Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

Max handed the reins to David as he climbed back and sat next to her, cuddling close. “Thorin…was apparently the one who Sold her out to Sid and went for the throne. At least Sid had a change of heart, but…” He still felt chills from when he murdered Thorin in cold blood in that monstrous form of his. He knew nothing about himself at the time, and he certainly didn’t need to resort to Killing, and he still felt guilty of the life that he c ould’ve saved, like he did with Sid, instead of choosing to end him…
Soren replied: “It’s ok, thank you all. I just hope that I can help in preventing any more tragedies from happening in the future.” He said with a smile. Max nodded. He looked around and saw themselves surrounded in the forest again. Max yawned and felt a bit bored as he sat next to Nessa and thought of something. “Say…Sid, remember when I summoned those wisps the other night?”
Sid sat up straight with chills coursing through his body as Max talked about his past with Thorin. Even he had felt something was disgusting about an elf who would sell his princess, even though he was the one who bought her. "Yes of course I do. Is there something you were wanting to do Max?"

Nessa curled up close to Max, hiding her face is his shoulder while Magnus fussed in her arms, clearly wanting to eat. "I'm sorry darling give mommy just a little more time and she will feed you."
“David, we can stop for a second. I have an idea.” Max says as he leads the others out of the caravan so Nessa can feed. Once outside, he cups his hands around his mouth and whistles out into the forest. “whistlewhistle…” He stands for a second and waits, listening closely. “Max, I don’t hear anything.” David interjected. The elf couple seemed skeptical and looked around. Max waited and scanned the trees for a second before shrugging his shoulders. “Well, maybe they’re all asle-” He paused mid-sentence as he heard a rumbling nearby. “…on second thought…”
Nessa sighed softly and began to breastfeed Magnus once the others left. She was still shooken up by the fact that Soren was related to Thorin, but she was still hopefuly that everything would be safe. She trusted Fawna and since she didn't have anything bad to say about him, it helped to keep Nessa relaxed at least a little.

Sid's eyes widened as he heard the rumbling in the distance. There was no way Max had summoned that many wisps right?! Sod knew Max was powerful, but even that would be too much for one person to do....right?
“The key ingredient…” Max said dramatically as a bunch of woodland creatures and spirits arrived for them to play around with: stags, wisps, walking plants, and the like came up and centered themselves around Max, curious and looking up at his face. “…is a happy attitude.” He said with a wink as he sat down and started playing with some will-o-the-wisps. Even Soren was impressed. “Interesting. You managed to gather so many with just one whistle? Not even a horn was needed?” Max looked up at him. “Horn?” “Well, we usually use a magic one: it’s loud and has special properties that attract these kinds of fellows when we need assistance in battle, but they usually don’t stick around for long.” “Well, maybe because you only call them when you need extra hands. I do this because it’s fun.”
Sid was amazed. He had never seen so many animals, both normal and mystical in one place at the same time. When Soren had talked about a horn, Sid remembered the few times he heard tales of elven battles that were won with the help of the creatures, but he never believed it to be true. "How often do you call to these creatures Max?"
“Not too often. I assume they have their own daily lives, but I’m guessing that they must not be busy if they’re all coming like this. They must be as bored as I am on a nice day like this!” He said with a grin, gesturing to them to let them join in the fun. “Come on, it’s ok. They won’t hurt you! I think.”
Sid looked on skeptically as the elf couple joined in on playing with the creatures while David and Fawna talked about how many he would be able to carry at once, clearing trying to show off. He glanced back at the caravan to make sure Nessa was alright and nothing was bothering her, for some reason he felt uneasy about leaving her alone.

Nessa smiled and hummed softly as Magnus fed. His small slurping sounds making her giggle as he eagerly indulged in his hunger. She used her free hand to rub her belly, hoping that she would be able to give Max another child soon.
Max giggled as he laid down on the grass and the creatures decided to make him into a makeshift amusement park as they jumped on his belly and used his hair as bungee cords, among other silly things. (Sorry, this sounds way too funny-🤣🤣🤣)
Max also happened to wonder why they would all come out like this, as if his own explanation wasn’t a good enough reason. Almost as if they were all evacuating from something…
Max looked around and didn’t see any silhouettes among the trees, but he could still feel an odd air around them. Let’s hope that this doesn’t stay for long…
Sid couldn't help but smirk and chuckle as the creatures played with Max. The way this young mage was able to still act like a child while being a father and owner of such a strong power was nothing short of a miracle to Sid. A cold chill ran down his back as he noticed a dark figure dash through the trees. He tried to follow the figure with his eyes so he didn't alert Max, but he almost screamed as he saw the figure get closer to the Caravan "No!"

Nessa wiped Magnus' mouth softly as she lifted her dress back up. She quickly flinched and held him tightly as she heard twigs snapping just outside of the Caravan. "Max? Is that you my love?"
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A dark figure, a species that was almost of around-adolescent age judging by its youthful appearance, seemed to slowly enter the tent, but it seemed…uncanny, to say the least. The way it looked seemed extremely plain with no uniqueness, how it looked around the interior, its stature and its absolute silence, it was as if to imply the thing wasn’t exactly real. Even more surprisingly, it seemed to ignore Nessa as it rummaged around quietly. After a few seconds of looking through the cupboards inside, it clapped quietly with what appeared to be glee as it pulled out some food provisions. It was about to leave the place, moving quickly on all fours before it bumped into Max on its way outside. “And where do you think you’re going…?” He asked, clearly put-off by the thing. It seemed to make a hissing noise as it quickly jumped around Max and scattered into the woods. Running inside, Max immediately went over to Nessa and held her hands. “Nessa! Are you ok, dear?”
"I'm alright darling, I was so worried that thing was going to hurt Magnus." Nessa's voice and hands were trembling. She had never seen anything like the dark figure. She had covered Magnus' eyes the entire time that rummaged around, praying that it wasn't a soul eater that had come for Magnus. Her eyes were still filled with fear as she looked up at Max, thankful that he had appeared so quickly. "What was that thing?"
“I…I…don’t know.” Max said. He lost sight of the “thing” in the trees, and he looked around the caravan. Considering it only seemed to steal some of their provisions, he felt a bit relieved. “Well, the worst it did was take some of our food, but other than that nothing too bad but a little scare.” He said. Maybe a goblin? It seems a bit too unnatural, though, unlike something that’s actually living. But how…? David seemed confused too, but he blew it off since they were safe now. “Well, at least nothing serious happened, and it’s gone. Let’s continue our happy day, shall we?” Soren asked, trying to lift their spirits with his wife nodding in agreement, although Max wasn’t completely calm yet. “You guys keep playing, then. I’ll keep an eye out for it, alright?” He said, and he didn’t wait for an answer as he walked away silently and searched around the trees.
Nessa tried to reach for Max before he walked away, but he was too fast. She didn't want to be alone and turned to Fawna for comfort instead, who quickly sat by Nessa and hugged her gently. "Sid, please go with Max and make sure he is safe..." Nessa sighed and gently cradled Magnus to keep both him and herself calm.

Sid quickly followed Max into the forest and looked around closely, trying to make sure that the creature didn't escape his view. He wasn't about to let anything happen now that things were finally getting better. "Max, was there anything specific about this creature that might help us figure out what it was?"
“I-It seemed…unnatural. Like, something that wasn’t alive, or almost unreal. I wouldn’t go so far to say that it‘s just a silly woodland sp;itIt: it would look more natural. It wasn’t a zombie, either: it would’ve been faster and more violent. Nothing I’ve seen before matches what it was…” He muttered to himself, seeing no sign of it, and sighed as he turned around to head back to the others. “You don’t happen to have any ideas, do you?”
"Well it might be lost soul or an Umbra. They tend to mind their own business unless pushed to deal with others." The idea of an umbra coming near the group was far fetched but still not impossible. Umbras almost never came out during the day, which made this encounter even more strange. "We should start heading home again, it's not wise to stay out here for long."
“Good idea.” He said, leading the way back. As he made it back, he saw that there was less creatures around now, and Max groaned as he blamed the “thing” for their absence. He slowly made it back into the caravan and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and walked back over to Nessa. “So, any news about the thing?” Soren asked curiously. Max shook his head slowly, a little annoyed, and sat next to his wife.
Henry meowed as he escaped his compartment, a drawer, and drowsily looked around before being picked up by David.
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"Let's go home darling, I don't want Magnus out here for too much longer." Nessa nuzzled her head into Max's shoulder with her eyes closed. She felt calm again now that he was back, even Magnus wasn't as fussy once he saw his daddy. Fawna smiled and sat next to David as he took the reins. Sid sat on the other side of Nessa and looked over at Soren and his wife, watching to see if the two were going to act in a different manner.
Max sighed and calmed down as he let Nessa cuddle next to him, enjoying her warmth against his skin as he wrapped his arms around her. Soren and Linea silently “aww”’d as they leaned their heads next to each other and smiled with a blush on their cheeks.
Nessa sighed softly and smiled as Max's arms held her close. She tried to ignore the memories of the dark figure thay terrified her earlier as she rested on Max. Magnus gurgled and played with Nessa's hair and tried to grab her ears. "" Magnus mumbled as he reached for Nessa's ears, almost forming his first word.

Sid quickly turned to look at Magnus with wide eyes. He wasn't ready for the small baby to almost speak so suddenly. The sight of him trying to touch Nessa's ears made him chuckle softly and smile. "Yes, thats your mommy little one." He cooed softly to Magnus, wanting to try and get him to speak again.
Max‘s gasp was almost too loud as he saw Magnus fiddle with Nessa’s ears, putting his arms around him and holding him close. “And? What about ‘baba’?” He jokingly asked, waiting for Magnus to say something.
Soren and Linea chuckled. “I don’t think he’ll be too willing, especially if he only hangs around Nessa most of the time!” He noted. Max shrugged as he looked at Nessa. He already felt a bit horny around his wife again, leaning his head on her shoulder and blushing as he put his arm around her waist to hug her.

(Also, I just saw Nimona on Netflix: one of my favorite movies already🎉🥹)
"He definitely hasn't left my side other than our 'special night' together my love." Nessa giggled and blushed as Max held her waist. She could almost sense how he craved her and she was feeling the same way. She smiled and kissed both Magnus' and Max's foreheads as they rode together back to their village while Magnjs continued to try and reach for her ears and mumble little sounds. "Mmmmm, ma!"

The long and somewhat bumpy ride only serving to fuel the fire that was burning inside her. She was hopeful that they could find a nice place to be alone for a bit while Fawna could watch over Magnus with David. "We should be there soon, right darling?"

(Ooooh! I haven't seen that one yet, but now I will!😁)
(I’ll give you time to if you need to, go ahead! I’ll wait!😊😅)

“I think so.” He wondered, looking outside the front view with David and looked around. They were newring the village already!? “Oh, wow. This is a faster caravan than I thought it’d be! Yes, Nessa dear, we’re just about there!” He said, smiling and letting his eyes wander down her body as Soren and Linea looked outside and saw Misthelm nearing them. “Oh! How…humble.” Linea said, unintentionally sounding rude. Of course they had never seen or been to anywhere so small-scale. David rolled his eyes in impatience for a response.
Nessa blushed as Max raked his eyes over her frame. She wanted him all to herself, but Linea's small comment struck a cord in her. "Is there something wrong with our home Linea?" Nessa wasn't about to let someone talk badly on her home. Fawna sighed and looked down as she rubbed her forehead, knowing that something like this might happen.

Sid eyed Linea closely and crossed his arms. He had grown up in this village and found it to be just as welcoming as the elven city, despite his previous help to Ambrose.

(Oh no, it's okay! I'm going to watch it tonight when I'm snuggled on the couch hehehe!)
(Got it!🤣😄)

”Well, it just seems a bit…quaint to house the royal elf princess herself, along with a sturdy knight, an accomplished black mage-” Max held his hand up to pause her. “There’s nothing wrong with humble places of origin, right?” He asked Calmly. He didn’t want to start a fight.
Soren tried to hush Linea from saying anything further. “We’re just not accustomed to small places, but it’s not a problem!” He said, stuttering. He hoped that their innate sense of fashion. Max shook his head, smiling, expecting nothing less of high elves.
Nessa exhaled heavily as she stared at Linea. Did she really think that her comments would impress her or win her over? She was belittling her home for goodness sake! "This is where I grew up. Yes, the elven city is very...illustrious, but this place holds a special place in my heart. You both are welcome to return to the elven city if that is more to your...high standards." Nessa spoke with a firm and almost regal tone as she looked at Soren and Linea. They might have grown up in the elven city, but this was what her heart was.

Sid smirked at Nessa's dominant and passive aggressive response. It was something she must have learned from hom during his dealings with others when she was a child. He was proud that she wasn't going to let these two elves diminish the vision of her home.
“N-no, it’s fine, p-princess! I promised to be here, and I shall stay with you as I can.” Soren said, even as he looked around and found this place to be a bit…demeaning for them. Linea put her hand over hear nose as she smelled something foul, and Max chuckled at their reactions. “I get it, but it’s ok. I’m sure you’ll adjust just fine.” He said as they slowly started to exit the caravan as David parked it near the entrance and the townspeople came around them again. “Grandmaster! Nessa! Sir David! How are you doing??” They all seemed to ask, and Max seemed agitated at being called that title, even though he secretly loved the attention. David hesitated not at all as he started to answer things and clear things up, being Max’s wingman for the moment. Meanwhile, Nessa and the other elves were being questioned as well, and Soren and Linea tried to keep a posture up in the new environment and tried to make sense with the local dialect and the things that practically assaulted their senses.
(This scene would be so funny to me if animated!🤣)
Nessa glared at Linea and Soren for a moment before relaxing her face. She tried to remember that they had never been to a place like this before, but true elven custom was to always be polite and gracious, not demeaning and rude. She would need to keep an eyebon them to make sure they didn't offend anyone. Fawna remained close to David, holding his arm and trying to fend off other women who tried to come near him. The very sight of Fawna getting possessive over David made Nessa giggle before she turned to Linea and Soren. "Come with me, there is a small fountain in the middle that tends to be more peaceful and quiet." She gave Max a small look of invitation to see if he would want to join as she lead the two deeper into town.
(I'm picturing Linea ans Soren standing straight as boards while trembling at the smell of everything with their eyes closed 🤣)

While Linea and Soren tried not to be condescending in answering the onslaught of questions that hit their faces, Max smiled as he slowly walked to Nessa and snuck around to get to the fountain in the middle of the town that she suggested. As he sat down near the rumbling water and the stone, he felt a b it nostalgic for some reason. He shook his head and held Nessa’s hand and helped her sit down. “Is there something you wanted, my sweet? Because I could certainly use a bit of quiet time.” Wait, but it’s quiet all the time, isn’t it? I guess I always need quiet time, ha!
"I just wanted to be with you my love." Nessa smiled and leaned in closer to whisper in Max's ear. "I need my big strong mage to keep me from being a bad girl by keeping me from being mean to Soren and Linea." She giggled and kissed his cheek as she pulled back, hoping to tease him just a little bit. All she needed to do was have Fawna take Magnus and put Sid in charge of Soren and Linea so she and Max could go to a secret spit she knew about in the forest for some fun.

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