Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

as he did this, Silas would notice something a bit unexpected. as the two Nu's got up, and looked tours their direction. it would reveal three smaller kittens behind them. as the one largest one pushed one of the kits to go after the sound.
as it began to rush tours the source. Seeing this, the look in Clara's eyes suddenly grew wide, and excited, as she whispered so fluffy, and small. "

this would be the warning that Silas needed. if he did not act quick enough, then his lover would end up trying to capture all three little ones, which would cause even more trouble as the parental beasts were their targets for elimination.
Now hearing the serpent say this, she would turn to him, trying her best to make the big puppy dog eyes, as the horny dwarf would push her lower lip out, as she puffed her cheeks a bit.
"Oh come on, we can keep one of them alive right? just one, it would be so cuddly, and it's current would feel nice for our aching muscles, when cuddling after hard hmm work?"

saying this, it was odd, however the fact remained, this would be enough distraction to ruin the current plan as it was slowly causing his lure of a spell to waver. Yet now their was a new issue, a side to his
mate, the paladin was seeing for the first time. it could be both something enjoyable to look into in a safer scenario, but for right now it showed a lack of awareness of proper danger.
Silas looked at her cute expression, his plate helm hiding his face from hers. It was lucky. She couldn't see how much he was struggling with saying No to such a face. "We will...decide when we have the Nu meat." He said. Though she could sense the difference in his tone, he was trying holding on from a yes by a thread, she probably could wriggle it out of him later with little effort.
pouting in an oddly cute manor, the Dwarf would move to look tours them.
"Fine, but we need to let one of those little ones live so we can try later. I want something cute and cuddly to train, we could have so much fun the three of us. "
saying this, as her eyes seemed to hold that twinkle of desire, and excitement. It would be obvious by now to Sila's, that Clara would have no problem crushing the skulls of the parent
creatures. but the smaller cute ones, he would end up having to get his hands dirty, or end up with her trying to keep all three of them.

as this was going on, the first kit had stopped short of the trap set. as it was now looking back tours the two adult's, whom's ears were perked up, as they looked tours the direction
intently. however it would seem at this moment, they did not realize as of yet the real danger the sound they saw as a potential meal really pose.
As the tiny one was captured, and began to cry, as Silas expected, the parents came rushing in. However what he might not expect, was his dwarven lover, suddenly take her bonk.
in the blink of an eye smashing the skull of the larger nuu. with out hesitation, which caused the smaller one to jump back, and release a powerful, electrical discharge. aiming to fry the killer
of it's mate. or at least paralyze it. This would be a moment where the serpent could ether watch, or step in. as he knew well dwarven magical resistance, was on the verge of immunity. but a discharge like this would
still hurt, and it might serve to be a lesson for his busty, little lover.
The Serpentine warrior watched the lightning fly forth, but unfortunately...he had no such delusions to let his woman be struck by lightning. He took oathes...and it was far from his nature to allow even a passing strike to come to her without his attempted intervention. He threw himself forward, the Electric charge slamming into his armor and starting to shock him. He roared as his body felt the energy blasting around him, but he somehow kept on his feet, pushing forward with a sword thrust for the Beasts attempts. He was hearty and strong willed, but even he knew his strike had a chance of being weakened from.the blow he took.
Enduring the powerful shock, SIla's blade found it's mark. however piercing into the shoulder of the beast. with less force then intended. caused it to knock him away. as the creature roared in pain. before sending the serpent tip tailed tours him. it would appear that the wicked thing would find it's mark in mere moments. before the warm fluid could be felt dripping onto his face. as he would find Clara ontop of him. the massive serpent tail bit into the crook of her neck and shoulder. as the fangs dug into her.

looking into her lover's eyes. she spoke up.
"This really fucking hurts, but no one get's to bite you but me. and I will be biting later. " trying to make a joke while she could. but before the paladin's eyes, he would see her
hands moving to quickly grasping the tail which bit into her. holding it in place, and rolling off of him, thus giving the paladin a chance to finish this more powerful parent off. while they would not notice
right away but the two tiny kits growling and hissing in the back corner as all this was going on.
"We're going to talk about your sex drive some day" he said as he pushed himself up, her opening letting him drive himself forward. The Nuu reared to attack as quickly as it could, but Silas drove his blade into its chest, and then twisted the blade, rending his way downwards to slash its guts open.
Once this was done, panting, as she pulled out the fangs of the serpent tail. her eyes now hazed over, and her face pink with a hell of a temp increase.
At first one might think the venom was acting like it should with prey. But for dwarves this rare venom was like an ideal aphrodisiac, however even Clara was unaware of this.
as she had never allowed herself to be bitten before, However this would be knowledge for one like Silas who was a traverse Paladin. even if it would not click right away, it would soon
enough. more then that, he would need to decide about the two remaining kits, as the one they captured was gonna be Clara's personal little kit. But would he be able to handle her with
more then one of these cuddle beasts under her training, if one could call what was to come, training.
"I will be very soon. Just need a moment. " as she said this, moving to lean against the near by stone wall. this would give Silas the moment he needed to take care of the two remaining kits, unless Clara sees them
before he does what needs to be done. for if she did see them, then he would end up having to deal with her wanting all three, instead of just the one they captured thus far. As her hue was heated, pinkish red. the busty tiny vixen would be panting slight. as the moments passed, her body began to heat up, as she would keep her eyes closed, concentrating on her own breathing and calming herself. However once her stud of a reptilian lover toucher the dwarf before Clara could get ahold of herself. the tiny vixen was ready to body tackle her lover, and use him with out remorse.
Silas put his sword into its scabbard as she turned away, his concern for her outweighting his duty to curb these creatures. "Do you need a spell?" He said as he approached her, bringing his hands together to channel his divine magics, he reached out to her, laying a hand on her shoulder to turn her to him.
As SIlas turned his mate, and bride to be to face him. the reptilian paladin would then see it in her face, the eyes, and how her mouth seemed to practically drool for a moment. before the tiny ball of power, suddenly moved to tackle her lover, and pin him down. panting hard, as her flushed, red, and pin face looked upon him. her hot breath coming out rapid, and very excited. however as this was going on, the bite mark on her would seem to be oozing, not blood but a strange black and pink maisma from her wound. this would be the dead to right indicator to her lover. the normally deadly and dangerous venom from the Nuu's tail, was like an over powering aphrodisiac to this hybrid dwarf which he was now under. forcing the reptilian to choose, ether sate her, or subdue, and heal her condition with his abilities. ether way, the two tiny nuu's would be growling in the distance, huddled in the corner, as the one capture, whined as it was trapped and unable to escape. the kits were of no threat and could be dealt with at their leisure from this point. However while in this condition, It would be much easier to eliminate the other two, with out Clara trying to take them as well for herself to keep as a pet. as long as she knew of the one being caught, and this was done before the current situation. things could play out in a number of ways for the reptilian paladin, yet this only went to prove once more how much of a hand full he had become bonded with, for better or worse.
"Clara-" he said as she pinned him down, nut one glance inti her eyes, the raw, lustful gaze, and dripping ichor from her neck was clear. He wrestled an arm free of her as she was salivating for him. "The Hand of the Divine will heal the sick and shield the needy!" He started to recite, but his magic was mostly spent from the back to back fights, would it neutralize the poison enough?...would she even stop now that she was on top?
Now casting his enchantment, to purify the seductively over active Dwarf. Silas would soon find himself silenced, as her lips came crashing upon his. her tongue desperate to invade his mouth, as her hands moved from pinning the powerful paladin, to trying to strip him of the protective armor. However if the powerful stud thought about the kinky blessing she gave him. Perhaps the one command could cause his armor to generate spikes enough to push her off. even if it would cause some wounds, their would be nothing fatal which he could then heal. however if he did not act quick enough, It would not take long for Clara to find the one special rune she never told her lord, husband to be the purpose of. However it was easy to figure out with her mentality. as it would allow the wicked little vixen to cause his armor to remove itself, almost like an exploding egg's shell while leaving those around it untouched.
Silas was muffled by her savage kisses, his hands being locked down again by hers for the moment as he put up a fight. He pushed up, trying to put her on her back. He reared back, pulling his lips from hers as he tried to pin her himself. After all, he wouldn't harm his future lady like that, she wasn't a his mortality anyway.

The Serpentine warrior put his hands on over hers pushing them by her head. He started to say his prayers again, to recite the scriptures to cleanse her body of the toxins.
As he pinned Clara, Silas would be reminded of the impressive power, and raw strength his tiny miss possess. as she began to squirm, her body struggling against his. in pure raw strength,
he would eventually get the toxin, and haze from her mind. however with the struggle, it would be a test of skills, and will, to endure the pinning. or ending up getting it reversed on him
and stripped himself. as clara would not make this easy, wanting to enjoy herself in such a state.
As they struggled, the pair pushing, pressing, and Grappling against eachother, Silas had to reach out a hand to touch her neck were she was bitten. He put his arm on her chest, between her breasts. But she had the advantage of both hands and being practically ferally horny, felt her clawing hands, figuring she was trying to struggle to battle him, but her hands found their path for the rune she hid.
It would seem like a losing battle for Silas, as his tiny lover soon got to the rune. causing his armor to practically burst off in all directions it seemed.
now in the nude under her, as he would feel his tiny bride to be, wasting not time to impale herself upon him. however once he was balls deep, the deed would be done.
as her eyes returned to normal, as she looked into his eyes, with a smile like a cat which ate the canary. before commenting as she was now stationary.

"if you wanted to use me like a life size doll, all you had to do was ask big boy. "
saying this playfully, however the fact remained, he had successfully removed the state she was in, however now would Silas push her off, so they could finish their job here.
or would the powerful paladin, and thus give into the carnal pleasure which was now offered to him right here. as the only threat left were the little Nu Kits. as one was captured, the
other two hiding in the chamber where the parents were once kept. as the bodies of these lovers blocked the only way out of the room.
"What have you done!" Silas said looking at her, he would have seemed more upset if he couldn't imagine her doing such a trick so easily. He pushed, his hips pushing and his member sliding deeper into his bride. "You did this- I thought you were going ti die!" He said as he looked up to her bare naked bride to be.
as he spoke, she would practically squeal in excitement, as her arms suddenly moved to wrap around Silas. forcing his head between her massive bust, as if trying to suffocate her lord husband to be with affection and excitement.
however her heavy, well toned, tiny frame would be easy enough for him to roll over, and pin. however the fact remained they were still in the dungeon mission. as it was, the serpent would feel how she was moving herself against him.
instead of answering his question she was assaulting her lover once more. even with the aphrodisiac like venom removed she was now in full launch mode so to speak.
As She muffled him in her excitement, Silas hissed between her must, a position any other man she chased would have killed to stay in no doubt, but Silas wasn't completely in such a mood even as she rubbed abd pressed to him. Though he was careful not to bit le her, after all his people had venom as well...a very porent one. He wasn't sure I'd it would effect her the same....or worse with its high strength. He rolled around with her, starting to pry her off of him. "Wh-wheee- we are working!" He said as he dragged himself free of her large breasts. "We cannot stray from our goals!" He said as he started to wrestle with her.
"But werent you the one who started it? why get me all riled up only to tease big boy?" saying this as it would reveal to Silas, that once the venom had taken hold she had no recollection of how she jumped him.
however this would also make things easier to explain to her, if this was indeed the fact, however it also meant that once they were home, he would end up with an riled up, and seriously over whelming ball of hormones
which would need to be sated if he wanted any peace. as it was though, she would have a bit of a sly smile, before running one of her fingers on a small part of armor which was still on him. it was the part which had the odd,
unknown rune on it. by running her finger along it in reverse. a sharp jolt would shock his spine, just long enough to cause Silas' a strange albeit new sensation, as it would not hurt, but not be pleasant ether. once this sensation passed
his armor would be fully intact once more. as she looked at him, commenting how much cuter he looked with only parts of his armor on. but work is work. this also revealed to the serpent he had a dwarven emergency rune, one which could remove, and reattach
armor in an instant. which was thought to be a fable, a form of rune crafting which had believed to only exist in old stories, and legends. however if he were to ask, it would be revealed this rune was taught to both her, and her sister by their late mother, despite how
it would have made more sense to be from their dwarven father. yet it would reveal this unique rune was not dwarven in nature, but from a smithing class of goliaths which would explain why so little of it was known, as that class was all but extinct any more.
"No I didn't...must be the venom of the Nu." He said shaking his head as his armor locked suddenly locked up around him. He smiles slightly at her comment. "You will see me parts of it, none of it, or all of it. Though, I will have to say I haven't seen a Dwarven Emergency Rune like this before, the stories didn't do it justice." He said as they got up. "Eh...shall we put the rest down? They have no family to protect them." He said as he looked at the Kits. He hef
as he spoke up saying this, Silas would soon find clara holding the struggling and crying kit in her hand. practically crushing and suffocating it with affection. all the while leaving him to take care of the remaining on.
as it seemed she didn't realize he had one already captured, however if Silas allowed her, they would end up with two Nu kits, instead of just one. thus forcing the reptilian paladin to have to put his foot down, if he did not
want to have a wild woman with two pets, which could be both dangerous and enjoyable. as he now knew the most dangerous part of this creature to a dwarf was nothing more then a fun time drug. however she seemed to be loving
the idea of having two of them, acting as if they were some kind of exotic cat. at this moment her mind was only registering the one she scooped up of the two which were trapped, while the third was secured and ready to be taken back.
Silas watched her cuddling the small creature, even as it squirmed around in her arms. He wanted to put his foot down and tell her they already had one for her, but another felt here excitement, infected by it. "Clara- we do already have one here" he said trying to get her attention, gesturing to the trapped box. "Are you sure you can handle two?" He said folding his arms.
"of course, and besides wouldn't it get lonely when were off on missions, to be home all alone? We raise them, be great pets, and guard kits no?"
as she said this excitedly. However if Silas was not careful she might even try to convince him to keep all three, as two could be exceptable, as two of the three kits
were the same gender, the third being the opposite gender could pose a threat of getting more kits in the near future. more so if he pointed this out to Clara, as it was the one she snagged in her arms,
and the one trapped in the magic were the siblings of the same gender. while the final one was the opposite gender. ( you can decide if it would be double male, or female for the keepers, or would she end up with a mix pair kekeke)
(XD Silas: *tries to out his Foot down on Pets*

Clara: *anime puppy stare*)

Silas sighed in defeat. "You're lucky we are to be married and are very cute." He said as looked at the siblings. "You can keep both of the girls, but we are not getting the third. And that us that!" He said folding his arms, finally putting his foot down. Though it was a cute look to see him so firm, he was clearly pushing himself to keep from any further ground giving.

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