Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

(Sorry, I’m gonna be busy for a bit, I’ll talk later when I can!😓😅)

“I meant more friendly, but yes, familial works well too!” Max agreed. He high-fives the little nymph and it seemed to want to leave. Max let him go as he wanted.
(No worries! I have some homework to complete anyways lol😅☺️)

Sid sighed and watched the nymph leave, feeling as though he has been wrong about a lot of things in his life. "Well...I guess I have a lot to think of. I will be going to sleep now...have a good night." With that said, Sid bowed his head slightly before retiring to his tent and laying down in his sleeping spot.
(Alright, my schedule’s messed up today: I have Sunday Mass in a bit, I come back, then I work for the evening😮‍💨😞)

Max cocked his eyebrow as Sid went back inside. He stayed outside, deciding to stay the whole night awake. I don’t need the beauty sleep that David does. He figured to himself as he sat alone outside. He also didn’t call anymore spirits or animals lest Sid get annoyed again.
Nessa whimpered softly in her sleep as her dreams turned into nightmares. Her eyes twitched softly and breathing quickened slightly as images of her past ran through her mind. Scenes of being dragged by chains and whipped across the back seemed more real as the dreams worsened. Magnus could feel her distress and grunted as he squirmed, trying to wake Nessa to free her from the unconscious torture.

(No worries I have some shopping to do today for Christmas so my schedule is a little scattered anyways. Just get back whenever you have the chance😊)
(Spelling error: “Maguns”?!
That sounds WAY too cute!🤣🤣🤣)
”Oh, no, dear; come here…” Max whispered softly, opening his robes to let her warm up a bit in his presence. “Shh…come here, darling…” He said, wrapping his arms around her.
(I thank your phone for that cute-as-fudge word!🤣🤣🤣)
“…Is that a question?” Max joked quietly as he moved his legs over her to ensure they were together.
All the while, he kept thinking an about the words that Sid had said to him: was it love or lust that was keeping him attached to her? No one could ever lust after someone who looked like him, he figured, so the problem must be…him.
He looked at Nessa and tried to imagine her as different things that one would usually find repugnant: every time though, he still found her endearing and beautiful, perhaps through their experiences together or because of that warm presence she managed to bring wherever she went.
He let the thought rest after a while as he held her close, knowing that he wouldn’t take Sid’s words too seriously anymore: he certainly wasn’t going to start doubting their relationship now, after all they’ve been through.
(sighs in embarrassment stupid tiny phone keyboard..making me mess up and crap 😒)

Nessa cuddled closer to Max, entangling her legs with his with a need to be closer to him. He was the only person who ever made her feel safe and wanted. With Max, she meant nothing in the world and was only good enough to serve others. As she slowly started to relax into Max's arms, her face softened and a small smile curled across her lips. "I love you so much Max, you don't know how much you mean to me." Nessa gently wrapped her arm around Max and playfully squeezed at his skin. Nessa loved the tiny amount of weight that Max had gained during their time together. She found him to be her perfect squishy husband who always looked handsome in her eyes.
(You’re fine, you’re fine, I’m not making fun of you!😅)
“Eep!” Max quietly yelped as his belly was pinched. He giggled and cuddled with her even closer as they started to sleep together. “I promise…I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again…” He said. He was worried about what the elves might think of them when they finally would arrive, but they would cross that bridge when they came to it…
As morning came, Nessa woke early and made sure to breastfeed Magnus secretly in the tent before Sid and David woke up. She smiled and blushed as she looked down at Magnus while he suckled. She still couldn't believe that this perfect bundle of joy was created by her and Max. Just as Magnus finished feeding and Nessa adjusted her dress, Max was stirring softly in his sleep. After she laid Magnus down gently on the the pillows, Nessa nuzzled her face into Max's neck and kissed it gently. "Wake up my love, we don't want to start our new day too late now do we?"
Max‘s eyes stirred for a second before he woke up completely. “Huh?…Oh!” He snapped awake and got up. “You’re right!” He kissed her on the cheek and immediately went outside. “Guys, wake up!”
David rushed out immediately, just as energetic (if not more) for the day ahead. Henry came out with a yawn and an annoyed meow. He didn’t like the morning too much. Max figured that Sid wouldn’t either, but he disassembled his tent with him still in it anyways. “Maybe he’d be easier to deal with if he was in a sleeping bag the entire way?” He joked.
Sid grumbled and tried to pull the sleeping bag over his head. He was still tired from the night, not having slept well as he listened to Nessa talk about her nightmares secretly. He knew he had scarred Nessa, but he never knew that it affected her this way. "Ugggggh...I'm awake..." Sid eventually sat up and scratched his head as he glared at the ground.

"Still have struggles waking up on time I see." Nessa smirked smuggly at Sid as she remembered how he never used to wake up early, always making her have to rush to get things ready when she was his slave. Magnus gurgled as he threw his toy at Sid's head, trying to wake him up.
(Sorry I was gone for a few minutes, I had music band class😅😁)
“Pffft…” Max giggled as Magnus‘ inherent distaste of Sid poured out into his well-thrown toy. Max picked it back up and handed it back to Magnus. “So, Sid, how much longer ’til we’re at the elven home?” He asked, tossing their map to him.
(No problem! I was doing some laundry anyways haha 😅)
Sid caught the map and grumbled angrily as he glances up at Magnus. He looked down at the map and tried to figure out just how far they were from the elven forest. "We should be there late tonight if we get moving now and don't take any stops along the way for anything...meaningless." Sid glanced up at Nessa and Magnus, implying that Nessa's constant stopping to breastfeed the baby was becoming an annoyance.
Max grumbled at Sid’s grumbling, increasing the grumbling to grumble-some amounts. (🤣)
“I’m sure nothing we do is meaningless. And if it bothers you that much, we can find faster ways than just walking.” Max suggested, Henry getting on his shoulder and sneering at Sid; not a serious gesture though, coming from Henry: he did that with just about everyone anyways.
"Then what would you suggest? If Nessa keeps stopping us to breastfeed, we won't get there for another 2 days." Sid stood and crossed his arms over his chest, clearly annoyed. Once he saw Nessa's glaring eyes, Sid took a step back and lowered his head.

"You better watch that filthy mouth of yours before you EVER talk about how I feed my child!" Nessa held Magnus closer to her chest and tried to keep herself calm. She didn't want Magnus to keep seeing her become violent, but Sid wasn't making it easy.
Max snapped his fingers and made a bubble in mid-air. “We can keep Nessa in one of these so she doesn’t have to stop everytime, we keep walking and keep her at a distance for privacy. Besides, I don’t want her to exhaust herself. Or if you want a wagon or something else creative, that’ll do, take your pick!” Max said, getting annoyed with Sid’s bickering. Henry yawned as David petted him in his arms.
"Perhaps...a wagon would be better...Nessa would have more privacy with the curtains drawn compared to a bubble." Sid turned away, clearly embarrassed about having to discuss Nessa's need for privacy so she could be exposed while feeding Magnus. He sighed and looked down at the map.

"A wagon would be better my darling, I wouldn't want Magnus getting dizzy in the bubble, heaven knows I still do." Nessa giggle and looked up lovingly into Max's eyes
Max closed his eyes and used his magic to slowly assemble a wagon as commanded made out of the woods around them, using twigs and branches to twist themselves and merge into a makeshift wagon like he had done earlier with Nessa in their first adventure together. Putting the finishing touch, Max summoned ghosts to pull the wagon and made curtains out of weeping willow leaves.
As the wagon stood there, Max was sweating as if he had run a mile and was panting a bit as he gestured for everyone to get in. “pantpant…”
"Oh my poor darling." Nessa stepped closer to Max and kissed him passionately, using her restoration magic in her kiss to help him regain his energy. She didn't care who was watching, she was going to help her husband and show him how much she appreciated his hard work.

Sid instantly felt flustered as he watched Nessa kiss Max. He had raised the girl from a young child and couldn't stand to see her act in such a way. He wanted to say something, but dared not anger Max by ending a kiss from Nessa.
Nessa settled into the wagon with Magnus giggling in her arms. With the ghosts pulling the wagon gently yet swiftly, they are were covering a lot of ground in a short period of time.

Sid came and sat next to Max on the wagon, looking conflicted as he wanted to ask Max something but didn't know how to put it correctly.
Max smiled as the wagon moved through the landscape, over the river and through the woods to Nessa’s home they’ll go. (🎶🎄🤣)
As Henry and David sat in the wagon and played with each other, Henry being utterly annoyed with David’s attempts to get his attention, Max turned to see Sid fidgeting. “Sid? What’s on your mind?” He asked compassionately.
"Well...i..I've been wondering, does Nessa um...still get pink in the ears when she blushes? She used to do it alot when she was growing up and I've been wondering if she still does it now that she's all grown up." Sid couldn't deny the small sense of fatherhood he felt towards Nessa, even though he was always so cruel to her before. He hoped she wasn't listening as he asked, knowing she would never let him live it down.
Max wondered how she would even blush around Sid when she was younger, but he shrugged in response before he whispered back: “Yeah, she does; it’s really cute.” He muttered with a grin, leaning in close for a second.

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