, sending out black lightning. The leader just as easily summoned portals that sent the projectile towards the ceiling. “You certainly wouldn’t get my motives, jester.” “Jester? I’m a black mage, thank you.” “And the difference between us? I see the world for what it is: one that desperately needs reformation, while you, of course, being a black mage, side with the sin that clings to this society like a parasitic leech.” ”That is not true!” Max sent out fireballs of magic, while the leader in return summoned a barrier of water that extinguished them. “You owning a run-of-the-mill slave, convincing a knight to betray us-“ “She’s. Not. Just a run-of-the mill slave! She’s special to me in a way you wouldn’t understand! And that knight is my friend, and he realizes that what you’re doing is wrong!…I think?” David, on the side, felt offended. (🤣)
“You just don’t get it, do you? All problems of the world stem from the weak masses that plague our society, the ones who are practically dead weight. What I seek to do is eradicate them and make room only for the strongest to thrive individually! Including myself, you would be one of the chosen few to benefit from this!” “Not. A. Chance.”
Nessa scurried through the castle, carrying Henry close to her chest as she continuously tried to heal herself. "Come on come on!" She past in front of a mirror she saw it, a bright white seal on the front of her right shoulder. One that seals a person's ability to use their own magic on themselves. There were only one to break a seal like that: take a fatal blow in the exact spot where the seal had been placed. Tears formed in her eyes as her heart went out to Max, praying that she would survive, being able to spend her life with Max, and that he would forgive her if she didn't. She rushed to the balcony that over looked the battle that ensued below, watching as the Leader and Max battled at almost equal strengths. Panic filled her heart as she noticed a large white spear of energy forming behind the leader, ready to pierce through Max's heart at any moment. A tear rolled down her cheek as she kissed Henry on the head and readied herself to jump from the balcony. Just before she jumped, Nessa sent out two powerful energy orbs, one for David and one for Max. The moment the orbs dissolved into their skin, Nessa jumped from the balcony. The white spear had fully formed and was flying through the air right for Max just as Nessa fell in front of it, letting it pierce through her shoulder and send her flying against the stone wall. Nessa landed with a hard thud on to the floor as Henry darted back down to her side and curled around her neck, sadly nuzzling her face.
gasp-!!!” Max’s eyes didn’t even notice the leader charging that attack, and, rushing as fast as he could, lept over to Nessa to check on her. David, noticing what happened, quickly grew in rage as he attacked harder and faster at the soldiers around him.
Max gripped her hand tightly, his face covered in fear of her being hurt, and grabbed her shoulder. “Nessa? Nessa!”
Soft, almost inaudible groans of pain came from Nessa. She could barely move as she tried to push herself off the floor, the white spear slowly dissipating into thin air as Max grabbed her shoulder. Her arm's gave out on her, making her fall to ground again as she exhaled heavily, almost sounding defeated. "Max...kill have the chance." Nessa's voice was weak and shook with pain. She tried and finally succeeded to push herself up from the floor and lean against the wall. Blood lightly dripped from the side of her mouth as she looked up into Max's eyes. "I' okay. David."
(Oooh, I’ve been waiting for Max to get angry!
Now, I’m going to eat right now, unfortunately: I shouldn’t be too long, but in the meantime, you can help me with something!😅
If Max had a theme song for when he goes “rage mode”, for a lack of better terms, what would it be? I have a few ideas right here, but of course you can offer your own ideas!😁
P.S. Sorry if you don’t like FNF songs😓:
Unknown Suffering V3
Burning In Hell Awemix
(I’m glad you like it so much!😊😉
Alhough, was it Despair, or Burning In Hell? Both of them are from the Indie Cross mod, although one of them is a remix, technically😅Unknown Suffering V3 is a remix of a song from a mod called Wednesday’s Infidelity, just in case you were curious :3, and I could send you some other recommendations if you want some!😁)

Max nodded slowly, hoping that her healing magic would help herself. Hopefully she would be ok in time. For now…
His eyes seemed to blacken completely, staring dead into the leader’s eyes. His hands twitched and flowed with magical energy, and a strong wind blew around the room that signaled a powerful presence. So much so that the hood of the leader flew back, revealing an elegant elf with blond hair behind the hood. Max seemed unfazed, however, as the room seemed to darken. His hands, through magic, seemed to become longer, with his nails getting sharp, and two spectral wings appeared behind him. “Seems like our little game’s come to an end.” With one flick of his hand, the wind became harsh and centered around the elf leader, although he managed to disperse it with a barrier of light.
”That’s enough, black mage! Your tricks won’t scare me!”
”…yet.” Max replied, smiling unnaturally. Even David and Henry seemed frightened by Max’s sudden transformation, both in appearance and in tone, as his voice seemed to speak with several instead of just one, and his smile made him appear deranged.
Nessa's heart pounded in her chest, both with fear and at the sight of another elf. Wait....AN ELF?! There were not supposed to be any more elves left that could use normal magic, only being able to use healing and regeneration magic. As she twirled her hands around, her healing magic slowly started to take affect on her. Once her wounds were healed, she wiped the blood from her mouth and rushed over the David and Henry, making sure they were both fully healthy as she pulled them back from Max's rage. She had to admit that even though he looked terrifying, a small piece of her was turned on by his power. She knew Max was strong but this......this was just a whole new side of him that she was both excited and nervous to see. Snapping her dirty thoughts to the back of her mind she glared at the Elf, cursing his existence after what he has dared to do.
I can of course give you recommendations for more music I like if you’re interested!😄)

Max rushed forward and slashed at the leader with his newfound claws, catching him slightly off-guard, but only being able to partially slice his robes. The elf sent back a barrage of light magic attacks, but Max battered them all away as he aggressively closed in and attempted to cut his way through the now-falling debris of the castle’s ceiling: the spells from earlier were making everything cave in, and David noticed as he rushed to save the king before heading back to Nessa and Henry: “We’ve gotta get outta here!” he turned to the two magicians fighting each other before looking back at Nessa: “I know Max, and he’ll come out of this alive: we just need to make sure we’re not in the crossfire. Don’t worry about it, just go!”

(And now I have to take off for the evening; you better get to sleep too for work, right? See you tomorrow: I look forward to continuing this with you!😁😊👋)
Nessa gave Max one last worried look as she prayed for his victory, blowing him a kiss as it formed a green energy butterfly. Once it landed on Max's cheek, Nessa turned and ran out of the crumbling castle, still staying close by to keep an eye out for Max as she cradled Henry in her arms. "Please Max....please come back to me." Her heart raced with fear as she listened to the explosions from the battle. It felt like hours had passed when it had really only been 30 minutes before Nessa grunted and stomped her foot. "Grrrrrr....I can't just stand back helplessly on the side lines! You take Henry and the King and run to safety, I'm going and help Max!" Placing Henry on David's shoulder, she pushed him in the chest before running towards the sounds of the magical forces. Climbing over the rubble and reading three arrows, Nessa stood no more than 15 feet from where Max and the leader stood. Now that she got a good look at the elf, she recognized him as the bastard, Thorin, that had sold her to Sid many years ago in exchange for his own freedom. Wanting to get her own revenge and along with helping Max, Nessa started firing off a barrage of arrows. Each arrow helped to pierce through the light magic attacks and blockades, allowing Max to get closer and land more fatal attacks on the Thorin.

(ooooooh yes yes yes! please!! i would love to hear more!😁Also, you're right, i need to go to bed like now or i wont get hardly any sleep for work lol have a good night! I cant wait to continue with this in the morning!😁😊)
“Rrrrraaaaaaaghhhhh!” Max yelled out in outrage as he continued to slice towards Thorin, starting to make more consecutive blows and cuts against him. He finally finished the fight with a powerful magic uppercut before slamming Thorin down with an axe-kick mid-air, finally giving him a magic blast as he landed on the ground.
As the dust settled, Max stood triumphantly over Thorin, his foot on Thorin’s chest and growling lowly. Thoring coughed, clearly defeated, as blood slightly dripped out of the side of his mouth. “You…why would you…” Max gritted his teeth as he raised his hand, about to claw his face off.
”You don’t…understand…” “Understand WHAT?” “I’ve…been mistreated too, you know.“ Max, curious, paused for a second to let him finish.
”Ever since I was born, I’ve been the underling of everything: the unloved and unwanted. And I found out that the only way to gain power was to steal it for mysel….cough I killed my previous owner and took his powers. And…I wanted to ensure a future where…everyone was equal. I’ve heard of a black mage who was driven out by those he lived with…so, you and I are not so different.”
Max‘s eyes softened slightly, gazing at Thorin. After a moment of thought, he braced his claws once again: “Yeah. But I forgave them. You didn’t.” And with one swipe, Thorin’s head flew across the debris in a crimson arc. Max’s black form began to secede, becoming his normal self again. As Nessa’s butterfly reached him, he felt his fatigue fade away. Nevertheless, he knelt down next to Thorin’s body and he muttered a silent apology while bowing his head. Once he was done, he stood back up and turned to Nessa A few feet away from him, and he smiled. A smile so genuine he felt he would burst from the emotions that flooded his head.
Nessa stood speechless for a moment, finally feeling like something from her past was rectified. As slow tears dripped down her cheeks and Nessa's breath shook, she ran to Max as fast as she could, leaping into his arms and planting her lips on his. After years of painful memories from the way Thorin had betrayed her, she finally had more of her mental freedom. Trust may not have come easily in her after Thorin's deceit, but Max restored that in her heart the moment he severed the bastard's head. Her heart pounded like a thousand drums in her chest as she clung to Max with every ounce of strength she had. No one had ever cared and defended her like Max had done in the short amount of time they had been together. Her entire body shook with a mix a emotions, rage and hatred for Thorin and what he had done to both her and to those who he helped to kill, relief that she was finally free to trust again thanks to Max, and love, the most powerful form of love for Max that anyone could ever conjure up inside their heart and soul. Their kiss felt like electric sparks through Nessa's body, heightening her senses with every small movement. The taste of lips and the feel of his arms around her felt more intense than ever before.
Max, unaware of the storm of feelings in her, only felt an irresistible urge, and he kissed her back passionately, giving him a tingly feeling of powerful love that beat in his heart as they embraced in the wreckage. He wrapped his arms around her as he held her tightly, feeling that he almost lost her meant he would never let her out of her sight again. This beautiful elf had restored meaning to his life when he had been labeled as a threat to all, and he could never thank her enough to give his days a purpose to be lived again.

David ran inside, carrying the stirring king on his back, and smiled stupidly at their display. Luckily, Max didn’t notice. (Or didn’t seem to care.🤷🤣) Henry poked out of David’s armor and, being the cat he is, didn’t seem to mind it much.
Even though Nessa could feel David's eyes on them, she didn't want to stop kissing Max. She pulled Max closer to her, holding the kiss for as long as Max would let her. She could care less if the King himself said to break it up, Nessa planned on holding their kiss for as long as possible. The thought of how broke Max would've been, had her plan not worked in giving herself back her healing abilities, rocked her to her very core. She needed to show him that she was never going anywhere and that she was going to remain at his side until the end of time.
The king himself started to regain consciousness and blinked a couple of time to register what was happening. Soon, a crowd of aristocrats and other rich people were closing in now that the action had seemingly ended. ”What’s going on here?” Max raised one finger and finished up his kiss with Nessa before finally pulling back, taking a second to breathe. breathe in He then turned to the king and gave a quick bow: “Your majesty, I can explain-” “I’ve heard a great deal of you, Grandmaster Max.” Max seemed surprised. The king was, of course, referring to his driving off Ambrose and the soldiers that landed in a heap earlier. “You practiced dark magic, ran away from home, made friends with an inferior race, mistreated a knight, fought my army, destroyed my palace! And!-…you have saved us all.” Max looked up in slight confusion, and even more surprisingly, the king bowed slightly towards Max. The remaining soldiers looked between the two in confusion before following suit, bowing at Max. David bowed with a smile, Henry did…nothing, and the aristocrats mumbled amongst themselves before they bowed to Max as well, leaving the mage bewildered at what was going on. “Wait, wha-what…what is…?”
(Do you get this reference?🤣😅)
Giggling softly and holding Max's face in her hands so he would look at her, Nessa spoke softly and shed tears of joy, "Max, they're showing you their gratitude and respect for saving them. Without you, the whole world might've fallen under the blade of Thorin." the people slowly started clapping, the sound getting progressively louder as everyone soon joined in. Henry, wanting to be close to Max again after his fit of rage, pounced up on to his shoulder and nuzzled into Max's neck while purring. Nessa held Max close and looked out over the crowd, seeing many faces streaked with tears of joy and relief that their lives had been spared. "They are all alive because of you Max. We would all be nothing if it wasn't for you."
(Don't think you can get a Disney classic reference past me mister! 😁 :sneaky:)
(Dang it!😂🤣)
Max realized this all and took it in slowly, still not entirely sure what to feel, but he did have a blush of embarassment as they cheered him on. He pulled his hood down a little more to keep himself unseen and humble, but that only made the crowd more riled up. Max, giving one final, low bow to the king, he was about to leave the festivities as he remembered something. “Well, if there’s any possible way that you could show your gratitude, your highness, I do have one small request.” The king cocked his head. “What is it?” Max walked towards him and whispered in his ear, and the king laughed in joy. “But of course, my boy! That’s a trifle thing to ask for after what you’ve done!” Max smiled and nodded before throwing his hands out and lifting up the castle debris, slowly putting the castle back together with his telekinetic magic until the castle was put back together. Max sighed in relief and panted a bit at the effort. The king raised his arms. “Men, women, I do believe some decoration is in order! But first,” The king turned to Max and winked. Max smiled back and then turned to Nessa. He stretched out an arm and a small crystal with some metal flew into his hand. Blushing and clearing his throat, he knelt down and trembled with anxiety, but he steeled himself to say the following words: “Nessa…ever since we’ve met, I felt this…irresistible urge to be with you. And now that, I believe we finally have the chance, even though we haven’t known each other for long, your bringing purpose back into my life and filling me with joy everytime I lay eyes on you assures me that true love is real. And so, from the bottom of my heart I ask you: will you marry me?” He asked, opening his hands, and the bits of material were merged into an intricate ring adorned with a radiant sapphire.

(Ah, this RP gives me wholesome feelings😊🤣)
Nessa couldn't believe what she had just heard, as she stared at the gorgeous ring, made specifically for her by the only person she has ever loved. Did the man of her dreams really just ask her to marry him? From the first moment Nessa had laid eyes on Max when her arrow managed to knock his hood from his face, she was captivated and vowed to always be with him no matter what. As every second had gone by in their time together, her feelings were always growing stronger, with a need to be near Max and make him feel all of her love. Not only had Max saved both their home town and now the world, Max had saved Nessa from a life of pain and suffering simply by existing in her life. She had dreamt of marrying Max ever since they first made love, wanting to give him a family and spend the rest of their lives together, and now that dream was becoming reality. Tears filled Nessa's eyes and her whole body started to shake as she tried to steady her voice. "Yes! Yes I will marry you!" Failing epically to remain composed, not that she cared what anyone thought, Nessa threw herself at Max, holding him tightly and kissing him with every fiber of her being.

(Oh my gosh! I started crying when I got to the part of the King asking for decorations and Max gathering the items for the ring! UGH! IT WAS SO PERFECT! 🥹🥹🥹)
(😊😅😓I didn’t mean to make you cry, I’m sorry!😓🤣)

Max, surprised by the kiss, nevertheless hugged her back and continued their passionate kiss from before rubbing her back preciously as everyone felt their hearts being tugged. The king smiled and snapped his fingers, and the wedding was about to be made as quickly as possible.

“Ugh, are you sure that this shirt is ok?” “Yeah, Max, you’ll be just fine! You did the hardest part already, so now you just gotta follow through!” David was advising Max in a dressing room as he was being given lavish clothing by the king’s dressers: Max could feel embarrassment as he couldn’t wear his hood, and he tried to fit into the clothes he was being given. “Hrck! If only some of this stuff didn’t have to be so tight!” ”You’ll be fine, Max. You’re looking good anyways!” “Thanks, I guess- Hngh!
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(no no no it was a happy cry because it was so cute!!😊😊)

While in a separate room, Nessa put on the finishing touches to her beautiful gown. The maids from the castle had managed to find a traditional elven wedding gown from centuries ago, hidden deep within the castle walls. silver jewelry was delicately laced through the small braids of hair that wrapped behind her head with a thin silver band that resembled vines formed a V-shape in front of her forehead. She twirled in excitement and giggled to herself as the dress flowed around her. Even though she was nervous to see what Max would think of her dress, she couldn't wait for the ceremony to begin. Once everything was in place, another maid came running into the room happily. "My lady, your fiancé is waiting for you at the alter." "Thank you Miss." With one last look in the mirror Nessa walked out of the room and heading back into the grand hall. Seeing the entire ballroom decorated with elegant flower displays and wedding music playing in the background, Nessa clutched her bouquet tightly and took a deep breath before walking down the aisle to her beloved Max. The entire crowd stood from their chairs and stared in awe at her beauty, making Nessa blush and giggle nervously as she waited to see what Max's reaction would be to how she was dressed for him. 119fb3e68bc30d002d560dd401fed0cf.jpg

(I would honestly flip out if i could wear this to my future wedding!)

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