Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

as he said this, Clara would suddenly make a loud squeal in excitement, before suddenly tackling Silas down. crushing him in her tiny frame, hugging her impressive stud of a fiance.
more then that, she would end up causing her lover to end up on his back, as her massive bust would seem to be popping out of her odd armor, as it almost seemed to come to try and attack,
his face. it would be almost comical, as one could say he excited his tiny lover so much she was jumping out of her own armor to tackle him in pleasuring excitement. however this also gave silas a
warning of what would come once they finished this job and returned home together.
(XD Silas hands in the quest and Clara is already trying to open up his codpiece)

Silas pulled himself up with her, her crushing embrace probably would have squeezed a less hearty man's wind from his lungs. But Silas held onto his tiny love, lifting her higher to kiss her on the forehead gently. "Keep those in your armor, my love, I cannot fight with such distractions!" He said with a playful smile.
"well then, perhaps once we get home, I might need some help getting measurements for a new set of armor for my girls hmm? besides they might need some attention as well, it has been a rough day after all. "
saying this playfully, as her feet were dangling, from how silas held his little lover. yet the fact remained, despite her short stature she was indeed all woman, and perhaps to much for most people to handle.
"Mmm, I will draw you a bath, and massage you, if you would do the same for me" he said smiling to her now, though she could tell her husband to be was more than willing to do so. Whether she took it fir the romance it was or that she was so delightfully curvy he had only the want to feel them, was up to her. He lowered her to the ground gently. "For now, tell them to be discrete!" He teased as he went to pull up the cage with the kit and hand it to her. "Shall we go deeper?"
"hmm, that does sound nice, so while our new little ones get use to our home, we can enjoy a nice warm washing together. I do like this idea. "
as she spoke up, her fingers running along his frame, with the big eyes looking into sila's eyes with a playful and mischievous smile. It would become very obvious that he
might want to enjoy her a bit, however the tiny vixen had plans of her own for silas once they got home. as she held the tiny critters in the cage he made for them. planning to train the
kits like one would a puppy, but also litter train like a cat. unaware if it would work out like that but wanted to make them her new playmates, and pets.
as the moved slowly into the depths of the dungeon like mine. the two would soon find a chamber filled with massive glowing ores, abundant. it was even more then any of them could expect. some of it, able to form into
a magical mythril with how long it had been able to absorb the mana secreted by the nues living her for who knew how long. the eyes growing wide, as Clara practically bounced in excitement.

"this is even better then what we came for, think we can keep some for ourselves hmm? i'm sure it would be fine, once they know how much is here, I could upgrade your armor into something truly one of a kind with some of this. "
as she practically drooled, her ideas coming off almost like a stripper outfit for the paladin, despite being higher protection it would not fit his role as a holy warrior but would fit her idea of the perfect stud, fully protected, and for all to see what
belonged to her alone. thus the eyes, and way her mind and body worked, would give a hint to sila's at his lover's wicked, and playfully obvious ideas, even if she did not share it directly.
"You will not make me into some lewd exhibitionist." Silas said as f he could see the perverse armored she had in mind fir him. "These armors are holy. Abd shall not be changed further. Nor will you debase them." He said wagging his finger at her. Ofcourse that didn't elude her from simply making the armor sge wanted using a different suit, se new his measurements.....also it didn't mean she could atleast keep such armor typing...for private personal time in her shop with him.
suddenly pouting, as he shut her idea down before even hearing it.
"Oh come now, it could become all the rage, getting your fellow paladins some more lovely ladies to adventure with, you can be the role model right?"
as she said this, moving to snuggle herself against him. as if trying to seduce her lover to allowing this, however little did he know, if the serpent admitted he could be used
for personal armor show casing just for them alone. she would get very excited and become even more inclined to play with her wicked ideas to more extreme then what she was already thinking.

However as this was being done, and oddly enjoyable moment between the duo. the fact remained, Sila's would soon find the desired target to be taken back as proof, and thus they could finally collect their
true reward. more then that, Bonk was the idea weapon to shatter the rare mineral to collect it, in much more manageable pieces to bag up and take back to the guild.
"Very well, but perhaps once you come to like some of the creations, you might change your mind no?"
saying this playfully, she would move to take her hammer in one hand. with a simple swing of her arm smashing the ore into smaller pieces with ease.

the dwarf would smile, as she spoke.
"if you ever need to break ore, aim for the vein, right down the center. even a sword can break em, if you crack the vein. want to try? I'm sure our patron wouldn't mind us turning in some extra. "
as she said this unaware that such a simple thing for a dwarf would seem almost impossible for other races, due to their lack of the ability to properly see the natural mana flowing through ore, unlike
mana which flowed in living things. yet as a paladin their could be a way for silas to do this if he wished to try.
silas would strike the ore only to feel his blade vibrate violently from the blow, and shaking his very arm.
as such Clara would chuckle as she moved to take her lover's hand, and direction him with motions. as she spoke of using not force but
precision. with out using much force tapping the ore just slightly above where he hit it, and the entire thing began to crack apart.

"you used to much force, and hit the core not the vein. "
as she said this, it would reveal to the serpent he was a bit off, however the fact remained he had a dwarven lover, and one who could teach him abilities most would never dream to
know about, however it would cost him much more then the serpent realized, at least in what she would enjoy him for. as one's pride would be tested in the near future.
"Touching the core is what I always aim to do," he said as he sheathed his weapon and started to collect their prizes. "But I suppose this instance it will not be as powerful a tactic," he said as he placed them in his bag for storing. "Shall we find our way back out and to the guild?" He was none the wiser to the future that would await him, but his pride would see her challenges head-on.
"Yes, but raw power vs precision. after all imagine the ore vine is like my G spot you hit it just right, no amount of force can be as rewarding as hitting or touching it just right."
as she said this, to Silas painting a very lewd, and interesting idea to her lover's mind. it was not long before the duo would have collected their goods, and thus would be on their way out.
as it was at least another few hours on foot before they would get back to the guild, if they wished to go straight their, or they could take a short break along the way, unaware of how far or deep they were
in the mine at this point.
"of course, but we should take a break about half way. will need to hunt, and cook something. after all we got some kits to feed. "
as she spoke excitedly, referring to the two young nu's. knowing well they were young and would need fed, even if stressed out by their new owner's actions.
however the fact remained, Silas would see a side of his woman which would be most enjoyable, a caring and gentle side more so then he had thus far. showing a glimpse
of an ideal mother to be. even if she herself was not knocked up at least as of yet.
As she moved about withal light skip, and an unexpected yet mischievous smile to her. Clara would move e to try and make a more seductive pose tours her reptilian lover before tempting to lead the way. However with how things looked it was unknown if she would come of, cute, seductive, or just over energetic at the moment to her lovers eyes. Little did ether of them know that the return trip would garnish them many looks and perhaps some unwanted attention.
Silas watched her move, skipping and posing, swaying her body at him. He chuckled to himself, knowing his desires had led him to making her his future wife, but her personality was only more endearing than what her body did for him. His people were orderly and restrictive, he was no different really, but he enjoyed her antics. He would take care of her in every way under the sun, if it allowed her to continue to being so full of this bubbly life.
A short while passed as the duo soon were neat a lovely area. Thick bushes a pleasant scent wafting in the wind from the wild flora growing in the area.

As it was close to the half way point, Clara placed the magically created carrier down, before suddenly turning and practically tackling into Silas with out earning. The powerful paladin of he reacted quick enough to catch her, however if caught in surprise as she planned. He would land in the wild very bush with her. As the dwarf wanted to have a bit of fun while they wee out in the wild.
"Ah, ready for the hu-" Silas started as she put the carrier aside, seeming to slow with her, but her tackle had indeed took him by surprise as he went landing in the brush with her. "Clara! What are you-" he started but....well. it was Clara he was dealing with. He wrestled with her, starting to roll around with the Dwarf woman to fight fir the pin position.
as he soon managed to roll out of the bush, she would be chuckling, before taking a few very sweet berries from the bush. and popping them into his mouth with out warning. then kissing him to share the juicy flavor of the wild fruit.
once this was done she looked into his eyes playfully, as she giggled before speaking.

" I assume you didn't see that little snack coming did ya stud?" as she said this playfully, as if taunting him to do something to her as well, now with her lover pinning her into the bush, and both of them
getting stained by the squished berries from the bush they were in.
" you know, a little appetizer is never a bad thing, besides it is unfair with how long your limbs are. I need to get a sneak attack to get any fun in. "
as she spoke sounding almost like a playful big sister, at the moment instead of a lover. the way she wiggled, and squirmed to purposely cause her girls to pop
out of her chest plate. wanting to cause them to move under Silas and tease him a bit. as she always loved his reactions, as they were ether the reaction of an innocent lover
taking by surprise or a dominating and passionate master. she never knew which side she would get, but loved the sight of ether reaction.
Allowing his hands to slip into the playful grasp upon the massive girls. Silas would find her reaction as sensitive and enjoyable as ever.
causing her one hand to come up to her face, causing clara to blush, and breath with heated breaths. which hit his scales at some points. however
more then that, she would speak softly to him.

"I need some attention, We do not need to do much, but I want, no Need some fun before we head back. "
as she panted saying this, Silas would be quickly reminded how her busty size was one of his tiny lover's most sensitive weaknesses.
as he began to make a more enjoyable move upon Clara, the dwarven little maiden would get alot more touchy upon her lover.
however it would be once the playfulness was truly getting into the act. that the two of them would hear something a bit uncalled for.
as a fellow paladin, albeit a different race would insult the serpent for touching a dirt doll. as it was an insult for dwarves, due to the nature
they had to always be dirty by living or around minerals due to their natural abilities. however this was uncalled for, as the fact remained. the tiny maiden's
feet were exposed as she was under the serpent, and enjoying this as the paladin of another group spat the insult, while they walked past. sure this one was with
two elves, and a human, which by most eyes could be seen as better looking partners. but none knew the truth of this woman unlike silas.
Silas froze as the insult was hurled and they were spat at. "Clara, cover the girls until I get back," He said gently. "I will take care of you with all my attention in just another moment." He said with a soft smile, it was sweet, charming even, but she knew it was because the insult had insensed the paladin's honor. He was to be her husband, and she was to be his wife, in his culture to lay even a single ill word to one was an insult to the other. He climbed from the bushes, the scaled warrior stepping onto the road. "Which of you dared ill of my fiance? and Which of you trash spat at us." He said though he was calm with his words, his voice rose to catch both of the group's attention.

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