Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

(Family happened!🤣)

“Oh, dear,” He said, slightly purring by rolling his r’s. He already had an erection growing, and he felt like he was ready for another fun night…“Perhaps another kid wouldn’t be Too troublesome for you, I hope.” He joked, swooning dramatically as he looked into her eyes. “I’m ready whenever you are, my dear~”
(No worries! I'm glad you're back for now ☺️)

Nessa but her lip before whistling for Fawna, who came running over quickly. Once she placed Magnus in Fawna's care, Nessa grabbed Max's hand and started leading him deep into the forest. "I hope my big strong mage is ready to punish his little elf again, like he did back at the palace." Nessa giggled and pulled Max into a dark cave that was far enough away no one would hear her screams. "This is a special place I've been wanting to show you."
“Oh, really?” He asked, looking around the hollow and cold cave that they were in. “How interesting…” He said, smirking and turning to her. ”So, what have you done now? It sounds like you’ve been up to no good again~” He said, giving a playful tone to tease her and get them started.
“Oh, dear, oh, my! Being rude to guests, getting too haughty, and teasing your superior!” Max gestured to himself. “We can’t have that, can we~?” He said, raising two fingers. Nessa was immediately held in the air by his magic, levitating on his whim and her body was as if it was tied up.
Nessa gasped playfully and bit her lip. Max knew exactly what to do to get her going. The second she was lifted into the air, her heart began to race and her slit started to get wet. "I've been such a bad little elf Max. I need to be punished really badly." Nessa made her voice sound more girly and high pitched as she looked at Max with big pleading eyes. She couldn't wait to see how he was going to undress her.
“Oh, is that so? If I weren’t correct, you‘d be pleading guilty in order to get this over with quickly. But I doubt I can do this fast. No, this will take time~” He teased her, his erection growing bigger with her cute face and her voice, floating over to her and running his fingers along her skin as he sniffed at her hair, and lightly licked her neck, his breath growing hotter.
Nessa whimpered and breathed shakily as Max teased her skin. She could feel her slit getting wetter and her clit throbbing lightly. She bit her lip and leaned her head back as his tongue grazed over her neck. She wanted him to be as dominant and as primal as ever. She pretended to try and struggle free from him, hoping to incite his dangerous side. "I'm sorry for being a bad girl baby. I promise to try and be a good girl for you."
“Oh, but apologizing won’t get you anywhere right now; I think it’s time I have some fun again~” He teased. Max, behind her, caressed her skin more around her neck and reached around with his other hand to grasp her breast, groping and massaging on and around her nipple, noticing how erect he was getting from her reactions. “Dear, oh dear, we can’t have you enjoying our punishment, can we~?”
Nessa fell into the role of a submissive girl who was being punished perfectly. She whimpered softly as Max groped her and leaned her head back. He nipples hardened and tingled from his touch and she could feel her juices starting to drip drown her thigh a bit from how aroused she was. This side of Max was becoming a bigger desire of Nessa's as each moment passed. She struggled playfully against him, pretending to try and break free just to see what he would do this time.
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“Don’t try to run, little girl, for we‘ve only just begun~” he said, tightening his grip on her slightly as he came from around her and crouched down his face to her opening and spread her legs apart as he began to lick around her opening to catch all her fluids from falling, licking her skin to soak them up on his tongue. “Mmhg, mlnn…”
"Mmmhh, nnhu!" Max's tongue felt like an electric eel shivering between her slick folds, making every inch he touched tingle. She moaned and squirmed with each passing moment as her juices continued to flow from her slit. She leaned her head back and breathed heavier as she let the pleasure wash over her, making her mind fill with nothing but what Max was doing to her.
Max licked on as she kept dripping, her liquids flowing out like a waterfall onto his tongue as he practically slurped them up. He continued for a moment before he looked her in the eye and stood back up to full height: “…Why, if I didn’t know any better, you might be enjoying this punishment. But we can’t have that, can we? I think I ought to go a bit rougher~” He said, pulling up and laying his rod down flat on top of her crotch area. He then smiled and leaned over her as she floated at his whim, grinding their hips together and groping her again as he wanted to claim every inch of her, licking her stomach, waist and hips.
"Oh Max, your making me so hot and needy for you." Nessa whined and whimpered for him as his teasing only increased. She wanted him more than ever before, but she couldn't deny that she enjoyed just how much he was torturing her with his tongue and grinding. The way he kept her wrapped around his finger was both amazing and domineering. She wanted him to be as rough as he wanted with her. She would willingly be his sex toy if that's what he demanded of her in this moment. A burning heat was spreading throughout her body as each second slowly passed.
Max wasn’t sure if he was treating her violently, but his lust overcame him as he licked his lips and looked her int the face, getting curious.“Mmnh, nnnhah, nnhh…Oh, really? Then perhaps you wouldn’t mind me having my own, selfish way? You may become my new doll, then~” His rod remained erect and throbbing, but he wouldn’t let himself have something like that so soon. He decided to instead move her around to put her arms behind her head and her legs remained spread apart. Max grinned, walking over and patting her supple thighs before smacking them, making his rod seem thicker with the noise her legs made. He rubbed his fingers around her crotch area, as if he was rediscovering her all over again, and tickled her belly lightly with one hand and opened and closed her flaps with his other hand, sniffing her body’s scent as she secreted more from her flaps, his fingers getting stickier.
Nessa was surprised by his step further into the darker side of intimacy, but she loved it. The sting of his slap across her thighs made her gasp in a mixture of pain and pleasure. She liked how he had struck her, wanting more from him. Goosebumps covered her skin and her heart pounded in her chest. Being called his doll was even more intense than she had imagined. As his hands roamed and explored her body, Nessa felt desperate for more of him. The sound of her folds being opened and closed echoed softly in the cave due to her juices. Her inner thighs were completely covered in her slick nectar. The desire for Max to be a little more violent and dangerous grew more and more inside her. She wasn't ready for the small surprise that happened shortly after. She didn't know if Max did it consciously or if it was his dark magic acting on it's own, but a ball gag covered her mouth, muffling her moans and cries of pleasure.
Max chuckled quietly to himself as her mouth was covered. “I love your sounds, deary, but I think it’s time I get tunnel vision, so to speak, and focus on…” He stared more at her crotch area and put his fingers into her, spreading her tunnel apart and digging further into her, his hands getting wetter by the second. He licked around her thighs in the meantime, and his other hand reached around to open and close her butt too, opening and closing her cheeks to give her a warm-up before spanking her. The sound was music to his ears as his rod grew even thicker.
"Mmmph! Mmmmnn!" The combination of Max's fingers filling her tight slit and the teasing of her butt was something she couldn't get enough of. He had never teased her this much and it was making things ten times more intense. She was completely powerless against him and the danger that came with that was acting as an aphrodisiac. She could feel herself getting more and more turned on by him. Even the way he would stand over her make her wet folds quiver with excitement. Max was her knight in shining armor in the light of day along with being her dark and deviant master in the bed. She wanted to cry out and beg for his rod to be buried deep inside her, but the gag kept her quiet apart from her muffled moans and whimpers.
He continued to play the long game with her, knowing the hesitation would make her crazy for his rod as he leaned over and caressed her skin slowly. He finally removed his hand for a second before he walked over to her face, her mouth gagged, and kneeled for a second to whisper in her ear: “Just remember I do this out of passionate love, not evil lust. Because the only person I would ever want to ravish is you.” He said before kissing her cheek and rubbing her ears for a second before leaning over. He slowly kissed one breasts’ nipple before starting to lightly nibble on it while he groped the other, hoping to make her lactate a bit for him.
Nessa trembled with passion and submission as he spoke those beautiful words to her and rubbed her ears. He always knew just how to make her quiver with the smallest touch. Her nipples were already leaking breast milk before Max started to suck on them. Warm streams of milk filled his mouth as he feasted on her breasts, making Nessa moan and whimper. She could feel each gulp the Max took of her milk as he continued his fun, even causing more breasts milk to leak and squirt from her other breast at the same time. She could feel her slit aching for his rod as she squirmed lightly. She was dying to have him take her on a rough and wild ride.
He certainly was a carnivore, but this was bordering on cannibalism the way he was eating her up. “Mmrf, Nnh, mmf…” Max lifted his head and sighed in relief as he went over to slurp up everything else on her other breast. Once done with that, he licked up the milk on his lips and wiped the rest off before trailing his hand down her body and humming playfully as he walked back over to her bottom and aimed his rod. “You really want this, don’t you, dear~?” He asked, prolonging a bit more as he trailed his fingers around her crotch and rubbed against the insides of her thighs slowly.
"Mmmph! Mmhmm!" Nessa could only plead through moans and with the look in her eyes as she watched him get ready to take her. Her clit and tunnel were twitching with a deep need to be joined with Max's rod. Her juices were even starting to drip on to the floor of the cave from how much she was leaking. Her pleading whimper only became more frantic as she waited in agony for his rod. She could see that he was definitely bigger than normal due to his prolonged teasing. She felt nervous about if he would fit inside her, but she couldn't hide her desperation for him. the aching for him started traveling through her entire body as Max continued to withhold his rod from her.
Max seemed to have a look of pity on Nessa, but whether it was genuine or not he would keep to himself: “Oh, dear, my poor, little baby. I think this part of the punishment has gone on long enough.” He said, and he promptly shoved his rod into her shaft. Nessa’s juices splashed around Max’s crotch as he entered in and let the wet substance sweep over him, getting him a step closer already to cumming after he heard Nessa’s moans and whimpers. She’s still as cute as ever.
Nessa threw her head back and groaned loudly behind the gag as Max plunged himself deep inside her. There was a hint of pain from his increased size, but not painful enough to take away from over whelming bliss of having her deep inside her tight slit. She could feel herself pulsing around his rod as he continued to take her body for himself. He not only owned her heart, he owned her body with each movement he made. She never wanted anyone other than Max. The way he drove into her over and over again was sending her mind through a euphoric river of love, passion, and desire. She bit down hard on the ball gag and clenched her fists as they remained behind her from the sensations that racked her body.
“You need something dear~?” Max teased as he started to slowly thrust into her, the juices splashing a bit more each time as he finally initiated the act of love they both had always enjoyed and wanted. His stomach felt like it was churning from the sensations he was feeling, and his mouth conscientiously opened and let out heated breaths against Nessa’s chest as he rested and nuzzled his head in between her breasts, licking around the skin between them as he held her waist tightly. Oh, this woman is my paradise, my heaven on earth, my- His thoughts kept racing with pretty (and rather cheesy, he figured) metaphors of his one and only love and wife as he ravished her as she pleased.
Each thrust sent Nessa higher and higher into the clouds of paradise as her body submitted to Max completely. She moaned and cried out behind the gag as Max picked up his pace, making their skin smack together in an symphony of love making that echoed through the cave. Nessa arched her back and whimpered as he held her and rested his head between her breasts while her nipples still leaked breast milk from his previous feasting. Here eyes were rolling back as she felt herself getting closer to an explosive orgasm. It had been building up during her punishment and was finally about to be released. Oh Max, my body is yours for eternity. I belong to you and only you. You are my home, my safe haven.
Max grinned under Nessa’s breasts as he licked the skin and the milk in between as he kept thrusting into her, his rod almost getting longer inside of her from further stimulation as he heard her whimpers and moans, feeling closer to cumming already in her body, once again resealing their love in this act of consummation as he ravished her further and felt his essence throbbing and getting ready to explode into her. “Hnh, ahh, ahhn, hahh, hahhn,”
Nessa's body was being to shake from the electric jolts that followed each thrust from Max. Her muffled moans became more drawn out as his rod continuously rammed into her tight sheath. She could no longer see straight and her mind was in paradise. Her clit throbbed and became ten times more sensitive as she reached her peak, screaming from behind the gag and squirting her hot liquids onto Max's powerful rod. Her back arched farther than ever before and her eyes were almost completely rolled back from the state of euphoria she was now in.
“Nhhgg, yeeahhh, ahhh~!” Max moaned out loud as he came into her, the feelings of love practically seeping through his tip and into Nessa once again. Ahhh…how does she feel perfect for me every time we do this? Max was eternally grateful for the oppurtunity that Nessa was in his life and vowed to himself for the umpteenth time he would never leave her as he calmed down, and Nessa floated down to the ground as he finished, panting hot breaths and looking at his wife and love with desire.
Nessa gasped and panted with Max as the gag faded away and his hot seed filled her womb. Once they were both on the floor, she curled up to him and nuzzled her head under his chin. Her entire body felt electrified and was trembling as she came down for her high. She would never be able to go a day without him in her life, swearing on her own life to never leave him. Her cheeks and tips of her ears were bright pink as she looked up at Max, her eyes being completely full of love and devotion for him. "I love you so much Max, I could never be without you my love." if only you knew what would happen to me if you were to disappear from my life Max....

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