Max giggled as he turned back to the king, nodding. “Sure, we would love to.” “Excellent! We’ll have it straight away, a full day in all your honor!” Max felt unsure about a whole day of partying, but he certainly wasn’t going to argue or complain to the king about it.
“Now then, I trust you can find suitable clothing in your rooms’ closets yourselves! I’ll call you when you’re ready!” He said before huffing down the large staircase that led to the lobby and hallways of the castle. Max rubbed the back of his head, clearly insecure, but David patted his back: “Don’t worry about it too much, Max. I can give you some advice for large parties if you want!” “No, no, I think I’ll be fine, thanks.” Max replied with smile. You’ve taken down an evil elf and a black mage, you should be fine with a party full of aristocrats!