Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

He gripped her shoulders and couldn’t help but smile. For a second he stared at her before hugging he tightly. “I’m gonna be a dad…!” He kissed her several times on the cheek before pumping his fist as if he won a lottery. “Yes!!!”
Nessa laughed and covered her mouth lightly. She loved how Max was reacting to the news, helping to further enhance her joy. Her heart soared at the idea of being able to give Max a family and watching thier little one grow together. The biggest thing Nessa had hoped for was to be able to give Max a son who would grow up to be just as strong and loving as his father.
Max finished his quick victory dance and laid down on the bed again, giving a content sigh. “Ahhh...I didn’t think I’d ever be so blessed.” He said, gesturing for her to join him on the bed.
“Then you probably deserve a galaxy, Nessa.” He said, reaching over and caressing her belly softly. After a second, he blew a quick raspberry into her, chuckling and smiling, and went back to massaging her.
He returned likewise and nuzzled her neck lightly with a blush.
And so they slept together, their future ensured to be brighter than they ever thought before as he sought out a peaceful life with his new wife.
And Ambrose and Sid continued to create their plans of revenge. But not quite yet…

(This is so wholesome, I swear; what do you think? :3)
Max was unsure where he was, and he looked around for answers in the landscape he was in. It seemed celestial, and he seemed to be walking on some sort of invisible floor. He stood looking up at some odd silhouette of some sort, one that loomed over him with glowing eyes that jittered. It raised a fist and brought it down with brute force towards Max: he attempted to defend himself as he could see it coming closer and closer towards him, engulfed in darkness. Closer and closer, and it seemed to fracture….

…the morning was still crisp and dark on a new day, yet it was a few months later.
The village was surprisingly at peace this whole time. Almost suspiciously, but Max would leave David to that matter. He woke up again with a start from the nightmare, but he, realizing it was a dream, calmed down and took slow breaths as he pulled the covers over him to finish his last few hours of sleeping before the sun came up on the wintery wonderland around them. He had always enjoyed snow, and seeing it appear around him in what felt like years since he last saw it made him smile as he awaited a white day ahead of him and Nessa.
As the sun finally crested the horizon and gently illuminated their room, Nessa sat up slowly from the bed, holding her large pregnant belly as she pushed herself up with one arm. She smiled and looked down at her growing belly bump and rubbed it softly with her hand. She couldn't believe how quickly the months had passed since she and Max had first discovered her pregnancy. She giggled softly to herself as she remembered his reaction to the news, dancing around like a contest winner. Carefully Nessa stood from the bed took a small breath before walking slowly to the window and gently pulling back the curtains. The sight of the snow on the ground made her smile widely her eyes gleam. She walked back to the bed and Sat next to Max, gently running her fingers through his hair to wake him. "Darling, its snowing outside, we should go and enjoy it for a bit."
Max awoke quickly and got up slowly. Seeing the sun reflect on the snow below their window made everything look crystalline, something Max surely wouldn’t get tired of. He turned to Nessa and gave her a small hug from behind, minding her belly before caressing it slowly again. “Morning, dear. And morning, wittle baybee, mwah!” He feigned a kiss as he gave a real one to Nessa’s cheek and clenched her hand softly. Henry meowed from downstairs, signaling breakfast time.
“Perfect.” He said, leading her down the stairs slowly, holding her hand tightly in case she made a misstep with her new big belly. As they got down, they were were greeted by Henry, purring loudly in a hungry mood. “I know, I know, little guy.” Max said, smiling and matting out his fur for a second. “Nessa, do you want me to try cooking today? You’ve got enough right now on your mind. Or, belly, rather.” He giggled.
Max looked around the kitchen and tried to cook something up. He admittedly wasn’t too good with cooking, but it couldn’t be that hard! He tried to replicate the pancakes that he’d seen her do before, getting out the ingredients and putting them together. He accidentally may have put in too much sugar when he finished, though, and he got out plates for the both of them as he sat down next to her, two little heaps ready to be eaten. Max took a bite and realized how sweet it tasted. “Mmm…” He didn’t mind it, though. (He had a bit of a sweet tooth🤣)
With Nessa being pregnant, her sense of taste had been changing almost every week. As she took a bite of the pancakes, she could easily taste the amount of sugar. Lucky this was a time when she was craving sweets almost everyday, so the sugary pancakes were a warm welcome to her. She smiled and shook her tiny balled up fists in a giddy manner as she ate her breakfast. "These are delicious my love, thank you so much for making me breakfast."
”No problem, dear!” He said, content, and leaned his head on her shoulder affectionately for a second. “As long as you’re comfortable with our child, Nessa.” He said before eating the rest of his food. His hand reached under the table and held hers warmly.
“If I had to pick, a lovely little girl; but I couldn’t care less with whatever we get, because I know it’s a miracle that they‘re even here.” He said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Speaking of, we should know soon!” He said, counting the months it’s been since they found out. “…7 or 8 months. We ought to be expecting!”
"It could be any day now...sometimes Elf pregnancies can happen a little faster than normal human pregnancies." Nessa gulped softly at that memory. At any moment on any day, their child could be ready and she would fall into labor at a moments notice. She hoped Max would be ready for that, knowing that the doctors most likely weren't going to let him into the delivery room when that time came.
“Oh, really? I better start preparing just in case!” He said, getting up and pacing around, thinking of what to do. Henry comedically followed Max pacing around the room, although he was doing it to eventually jump onto Max’s shoulder and curl around his neck like a scarf.
Nessa giggled and slowly pushed herself up from her chair before walking over to him and gently placing her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry darling, everything will be fine. I'm sure we still have some time before the baby comes. Now, lets go on that small walk through the snow together." She gently grabbed Max's face in her hands and kissed him softly before playfully rubbing her nose against his to help him relax.
Max agreed with a nod as he walked out with her. Henry stayed behind in the house, wanting to warm up on the couch. As Max and Nessa walked outside, he decided to play with his magic and easily made a snowman with a few waves of his hand. He also reached out his head and tried to catch some snowflakes on his tongue.
Nessa smiled sweetly as she looked up at the sky, letting the snowflakes gently fall on her face and catch on her eyes lashes. The soft crunch of the snow below their feet was a comforting sound that echoed softly through the quite forest around them. Once the snowman was man, Nessa placed two larger stones for the eyes along with some long sticks to form the arms. "Now he just needs a nose and mouth and he will be perfect."
Max searched around with his eyes closed, sensing everything around him. After a moment, he opened his eyes and reached out, a hazel tree’s branches coming Into hand with a few hazelnuts coming out and arranging themselves neatly onto the snowman. “Man, that was easy!…You think I make things too easy sometimes?” Max asked with a chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.
Seeing the slight bit of cockiness from Max was always a welcomed attribute. Nessa wanted him to have more confidence in himself since she can see just how amazing he is. She smiled warmly at the now completed snow man and placed her hand on Max's shoulder as she kissed his cheek softly. "You always know how to make everything just perfect my love."
“Eheheh, if you say so!” He said with a grin and kissing her back.
Out of the corner of his eye, however, he saw a shadow move unnaturally behind a tree in the forest nearby. He kept that in mind as he took her hand and slowly led her to the now-decorated village for some quick winter sightseeing.
The village was beautifully covered in snow along with the streets having hot chocolate vendors on every corner. The smell of warm fireplaces burning filled the air along with fresh baked desserts like brownies and and pies. Nessa had to fight the urge to go and buy all the sweets she could afford due to her pregnancy cravings. As they continued walking through the village, Nessa giggled as she saw David trying to impress a girl with how large of a snowball he could make along with how far he could throw it.

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