Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

Sid cleared his throat nervously, trying to act like he wasn't affected. "She was always really um...adorable as a child...she would blush whenever food was placed in front of her or when we would walk around town and someone would look down at her." Sid remembered the few times he smiled down at Nessa as a child when she wasn't looking.
Max wondered why she would blush at such things. Does she like being looked down upon, or something? A kink, maybe…? He shrugged again. “I can imagine that being the cutest thing.” He muttered as he patted Magnus’ head as he played with Nessa.
Max calmed down for a second. “No, you’re fine. It’s me again...” he admitted. “I’ll ask then: if she was so nice, why’d you…mistreat her?” He whispered, hoping Nessa wouldn’t hear this.
"I just...I wanted to have everything at the snap of my fingers. I had taken Nessa because I wanted to make sure I wouldn't have to try hard to get the things I wanted. She was so weak and fragile that I thought I could make her into the perfect servant...elves were always seen as property to me...making it easy to dettach myself from any sense of emotion towards her" Sid didn't even realize what he was saying as he confessed why he abused Nessa. He should've kept his mouth shut though...
“…” Max kept his anger silent for now as he faced forward. “…” The only sign of his rage was his breathing becoming more ragged.
Henry felt a tense aura around Max and leaped toward his neck to cuddle him and make sure he wasn’t going to get blown up on accident by some fleeting emotions.
Sid sighed and looked down. He could tell that at any moment he was going to be balsted with something from Max, though it might not be enough to kill him, it was certainly going to be enough to hurt him as badly as he had hurt Nessa. As he took a small moment to close his eyes, he didn't see the large black and purple energy forming in Max's hand.
"Just..a few more miles..." Sid hadn't really thought about how bad he had treated Nessa before now. Seeing just how much it angered Max made Sid think about what other must have thought of him while Nessa was under his control.

Nessa hugged Magnus tightly, having heard almost everything that was said between Max and Sid. She wanted to make Aid pay for what he had done to her, but she couldn't help but feel that maybe he was changing..even if it was just a small amount.
“Perfect. Then let’s get there even faster!” He snapped his fingers, and two things happened: a bead of sweat fell down his head and the ghosts started moving even faster. “We’ll be there in a jiffy!” He said with a smile as the wind blew across his face. He certianly enjoyed this feeling of speed when he could have it.
"Oh jeez! Max! Be careful!" Nessa clutched Magnus close to her chest and curled into a ball within the wagon. She knew Max was excited, but it appeared he was more excited than her to find the elven forest. A small sense of insecurity washed over her for a moment, making her think that Max was going to leave her in the elven forest. She didn't know why, but she couldn't stop feeling that Max was going to leave her behind and never see her again. I'm just being irrational..He loves me...right?
" is." Sid stared at the glorious city thay was quickly approaching. The glistening water and high castles elegantly displaying the millenia of higher knowledge of the elves. Sid could feel his heart begin to race with a mixture of wonder and fear. Would anyone remember him from when he snuck in and took Nessa in the dark of the night all those years ago?
(Ahh!! Perfect!!🤩high five🖐️

”This is it, Nessa. Maybe we’ll finally find your parents…!” He said next to her, looking at her lovingly and back down at Magnus. David seemed intent on finding food to eat around there with Henry as they looked around for a restaurant. Max noticed and seemed annoyed: “Guys, you have manners: behave.” He said with a chuckle.
(I'm glad you like it! hehe give me give a minute I have to take a video monitored final exam! Ill be right back! ;)🖐️)

"Do you really think so Max? I have always wondered what my mother and father were like!" Nessa almost jumped for joy as she walked through the town. Many other elves stared in awe as they saw Nessa. It looked as though they couldn't believe their eyes, like Nessa was someone they had been waiting to see for a very long time. "Wh..why is everyone staring at me?" Nessa began to blush bright red, the color slowly creeping on the tips of her ears.

Sid tried to fight a smile as he saw Nessa blush in the way that she had done when she was a child. It didn't take long for the small sense of joy to disappear within Sid as the same elves glared at him and started whispering. He knew that he was being recognized and he wanted to try and rush Max and Nessa away from the crowd as fast as he could. He didn't want them to find out the full truth about the night he took Nessa. "We..we should hurry and head to the library archives! might have some information on Max's power and how to control it." Sid's voice shook slightly and was laced with anxiety and worry as he placed his hands on both Nessa's and Max's shoulders, trying to push them a little faster to their destination.
(No problem! Good luck!😉😁)
“I…don’t know, Nessa.” He said in response to her question. Max also felt rushed by Sid’s decision. “U-um, ok!” He yelped as he was pushed by Sid into a random building. He looked around on the inside and thought out loud: “Hmm. Maybe they have birth records here too? Maybe we could find who Nessa’s parents are in here! Good thinking, Sid.” he said.
(And I'm back! Thankfully that was the last I will have to see of that class for a while!😅😓)
Shit! Am I really that stupid?! Sid started to panic internally as he watched Max start to roam around the library, looking for any form of birth records. He needed to distract Max with information on his power before he found anything on Nessa. "Lets concentrate on finding the information about your power first Max, we wouldn't want to waste time when it comes to something as strong and as dangerous as uncontrolled power, right?" Sid would give anything to be able to run and hide deep within the forest. He knew that if Nessa and Max found out about her past, he was going to be killed for sure.
“Hmm, well…” Max turned to Nessa. “Should we s[plit up then, or should we both do something specific first?” he asks her, a bit confused.

Meanwhile, David and Henry are looking for food and attempting to pay elves with human money. 🤣
"I...I'm a little nervous about being alone right now, I'd rather be with you still Max. I would also like to learn about your power and try and see if there is anything I can do to help you." Nessa's heart started to race when Max mentioned them splitting up. For some reason, she still had this feeling like she was going to be abandoned by him and left in the elven city by herself. She had never felt this way before, why was she feeling it now?

"I think that's a good idea, we did discuss that it was said that someone with a strong pull on you is going to be the one to help you control your power after all." Sid scratched the back of his head as he tried to use Nessa as a reason for Max to just go along with what he was saying. He was already fearful enough of the other elves blowing things up for him by recognizing Nessa, he didn't need them finding anything out on their own.
“Alright then!…” Max looked around at the vast library they were in. “…admittedly, I can’t read the elves’ language, though.” He said bashfully as he put his arm around Nessa and giving her a reassuring sidehug. “Sid or Nessa, do either of you know, then?”
"Of course I know how to read elf silly. I might have been taken when I was young..glares at Sid..but that doesn't mean I didn't study up on my species." Nessa hip bumped Max playfully, accidently making her chest jiggle a little from the motion before walking away to find a good place to start looking. She wanted to make sure that Max was still attracted to her. Ever since she had gotten pregnant and given birth to Magnus, they hadn't been able to be intimate. As she walked away, Nessa made sure to sway her hips just a small bit more than usual, trying to entice Max's attention.

Oh for the love of Gia, she can't be serious...Sid had to look down and pinch the bridge of his nose as he watched Nessa walk away. How did the once timid and shy elf he raised turn into such a grown woman with just as strong of desires as any other woman? Either way, Sid was pleased to see that it was working to distract Max from wondering off, the love sick and lustful glint in Max's eyes spoke volumes about just how strong a pull Nessa had over the young mage.
Max‘s blush was evident of his feelings as he followed her around the library.
Deep down, another problem of his was brewing: he had heard stories of people who only thought that they were as useful and loved when they’re attractive. He certainly hoped that he wasn’t giving her that impression as he looked at her up and down. “You’d think there’d be some librarians around here, right?” He joked with his face a tad red.
"This is more of an archive than it is a library. You wont find books about fictional beings here, only tales of the past and historical findings." Sid clasped his hands behind his back as he and Max followed Nessa. He still had to keep his eyes looking everywhere else as Nessa continued her little butt wag. He wanted it to stop, but also found it quite adorable that she was able to snag Max's attention with just a simple shake of her hips.

Nessa could feel Max's eyes glued to her swaying frame as she walked, making her giggle mischievously. Finally she came to a darkened corner of the library with a sign that read 'The Dark One' leading her to assume that it was talking about the first ever dark mage. "Darling, I think we should start here. This are is labeled as 'The Dark one' so maybe it's talking about the first dark mage." Nessa flipped her hair over her shoulder as she turned to look at Max, making it flow like silk down her back.
Max blushed even more as he tried to stay serious in the situation. “U-um, right. Good idea, dear.” He said as he came closer. He already felt a slow rising in his pants, but he felt that would have to wait until later. “Sid, come look at this!” He said, looking at the array of books.
Sid walked closer and watched carefully as Max and Nessa opened up a large book that was almost the size Nessa's entire torso. Inside, were hand drawn images that depicted the first dark mage. As Nessa translated, the tales told of how the dark mage had tried to show others that dark magic wasn't all dangerous and deadly. He used to use his powers to help people just as Max does, but one day something went wrong. As the dark mage was in the middle of battling a large group of light magic users, a stray bolt of dark energy had ended up hitting the dark mage's one love. The book continued on with talking about how the dark mage ended up losing his mind and ran off after the sight of what he believed to be his dead love. In reality, the mage's love had survived and had given birth to twins, one boy and one girl. They inherited their fathers great affinity for dark magic and as time went on they found that the only way to control it was by having their one true love by their side at all times, or else fall into a dark depression and be consumed by the dark magic.

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