Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

“How…odd…” He said, glancing at Nessa. He certainly hoped that nothing happened to her, otherwise he would end up just like the first black mage. He also felt sorry for the man, even though now he was likely dead. “So this means to never be away from you for too long, right? Sounds easy to me!” He said with a grin as he wrapped himself with Nessa and gripped her waist.
Nessa blushed and squeaked softly as Max grabbed her waist. She was supposed to be the one getting Max worked up and now he was doing it to her without even trying. "I could never stay away from you anyways my darling." She tried her hardest to hide the fact that she was a little flustered as she smiled up at Max. As she bent over to turn the page in the book, her backside accidently grazed against Max's hips, making her eyes widen and her face turn completely red. That wasn't supposed to happen!

Sid sighed and rolled his eyes at the two accidently teasing each other. Trying to ignore the small love affair in front of him, Sid looked down at the hand drawn images and tried to imagine what the dark mage had felt all those years ago.
(Aight, I’m back for a bit, sorry! My mom was hurrying me to get home😅)

Max blushed as her butt rubbed against his groin area and tried not to squeak in excitement. “That’s music to my ears, my love.” He replied simply as he stepped to her side and looked over her shoulder to see the pages. “Anything else significant that you see?”
(No problem! I remember my high-school days of walking about 2 miles home lol😅)

"It just talks about learning to control the power by letting small amount of it out at a time while having the 'controller' nearby. I'm guessing they mean the person who can help you remain calm and keep you calm whenever the power gets out of hand." Nessa rested her head against Max as he stood close to her. She had been needing his physical touch more and more lately, even if it was just a hug or simply letting her rest her head on him. Was she feeling effects of post-partum depression? She wasn't sure, having never really looked into the topic before, but she was hopeful that soon it would go away.

Sid nodded and looked through a couple other books, trying to see if he found anything different about the dark mage or his descendants. After coming up with nothing, he started to get worried and figured that Max and Nessa would want to go look for the birth records. He needed to find a way to get them to leave the library and quickly, but how?
(Oh dear!😵‍💫Poor you!😥)
“Oh, then that shouldn’t be too bad.” He said, leaning his head onto hers as well and simply taking a moment to enjoy her presence beside him. “Ahh…say, Sid, do you know where the birth records are now? I’d like to see who Nessa parents are!…it may be a bit too late to ask for their blessing or anything, though.” He said shyly.
Shit! He's going to kill me for sure if he finds out everything about her! "I uh...wouldn't be able to say. Those records are normally kept in a locked up area for safe keeping. They normally only allow certain elves in their to ensure the validity of the records." Sid was trying his best to sound convincing as he lied. He knew damn well that the birth records were just on the second floor of the library, but he wasn't about to lead them straight to them. Maybe they would just give up and forget about it...its not like Nessa was going to be happy if she found out anything about her past anyways...
“Then we ask for help. Shouldn’t be too hard.” Max replied nonchalantly. He didn’t get Sid was hiding something, but he did seem a bit too anxious about something or another…
"Well..uh...most of the elves here uh...might not speak the same language. We might struggle to communicate with them." Sid was starting to get desperate. He felt a cold chill run down his back as Max and Nessa both stared at him with confused looks on their faces. Even Magnus was giving him a look of confusion and the child was no more than a few weeks old at best. I need to find a way out of this....WAIT! that blundering block head of a knight! "How about we go and try to find that man David and your cat. I'm sure they are wanting to look around the city and it would be nice for Nessa to see her birthplace a little more...right?"
“…Well, maybe.“ He turned to Nessa then back to Sid. “I’d rather know where her home is first before we explore the rest. I’m sure David’s charisma will carry him through the city well-enough anyways.” He said, not too worried about him. “You seem a bit worried about something; are you alright?”

(Sorry again, I just got to musical rehearsal, I’ll try to keep talking! Unless you gotta sleep😅)
DAMN! "Oh I-I'm fine! Just..want to make sure Nessa gets to see her birth place more is all." Sid laughed nervously, not even realizing he just gave it all away that he is clearly hiding something due to his sudden care for Nessa. He had hoped the suggestion about David would've worked but of course, that brute would be able to charm his way through any crowd with his large stature.

(No worries! I have another final exam I need to take so ill still be on for a little bit longer but ill let you know when I'm logging off! 😁☺️)
Max seemed suspicious of his sudden demeanor about Nessa. “…we can save that for after.” He turned to Nessa for a second before returning his gaze to Sid. “I’m sure she agrees. Now let’s cut the chatter and get this over with, you’re making mea bit impatient.”Max huffed.
"I...sigh alright...we can look for the birth records now I suppose..." Sid could tell he was done for...there was no way Nessa and Max were going to let this go until they found her birth records. Without saying another word, Sid led them upstairs to the second floor and motioned his hand towards the many shelves of documents. With Nessa's past being very important to the elves, he was sure her birth records were put on display for all to see and admire. Well....I guess I better get ready for whatever these two are going to throw my way...

Nessa walked through the aisles, looking at many different records until she came upon a small podium that held very well preserved birth records. As she stepped closer she looked over the documents, her eyes widening and her breathe catching in her throat as she read the documents. She now realized why all the elves were staring at her in awe as she walked through the city earlier. She was the last remaining member of the Tinnúviel house. A highly respected elf family from millennia ago that were once seen almost as royalty due to their kind and caring nature. As she continued reading, there was an excerpt that stated what happened the night she was taken. Not only had she been taken from her home due to an arrangement made by Sid, the bastard had her parents murdered to ensure he would be able to keep Nessa to himself without fear of her parents sending a search party to come and save her. A mix of emotions had flowed into Nessa. Rage, sadness, pain, hatred, and disgust all boiling within her. She turned and glared at Sid as tears streamed down her face, tears that almost seemed to look like blood as her anger grew out of control. "You...I'LL KILL YOU!"
“What the-?!?!” Max, who didn’t understand a word of what she read, only watched as she screamed at the man in pure revolt. “N-Nessa, what’s wrong?!”

(Now we need a rage theme for Nessa🤣😅
You wanna come up with one, or should I?

Also, seriously, whistles this is a pretty good origin story)
Nessa's tears continued to flow, her eyes turning almost completely red throughout as she walked closer towards Sid. Her entire body shook with rage as elven words started flowing from her mouth, almost sounding like a threatening chant. After handing Magnus to Max, Nessa nails seemed to sharpen almost into claws as her fingers twitched. "Not only did Sid abuse me from a young age....HES THE REASON I WAS TAKEN FROM MY HOME! HE ARRANGED MY PARENT'S MURDER! All this because of my lineage!" Nessa screamed as she slowly approached Sid. Something whipped through the air within the library, causing Nessa's birth records to fly through the air. As Nessa began the elven chanting again, a small voice translated her birth records aloud. Giving Max the complete run down of who Nessa was ans what happened to her parents.
Sid couldn't even find the words to speak as he backed away from Nessa. He was ready to see something from Max, but definitely not the hidden elven rage that was hidden deep within Nessa, something that no elf had ever needed to access since before they were cursed to use only restoration magic. He looked back and forth between Max and Nessa, unsure of what do to as Nessa's eyes appeared to bleed and turn pure red, while Max's face contorted into one of both shock and anger.

(I tried finding one but I suck!😓 I want to find something that is like an orchestral war song. If you can find something that would be amazing!
I'm glad you like the backstory! I was thinking of a way to make Nessa stronger to have her match Max just a little bit!)
(No problem! Don’t be so hard on yourself!😅😁
Let’s see…
Vector To The Heavens (Kingdom Hearts 3)
The Other Promise (Kingdom Hearts 2)
C-R-O-W-N-E-D (Kirby’s Return To Dreamland
Crisis City [Modern] (Sonic Generations)
Maybe those could work, and if not I can keep looking!😅)

Max was stunned as he got the rundown of his love’s past in an instant, looking between the two of them as his face became one of silent anger, gritting his teeth. After a moment of thinking, he finally looked back up and muttered angrily: “…I won’t interfere with this. I won’t hurt you. Sid…because I think Nessa might just do it for me…” He took a step back and held Magnus close, caressing him so he wouldn’t see too much of his mother’s fury. He himself seemed apologetic of some sorts: he was still a pacifist, after all. But he wasn’t going to let this issue slide too easily either.
(okay its not because I'm partial to KH.....maybe....but I loved the Vector To The Heavens! For story purposes pretend that it then transitions into The other Promise;))

Nessa lunged at Sid, her fingers curled and her nails sharpened into long claws. Her blood-like tears streamed down her face as she flew through the air, reaching for Sid's throat. She her scream out in a mixture of a hiss and growl. Her eyes were glowing a bright red and her teeth almost resembled fangs. Sid didn't have time to react, grunting and breathing heavily as Nessa tackled him to the floor, her claws having just barley missed his neck as he managed to grab her wrists. Sid was grinding his teeth and fighting with all of his strength to keep Nessa from clawing away at his neck. He knew that he deserved every ounce of rage that Nessa held for him, but he wasn't going to just let her kill him without trying to change his fate.
"N-Nessa! This isn't you! Please!" Sid couldn't believe how strong Nessa had become, having tapped into the secret elven fury that most elves would never experience. His heart filled with regret for everything that he had put Nessa through. He was finally seeing it's full affect on her as her eyes shed blood soaked tears, a trait unique to elves that only occurred when they had been truly shattered inside. Sid struggled to keep his hold on Nessa's wrists as she furiously clawed at him, looking and acting almost like a rapid beast.
"GAH!" As Nessa finally ripped one of her wrists free, she clawed at Sid's face, leaving 5 long and deep claw marks across his face and making Sid cry out from the pain. Sid became desperate to make Nessa stop her pursuit on his life and tried to think of anything he could do to snap her out of this rage induced trance. Just as Nessa was forming her hand into a spear-like shape with her claws, Sid saw Magnus in Max's arms. The poor child was trembling and beginning to cry as he reached out for Nessa. Even this broke Sid's heart, making him look into Nessa's eyes before he made one last plea for her to stop."NESSA! DON'T DO THIS! THINK OF YOUR SON AND HOW HE SEES HIS MOTHER RIGHT NOW!"

As if out of pure instinct, Nessa stopped any and all movements as she heard Magnus crying. Her heart broke as she turned and saw Magnus trying his hardest to squirm out of Max's arms as he reached out to her. His cries being stronger and more painful than anything Nessa had ever felt in her life. Her claws retracted and her blood-like tears changed back to normal tears as she stood and rushed to her little Magnus. She had never wanted to have Magnus feel so scared and sad. The very thought that she was the cause of his sadness and fear destroyed Nessa as she cradled him close to her chest. "Oh my darling, mommy is so sorry. Shhhhh, its okay, mommy is right here and she will never let you see that again."

Once Magnus finally stopped crying, Nessa handed him back to Max before turning around to face Sid again. She glared at the pathetic excuse for a life as she stepped closer to him. She kept her hands balled into tight fists and her breathing was slow but deep. As she finally stood in front of Sid again, she noticed the pain and sorrow in Sid's eyes. She couldn't believe what she was seeing when Sid began to cry and fell to his knees in front of her. "Please Nessa...I know what I did is unforgivable and I should die for my crimes against you...but if there is anyway you could find it in your heart to forgive me or even just let me go...I promise, I will spend the rest of my days making up for everything that I have done." Nessa clenched her fists tighter as she tried to hold on to the anger she felt in her heart. She turned and took another look at Magnus and Max, smiling softly, before she turned back to Sid and unclenched her fists. "I cannot forgive you for what you have done...but at the same time...I never would have met Max or had my son if my life had been different. You will still pay for what you have will remain as a helping hand to Max and I for anything and everything we call you for...I refuse to be anything like you or get are going to take me to my old family home so I can at least show my son where his mother was born."
Max was completely stunned through the entire scene, and he ran up to Nessa and hugged her with Magnus, tears starting to fill his eyes out of sheer empathy as he held her close. “Nessa…Nessa…” He couldn’t think of the words to say as emotions flooded through him: sadness, pity, pride, sympathy, love, fear, the list went on and on as he trembled, his breath shaky and his arms wrapped around her, she being the center of his world for this moment “breathes Nessa…my dear, sweet Nessa…”
Nessa hugged Max and Magnus tightly, needing their love and support to help keep her sane and calm. She started to cry softly into Max's chest as he held her and repeated her name. She could hear the love in his voice, making her feel safe and protected in his arms. Nothing mattered more to her than Max and Magnus. Without them in her life, she felt worthless and alone. "My one and only Max."

Sid's breaths were shaking and his whole body was trembling both front he pain of Nessa tackling him and mangling his face and from the complete and utter shock of Nessa giving him the chance to prove himself as a changed man. He didn't care if he would have to spend the rest of his days changing Magnus's diapers and watching after the child like a wet-nurse. He was going to atone for his sins towards Nessa.
“Nessa…” Max gave Nessa a quick, passionate kiss on her lips and nuzzled their faces together before he turned back to Sid. “Alright, get up. We can look for David and Henry now.” He said before taking Nessa’s arm and starting to move away.
He would never have guessed that Nessa’s life started out so tragically, but he was sure that he would never let his care for her be ambiguous: he would repress his desires for her until he knew that she was truly ok as he felt the soft, delicate touch of her hand in his, his perpetual blush around her was signal enough of his attraction and love to her.
Nessa huddle close to Max and held Magnus close to her chest as they walked. She was desperate for Max to remain close to her and hold her in the moment. She was still scared of how she had reacted, having never known of the powerful rage that was buried deep inside her. She took a few deep breaths as she tried to calm herself, not wanting to break down and collapse on the floor from both exhaustion and sadness.

Without saying a word, Sid walked behind Max and Nessa. He didn't even take the time to wipe the blood from the claw marks on his face. The new markings brandishing him with a constant reminder that it was because of Nessa that he was alive today regardless of what he had done.
As they started to leave the library, the elves started to stare at them again when they came back out. Max rolled his eyes and replied in a joking manner: “You guys wanna say something? It’s not rude to stare, I’ve been told.” He said. David and Henry came out of the crowd a second later after hearing him, covered in elvish clothing and linen robes. Even Henry got a flea collar with jewelry on it. “Max! You won’t believe what they’ve got out here! Oh, how do I look?” “You look fine, David.” He chuckled back.
Nessa trembled and tried to hide under Max's arm as the other elves stared at her again. Their faces showing nothing but astonishment as they realized who she was. She started to whimper as she tucked herself into Max's robes, hiding like a terrified child at the many eyes on her. She was embarrassed and ashamed of how she had lost control of herself back in the library and wanted to just hide from the world. She was shaking more than a leaf in the wind as she hid under Max's robes and tucked Magnus close to her chest. She didn't know what to do or say, all she knew was that she needed her dark mage, Max, to make her feel safe and hold her close.

Sid watched with a heavy heart as he saw Nessa's reaction to her own people. This was his fault. If he had never been such a greedy and vile person, Nessa wouldn't be afraid of her on kind. He wanted to reach out and cradle Nessa as if she was the same little girl that he had first ever seen, but he would never dare touch her again after everything he had done to her. Instead, Sid bowed his head in regret, not being able to do anything to help.
“Hey, you all got anything to say? Your Nessa’s back!” He said, caressing Nessa softly as he tried to make her feel comfortable. Magnus giggled in his arms as he looked around with curious eyes. “??”
David turned as well and seemed annoyed. “They’re with me guys, don’t worry, they’re friendly!” He said, gesturing to them.

(I must admit sometimes I feel like I don’t write enough and that I need to add more lengthy descriptions when compared to your replies😅😓)
The other elves stepped closer to Max and Nessa. Softly whispering of how they can't believe she is back and how she is even more beautiful then they had imagined. They all smiled and looked at Nessa with care and support as they saw the complete fear in her reactions. Slowly Nessa emerged from Max's robes and looked around at the crowd. Her cheeks and the tips of her ears were bright pink as she trembled softly. She had never had so many people looking at her at the same time, especially not with so much love and care behind each smile.

(Oh no! Please don't worry about it! I still get my moments of really short responses as well. I'm just trying to make sure my part comes out well along with trying to keep up with RP'ing for both Sid and Nessa 😅)
Max grinned. “…it seems like you’re home, Nessa…” Max said proudly as he put her hand on her shoulder. David and Henry couldn’t help but smile either before their stomachs rumbled again (luckily, it didn’t seem that people took notice of this🤣).
Max also couldn’t help, however, that she would get tired of Max and leave him for the elves instead. They were her own people, right? And they certainly looked much better than he did. What if she…found a big, strong, male elf…
He tried to suppress this anxiety as he smiled at her and her blushing face, deciding to appreciate this happiness while it lasted if it indeed came to be true.
Nessa took only one step away from Max before fear and sadness rattled her to her core, making her whimper and her eyes fill with tears. She couldn't believe there were so many other's out there that would be this nice to her. She took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. She felt completely overwhelmed with a mix of emotions along with there being too many people who were fawning over her. She noticed a few male elves looking her up and down with hungry and lustful eyes, only making Nessa more fearful. Wanting nothing more that to just be back in their quiet little home, Nessa rushed back to Max and squeezed him tightly. She didn't care if this was her birth place, her real home was with Max, no matter where they would go.

Noticing the fear taking over Nessa, Sid decided to take a small chance and stepped closer to Max. Still keeping his head bowed, Sid cleared his throat gently and took a small breath before speaking. "Max...I...I think it would be best to take Nessa somewhere more private, for just the two of you. I can see it in her reactions that she is desperate for your attention right now. David and I will remain here amongst the elves with Magnus and Henry so you and her could have some time to be together."
“…alright then.” He said, handing Magnus to David as he started leading Nessa out of the crowd slowly as elves kept staring at her. Max did his best to keep his annoyance tucked in his throat: first Sid is revealed to have taken Nessa’s family, now people are sizing her up?? He gritted his teeth slightly as he pulled her away from them. “Now, if I remember, your house was said to be this way.” He muttered, looking around at the elegant houses around them and trying to remember the address that was mentioned on her records. “Um…” He had to at least get her away from all the ruckus so she could calm down a bit with him…
She wanted to be with him, right…?
Nessa clung to Max as they walked, nuzzling her head into his chest and keeping her eyes closed as she breathed in his natural scent. He was the only one to ever make her feel safe, and all he had to do was just stand there next to her. " should be up here on the left darling." Nessa's voice shook as she trembled softly. For some reason it felt like it was her first time being alone with Max again. As they entered a large cream colors home with massive oak doors, Nessa sighed softly and looked around at the well preserved interior. It looked as though the elves had been taking care of the home after the events that transpired all those years ago. Slowly Nessa walked around and admired the ornate furniture and decorative art pieces. "I...I think there might be a bed upstairs that we can lay on together...I just want you to hold me close and not let me go...Please."

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