Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

David grinned as he threw it-—right into Max’s face.
He sputtered out the snow as David ran over and wiped off most of it for him: “Oh, shoot! I’m sorry about that, bud!“ He said, practically picking him up and shaking off the snow.
Max spit out some more snow before laughing. “Pffft. At least she seems amused as well.” He said, pointing behind David to the girl, who was covering her mouth while laughing. David Gave Max a thumbs up before walking back over and acting as if that was all planned out. Max shook his head as he looked at him. “Poor guy, ha!”
The shadow from earlier seemed to creep about the village, catching Max’s attention again as it snuck about and hid in other dark areas, seemingly acting as a spy with the dim face it showed when the light was barely able to shine on it. He only stared at the spot it had disappeared for a second before dismissing it again.
Nessa could feel that something was bothering Max almost as if they were mentally linked. She caught him staring off into the distance, which made her stare in the same direction with a slightly titled head. She tried to see if she could hear something but the only thing to be heard was the crunch of the snow beneath their feet and the laughter from the towns people. Not wanting to let Max hide something from her, Nessa gently placed her hand on Max's arm and looked up at him with big doe eyes "Max my love, is everything alright? I saw you staring off into the distance earlier."
“I thought I saw a…weird shadow…Oh well. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, because for now, we need to focus on you and our future!” He said, lightly poking at her belly and giggling, moving close to her and offering some of his robes to wrap around her.

(Nessa doing “big doe eyes” sounds too cute!😖🤣😅)
Nessa smiled softly and nodded as she tucked herself into Max's robes. His warmth blanketed her almost instantly, making her sigh happily as she rested her head on his chest. This....this right here was where she belonged the most, in Max's arms feeling safe and warm. Even though she wanted to figure out what that shadow was, she agreed that making sure their child was safe was top priority. "You are so good to me, I don't know what I would ever do without you."

(I knew you'd like that hehe just the image of the elf character looking up with big shiny anime eyes and a pregnant belly poking out 😅 ☺️)
Max felt like he didn’t need to say anything to mean the same to her as he wrapped most of his clothing around her. He still felt fine as they walked down the market lane, and he took in all the sights and smells that he could, his hand moving towards his pocket money. “I think we can spare a bit to eat. Did you want anything, Nessa?”
Max nodded as he left her for a second and went out to find some of his favorite delicacies: cookies and cream, as well as some brownies and some peppermint. He did his best to do this quickly so that Nessa wouldn’t be alone for too long, as she couldn’t keep up as she was right now.
Not wanting to stand for too long, Nessa sat down on a small bench that was next to a tree in the middle of the village. As she sat back, she let out a heavy breath and gently rubbed her belly. She could feel the baby kicking again but it started to feel a little harder this time. "I know you're craving something sweet little one, just give daddy a few minutes and he will be right back." Nessa smiled and looked down at her baby bump as she spoke to it, not realizing the shadow was lurking behind the tree, watching her from a small distance.
Max found her a few seconds later, just in time, coming back with a basket full of sweets. “I’m back, dear-!” He raised his hand quickly and fired a magical blast towards where the shadow was hiding, nearly breaking the tree and causing the snow around them to melt. It wasn’t anywhere to be seen, but no trace of it was there either. He sighed as he walked back over and sat next to her. “Sorry for the fright, Nessa, I swore I saw that…shadow sneaking up on you.” He said, handing her the basket of sweets.
Nessa brushed the fallen snow from her head after it landed on her from the tree. After healing the tree with her restoration magic, Nessa gently took the basket of sweets and looked up into Max's eyes lovingly, "It's alright my love, i know you were just wanting to protect me and out baby. What do you think this shadow could be though?"
“I don’t know…” He thougth for a second, and the answer all of a sudden seemed clear: Ambrose. He looked around to check for anything else, then turned back to Nessa. “Ambrose, possibly. But if he hasn’t attacked yet, we should be good until the baby comes out. And you know I’ll do anything I can to protect you two, right?” He said, clenching her hands tightly and looking into her beautiful eyes.
Nessa's eyes widen slightly at the idea of Ambrose returning right when they were about to bring their child into the world. Even though she knew that Max would easily be able to protect her and their child, there was still that lingering fear of something happening to their child. Nessa gently squeezed Max's hands as her eyes glistened in the light "I know my love, I just hope that if it is Ambrose, he doesn't try to come until much later."
“I have a feeling he won’t come around just yet, so rest assured that the baby will be safe before he comes back around, ok? I’m sure you can trust me on that.” He said, leaning into her shoulder and clenching her hands closely to his chest while closing his eyes for a second to simply enjoy her presence.
Nessa smiled and squeezed Max's hands back, enjoying the comfort she only found in him. It didn't take long for the baby to start kicking wildly again as Nessa smelt the basket of sweets, making her giggle and gently rub her belly as she spoke to it. "Alright little one, mommy's going to feed you something sweet right now, calm down. Phew they are already so strong and they haven't even been born yet."
”And I doubt they’ll be helpless once they grow up even a bit. Having both of our blood, just imagine how strong it’ll be. We just have guide it down the right path, and I think the world won’t have any evil to fear ever again once he’s ready.” Max said, already imagining a future where his son was the greatest of heroes.
"You're right my love, I just hope that my curse of denied magic use is not passed on to them. I want them to be able to experience anything and everything that they want to and become strong. Now if they would just stop trying to rearrange my innards with their powerful kicking that would be lovely." Nessa giggled as she gently caressed her belly, hoping to soothe the kick babe inside so she might be able to walk home.
Max helped steady her as they slowly walked off the bench. “You don’t think he’s coming already, do you?” He asked her, holding her tightly to make sure she wouldn’t fall. Her belly seemed to move slightly on its own as they walked.
"I don't think so but-" Nessa was cut off as she felt liquid trickly down her legs and her eyes widened. Her water had just broken and now she had to figure out what she was going to do and how she was going to get tot the doctor. "Oh my...Max! It...its time!...Ahh!" Nessa gripped tightly on to Max's shoulder in pain as her first contraction came, making her clench her fists tightly onto Max's robes.
gasp H-hold on, Nessa, I’ll get you there!” He said, holding her hand tightly and trying to carry her as he looked around frantically. “David! Come ’ere!” David, nearby in the village, managed to hear and ran over. “What‘s going on? What’s wrong?” “Pick up Nessa, we need to get her to the doctor!” “Got it!” David gave a quick salute before picking her up. David followed Max as they ran over into the village and found the nearest medical center. “We’ll get you there, Nessa, just hang on for a second!” He said, clearly filled with worry.
The contractions continued and only got worse as time passed. Nessa felt powerless as her body would fill with repeated surges of pain while her body readied itself to birth their child. She struggled to hold back her gasps of pain, not wanting to worry Max more than he already was. Her breaths were almost ragged whenever she would get a moments peace in between contractions. Once they finally reached the medical clinic, nurses rushed Nessa to the delivery room as she gave Max one last squeeze on his hand before the doors were shut, leaving him standing with David in the hallway.
Max stood there, staring at the doorway, pale and worried about Nessa. David tried to lighten the mood again, as per usual: “Don’t worry about her, this is how they usually happen! It’ll hurt, but it’ll go away once your kid comes out!” Max, surprisingly, gripped David’s hand and leaned over to him. “I…I sure hope so…” Max hoped he could take partial refuge in his friend, since he seemed to be the only thing positive about the situation. David grinned and patted Max’s head.
Hours dragged on as nurses walked in and out of the delivery room, changing out bloody towels and bringing in new ones with hot bowls of water. Each time the door opened, Nessa's groans and screams of pain could be heard. It seemed as though the torture for both Max and Nessa was never going to end. After what seemed like an eternity, there was silence as the doctor walked out of the delivery room and smiled widely at Max. "Are you ready to meet your son?"
As Max entered the room, Nessa looked up from the small, blue, bundled up blanket in her arms and smiled widely. The exhaustion was obvious on her face, but nothing compared to the joy she felt as she looked up at Max with tears of joy in her eyes. She gently held out her hand to Max, beckoning for him to come closer. "Come meet your son Max."
Max, stunned, slowly walked over and held his hands out as he took his newly-born son into his grasp. The crying child looked up at Max’s warm smile and seemed to quiet his cries a bit at the sight of his father’s face. Max cuddled softly with his face while looking at him and Nessa. “Oh, Nessa, dear…he’s perfect…”
"He looks just like his daddy." Nessa placed her hand on Max's cheek tenderly as she laid her head back against the pillows. The mere sight of Max holding their child made Nessa's heart flutter. Their baby's soft grunts and gurgles made Nessa giggle and smile widely with both pride and love. "I was thinking of naming him Magnus."
“And I don‘t object.” Max replied, cuddling with the small one as he sat on the hospital bed next to Nessa. “Oh, Nessa...I don’t think anything could go wrong here.” He said, handing the kid back to her and smiling at both of them warmly.
Nessa cradled the little bundle of joy closely as she gently rubbed her nose against the baby's. His soft pink cheeks and slightly pointed ears made him the perfect little peice of heaven. "He's going to grow up to be just as strong and just as perfect as you my love." Nessa leaned her head on Max's shoulder and smiled softly down at their son.

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