Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

“I can certainly understand that. And I didn’t say we need to act perfectly kind to him. Just leave him alive for a little longer, alright?” Max asked with a nervous chuckle.
(And it’s night-night time for me now; good night, ma’am!😅🥱😴)
"Only for you my love." Nessa kissed Max's cheek gently before pulling Magnus away from her breast and covering herself as he finished feeding. She smiled and gently patted his back as she rest him on her shoulder to burp him, giggling softly as she heard a tiny burp escape Magnus's lips.
(Same here haha Good night! I look forward to continuing this tomorrow!:)😇😴)
Max giggled as he heard Magnus burp and nuzzled both of their cheeks as he got up and left the room. He entered the lobby to see David comedically staring down Sid, his eyes implicating he hasn’t blinked in minutes. “Pffft. David, you can blink, you know.” “Absolutely not! Who knows what he’ll do for a split second!” “I think I and Nessa can attest he doesn’t move faster than light.” Sid was clearly uncomfortable with this, but Max didn’t intervene to make him feel better. He went to sit next to David and forcefully closed his eyelids shut before turning back to Sid. “Now then, could you possibly say more about…where I come from? Even I don’t know, and…I’m scared, really, of this power: I don’t know what it’ll do next, so I need to find better ways to control it other than something that happens when I’m angry. Do you know anything, Sid?”
"'s hard to say...not much is known of how to control that kind of power. The only thing that I have read about it says that it requires the support of someone who has a strong pull on you." Sid shifted uncomfortably in his seat, still feeling the burning gaze from David. "The only other thing I have read about this power is that without finding a way to control it, it will consume you and make you lose who you are as an individual."
“And I clearly don’t want that. But support of someone who has a ’strong pull’?…Nessa, I would assume.” He concluded. “Nessa, dear, you want to come out to talk, or no?” He called out to her in the other room.
Nessa huffed before slowly walking out, carrying Magnus close to her chest as she kept her eyes low but her stance intimidating. She sat next to Max and gently bounced Magnus in her arms to keep him calm. " is solely out if my love and devotion to Max that I am remaining civil..." "Th..thank you Nessa, I promise on my life that I am just here to help." Sid had to bite his tongue as he finished talking. He still felt that Nessa was nothing more than a slave but dared not anger Max.
“Now then, since that’s over with...I think, can you elaborate any further on this ‘pull’?” Max asked. David was still staring, and Henry was blinking his eyes for him with his little paws.

(I’m thinking of where this story can go further, gimme just a second!😋)
Nessa glared up at Sid for a small moment before turning her attention to Magnus. The little bundle of joy was gurgling and pulling at her hair curiously, making her smile down and nuzzle her nose against his. She didn't care what anyone in that moment would think, she was going to make sure Magnus was shown the most amount of love possible.

(No problem take the lead!😁)
"Well, if you feel that the el- I mean Nessa is the one who has the strongest pull on you, then maybe we should try and start with returning to her place of birth to see if there is any form of written material about this situation. I know that elves have always kept a record of time within their city."
"My what?...." Nessa's eyes widened and almost filled with tears as she heard Sid bring up her birthplace. She had been so little when she was taken away, that she hardly remembered anything about it let alone remember that it was an entire city of just elves.
Max puts his hand on her shoulder, hoping to comfort her slightly. “That sounds like a good place to start, I suppose.sigh Time for another adventure.” He muttered, rolling his eyes. David snapped out of his staring trance at the mention of the a-word and obviously happy about this development. “Really? Another one?!”
Sid silently ground his teeth as he saw just how annoyingly happy the large buffoon sounded. He knew that now he was stuck with this trio and their babbling baby whether he liked it or not. "I guess I will set a course for the elven forest then..." Sid could feel his annoyance growing as he thought about having to do something for Nessa. She was still nothing more than a useless slave in his eyes.

Nessa couldn't believe what was happening. Not only was her husband and the father of her child a descendant of a deity, said to be a nothing more than a myth, she was going to finally see her birthplace. Would she be welcomed back? Would her son be accepted since he was only half elf? Her mind started to race with questions as her eyes took on a glazed and distant look to them. "My....birthplace.."
Max seemed to sense Nessa’s discomfort. “Hey, dear, it’s ok.“ He held her hand and put his arm around her shoulder. “You’ll be ok. You have me, remember?” He joked. David nodded and returned to staring at Sid. Henry, on a nearby chair, stayed curled up in a bagel shape and tried to keep sleeping.
"I...i dont even remember what my birthplace looks like. I was so little when I was taken away." Nessa leaned into Max, using him for support as her mind spun while Magnus continued to pull on her hair as he giggled. If it wasn't for Max's embrace and Magnus's cute baby laughs, Nessa probably would've fainted at the idea of seeing her birthplace.

Sid rolled his eyes in disgust as he watched the sappy love between Nessa and Max. The baby's giggling only made it worse for him to watch until he felt David's eyes on him again. Even though he could easily just flick the brute with a sharp magic needle, he dared not do anything to piss off Max. "Alright, we should head out soon. It's about a 5 day travel to the elven forest."
"I guess so...I just hope they accept our little Magnus since he is only half elf." Nessa lifted Magnus higher in her arms as she nuzzled her face against his, making him giggle and wave his arms playfully.

oh god just kill me now....Sid couldn't even look in the direction of Nessa and Max as he listened to their displays of affection along with their child's laughter.
“If they don’t accept you, then remember that they’re the ones in the wrong, not you. Now let’s get packing!“ Hed turned to Sid. “You stay right there, though.” David finally blinked a few times before he got up to his room as Max took charge. “Ugghhhhhhh, my eyessss…”
Nessa rolled her eyes and sighed with a hint of annoyance and pity before sending a small orb of restoration magic to David, helping to soothe his eyes. "You should know to blink at your age David...." Nessa kissed Max on the cheek before wrapping Magnus in another blanket to make sure he would stay warm.

"Wait...everyone is going? Ar..are you sure this is a good idea? What if Nessa and the baby slow us down?" Sid was desperate to try and find some way to not have to watch their love affair continue on, knowing he would be trapped to listen to each little sigh and kiss that the couple would make along the journey.
“We’re going to the elven forest FOR Nessa, why shuoldn’t she come?“ David nodded before Max then turned to Nessa. “Unless…?” He hesitated in thought, slightly wincing. She’s probably gonna take none of that, isn’t she?🤣
Nessa placed Magnus in Max's arms, gently kissing his forehead before walking up to Sid. After a slow deep breath, Nessa grabbed Sid's shoulders and forced her knee into his stomach as hard as she could, forcing Sid to cough as his eyes widened from shock and pain. "Say one more word about my child...and ill make sure you lose your instruments to have one of your own." With that said, Nessa turned and walked back to Max, gently taking Magnus back into her arms and nuzzling his nose.

Who the hell is this chick and what happened to the submissive elf i once owned?! "Y..yes...I understand Nessa. I am sorry I spoke poorly of you and your child." Sid hunched over for a moment longer after he spoke, not being able to handle the pain within his gut.
“Wow…” Max said breathlessly, staring at Nessa and her bravery. David rolled his eyes and chuckled as they moved along.
“Oh, u-um, N-Nessa? Should I go check to see what’s left of our house? There may be a few things that haven’t burned down yet.” He noted.
"Yes...I better find my bow and arrows..." Nessa turned her head and glared at Sid as she continued to speak, "or ill have to make a new one with someone's spine..." Nessa huffed and walked with Max back to their burned home as David pushed Sid in the back, forcing him to follow along.

crap....please let the bow be there please let the bow be there Sid really couldn't care less for Nessa's threats, still seeing her as a weak and useless elf, but he didn't want to find out what Max would do if something precious had been destroyed in the fire.
Max looked around in the burnt-up rubble of their house as they tried to salvage their possessions. “Honey, you left yours in your closet, right?” Max said, lifting up wood with his magic.
"Yes I did, along with Magnus's first toy." Nessa gently bounced Magnus in her arms as he started to get fussy.

"H-here! Let me help! I-Im sure its around here somewhere!" Sid panicked at the thought of what would happen to him if the baby's toy had been destroyed. Nessa was already planning on cutting off his rod and using his spine as a new bow. He did NOT need that child's toy to be missing as well. come on come one where is it?!
“Found them!”He opened the closet doors and found them covered in ash, but still in good condition. He pulled them out and dusted them off. “Perfect! Here you go, dear!”
Meanwhile, Henry was meowing with melancholy at the loss of his bed😂🤣
Magnus grumbled softly as he finally held his toy tightly to himself, making Nessa giggle and smile as she looped her bow over her shoulder. "Thank you darling, Magnus probably would've cried for days if you didn't find his toy." Nessa kissed Max softly before resting her head on his shoulder. "Oh Henry, don't worry darling, we will make you a new bed that will be even more comfortable."

Sid sighed in relief as the bow and toy were found but grimaced in annoyance as he watched Nessa kiss Max. Even though he'd never admit it, Sid had never wanted to see Nessa perform such 'adult' acts since he owned her as a child. "Alright well...if that's everything then we should be on our way..."
“Yes, let’s.” Max said agreed before reaching around again and giving Sid a map. “Alright, here we go!” He said with an uplifting attitude. David came over with a grumbling Henry on his shoulder.
Nessa giggled and held Magnus close as she walked with Max and David, Henry grumbling on his shoulder still. She hoped this journey would be one full of love and profound discovery that would help both her and Max grow together.

Sid sighed heavily and started to lead the way to the elven forest. He wasn't sure if he was going to be well received after everything that had happened all those years ago when he took Nessa, but he figured it would be better to just cross that bridge when it came. "Alright, as i said it's a 5 day travel so we need to stay on course and not-" Sid was cut off by Magnus throwing his toy at his face, making Sid grind his teeth and sigh in annoyance. "Very cute..."
”Pffft. Like you’re one to complain, Sid.” Max said, giggling as he picked up the toy and pretended to scold Magnus in a falsetto voice: “Magnus, we don’t throw things at people!” Henry cheered up slightly, at least.
Sid rolled his eyes and let out a mixture of a sigh and a growl as he turned and started walking again. It took a measly two seconds of walking before he felt a the wind of an arrow pass by his ear and cheek making him stop dead in his tracks and tremble.

"I suggest you take that as your final warning...." Nessa retuned her bow to her shoulder before giggling and bouncing Magnus in her arms.

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