Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

Max snatched Magnus out of Sid’s hands as he passed him by and tickled the baby’s belly. “I’ll take that, thank youuuuuu!”
David: “Max, there you are! Are you ok?” “Yeah, why?” Max didn’t notice he looked more tired than before and had rosy cheeks now. “?”
”…never mind.” He said, and went back to the other two women. Henry popped out of David’s armor and pounced onto Max’s head, finding his new bed for the time being and deciding to curl up underneath his hood. “Hey, that tickles!” He giggled as he handed Magnus to Nessa, just catching up.
"Oh my sweet baby! Did you miss mommy and daddy?" Nessa nuzzled her face against Magnus and held him close. She had never been away from Magnus before, which made this whole experience a journey on its own. She soon giggled at the site of Henry curling up under Max's hood. She gave Sid the side eye before going back to nuzzling Magnus and kissing his head.

Sid sighed and bowed his head while folding his hands behind his back. While Max and Nessa were gone, many elves had managed to get in a few good smacks and bashes over the head with canes. They had only done so little to him since they saw that Nessa was going to keep him in the form of a servant in a sense. His face even more bruised and sore from the small amount of abuse he received from the elves, even though they really wanted to do more.
Max saw Sid’s bruised face and sighed a bit in pity. Perhaps it was his own cowardice that made him flinch at his sorry state, but he certainly wasn’t going to ask Nessa for her recovery magic to be used on him. “You go by yourself Nessa, go and feed him. I‘ll keep an eye on these two if you’d like.” He offered, hoping to have a word with Sid alone.
"Thank you darling," Nessa kissed Max lightly on the cheek before heading to a secluded location not too far away, two female elves following closely behind to ensure her safety and modesty.

Sid sighed softly, knowing that Nessa was sent away for a reason. He took a deep breath and looked up slowly at Max. "I'm guessing there is something you need to speak with me about?"
Max looked down on Sid for a second and took a deep breath. “…you really do want to change, right?” He asked him, his tone genuine. David didn’t seem to overhear, and Henry didn’t care as he started to sleep in Max’s hood.
"Yes...I know that I ruined Nessa's life when I took her away. She probably would've been a completely different person if she grew up here like she was supposed to. I....I didn't want to admit it but somewhere deep inside me I started to care for her. Seeing you and her happy showed me what I had originally taken away from her." Sid bowed his head and tried to remain strong. He had thought back on everything he had done to Nessa and started wishing he had rather not taken her or at least treated her differently.
Max, surprisingly, patted Sid’s shoulder in a sign of empathy and looked him in the face. “…what you did was…bad, but…I don’t think she’d have ever met me if it went otherwise. I have that much to thank you for.” He said, his voice sort of quivering. “If you imagine the alternative, she may have put in an arranged marriage with someone like David!“ Max joked, figuring that Sid didn’t like the knight too much.
Sid glared over at the hulking knight as a small vein popped out of his forehead. It almost felt as though Sid had formed a fatherly care for Nessa and only wanted her to be with someone who would treat her much better than he ever did. "I supposed you're right. I just want to make up for everything that I did to her..."
“…and I can understand that. Just…” Max wondered what to say next. He wondered for a small moment if his silence was enuogh to get his point across, or if he needed words to do so. “…don’t expect her to forgive you immediately. I’m sure someone as good-hearted as her will recognize your changed desires. Just…give her time, alright?” He asked Sid, empathetically patting his shoulder.
“I’m sure she will. She might just not show it either, but you can rest easy when I’m here. I’ll be your mediator.” Max said, patting his shoulder a bit more before taking Henry out of his hood and passing the sleeping pile of fur to Sid. “You wanna try holding him?” He asked.
Sid held his hands up in front of his chest and shook his head "I did earlier when I picked him up so a fog wouldn't bite him...he scratched me before jumping on to David.." The small scratch marks were still visible on the back of his hands and were a bright red.

Nessa soon walked back towards Max and Sid with Magnus sleeping in her arms as the other two female elves walked behind her with wide smiles. Nessas hair had been elegantly braided into traditional elven braids with a white lily placed above her right ear.
Max turned to see Nessa and seemed to go goo-goo eyes for her all over again as he sighed and cocked his head slowly, her mere sight to him being that of a dream come true.
Henry, having been put in Sid’s care, meowed angrily before getting on Sid’s arms himself and making himself cozy. “Mrroww…” He figured that if Max trusted his new bed, he could try it too at least once.
"How do I look, Max? Flora and Fawna both braided my hair as I was feeding Magnus." Nessa motioned to the two female elves, both giggling and eyeing David as he stood close by.

Sid felt awkward having Henry crawl and sleep on him, but welcomed the gentleness compared to the claws. As he looked at Nessa, his mind flooded with images of her as a child. He remembered the few times she tried to braid her own hair, turning it into a tangled mess.
“Absolutely heavenly, my darling.” Max said, almost fluttering in his heart-strung mind and gave her a quick dip, holding her close. David grinned stupidly as he flexed his muscles to Flora and Fawna nearby. Henry muttered out a meow as he seemed disinterested.

As he let Nessa back up after playing with her ears for a second, Max’s face seemed a bit confused as he remembered something from the library earlier: one of the books in the black mage section they had been searching earlier seemed missing. …that can’t be good, right?
Magnus had woken up and giggled as Max dipped Nessa, making it feel like a fun ride for the little ball of joy. Her ears turned pink as Max played with them, it was something he rarely did, making Nessa still wonder why he did it. "Max? Are you okay my love?" Nessa instantly recognized Max's puzzled reaction. He always had the same adorable look with his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth scrunched to one side.
“It’s just…something concerns me. You may not have noticed it, but there was a book missing earlier int he black mage section of the library from before. I just…have a foreboding feeling about it.” He took Magnus into his arms before twirling her around. “But it shouldn’t be something we should be worried about right now anyways, my love. As long as you’re here with me, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He said, his smile back on with his trademark blush.
Nessa giggled as Max spun her around, making her blush and place her hand on his chest to steady herself once he was done. She remembered seeing a spot on the shelf in the library that looked like it was once the home to a large book, but she didn't pay too much attention to it. Now that Max had brought it up, however, she couldn't help but wonder where that book went. She didn't want to let that ruin her moment with Max though. "You're right my love. Let's just enjoy our time here a little more before we go home."
“Mhm…” Max replied in a hum, nuzzling with her a bit as he held Magnus in his arms, who giggled at their loving and warm display.
David did his own thing as Henry tried to balance on Sid’s head and attempted to make a bed out of his owner’s new “friend”. “Mrow…”
“You know, I’d think that being part of the royal family would make you own whatever you want in a kingdom, right?” David piped up from behind the two. Max thought for a second and nodded a bit. “Yeah, Nessa. I’d think that you’d be able to do almost whatever you wanted in this place. Maybe you’d like to arrange a perfect day in this place before we depart?” He asked, his grin seeming a bit smug.
Nessa hadn't even thought about that until both David and Max mentioned it. She was so used to being this shy, unassuming, low level elf that her new found status zoomed right over her head. "W-Well I..guess thats true, but I don't even know this place. What if I take us somewhere that no one likes?"

Sid was struggling in the background trying to stand still so Henry wouldn't fall or need to dig his claws into his head to keep from falling. As he heard everyone talking about exploring the city, he figured he should try and offer a helping hand. He did know the city well enough to capture Nessa all those years ago, why not use that knowledge to help her discover her home? "I..could be a guide for you...if you want."
Max shrugged at Sid’s offer. “It doesn’t matter where I go. As long as I’m with you, dear,” He quickly pecked Nessa’s cheek, “Anything is paradise.” He said, his voice genuine.
David: “Eh, maybe they have a waterslide or something, maybe, I don’t know.” He wondered out loud, hoping he could show off some more.
Nessa rolled her eyes and shook her head at David's words. This wasn't a theme park, this was an ancient city and her birth home for that matter. She glanced over at Sid, deciding she might use his knowledge a little later. "Well, there's the market that Flora and Fawna spoke of when they were braiding my hair. We can go there and see what is around and maybe even get a few things."
“Perfect!” Max said with a grin as he took her hand and Magnus in the other. “Lead the way.” He said with a happy heart and smile. He was hoping to find a gift that could possibly serve as a substitute for his unfathomable love for her, presuming the elves were quite exquisite in all their doings. David muttered about finding some new armory while Henry only flicked his tail, reminding people he was still here and that he would like something too.

(cue montage music!🎵🤣)
Nessa smiled and held on to Max's arm while he carried Magnus, the look of a perfect family. She was excited to see what the market held. She heard Flora and Fawna talking about the handmade jewelry, clothing, and even weapons that could be found there. She wanted to see if she could find Max a new robe that matched the color of his dark magic energy. The walk to the market alone was a sight to see. large hanging willow trees, white flowers everywhere, perfectly laid cobblestone roads, and the almost motionless river that ran through the center of the city. Everything was just beautiful.

Sid followed a couple feet behind everyone. He didn't feel that he deserved to be near Max and Nessa like David. All he had brought them was pain and suffering, especially Nessa. No, it was better for him to wait in the background until he was welcomed by Nessa herself.
Max turend to Sid and motioned for him silently to join on his side adjacent to Nessa so they wouldn’t be directly next to each other as he walked with her and looked at them all, the city revived back to life once Nessa has successfully returned to her birthplace. He immediately started thinking of Gift ideas for his love: Maybe…jewelry? Or sweets? She liked sweets last time-or maybe new clothes? Flowers? Or maybe just a bit of everything?!
Sid gulped and let out a shaky breath as he stepped closer. He didn't want to make Nessa feel uncomfortable with his presence. He still stayed at least 2 or 3 feet away so Nessa wouldn't be too close.

Nessa glanced over at Sid from the side of her eye. She didn't really want him there, but she also wanted to try and give him a second chance as Max had talked about. She did, however, stand a little straighter, almost holding herself in a regal manner, and continued to walk either her head high and a dominating expression on her face.

Once they had arrived at the market, David almost instantly raced off to find where the sound of clanging metal was coming from, maeking the location of a blacksmith. Nessa giggled and rolled her eyes as she watched Flora and Fawna run after him like love sick puppies.
Max rolled his eyes at the two elf women running after David. He better not get a harem, I swear… “Nessa, would you rather we split up in the market? I could keep an eye on Sid with Henry while you find something for yourself and Magnus, perhaps.” Max offered, Henry jumping into his hood.
Max nods with a smile before turning and taking his group forward quickly.
Now, let’s see…sweets, robes, flower bouquets… Max had an obvious trouble of what to pick out for his love and turned to Sid: “Hey, Sid, do you remember if there was…anything Nessa loved when she was younger?” He asked.
Sid was so shocked by Max's question that he managed to trip over a small step and almost fall on his face. As if he wasn't embarrassed enough, that just made things worse. "Well um....let me think." Sid rubbed his chin for a moment before that one memory finally popped into his head "She..she used to play the pan flute. She would spend hours everyday playing ot while I would be in my study. I never told her, but it was her playing that kept me relaxed while I worked."

Nessa scurried away with Magnus to go search for the master seamstress that Fawna hand told her about. Excitement filling her heart while she created the perfect design for new robes for Max.

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