Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

“That’s a low bar, dear, compared to you.” He chuckled, caressing the kid’s head. “…Magnus…I know you’ll be the most perfect boy you can be…” He whispered, kissing his small and weak forehead. He caressed his half-elf ears, making the kid a bit fussy.
Nessa laughed softly and kissed Magnus's cheek and nuzzled it with her nose, helping to calm his little fussy attitude. "Well we can tell he doesn't like that very much." Nessa gently pulled the blanket up and over his head slightly, forming a makeshift hood which instantly calmed Magnus and made him start to fall asleep. "Okay, now he is almost exactly like you my love, always wanting a hood to cover his head." Nessa giggled as she lovingly teased Max while looking up into his eyes.
“Well, that’s certainly a coincidence, I can’t imagine why!” He joked as he rubbed his hand on Nessa’s cheek, giggling. “He has good taste though, ha!” He chuckled.
All the while, the shadow stayed its distance outside the hospital, peering through the windows to see where his targets were.

(Should we skip to a week later for an attack?🤔)
Just a week later, the couple were in their home, the afternoon amber light starting to fade away as the twilight made its way into the sky, and Max sat on the couch resting from just doing some chores while Nessa stood nearby holding their Magnus. “Ahh, this is the life…”

Meanwhile, the shadow crept outside, transforming as a portal for two silhouettes to come out, malicious and deranged.
“Run upstairs, protect Magnus! I’ll handle this.” He said, getting up and taking a stance as the door flew open. The dust settled, and two recognizable figures had returned for revenge: Ambrose and Sid.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the little raggedy upstart prodigy. I don’t know whether to congratulate or pity you on your marrying an elf, but considering you’re both in a sorry state, I wouldn’t say much to get my point across otherwise!” Max charged up magic energy in his hand and pointed his finger like a gun at the two of them. “Stand. DOWN.”
Nessa rushed upstairs as fast as she could, guarding every inch of Magnus with her arms and chest. She could hear Max and Ambrose downstairs as she closed the door to their bedroom. Her mind started to race while she tried to figure out what they were trying to do when her heart suddenly tell me they aren't after Magnus...
Max’s finger faltered as Sid stood behind Ambrose, the previous owner of Nessa staring at him contempt His black mage accomplice readied his own magic: “We’re here for simple revenge before we enact my plan once more.” “And what would that be about?” “None of your concern!” Ambrose angrily fired black lightning from his fingertips. Max readied a barrier that blocked it just in time before magically backflipping to higher ground and firing his own lightning magic towards Ambrose, who managed to catch it in his two hands and diffuse the power. “Pitiful.”

(I was thinking you could do Sid and Nessa while I do Ambrose and Max, any objections? :3)
Sid smirked and as he looked down at Max as a long strand of black magic slithered from his hand, taking the shape of a whip. Sid walked out from behind Ambrose and cracked the whip once, hoping to send a small message to Nessa upstairs through the sound alone. "Don't worry, that little elf is accustomed to this sound, along with its sweet kiss across her back." Sid laughed manically as he started to head towards the stairs.

As the sound of the whip cracked downstairs, Nessa flinched and cowered almost instinctually, remembering just how many times that sound had been made across her back in the past. She ground her teeth and protectively guarded Magnus in her arms as she curled up in the corner of the room. She wanted nothing more than to charge down those stairs and strangle Sid with his own whip, but she would not dare leave Magnus's side.

(None what so ever! Makes it easier for both of us 😁)
gasp Hey!” Max teleported to the staircase and gave him a roundhouse kick In mid-air, floating above the other two madmen with his hands brimming with energy. “You don’t get to do that anymore, you twisted FUCK!” He charged forward in an energy barrier, ramming into Sid. As he landed, he barely reacted quick enough to block the black fireballs coming from Ambrose. “Surrender child, our power far exceeds yours now! “Hraggh!” Max diffused the barrier outward, reflecting the fireballs back to the two. “We won’t know until we try. And I am certainly not letting you get in my way!”

“Hey! Ack, Henry, what’s going on!?” David yelled as Henry scratched lightly on his sleepy face in the bed. The cat had escaped ahead of time and came to warn the knight. “Mreeeow!” “What?? Why aren’t you with…Max and…Nessa…” He got up out of his bed and looked through the window, seeing lights coming out of the couple’s house. “Oh no.”
As the energy blasts sounded off and rattled the small house, Magnus started to scream and cry in Nessa's arms. "Oh no, shhhhh, shhhhh, its okay darling, mommy's right here." She gently bounced Magnus in her arms trying to soothe the child and stop his cries. Magnus's screams only got louder as the attacks downstairs got stronger, making Nessa struggle to maintain her balance. She tried everything she could to help soothe Magnus's screams to no avail as she feared what Sid and Ambrose were going to do if they heard him. Heaven forbid what they would do if they found out that there was a half-elf, half-dark mage baby in their midst.

Sid's eyes widened and his smirk turned into a dark and menacing grin. " you managed to knock that little bitch up and have a child with her I see. Well I'll definitely need to make sure that he is healthy and strong so Lord Ambrose can have someone to take under his wing as the child grows." Sid's whip turned into a what appeared to be a net as he pushed himself from the floor and looked towards the stairs. He watched closely as Max and Ambrose continued sending blasts towards each other as he slowly crept closer to the staircase.
“Noooo!” Max teleported again and, with good effort, sent Ambrose’s blasts towards Sid, destroying the staircase around him: “You’ll have to kill me if you want to do that!!” Ambrose smiled as he readied more magic. “Oh, I think I can help with THAT!” He fired off more fireballs towards Max and Sid. Inadvertently saving Sid, Max fired off water spells to negate the damage. He then cut open his net and threw him back down. “Since you’re not fried to a crisp, you can thank me later.” He said, floating above the now-burning living room. Ambrose stood on the ground with Sid on his side on the floor next to him. “A fatal mistake, letting this man live, you naive child!!” “I’m no kid. Nessa managed to show me what I’m way more than I thought I was! You want to take away my purpose, you’ll need to take my life first!” Max’s body started to slowly envelop in dark flames as wings and claws slowly started to appear again. Ambrose gripped his staff tightly as he fired off more spells. Max negating them all, but he started to tire, and his dark flames enveloped him a bit more.
Nessa panicked as she felt the dark aura of Max's power taking control. Even though everything in her body was telling her not to move, Nessa frantically sent a large green energy orb through the house and towards Max as it landed on his back and slowly dissolved into his skin. Due to the flames below, Nessa started to cough and struggle to breathe as she tried to open the bedroom window. Only having one hand free as she held Magnus in her other arm, Nessa had no choice but to set Magnus down for merely a second and open the window before picking him back up. She leaned out of the window with Magnus and tried to make sure he didn't inhale the smoke. As she looked down she saw David running fast towards their house with his armor adorned and his sword in hand. She tried to call out but the smoke had started to burn her throat, rendering her voice useless for the time being.
Sid glared up at Max as he watched the young mage become engulfed in the dark flames. Sid had only ever heard of this power before and used to believe it was a myth. Now that he was seeing it first hand, he stood behind Ambrose and tried to think of a way to force the mage out of his powerful state. As Sid looked up, he saw a small weak spot in the ceiling from the flames. With one hard blast of energy, Sid ripped a hole in the ceiling, which was also the floor to the bedroom that Nessa and Magnus were in. Sid smiled evilly and spun out a new whip made from dark magic. "Oh Nessa...I hope you are ready to present that child to your true master!"
Gasp!” Max snapped out of his fury for a second and flew over to catch Nessa and Magnus. As Ambrose was about to strike him in mid-air, Max saw David running closer. “David, catch!” Max felt Ambrose’s blast hit him after he tossed Nessa and Magnus safely to David before he was sent flying in the air. David, skidding to a halt, dropped his sword and safely caught the two. “!!”
Max felt limp in the air for a second before gravity kicked in, making him fall down towards the ground and hit the dirt hard. Ambrose and Sid walked out, smiling, and Ambrose aimed one more spell at Max.
Just as Max decided enough was enough.
A grim air filled the area as Max powered up on the ground, slowly getting up as his wing batted away the spell. He turned to Nessa, frowning slightly as he beckoned them to run. “I’m sorry you have to see this again, Nessa…” He said before turning back around. His magic claws extended as he leapt forward towards the two villains, Ambrose’s barrier starting to falter under Max’s brute strength. His eyes seemed feral and his body was covered in dark flames as he struck his hand down, giving out an awful roar in their faces.
Nessa held Magnus close to her chest, turning his face towards her body to keep him from seeing Max in his terrifying form. Even though she had seen this before, she was still intimidated by the amount of power the hid within Max. Nessa had to fight hard to not rush to Max's side and aid in the fight, wanting to get in her own revenge on Sid for how he dared to try and attack her and Max's son. She knew that no matter what though, Max would be victorious now that he had released his full form. "Please come back to me soon my love, Magnus needs his father." Nessa throw out one last large energy orb to Max, restoring any lost energy and healing any damage that he might have endured before she followed David back towards the village as she carried Magnus tightly to her chest.

Sid's eyes widened in complete terror as she watched max transform into what every mage's worst nightmare. He couldn't even find the strength to move as Max came closer and roared in his face. It was as if all color had drained from his face and his soul left his body just from the sight of Max alone. He turned to Ambrose and grabbed at his cloak as he screamed "DAMNIT AMBROSE YOU TOLD ME THIS WAS IMPOSSIBLE! YOU SAID THERE WAS NO WAY ANY MAGE COULD HAVE THIS MUCH POWER!"
“HOW SHOULD I HAVE KNOWN, IDIOT?! NOW SHUT YOUR WHINING!” Max’s face faltered a bit in confusion as Ambrose fired off more spells in his face. Max snapped back into rage as he clawed the barrier down. Ambrose had nothing in store that would stop Max as he ripped and tore through every spell he had, getting closer until eventually wounding Ambrose severely through a bloody spectacle. He finished with Ambrose, who was only able to breathe on the ground at this point. He turned to Sid: “You’re next. And you’re not coming out of this alive, either.” His scary voice rasped. Ambrose could only look on as Sid was getting cornered by the nightmare of despair.
Sid shook violently as he tried to back away. He knew that his powers were no match and that he was definitely not going to be able to out run what max had turned into. The only thing he had left was to beg for mercy and try to explain himself. Sid quickly fell to his knees and clasped his hands together in front of his face as his voice trembled. "P-Please! You have to understand..I was just trying to survive! Ambrose threatened my life if I didn't follow him! I-I was just following orders when I tried to kill that el- I mean Nessa! She was always a perfect slave! I know I abused her an-and tried to kill her b-but I-I would be kinder to her if I were given the chance to be her master again! Please!" Sid didn't even comprehend what he was saying as she talked about being Nessa's master again. He didn't realize that he had basically just signed his own death certificate.

Nessa huddled in the living room of David's home as she rocked Magnus gently, doing everything she could to remain calm as she tried to soothe the screaming child. She continuously glanced out the window, hoping to find Max walking her way as she panicked internally. "David...please tell me he's coming...please tell me he is just catching his breath and will be here any minute."
David peered out the window and looked at the house’s wreckage. “I can’t see him…but I know that he’ll be ok. Don’t worry, Nessa.” He said cheerfully.

Max stared down at Sid, his eyes not moving away from his soul. Raising an arm, he aimed at Ambrose behind him and fired energy through the body, making sure he was now dead. Max raised his arm, a blade of magic energy surrounding it, ready to come down onto the slave owner. “Answer me this, then: what do you mean by my power? Isn’t any black mage capable of this?” He asked, his dark form residing slightly, although his face, now visible, was both completely rageful and curious.

(You want to make something up, or nah?😅)
"No! This kind of power was said to be a myth! Only grand mages who were descendants of the first ever dark mage were supposed to have this kind of power! When not a single mage had expressed this kind of power it was said to just be and old story meant to scare those who would try to oppose dark magic users!" Sid trembled and even fall back on his butt as he looked up at Max. He knew deep down there was no way he was going to come out of this alive.

"I hope you're right David...I...I can't live without him." Nessa hugged Magnus closer to her chest and tried to fight the tears in her eyes, wanting to stay strong for Magnus. Henry curled up next to Nessa and meowed softly as he tried to help soothe her.

(Already ahead of the game! 😁)
(And you certainly don’t disappoint either! high five😅🖐️)
“…really?” Max asked. He had always wondered why his parents had never seemed to be around too often when he was younger, and he thought they didn’t care for him when they didn’t look for him after he first left the village. “Hmph. Well, maybe I’ll find some use in you yet. Your very existence shakes my core…yet I still oppose to killing if not necessary. If, and IF I keep you alive, you’ll help me to an end, understood? Your future afterwards will be decided later.” Max said. His pacifist side shone, even though this man had abused his lover. He felt a twinge of guilt when he ad murdered Thorin and Ambrose, and he didn’t want to do any more killing unless he felt like he absolutely had to. Even then, he could’ve spared them both, he felt, and his conscience certainly wasn’t taking those hits well.
(I figured you'd like that! Not too many back stories like that for dark magic areas in fantasy and i wanted to make sure we at least tired to add that in at some point! high five 😁 🖐️)
Sid exhaled heavily and bowed down on his knees in front of Max, almost pressing his face into the ground as he did. "Thank you my lord, I promise I will follow your every word and not step out of line even by a hair." Sid couldn't believe that this young mage had managed to find some way to spare his life, even after everything he had done to both him and to Nessa. Now all he had to do was try and convince Nessa not to kill him for what he had done.

Nessa sprang to her feet as she saw Max walking towards David's home. Holding Magnus tightly to her chest to make sure he was safe, Nessa ran out to Max but stopped dead in her tracks as she saw Sid walking behind him. Every part of her existence wanted to end the bastard who had tormented her for years, especially now that he had just made an attempt on her child's life. As Max came closer Nessa looked at Max with a mixture of confusion for what was happening and hatred as she saw Sid again. "Max, what's going on? Why is he still here?"
(Sorry I was gone, I got home and I just ate! And now, I figure you have to sleep soon, right?😅😓)

Max’s heart felt filled with hesitation as he looked between everyone. “I…I’m sorry...he offered to make things right, and I…I just can’t…you can slap him or something, though!” Max’s mediating personality certainly didn’t seem to be appreciated at most times, he figured, considering Nessa’s response to Sid’s survival.
(No worries! I am going to be up for a little longer since I still have some stuff to do so i have about another one and 30 minutes in me until I collapse lol 🤣)

Nessa's body seemed to tremble with anger as she walked over to Max. She carefully placed Magnus in Max's arms before turning and glaring at Sid with a fury that not even Max had seen in her before. Her eyes started to glow a bright red and the tips of her ears turned pink from the rage she felt inside at the fact that Sid had somehow managed to talk his way out of death. In a matter of only 3 steps, Nessa was standing in front of Sid and was clutching his throat tightly. "You dare to come near my child again, and I will make what Max does look like a child playing with snow, do I make myself clear?!" Something had changed in Nessa once she had given birth to Magnus, a new sense of empowerment and a growing feral desire to protect Magnus with her very life.
Max‘s eyes widened slightly as he took a slight step back while Davis whistled. “Some girl you got there, eh?” “You’ve no idea…wait, was that an insult?” “N-no, no no! I’d be stupid to be mean to you two!” “That’s what I thought.” Max crossed his arms with a smirk at having won the argument.
Sid felt fear wrap around him as Nessa's gazed seemed to burn a hole through his head. She had changed so much since he had last seen her, almost not recognizing the small elf that stood before him. Sid lifted his hands in surrender as his eyes pleaded for her forgiveness. "I swear Nessa, I wont do a single thing to you or Max or your child." "You better pray that I don't lose my temper or patients with you." Nessa almost threw Sid on the floor as she let go of his throat, turning back around quickly towards Max and lifting Magnus back into her arms. "Come with mommy my darling, its time you were fed." Nessa carried Magnus back into David's home and closed herself into a separate room so she could safely and peacefully breastfeed Magnus.
Max didn’t feel the need to say much more, but he didn’t need help Sid either as he beckoned him to follow and then walked into David’s house. David “hmphed” dramatically as he walked in to, and Henry hissed before following suit.
Max knew he did the right thing, and he would be able to kill him later if necessary, yet he still felt unease around Nessa now since he spared him. But everyone deserved a second chance, including Sid, or else Max wouldn’t be here, he figured. He told David to watch Sid before he went to wait outside the room she was in with Magnus, waiting for his chance to come in and discuss his choice further.
Nessa smiled down at Magnus as he suckled her breastmilk. This bond with she was building with Magnus was this most precious thing to an elf and she wasn't going to let anything get in the way of that. As she heard Max's footsteps outside the door she gently caressed Magnus's head and beckoned Max to enter, not caring about him being around while she fed their child. Once Max had entered the room, Nessa looked up at him with soft eyes that were full of wariness "Max...I understand that you must feel a certain way about giving Sid another chance, but I want you to be careful. He has a silver tongue and can charm almost anyone into giving him what he wants."
Max groans as he held his face in his hands. “You’re right, but…if he doesn’t get a second chance, then neither should have I.” He sat down next to her on the bed and leaned next to her. “Please…I only want to do the right thing. And if he doesn’t end up nice, I can take care of him. I just…don’t want to use death as a my first option, ok?” He asked, caressing hers and Magnus’ heads.
"I understand my love, just promise me you will keep a close eye on him. I will do my best to keep things...civil..when he is around. After everything that he has done to all of us, I can't just openly trust him again without seeing proof of change." Nessa gently nuzzled Max's cheek and gave him a soft and gentle kiss. "I want you to remember though Max that you deserved a second chance because you were wrongfully exiled out of town by those who didn't want to see reason, Sid...was a nasty tyrant who took a lot from others, which will make it hard to trust him again okay?"

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