Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

Max nearly tackled her over and held her close, their hearts starting to beat in unison magically as he felt Nessa’s skin touch his and warm each other up. “Got you, my dear…” He said. He wanted to cherish her as the tradition stated, nuzzling his chin on her head and rubbing her back warmly.
Nessa giggled and held Max close, closing her eyes and tucking her head under his chin. His warm embrace made her heart throb and her skin tingle. "You'll always have me darling." She sighed softly and ran her hands up his biceps and took in a deep breath, savoring his naturally pleasant scent. "Now claim your prize Max, you can do whatever you want with me."
Max grinned as he decided to dance with her as well, humming a tune that he had known ever since he was a child: a slow, heartfelt melody that he hummed to himself every now and then as he waltzed with her in the empty hallway and vocalized near-perfectly, his voice hitting every note high and low as he showcased his tenor capabilities with a smile.

(Let’s just say the music is Emotion from Pokemon😅)
Nessa smiled widely and gracefully danced with Max, twirling and following his lead as he hummed. His voice was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard. It felt as though time stood still for them as they danced in the soft moon light that shown through the windows of the castle.

(Perfect!...sniff I'm not crying about how sweet this is, you're crying..🥹🤧)
(No, sniff I’m not!…😭🤣)

Max grinned even more as they danced around the palace and reached the ballroom. He slowly lead her around, twirling her and dipping her at intervals while keeping his smile on his face, holding her close to him as they waltzed slowly to his voice’s melody.🎵❤️
It felt like hours had passed as they danced around. Nessa didn't even notice the time as she stared into Max's eyes. He was her dark magic prince and she was his little elf princess. Their love was written amongst the stars as they shared their intimate and romantic dance.

As Sid followed Fawna and Flora, he couldn't help but feel that he needed to do something to show Nessa that he wasn't going to be the same person. He had noticed how she changed her demeanor everytime he was around, making him feel remorseful. It wasn't like he didn't deserve it. He started thinking of what he could do to help Nessa more. Maybe I can rebuild their home...maybe even make it better with more accommodations for their family to grow?
Max smiled as he danced around with her, ending his melody slowly and hugging her close to embrace her and enjoy her very essence, the fabric of reality seemingly deepening from their very love as he held her close.
After what seemed like an eternity, he continued humming and started to dance with her again, leading her out of the ballroom and dancing through the halls yet again. Out of the corner of his eyes he started looking for a bedroom for them to sleep in together after they finished. “You want to…keep up the chase again, darling?” He asked, rubbing his fingers along her shoulder.
A spark of excitement ignited within Nessa. It was as if there was a small animalistic instinct inside her telling her to continue the chase to make the night a little more interesting. She blushed and bit her lip just a small bit as she looked up into Max's eyes. "I think one more round of chasing would be very fun my love." Without even waiting for his response, Nessa giggled and took off running with the same speed as before. She darted upstairs and ran through the many linked rooms. She wasn't going to make it easy this time,. No, Max was going to have to work for his prize this time.
Max grinned as he started teleporting and flying around to find his love. His continuous use of this made him dizzy after a little while and made him bump into a bunch of walls and ceilings as he moved around erratically. “Ow!” His noises gave away his position and let Nessa run further away from him, making him grunt and try to focus harder to find her. “Grrr…”
Nessa tried to stifle her giggles as she continued running away. I'm sorry my love, I promise to restore your energy and heal you once we finish our fun. She was enjoying the upper hand she had on Max. She continued running all the way to what would be the royal bed chambers, looking for a place to hide before Max caught up.
A few seconds later, Max floated around, trying to be quieter and hoping to find her running around and happen to bump into him: no luck on that strategy. Oddly enough, he noticed one of the hallways having a door ever so slightly open. Jackpot. Floating forward, he made sure to open the door without it creaking, and looked around to see a large bedroom. Is this a convenience…or a trap…? He wondered to himself, looking around. He didn’t see any Nessa-shaped bulges in the blankets or the window curtains. He scanned the room again, knowing that Nessa might make a few noises here and there as he slowly floated out. “Hmm…”
Nessa tried to remain quiet as she hid inside the wardrobe, but seeing Max get so close to her without seeing her made her giggle. She hoped he didn't hear her as she covered her mouth. She was crouched down inside the wardrobe with her knees to her chest. Her balance was normally impeccable, but for some reason she was struggling to remain still. She figured it was because she had exerted herself just a small bit from running. She tried to shift her position quietly so Max wouldn't here, but her foot slipped just a little; giving away her location.
Max turned around at the noise and the movement and grinned. …it can’t be over this quickly, can it? “Oh, wherever could my dear Nessa be?” He asked out loud, taunting her. “I hope she hasn’t been up to any trouble recently! Otherwise I’d have to punish such a naughty girl~!” He playfully said.
Nessa's heart was beating faster than ever before. Her eyes were dilated and her smile reached both her ears. Max's taunting and calling her a naughty girl was igniting a fire within her. She wasn't going to give up that easily though. She carefully positioned herself within the wardrobe, getting ready to make her move. Within seconds, Nessa burst out of the wardrobe and started sprinting as fast as she could, trying to run past Max and hopefully make it out of the room. She hoped his reflexes weren't as quick as hers, but that was a risk she was more than willing to take.
Max saw Nessa bolt past him and into the hallway again. “Oh, now you’ve done it!” He cried out, his voice getting a lighthearted feel. He floated after her, slowly gaining on her and trying to grab her. “Oooh, you’re in big trouble now, dear!” He teased her again, about to grab the hem of her dress. Since when have I had this much fun, haha!
Nessa squealed and yanked at her dress. pulling the fabric just out of reach from Max. She started running on just the balls of her toes, propelling herself with long strides that simulated a deer running from a predator. She was going to make Max fight hard to capture his prey. "You'll never catch me at this rate my darling!" She teased him as she smirked back at him, wanting to ignite the same fire within him.
Max grinned as he decided to teleport ahead of her at the far end of the hallway, looking at her with a wide grin. “Then I ought to get a bit more tricky, right?” He asked with a fox-like playfulness. “Here I come, hahahahaha!” He laughed in excitement as he went after her again, readying magic in his hands to shake things up.
"EEEK!" Nessa squeaked as she skidded to a stop, turning on her heels and trying to bolt back down the hallway. Her legs were screaming at her from exhaustion, but she was having too much fun. She could feel Max getting closer and she knew that she didn't have the time to try and restore her own energy. She had no choice but to just pushed herself. She didn't know that Max was going to use his magic to help him, the thought hadn't even crossed her mind.
”Boom, and boom!” He said, finger gunning tiny spots around her with harmless magic to see her dodge them as she ran. “Ohohoh, this is too good!” He cheered as he flew after her, aiming to make her trip or slow down so he could catch her. “It’s only a matter of time, my dear!!”
Nessa couldn't believe how much fun this was turning out to be. She had to rely strictly on her senses to try and figure out where each blast was coming from as she dodged them. She giggled and squealed as each blast got closer and closer to her. She tried her hardest to remain focused on where she was running, not wanting to end the chase just. "You're going to have to do better than that my love!" She smiled widely with determination as she jumped and dodged around his blasts, even making quick turns into random rooms so she could try to trick him.
“Well, you’re getting awfully jittery! Why don’t you try…hanging around??” He taunted, summoning a literal spiderweb made up of his energy on the doorways to keep her from entering them more and another at the end of the hallway. “Nowhere to run, dear!”
Nessa gasped and tried to stop, but her speed was too great. She was stuck almost in the middle of the spiderweb within one of the doorways, with her arms held out to the sides and her legs spread slightly apart. Her breaths were heavy while her smile remained. She couldn't deny that she liked the feeling of being tied up so Max could do what he wanted to her. "Looks like you finally caught your prey my darling." She huffed out as she teased him.
Max grinned as he moved the spiderweb from the doorway to stretch out in the hallway, and he looked at her up and down to tease her more. “You don’t run from people when called, darling. I think you ought to be punished, little one~” He said, floating around her and groping her butt a bit. “Hmm, how plump~”
“You’ve certainly shown that much, dear.” He said, giving it a playful smack to excite her while floating around to her front and rubbing his finger around her navel. “How quaint you are, dear. Somehow I haven’t noticed yet, but tonight will be enough for me to see aaaaall I want!” He taunted as he tickled her stomach.
Nessa giggled and bit her lip as Max teased her. She hadn't seen this side of Max before, but it was getting her worked up and wanting to see more. "Oh no, don't do that. My body shouldn't been seen by anyone." She teased and pretended to be a virgin again as continued to playfully try to escape. She wanted to see just what he would do to his naughty little elf. What she didn't plan on was her legs being spread apart even further as she struggled against the web.
“Except your one, true love.“ Max finished Nessa’s sentence and had the web spread her legs apart as he floated up and raised his knee to her slit and rubbed it around as he groped her breasts from the side for a few moments. “How evenly plump, darling, you certainly know what turns me on, you naughty little thing~”
"Mmmh, mmuh!" Nessa's slit was heating up quickly as Max's knee rubbed against her. He had never teased her like this before. Her breasts were so sensitive that his touch was making her moan and lean her head back. She could feel herself getting wetter by the second. "I'm just a dirty little elf who needs to be punished sir~" Nessa was going to play the innocent little elf as much as she could this time. She wanted Max to be as bad as he wanted and take complete control of her body.
“Oh, you plead guilty now? Not like it will help you much~” Max continued to tease as he floated behind her again and groped her waist from behind, moving one hand up and down while his other hand rubbed against her wet slit and fiddled with it, opening it and closing it shut in intervals to play with her. “You’re already this wet, dear? My, my, you certainly haven’t changed much since we first met~”
"Mmgh, mmph!" The sensation of her slit being spread open over and over again was almost too much to handle. She loved that Max was exposing every inch of her delicate folds just to see her reaction. His dominance and teasing was stronger than she thought. The night was becoming even more exciting than Nessa had planned. The mention of how she was dripping wet, just like when he first touched her in the tent, was enough to send her mind and heart into a frenzy was lust and love. "I-I'm only this wet for you, Max."

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