Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

With an incredible display of self control, and skill. Silas' strike was true and precise. piercing through the gut out of the back, then up from the belly to the head. splitting the spirit in one fluid motion. the creature would make an odd other worldly sound before dissolving before his eyes. leaving only the unholy scythe to clatter upon the rocky floor of the tunnel. However this was both a success and a true display of danger. now the reptilian stud knew, his woman would do what ever she saw as necessary to keep him with her. More then that, the golem engine, housed her late mother's soul in it. meaning if he wished to free the spirit, the reptilian paladin would need to destroy the only heirloom of his woman's family. however doing so would also deal a great blow to Clara's psyche.
Silas put his hand over his arm, starting to heal it as he thought about what he could do for Clara. She loved Bonk, and that stone, and its destruction would be a large step for her. If she truly wished for her mother to be freed of it. He thought of her idea, her dream of placing the heirloom into a golem, if it would even be a fate one would wish. He looked to the stone, approaching the hammer. "Are you awake within?" He said...mostly to himself than to Bonk.
As he spoke, a strange humming could soon be heard, as the hammer began to glow. a dark, yet oddly soft glow would be radiating from the weapon.
as the golem engine seemed to come to life as if responding to the paladin. However something odd would be felt. something truly alien, or evil, however at the same
time safe, and welcoming. a combination of sensations which made no sense, unless one knew what this truly was, and why it was like this. which Silas now knew. born from evil, and
pain. but filled with protective love, and care at the same time. a torrent of opposing parental, and cursed feelings trapped in one weaponized prison.
"You are...Clara's mother?" He said carefully at the mixture of sensations, he picked up Bonk, dragging it closer to him. He then shuddered slightly thinking about if the Hanmer was sentient...Clara beating people to death with her mother for one cane ti mind.. but they also had sex, abd he wasn't sure if he even remembered it being nearby. Was her mother forced to bare witness her daughter getting throughly fucked by her lovers...Silas included.
Unable to speak, the spirit in the hammer would suddenly burn sila's hand. causing him to drop the monstrous weapon. however once it hit the ground. spikes of earth would soon piercing out of the ground, around the weapon, and silas. but not harming him, more so cutting off any one or thing from seeing them.

that's when something unexpected would happen. a small golem began to form, as a dark purple chain of energy could be seen from the orb, connecting to it. as the little stone entity would move to write in the ground for communication.
"You hurt her, I kill you. Holy souls are delicious, but you protect her, I smile. " the words were broken up, as if being written by a child just learning, however the message would be clear. however would also reveal, that the entity had seen him and his lover going to
town on each other. more then that, this was something Clara did not know about, from her own weapon. that it was sentient, and protective. Little did Silas know, that this would not be the only fragment he would meat. as her sister also had a secret fragment of their mother in her weapon, however this would be revealed in the coming future to our holy warrior.
Silas blushed as he read the message , his scales on his face tinting slightly blue. Well that answered his question. "I won't hurt her...ever. She's going to be my wife." Silas said shaking his head to the Golem. Welp. Silas assumed veiling the hammer was a good idea in the bedroom from on. Last thing anyone needed was to see their little girl getting folded up abd stuffed every night in a frenzy. "I want o make her smile everyday."

(XD Bonk: You both Freaks. I see all.)
oddly communicating with a hammer. to any one who didn't know any better would think the paladin was going nuts, and talking to himself. however he would soon discover that Clara could not hear the voice nor had this spirit communicated with her at all. meaning to Clara it had sentimental value, having no idea the truth this reptile knew. More then that, with what he knew of Clara, it would be safe to assume, if she knew, then her trusty weapon Bonk would no longer be used, but instead shelved and polished. a fate worse then what it was now. However the little golem being manipulated by the life force, and mana would soon throw a small fist tours Silas. as the rocky fist broke off, the tiny arm, and rocketed with surprising might into his chest. upon impact, a burning sensation would be felt. One which would reveal a unique, blood line rune being imprinted onto his chest. If the wicked soul revealed it, he would discover this was the blessing of the blood line. However if not revealed, one might think it was a means for the weapon to punish him if he ever harmed Clara in an unacceptable manor.
Now with that done, the instant Clara began to stir, Silas would see how the tiny golem suddenly turned to dust. as the orb on Bonk suddenly seemed to go inert. as if hiding it's true presence from her own daughter, at least for now.

Feeling a good bit of pain, her joints audibly popping. her muscles bulging and returning to normal. Clara would look to Silas, as she spoke up.

" Are you alright? did you find what you needed to know?"
asking this, as if not even registering what happened right before passing out prior, with the injuries.
However the truth would be revealed to Silas, as he would now be able to feel the minor curse on his lover, thanks to the rune from the spirit in Bonk. more then that, this would be something which would effect moments
of memories. mainly connecting to her sister, and father for some unknown reason at this point. however things would become clear once the time was right or so it would seem, at least with what had been experienced thus far.
" What you say we set up a little camp site here? I can set up some defenses, and we can finish the hunt and mine clear after some recovery time?"
asking this, Silas would know better then ay one the real risk as the moon comes out, and the den darkens. as he had taken out one such spiritual threat.
however the look in Clara's eyes would warn the serpent stud of what was on her mind now. something lewd, and oddly wrong for the place they were in. meaning it might
be the moment he would need to put his foot down to force her to push through the task first. or he could give in, and find himself being cuddled and snuggled into submission
by his short stack lover.
(XD omfg Clara!)

Silas narrowed his eyes at her as he noted the look in her eyes. "Rest and Recovery would be nice, but I don't think we're thinking of the same thing." He said folding his arms. "Tell you what, how about we do this clear and get through this job....after that we can focus on relaxing?'
"I will expect my big strong paladin to server her tiny helpless mistress with lots of care when were done. "
saying this, and making a high pitched, albeit failed attempt at a cute voice. the little, voluptuous vixen was far from harmless.
however the fact remained, they had a bit deeper to go, and surely one strong foe awaited them at the least, if the signs were anything to pick up on.

as one would get deeper to the rare minerals and ores, the signs of a powerful Nu residing in the depths would be something, but at the same time.
a Nu was a creature which depending more so on vibrations, and sounds. but could see to a horrible degree.
"Will you dress like a damsel and have me carry you to the bed?" Silas said with a playful smile. She would be given plenty of attention and care, he would see to that for her struggles this day.

As they ventured deeper, Silas examined the case for signs of monsters, seeing the Nu signs. He got to a knee, examining close. "Clara, do you recognize these makings?"
"OOOh, that's a Nu's paw print. they are strong, and delicious. I remember eating them lots growing up. we need to bring it back alive. broken is fine. but the meat is best when taken from living, due to the electrical discharge in their muscles. "
as she grew excited seeing this. eyes could be seen almost sparkling, as Clara was drooling. as if she was now showing signs of a foody, or food addicted little whore of the tavern. which would be as comical as it was troublesome.
as this would reveal to her fiance that he had a woman which was all about rare food, and sex, however at least he knew she was his and his alone or so it seemed. Little did SIlas know, the other girl from the vision, the sister would be meet with in the next few days.
however for now, they had an idea of the threat in the den. However all Clara seemed to talk about was how to cook, and eat such a dangerous monster. which a normal person of any species would only kill and leave like any normal monster.
"Trap no, no, we bonk on the head. then drag out, all tied up. "

as she said this excitedly, it was almost comical with how Clara was bouncing like a child, when only a short while ago she was on death's door.
This indeed showed Silas he was in for much more then he realized. however at this comical little display, the image of her, and her sister would pop up in his mind. if her parents were gone, did that
mean her sister was as free spirited as Clara, or perhaps the kind which would be troublesome. however this could be figured out later, for now they had a Nu to capture, a mine to clear out, and he had a short stack
to sate, and avoid being turned into a scaly cuddle buddy by his own fiancé when they were not home as of yet.
Silas chuckled. "Very well, we do it your way. We find it and Bonk it." He said tapping the hammer on the shaft with a finger. " He wondered about her sister...then found the shudder in his body. A woman of her size as lustful as Clara would be almost as bad as wandering into the home of a sleeping Cave Troll. One would have quite the Fortitude to stand the endeavor.

He propped his blade on his shoulder. "Clara can I ask you another question, my love?...Now that I know your memory is your sister?" He asked gentky as they walked down the cave tunnels.
"Last I heard she was busy breaking an entire clan of Elven warriors. I believe her words were, " Gonna turn those boys into real spearmen, or kill them in the process. "
as she said this, two images would flash into mind. one of a powerful beast of a warrior standing over an entire clan, be it bloody or worse fluid cover. as one mind's could run
wild knowing the kind of woman Clara was. However it could also be that this one was a battle junkie instead of a cock junky? regardless, as he would be lost in through.
it would be the moment clara could take Sila's hand and begin to drag her lover deeper into the den with her.
"Oh, no no, she is free spirit like me. we have no army or kingdom to follow, we choose who, when and where to enjoy ourselves. "
saying this, it would paint a bit more of a dangerous picture, of a monstrous merc out their on her own, and deciding who, what where, and why to use her skills.

however as this went on, the glow of the deeper chamber would slowly come into view. as this was the goal of their destination, however it was also the most likely
area where the Nu was resting. and perhaps other enemies hidden as well.
As Silas peaked in, the sight would be something. not one but two Nu's. a male, and female resting near the massive deposit of the rare mineral which made this mine so valuable.

as the male had it's large paw around the smaller female, which had the monstrous arachnid in it's maw. as it had it chewed apart. it would seem they had chased the arachnids right into the den of
their own natural predators. However the most dangerous part would be the serpent like tails, which moved around, as if scanning the area. meaning they would need to have a plan, as things had suddenly
become much more difficult. However if they could get them both alive. it would be quiet the boon, one for them, and the other to be sold to the guild.
"Ooh, lots of meat, and fur, Mama gonna make so many comfy things. " as she said this grasping Bonk tightly in her hand. If silas did not act quickly, he would see the reckless, and destructive side
of his fiancé once more. as she planned to rush in, and try to bash their heads in right away. not even considering how dangerous it was with two Nu's in such a tight space. as she winked at the reptilian stud
before grasping her weapon, and preparing herself to try and rush out their to smack the beasts before they could attack first. if it was only one, perhaps this would work, but with two, the idea was very bad
to say the least, even if one was as durable, and resistant as a dwarf.
"Clara-" Silas wrapped as arm around her and pulled her closer to him. "We aren't jumping in, it will be two on one with that look in your eye." He said as he held her back. "We can try to pull them out one by one, but chances are they will fight together."

"We could try to draw them into the tunnel, with bait, and you can whack one on the head as it comes our way."
"hmm, do you have an idea to draw them out one by one then? other wise, we can go in, and each take one, to try and keep them apart?"
asking this, with a wicked, and excited look into her eyes. Silas the reptilian paladin would know by know this look. it was a look of both excitement, and
expectation. meaning she expected a good and rowdy fight with these beast which would get them both worked up for what would come after. but for now, she would be asking what
ideas he had which would be better then them both charging in, and targeting a beast each.
"I have a spell that may be of use" he said as thought on it. "Maybe it will make them believe prey is near and one will rouse its way up to check." He said recognizing her look. She would love nothing more than yo thrash the beasts...and then have him thrash her as they had earlier. She certainly had quite the appetite for him. Silas held out his hand. "The Bringer of light, master of order took his first stride, and before him, mountains quivered" he whispered scriptures, gathering up Mana to make a stone and earth quiver briefly at their feet.
The busty littler over excited dwarf would raise an eye brow, as she smirked.

"very well, let's try it this way, but if we fail, then we go in full force. "

saying this, as her excitement was obvious, more so with the idea of completely this task completely, and more so, with the reward she planned for herself so to speak, yet the powerful reptilian stud knew better then any one.
even with resistance to the magic, those claws, and fangs posed just as much of a threat as any magic could. however she would wait for him to begin his plan to try and lure one of them out at a time for the duo to attack, however nether of them knew
that these two creatures were more dangerous then the average of their species. which would be discovered very soon.

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