Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

as he said this, the little dwarf would rush to her fiance, and grasp his waist, her arms around his body. as her face into his lower back.
"leave them be, if you do this now, it will never end. we can ignore it, and just move on. " as she said this, not worried about honor or anything like that,
for this was the treatment she grew up dealing with . however for sila's this was something more. however the massive bovine like oxen warrior would looked tours
the much smaller fellow holy warrior. despite his fellow team members being of more elegant looking maidens. he would look to the serpent.

"so little man, tell me, does that dirt digger even compare to a proper maiden, their bodies so small, rough, their actions so crude, and uncontrollable.
more then that, their more about smashing then actual womanly charms. " as he spoke his words were not untrue, however the way one carried out their actions
also dictated their own charm, which clara had her own unique charm about her. despite how if one looked at the tiny, busty vixen, indeed she did fit the stereo type
of a dwarven brawler off the bat, and at first glance. however the fact she was trying to keep her fiance from clobbering this group or more so this paladin, showed her own
lack of self value by public eye.
"I will not let anyone look down upon you like this. Never again." He said to Clara, gently touching her head. "I fear no beast, man, or fiend. So, please. Allow me to face them for you." He said gently reaching to pull free of her arms. This wasn't about the public, it was about her after all. "You speak of proper maidens, I know from that alone you lack character. Your oaths must shake with every temptation in front of your eye." He said as he approached the behemoth. "My Clara has all the charm she needs, I see it in her every breath." He said, "Tell me, where is yours?" He barbed, his heart steadying as he prepared for conflict.
Chuckling, the mighty beast would move to kneel down, so his eyes would meet Sila's eyes.
"I see, so a holy warrior who has tainted himself. what a pathetic being you have become, to see a fellow brethren fall so easily.
perhaps I should remind you why we holy warrior are meant to remain, how should I say this, proper, and maidenless. "

as he spoke making it sound as if giving one to a lover, would cause them to be tainted and lose their holy power. however true this might be for
some believes like the holy cycle of the red Moon. however this did not mean it was true for all paladins. yet as he spoke and moved into such a position.

Silas would see how the little dwarf backed away for a moment. looking on, as she pouted her lips, as her cheeks puffed out.
yet this was about to be a show or so one would think, as the three maidens with the oxen holy warrior would think that their team mate could win, hands down.
"The Steel Champion has no such scripture, to defend others is my purpose, every maiden, every man. To defend one's love is the ultimate act of my God and its teachings. Though I suppose with your demeanor, to have no maidens is no difference." He said with a faint smile crossing his lips now that they were eye level.
Clicking his tongue in annoyance with this last part.

" I see so you have fallen that far for a dirt munched. Very well brother I shall be glad to knock some sense into you. Do not threat I will not kill you."

Saying as if his size and stature was enough to guarantee his victory. However the paladin did not know that the dwarf he was belittling had a mean streak and was not shy on playing dirty.

Thus if even for a second it looked as if Silas going to get her she would act. However Clara could not deny the excitement seeing her mind defending her like this.
"I have felled larger foes than you. Don't fret, I doubt your maidens will notice the change in your appearance." Silas prodded further, his smile only growing slightly as he barbed the larger man fearlessly. He hadn't even taken a stance yet, perhaps to test his foe's resolve and his temper it seemed.
Ad he prodded the bovine qould move to place a hand on Silas shoulder. Only for the unique runes to trickery imoaling his hand as if touching a pad of deadly thorns instantly.

Pulling his now bleeding palm away, he looked to his hand which would begin to glow golden as it healed.

"Tch some one has see fangs I see. "

Ad he said this at first it would appear as if the brute would move to try a feint swing tours s the serpent.
The Serpent's smile shifted into a smirk, as the feint moved before his eyes, but he willingly stepped into it, the swing catching him, most men probably buckled and flew, but Silas's body clashed against it with a metallic gonging sound. The Bovine had clearly struck him in the head, but his albino-scaled opponent's body had changed, his scales were now shining steel, like he had become a living statue. He threw a punch of his own, his fist rocketing upwards to deal a savage uppercut to his chin.
the impressive strike caused the bovine to step back, as his head was forced into an upward position from the impact.

as he would growl, only to bring back his strike, aiming to hit the serpentine warrior all the harder. yet if the first blow had little effect
what good would be the same level of a strike if it did not have killing intent behind it. however this twisted bovine had decided to try and beat
the holy serpent up, or more so in his mind beat some sense into this mistaken dwarf lover.
The Steel scaled serpent brought up an arm as the bovine rained his fists over him. The technique he was using only reducing the damage and absorbing the blows impact. He winced little by little, but drove his advantage. Silas pushed his arms upward, forcing the larger man's arms aside as he drove his head forward to slam his metal jacketed head again his rivals.
as the fight began to pick up the pace. it was becoming more and more of a slug fest.
however with Sila's hardening technique, the only one who would show damage over time was the brute of
a bovine. who grew more and more agitated, before finally bring out his ultimate technique, the divine eradication beam.
a build up of holy energy which all paladins knew of, but only a few could actually use. as this technique could one shot even dragons, and ran the risk
of incinerating any who were not blessed by a church or angelic protection. as such it was a move saved for only the most evil, and powerful foes. however in
an area like this, even his own party, let alone clara would be in danger. as he smirked, quickly moving to prep this unique attack as well as
defend himself from any opening one might try to take to stop it.
(XD jesus casting high level magic just to nuke a single enemy)

Silas watched the paladin change tactics, seeing him begin to draw upon the sacred scriptures and pulling the divine powers into himself. "What are you doing to mad bastard!" Silas said as he rushed him. He'd have little time to stop him, but he could at the very least minimize the damage to the people around them. He brought his hands out, moving his own powers, spending the last of his divine strength to put out a spell, sheets of metal ripping out of the ground around them, spiraling metal and stone shaping around them, forming an arena. It wouldn't contain all of the blast, but it would hopefully give the innocents cover and shielding from the worst of it. Silas then did the next crazy idea of this near suicidal ploy. He jumped at the Bovine, tackling him with all the mass in his body. If he could upset the technique, perhaps he could force the paladin ti fore it early, weaker.
as Silas did this, something unexpected would happen. as his body suddenly found itself unable to move. as the armor began to actually extend and cocoon around him.
It would be, the last momentary thing Silas's saw, as the tiny dwarven maiden he knew darted past him, smashing the ox with her hammer, and into the sealing earth spell he had cast.
as his own armor, and the runes to protect him had been used against him.

as the spell went off. Silas would feel the vibration, as the odd function, his woman added to his armor vibrated violently before finally releasing him.

the other three were visibly rushing to the side of the tiny body on the ground, who held her hammer. the massive end of it was smashed into the ground.
her odd shaped , almost spear like bottom of the shaft aimed into the sky, as her body was completley nude, the armor flaked off, and on the ground smoking, the hammer seemed to glisten with an unnatural radiance.
as her body was burnt and tender, but the fact remained she was alive. and the paladin was unconscious with half his face smashed in, his teeth broken, and his one horned shattered. once this paladin came to he would go on a rampage
for the one which struck him like this. however the three trying their best to heal the dwarf were panicking. as they did not have the level or knowledge to heal like a paladin or pure healer mage would.
Despite his desperate desire to protect his lover, and fiance', Silas would find his woman over protective of him, and for a third time sense they were together, showed why he could not under estimate her durability let alone speed, and power.
as she playfully always came off weak, and carefree, but moments like this were rare but showed him just what kind of woman he had found for himself. be it the bubbly side of her, or the serious, and dangerous side.
Silas struggled in the armor seal, trying to fight its spells that locked him in place and hid his vision. "Clara! Clara!" He yelled from within the Steel casing, his hands try to to move to undo the seals upon him. He couldn't think, couldn't focus on anything else anymore than his woman. Such an attack like that, it reflected one's own soul, he surely would have been safe. He had no doubt she was pure of heart, he would have sensed evil on her soul. But he couldn't bare this idea that she was struck down, trying to protect him of all things. He would have never forgave himself and fir the bovine sake, he probably would have killed him even while he was unconscious.
Finally, free, and able to see the condition of his Fiance', Silas would see her tiny frame, for all it's view. the burnt marks through out her body,
the smell of burnt flesh, hitting his senses. however she was alive, just in need of healing. as the three would look to the paladin. asking if he knew any high level healing,
as their potions and elixers were not enough, due to the attack being a soul based one, not just physical. However the fact remained he had something to worry about before
doing what might come to the unconscious bovine.
Silas brought his hands together, hus divine spells were spent but Paladins still could grant some healing with their touch. "Move." He said as he knelt by her, his hands hovering just over her skin. He began to whisper to himself, praying soft words to his God. His divinity his connection rising inside him as healing energy ebbed through his fingers and started to try to work its effects.
The process would be quiet the sight, however more then that. Silas would feel as if her body besides being resilient to magic,
almost like it was rejecting his healing magic. despite how it was working very slowly at least. he would end up needing to exhaust himself
mentally but the task would be successful for the loyal paladin. now knowing if he appeared to be in danger, even his woman would do all in her power
to protect him, as much as he would her. and this was the proof before his eyes.
finally coming to, Clara's palm moved to Silas's cheek, as she weakly spoke of how she was happy he was defending her. but do not make her
worry like that again. before passing out. now just needing rest to recover. the three girls would be over and now stumping and belittling the ox paladin
for being such an idiot. however the fact remained, this so called holy beastman almost cost Silas his woman. however the oddest thing would be how the one
hand never released or loosen it's hold on the hammer. as the thing seemed to glow, as if it absorbed more magic then one could realize.
Silas but his tongue as she fainted in his arms. He would have to give her a verbal lashing later. He eased her back down and walked over to the minotaur as he was being kicked around by his followers. He wanted to pick up Clara's hammer to cave his head into paste...but he knew that it would go against his oathes. He was defeated, helpless, making him a ward to defend if needed. "When he wakes up, let him know he is lucky to have survived." He said "and if he does this again, someone else may well be far less merciful."
As the three heard his words, Silas would see how the one would move to offer him, her cape. as it could be used to cover Clara up, so they could keep her from prying eyes, as the serpent would need to
ether carry his maiden out of the path way at least and set up a camp site. or to carry her back to the guild, ether way, the report of this bovine action's could cause a great deal of issues for paladins in general,
however such a reckless warrior was a rare sight in the strict teaching of any church.
Silas bowed to the woman. "Thank you, yiu are kind." He said as he took the cape to cover up Clara. He covered her up, pulling her into his arms, along with her pack and Bonk, settling the hammer on his back so he could carry his future wife with both arms. Taking her to the guild? No. He decided to take her back to her home first, to atleast get her in her bed before he dropped off their mission for their gold.
Once dropped off at their little humble abode. Silas would be forced to head back to the guild to turn in the quest alone. however as he would be unaware of it. the two Nu Kits would be snuggled into
Clara's frame on the bed.

entering the guild Silas would see the clerk, who was taking notes, as she did not notice the serpentine paladin. the little bunny girl would be busy, as she had several others working with her. as things seemed to be
in a panic in the background. unaware of it, their were several emergency quests being posted, due to demonic beast outbreaks.
Silas looked ar the emergency posts, one red notice after another. "Its only been a day." He muttered to himself. "But the world never rests, nor do the holy." He said as he pushed through to the bunny girl finally. He put his quest form down and the pouch for their delivery. He would have to pick through the quests too while he waited for payment to assess the threats. Afterall, Clara nearly died today, he would have to consider if he could handle the beast alone.
As he would look through out the emergency requests. one which would stick out, was a battle which had broken out between a forest dragon, and a mountain Golem,
the two natural foes kept apart by their territories. these two had begun to rage against one another where a small town was caught in the middle of the two terrirories.
this would be very dangerous, however the serpent might be able to deal with the dragon with out violence, and the golem with the aid of his lover. however in worse case
scenario, the two of them would have to kill these two lower class territorial deity.
now with this unique yet dangerous quest of two fronts. Silas would be heading back as he would soon notice several people before the smith shop which was his home.
at first it would look as if some concern regular customers were coming to check on the condition of Clara, the cheapest, and most reliable dwarven smith in the area.

However as he would draw closer, another holy fiend, one from the church of the moon would be their, as the crowd seemed to be blocking the priest from leaving, as well
as his four followers. as they had apparently felt the unnatural aura of the monsters. finding a dwarven woman sleeping with the kits, it would be seen as the highest blasphemy for
this church as they had zero tolerance for monsters, and almost little tolerance for demi humans, being a human run believe. yet they were trying to get out of the area, before
the risk of a real challenge could show itself. only having seen a paladin earlier leaving the smithy shop by one of their spies. however believing it would be another church moving to
take this rare case to seize a bounty from their hands.
Silas rushed forward at the crowd, he touched his chest peice, his sword starting to form as he noticed the symbols of the church. He held the sword over his head as he approached the crowd. Yhe flames and lightning hissing loudly into the air to gather all attention to himself. "What is the meaning of this!"
"I see, a fellow Paladin has arrived, do not threat brother. we have come to be rid of this dirt eater, and her monsters. after all those who choose not to obey the great lord in any form must be purged.
it is a sin of sins to take on monsters as pets, or minions. regardless of species. I am sure you are aware of this. thus if you wish to join us in the subjugation we will welcome you brother. "

as the one priest spoke, this would reveal to Silas they were hear for clara, but were having issues getting to her. unaware of it, the runes which were in her room prevented the holy men from getting in.
as she was still out cold herself. unaware of all this, yet thanks to the unique bond he had with clara he could pass through her protective runes with out any issues. yet the priest would warn him of the devil's
power being used to protect their cursed target who needed to be cleansed, and rescued from her own sins. unaware that this was not black magic, but dwarven rune crafts they were dealing with.
Silas sheathed his blade. "I am not joining you in your practice. I am here to see to my fiancée. The Dwarf you are here for is to be my wife. " He said as approached them. "Please watch your words when referring to her further." He said as politely as he could.

"As for the Monsters, you have little to worry of them. They aren't pets." He said simply. "According to her, Nu is quite tasty."

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