Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

Max gasped internally at her wholesome request and gave her a look of sympathy. “…Of course, my dear Nessa…” Max did his best to remain completely calm in the situation even though he blushed at the mention of “bed”. He turned to her and nodded as he slowly went up the stairs with his arms wrapped delicately around her to keep her warm and safe.
Nessa rested her head on Max's shoulder as they approached the bedroom. There in the middle of the room was a large bed that easily could fit four people, having a thick fur blanket and large fluffy pillows on it to make whoever was there comfortable and warm. Nessa crawled on to the massive bed on her hands and knees before laying down in the middle with Max. She cuddled close to his chest and grabbed handfuls of his robes, making sure she had a tight hold on him. She didn't care how needy she looked, she was going to do anything she could to be close to Max, both physically and emotionally. "I love you so much Max, I don't know what I would do with out you." Nessa looked up at Max, her eyes looking innocent and pure as she internally pleaded for Max.
“I don’t know how I could continue living without you if you were ripped away from me. Which is why I vow not to let anyone do that. Ever.” He said, hugging her tightly back and appearing just as needy as she did as he blushed and rubbed his hands around on her back to keep her warm and make her feel safe, clutching like her as if she was trying to escape him as his mind fed him anxieties and fears of loneliness and despair that would come if she left. “I won’t leave you…ever…”
"I could never leave you Max. Without you I am nothing but a useless elf who wouldn't know how to do anything in life. I will never leave your side." Max's tight embrace warmed Nessa to her core, making her feel every ounce of his love. She pulled herself closer to Max and wrapped her leg over his hip, not caring about her dress falling from her leg and exposing her bare thigh. She needed Max in every way at this moment. Her heart was in desperate need of Max. Nessa blushed bright red and looked up at Max with a mixture of innocence and desire in her eyes before she kissed him, filling the kiss with emotions of love, desire, compassion, lust, and many more.
“You’re not useless-Mm!…Mmm…” Max grew an erection as her legs wrapped around him and she kissed him straight on. He wrapped his arms around her back and moaned softly in the kiss and looked her in the eyes before pulling back for a second, panting already with his cheeks red. ”We’re…you wanna do this?” He asked, both flustered and suave, unsure of how this was going to go and taken by surprise.

(Sorry! Economics class gets confusing!😓😅)
"I...I need you Max. I need to feel like we are back home with nothing else around us, just you and me, cherishing and exploring each other." Nessa's cheeks and ears turned bright pink as she confessed what she needed from Max. She was never one to outright say that she was sexually needy. Not wanting to lose her chance, Nessa slowly ran her hand down Max's chest and slipped it into his pants. She bit her lip as she gripped Max's already hard rod and slowly started to stroke him, wanting to see his reaction to her touch.

(Don't worry about it! I just finished my last exam of the semester haha 😅 Now I'm free for the next few weeks!.....except for work😓)
(Good for you! Great job!😁👍)
Max seemed to stiffen for a moment before relaxing slightly and laying down on the bed, groaning slightly as his rod seemed to peep out of his pants. “Ohhh, how I’ve missed this, Nessa.” He said as he laid down and looked into Nessa’s eyes with passionate love.
Nessa stroked Max's rod for just a little longer before pulling her hand away and unlacing the back of her dress. Her breasts had gotten bigger due to breastfeeding Magnus, making them jiggle as her dress slipped off her chest. She took her time as she helped Max remove his robes and pants. She was already breathing a little heavily as she finally got to see Max's exposed chest. Slowly and seductively, Nessa crawled on top of Max, straddling his hips and placing her hands on either side of his head as she looked down at him. "I don't want to stop until neither of us can move Max." Not waiting for a response, Nessa leaned down and kissed Max as she started to softly grind her slit along the length of his rod.
Max‘s eyes goggled at the sight of her skin again, his blush rising and his heart racing as he smiled and welcomed her kiss, his rod already getting slightly wet from her dripping slit as it moved up and down along his length, his eyes closed in ecstasy and his hands caressing her back lovingly: of course, he wanted her to feel loved above all else, and he made sure she felt warm and safe in his grasp as he tangled with her around the soft blankets.
Nessa moaned into the kiss as she felt just how hard Max was against her wet folds. She was trembling softly with excitement as she pushed herself up and angled the tip of his rod at her entrance.
"I love you so much Max." With that said, Nessa lowered herself onto Max's rod, leaning her head back and closing her eyes as his length filled her up.
"Oh Max! It's been so long, it feels so good to have you inside me." Nessa slowly started grinding her hips against Max, placing her hands on his chest to steady herself at the same time.
“Ohh…already??” Max asked with a smug smile, surprised how much she wanted him as his dick got wetter within her. He reached over and grasped her breasts and caressed them slowly as he smiled stupidly and continued to look into her eyes.
Nessa moaned and bit her lip as Max grabbed her breasts. Her sensitivity had been increased due to their lack of love making. Nessa started to bounce her hips on Max, his thick rod pushing deeper into her each time she lowered herself on to him. She placed her hands over Max's as he caressed her breasts. "Oh Max, you feel so good inside me."
“Mmh, mm, ohh, ahh, anh,” Max moaned slightly as he pulled her down a bit and started feeding on her breasts like he used to and like Magnus did nowadays as he tasted her sweet milk coming from her. “Mmh, mmm,”
"Ohhh, mmm, ahhha!" Nessa moaned and gasped softly at the sensation of Max suckling her nipples and drinking her breastmilk. She had never imagined that Max would like this, but it got her even more turned on. Nessa gently wrapped her hand behind Max's head as he fed on her breasts while she bounced her hips on his thick rod.
“Mmmh, Mnnnh, Mmmaanh, Mmmnnhh…” Max‘s lack of activity already made him prone to cumming soon, but he held it in for his sweet darling as he filled her insides and smacked their hips together, a sound that made him even more turned on as he felt her weight on top of him now. And he certainly didn’t mind being on the bottom for now as she enjoyed his essence.
"Oh Max! You're driving my body crazy, I can't get enough of your touch!" Nessa was losing control as she started moving faster and grinding on his dick everytime she lowered her self on to him. Her body was heating up more and more with each thrust of his rod into her tight slit. She could feel herself getting closer to her release as she started moaning louder and in a more high pitched voice.
Max felt even more turned on as her voice was music to his ears, proclaiming her desire for his affectionate and loving touch as his rod felt even sturdier and was throbbing at this point to withhold his release until she was ready. He couldn’t get enough of her: it didn’t seem like he ever could, but he would claim every part of her as his to keep their bond from breaking. “Nnh, ngh, nnmmh, N-Nessa, d-dear, ohh, ngh, darling, unnhh,”
Nessa could feel herself getting closer to her release as she started grinding harder on Max's throbbing rod. She could feel every small movement sending electric jolts through her body. As her moans and squeals became more high pitched, Nessa felt that all too familiar and pleasurable heat rising up from her legs and inching its way up to her wet slit. "Ohhhhhh, mmmmmh, M-Max, going to...Ahhhhhh!" Her body erupted with pleasure as she climaxed on Max's rod, making her shake and jolt from the intensity.
“Mmh, nnnh, nngh, ahhh…gasp…Nessa…!!!” Max cummed into her at the right time, letting all that pent-up emotion and feeling flow out through him into her once again to mix, their fluids flushing their love together again as they made themselves whole in their eruption of pleasure. Max‘s arched back slowly descended as he gave out a deep breath and let Nessa lay on top of him, their chests pushing together as he wrapped his arms around her back and cuddled her. “Mmmh…”
"pant...pant...Oh Max, I love you so much. Please don't ever let me go." Nessa nuzzled her head into his chest and closed her eyes. Her body still trembled softly as she clung to Max. The tips of her ears were pink along with her cheeks as slowly caught her breath. Max's warm embrace not only soothed her aching heart, but somehow managed to send chills throughout her body. She could still feel a spark of arousal within her as she laid on Max. She wanted to go another round but she wasn't sure if Max would want that along with being too shy to ask.
After a moment of thought, he turned on his side and looked at Nessa‘s face lovingly. “Dear, is there something on your mind?” He asked, feeling concerned about her state of mind with the recent developments in their lives.
Nessa didn't know what to say. She wanted to pour everything out about how she had been afraid of him leaving her behind in the elven city alone, how she was worried that he wasn't happy with her anymore since they weren't as sexually active together due to Magnus's birth, and how she felt overwhelmed by their new discovery of her past, not to mention how she wanted to be able to be intimate with Max every day but didn't want him to mistake her love as lust. All she was able to do was whimper and hide her face in his chest.
“N-Nessa? Please, tell me if something is wrong!” He said, putting his hand under her chin and smiling softly. “Don’t worry: I’m not going anywhere. You know that, right?” He asked wholeheartedly.
Tears slowly filled Nessa's eyes as she looked up at Max. Even though she was going through a large amount of mental turmoil, Max was still able to break down the walls around her heart with just one look. "I...I've been struggling with myself lately. I keep feeling like you aren't happy to be with me anymore because we haven't been intimate since I became pregnant with Magnus. I even started to think that you were going to leave me here in the elven city alone and take Magnus from me, and with everything that we found out about my past I'm just...overwhelmed. I don't want to disappoint anyone, but I also don't want the other elves thinking that I am going to be some kind of noblewoman or royal elf." She trembled as she spilled out everything that was going on in her mind. "and...I..I want to be intimate with you every day, but I don't want you to mistake my love for you as just lust. I...I just like making you feel good because it makes me feel good as well." Nessa didn't want to hide anything from Max, but she still couldn't deny that she was terrified by what he would say.
Max’s eyebrows deepened in sympathy for Nessa and he pulled her a bit closer to him. “Oh, Nessa…I’m so sorry…” he apologized, even if it wasn’t his fault. “Just because we haven’t been alone together in a while doesn’t mean I love you any less: you’re still YOU, and I would never leave YOU. Never think that, please…and why would I leave you here alone? I love you, Nessa, and that is nonsensical to think I would leave you now, if ever. I don’t know why you would think I would ever leave you, but know that I won’t ever do that to you...and if they expect you to be some perfect resurrected elf, that’s on them. We should all know by now that no one is perfect, and you’re free to be who you want to be...finally…” He hugged her a bit tighter. “I would never think you’d have more lust than love for me...considering my stature, the fact you wanna be with me more makes me feel…” a tear of joy fell from his eye. “…happy. And I like to enjoy you as much as you enjoy me. So, with all that in mind,” He looked at her eyes with a warm and welcome face. “we’re together in this now. Right?”

(Why did I start feeling emotional while writing this?😅😭❤️)
Nessa's heart swelled with even more love for Max than before. He truly was her one true love and nothing would ever be able to change that. Tears streamed down Nessa's face as she clung to Max. Her soft cries were filled with a mixture of love and joy as Max's words resonated in her head. As she remembered what he had said about his stature, Nessa felt a need to show Max just how perfect his body was to her. She couldn't care less if Max was 2 or 3 times the size he was now, he would always be her handsome and loving husband. "We will always be in this together, Max." Nessa looked up at Max and kissed him passionately. She poured every drop of love and affection she had into this one kiss, wanting Max to feel all the love he deserved. She also wanted to show Max just how perfect his body was to her. While she continued to kiss Max, Nessa slowly ran her hand down his chest and over his stomach, letting her finger tips lightly graze his skin.

(You're not alone! I got emotional both writing my pervious post along with reading yours! 😭❤️😅)
Max held her close and clung to her back even more than before, kissing her as passionately as she did to him while he patted her slowly and let tears stream down from his own face silently as he tried to hold back whimpers of happiness. ”Together…forever…because the greatest stories, I believe, don’t need an ending.” He claimed as he felt her touch his skin and let his hair rise a bit from a tingling sensation. His desire for human contact was strong from his days of isolation, ever after he had Nessa enter his life, and so he always felt like a pleasured puppy who was getting petted. “Mmm…sniff” He knew that he would love her forever, no question lied in that as he caressed her back slowly and felt comfortable on the bed with her as he slowly pulled over the blankets again.

(Now this. THIS is the kind of RP’s I love to be a part of🥲🤧🥹)
Nessa curled herself close to Max, entangling her legs with his and wrapping her arms around him tightly. The need to hold Max and be held by him was stronger than every before. She wanted nothing more than to stay here like this, safe and warm in Max's arms until the end of time. She didn't need any fancy things in her life to make it special. Max and Magnus were the two most precious things in her life. Nothing would ever be more important to her than them. "Will be together until time stops moving my darling. Not even death himself could pull me away from you." Her heart and soul belonged to Max and and only Max. She would give anything and everything to make sure he was happy and loved. She nuzzled her head under his chin and tried to pull herself closer, even though they were already pressed completely against each other.

(Oh my gosh! I'm turning into a blubbering baby here at my desk right now! 😭❤️🥹)
(sniff❤️🤧Pass the tissues, please😭🤣)

Words couldn’t express how much Max adored Nessa at this point and only was even more loving of her as she pressed herself against him: he needn’t say anything besides his soft blubbering that he was madly in love with her. “sniff” He only held her close as he pulled the blankets over them in their big and soft bed, Max reaching around her and groping her soft spots again as he kissed the top of her head and nuzzled his cheek on her hair, his legs entangling with hers and rod being moved around next to her thighs.
(passes massive box of tissue 🥹 to you oh geez it's so wholesome!)

Nessa had never left so loved in her life before she met Max. His strong and warm embrace was the only thing that kept her from going insane after everything she had learned about her past. She loved being able to lay in his arms and be huddled under the blankets with him. She soon blushed and tried to remain calm as she felt Max's rod move around by her thighs. Just him being so close to her sent chills down her back and made her cheeks burn a bright red.

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