Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

The head priest would take a moment to scratch his chin, as he heard this.
"Hmm, dwarf eating nu, that doesn't sound right, however if this is true, then all we need to do would be to take her in for some simple inquiries, then
your woman can be returned to you. this will be of no issue?"

as he spoke saying this, it would sound like a proper thing for a church to do, however the part which would not sit well, would be the look in the priest's
eye. as he had a perverted, and demented look to them. as he would order his men to stop and report to his side. as this holy warrior was the lord
of this smithy. thus it would be his job to bring them the Nu's, and their mistress for proper subjugation and questioning. The fact remained, the group Silas
was dealing with, as a human supremacy group thus they had their own unjust ways of dealing with any one which wasn't human, regardless of position or power.
"I see, if you can vouch so well for this dirt eater, then perhaps you will come with us in her stead? I shall leave three paladins here to protect the smithy until your return.
we can then use the secred orb, to see your answers be true or false, as this can make things much easier no?" asking this, the priest would seem to have a devious smile on his face.
yet he would be presenting a more peaceful option to sate the required info this lesser liked church required. would the serpent give in and allow them to question him in Clara's stead?
thus leaving her protection to three human paladins until his return? would he choose to resist all options, and present his own. these questions would be heard from the fellow priest asking
his boss despite the head priest being the one who just made the offer for silas to settle this quickly and easily at their church.
Silas scowled at the priest, starting forward, his intensity rising. "What did I tell you." He said as he snatched the priests collar up. "You will not use that term in my presence again." He said coldly. Having heard it only moments ago before his battle with the Minotaur, his patience was thinning all the faster. "If you will not walk, i will drag you to the doors of your church. " He offered.

Ofcourse he wasn't thinking completely straight, more than willing to string arm these men rather than subject Clara to any more clergymen. Getting nearly blown to bits had only raised his defensive instincts.
The head priest would clear his throat once more.
"We can settle this with the aid of you answering questions with the church, no need to be so aggressive. Besides if we do not return, or
if our men begin to go missing. it will cause a holy decree for her head in all nations. so let us not keep this matter unsettled any longer then needed. "
as he spoke, sounding like a threat, however at the same time, the human priest would also snap his finger for the three strongest paladins to move and
take a stance near by awaiting for orders or actions. leaving the ball in Silas's court, to choose his next course of action.
"You'll return." Silas said as he threw the priest onto his ass with a push. "If any of you touch even a stair on that smithy. You will see me in a Mystian Honor Duel." He declared to the paladins. Ofcourse that meant he would be challenging them to a death match. They seemed strong, but ot also would raise to question their opponents skills. Mystians were not reckless...usually, especially with their way of laws. "If I return and something has happened to her, you will be involved too." He said thrusting his finger to the priest.
the lead priest would snap his finger, as the three took up a guard like pose outside of the smithy.
he would then look to Silas, as he spoke up.

"until our return, my men will keep every one out, or in. no one shall touch or interact with the smithy until Our return. "
as he said this, the priest would then move to open the door to the carriage, as he offered to give Silas a ride in it with him.
so they could talk, and perhaps get some things straighten out, on the way to the church in order to clear this up, and move on.
Silas sat in the carriage. "My challenge is not changed." He said simply. He wouldn't hesitate to throw his gauntlet and take them apart if his bride received even a scratch. The serpent put gis helmet on his lap slowly, letting the priest get a good look at him. Ofcourse most humans didn't hold the same prejudices for Mystians their tendencies were more palatable, despite their snakelike appearance.
"I see, if that is the case, Then as long as the holy father deems everything good, their is no issue. "
as the head priest spoke, the carriage would soon be arriving and an intimidatingly flashy church. however outside of it, three
nuns would bow and wait for the carriage to stop and escort the priest and his so called guest into the church.
As they entered the church, it was far worse then one would expect. to lavished, and shiny, showing this was a church all about money, and donations.
however the elder little woman in the robes sat, indian style on the floor ahead of them. with a massive crystal ball before her.
she would smile gently motioning for Silas to come and sit before her.

"Hello young man, please come and join me. I apologize for my fellow priests, and nuns. I see by your eyes, they went to an extreme instead of being properly polite. "
as she spoke this woman was an elder pope, as she would have her head covered, but with his senses, it was possible for the serpent paladin to notice this woman was an Elf in a human church.
He scowled at the look of the church. His people had there share of lavish and wealthy houses, Drowning in gold and silver, while he came from riches, his faith was that of a protector. A guardian who required no rewards but his duty. He shook his head, looking forward to the Elder, his scowl slipping away. "You should curb that behavior."
"I do apologize, for the young ones, lack proper training, I fear they will not live long enough to proper grasp the teachings. However shall we get this task started child?"
as she would ask this, placing her hands on ether side of the crystal. as it would glow. all Silas would need to do was touch it, and the truth would be revealed to them all.
even scenes which the serpent would not want other's to see, like the many ways he took his lover, and even got ambushed by her a few times. but more then that it would reveal
all his words true.
Silas blushed as the crystal flashed. "Must we show everything!" He said as he looked away from the display, how he handled his lover, how they fooled around so passionately. "Such things are not for other." He said as it showed their antics. It embarrassed him deeply to show such
side if himself to any but Clara.
The older elf maiden chuckled softly, as she would remove one hand from the crystal and gently run it along the side of Sila's cheek.

"do not threat child, only the two of us can see this. and I need to make sure their is no darkness, or ill intent of corruption. All I see is pure and unadulterated passion. "
as she spoke gently it was clear this was indeed clearing him, and Clara, however the only thing which caught the older short stack's eyes, was when it was revealed the dwarf
wanted the two kits, as pets. however knowing she was a dwarf, this made the elderly chuckle.

"Oh if you truly mean to keep those two, make sure to get a magical collar for them on your way back. if their registered to the guild as battle companions, those foolish young ones
will have no right to try and take them or punish her. " as she said this, it would reveal to Silas, that this old elf was actually one of the legendary adventurers of old. the ones which had defeated
a great darkness so long ago. as such she knew the ins and outs of how to deal with such minor things. well minor in her eyes.
Silas shifted, pulling slightly away as she touched his face, though she could tell it was out of embarrassment still. He knew he cared for Clara...but to see it frim the outside, he reaally cared about Clara. His mother would expect babies in months. "Thank you." He said to her advice. "I apologize for.,.ahem forcing you to see such often in this memory." He said not sure what else to say about their actions. Clara was lustful...abd Silas had no issues satisfying her wants clearly.
Chuckling as he apologized. the old holy elf would smile.

"Oh silly boy, you did nothing wrong, this is passion, love, it is natural, even if not successfully wed yet due to different species. no only apologize if it was forced. "
as she spoke referring to those who made out due to arrangements, and forced duty by families. no this was different. as she would smile, even moving to place
a small pouch of platinum coins in Sila's hand. with a wink, she would say one last thing before dismissing the young paladin.

"please accept this as an apology for my fellow trainees being so quick to jump into judgement. it should be enough to register your new pets with the guild
as tames, for the young lady. " as she said this, the fact remained, this was not something expected. however the fact remained, she would whisper to the paladin.

"please be safe, and keep a keen eye, many of our brothers, and sisters are on the extreme, if the worse is to happen, defend yourself, and your cute little partner. I will do what I can. "
as she said this in a faint whisper, it would be enough to reveal to Sila's, that this elven maiden was waging a one woman war in the church itself.
"Thank are kind. If you need any help in the future, send for me, dear maiden" he said as he heldvthe pouch, he lowered his head bowing slightly to her formally. "I will not be gentle to your extremists, but I will try not to slay them either, if you believe you can prevent their descent."
"I thank you for your understanding, and do be safe child. we may serve different gods, but the love of the higher up will not change. "
as she said this, referring to how churches see all gods on different values, base on the species. yet her many years, it just seemed like all believes
came back to the same core.

with this, she would dismiss the serpent paladin. and wish him safe travel back home.
once inside the carriage, a young priest would climb into the carriage with silas. as he smiled. before tapping on the wall of it. for the thing
to begin moving. " well then brother, I assume all was settled for you today?"
asking this, he would smile gently, as he had no idea how things went in sila's favor. assuming the head would request him to turn over the dwarf
and the Nu kits. however it would be quiet the discovery to find out, it was as sila's spoke to them prior.
as they continued to move tours their destination, the carriage would suddenly stop. as they were before the guild's headquarters.
"The boss said we needed to stop here for some reason. i was told you would understand why?"
seeming a bit confused, but this order did come from the higher up. showing just how quick and sly the old elf was with her end.
not even giving time for Silas to report this to his woman, but wanting it done before he got back home. surely she had her reasons for wanting this
done, and giving the order to her priests to stop here, and to stay in the carriage, not to follow the paladin in. as he did not need to know what the paladin was
going to do in here.
entering into the Guild, a small syter would rush to the counter. with a smile.

"So how can I help ya today my fine fella? we looking for some hunting, or perhaps, some gathering quests?"
as he spoke quickly and excitedly, not even giving Silas a chance to answer between questions. a booming and intimidating
voice shouted from the back.

"hermes shut the hell up, and let the man speak. Or do I need to put you back on cleaning detail again."
as a massive one eyed man came out, scratching the back of his head. the missing eye was just scar tissue.
as he apologized for his energetic friend. asking how they can be of service to a paladin.
"I see, well then my fine sir, I just need you to fill out the sheets, here, and we will get you the collars. "
as he said this, snapping his fingers. the energetic little syter rushed to get the two forms for Silas to fill out.
asking for owner information, creature information, age, species, Gender, and so on. as it all needed to be recorded.

however as this would be filled out, the boss would move to get the electric resistant, collars for the nu's, as to avoid them
burning the collars off if they release their discharges.

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