Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

"We shall make a day of it, perhaps a nice date of slaying and laying once were done with our work big boy. "
saying this, she would snuggle herself into Silas a bit more. however the duo had to go deep into the den, to complete the task.
as it was, they would have their hands full with their current tasks. However Silas now had seen that his woman would be targeted by monsters
despite her stature, and aggressive nature. meaning things could pose a different kind of threat for him, then the usual getting mauled or beaten.
" Honestly hun, not that I know of. Normally when I get attacked, I have Bonk with me, and they are turned to paste. " flexing her arms, and calling her magical runic war hammer Bonk, a plain yet oddly fitting name. however the fact remained. she said this, as it would seem ether this was her first time being caught, or like the creature's had done prior. perhaps she had no memory of the prior assaults due to venoms or other aggressive effects.
Silas rubbed his chin , holding his helm under one arm, after all if a monster simply could block the memory...she may truly have no clue. It would explain her...Appetites a bit, but then again, Dwarves were boisterous and loud in most things they too pleasure in, perhaps he just never considered how it would be for relations. "Then I suppose you shall show me your skills with Bonk while we raid that Den
a mischievous and playful smirk coming across her face, Clara would move to get up and pull her stud to her side.
"Come now, before that, think you can help me get into that battle armor hmm?" as she said this, in an oddly playful sultry tone, the wicked little
diva was showing herself acting more and more like the way she was prior to being sated. However this could also be caused by the idea of getting into
some more enjoyable action of slaying. however the fact remained, she did not require the aid, but wanted to see how he would handle such an act with her.
wanting to tease her hero a bit.
With the help of her stud, Clara would soon be adorn in her tightly fit, and weaponized armor. However helping her into it, Silas would discover some smaller faint runes on the inside of his woman's armor. showing she had some special protection in her armament, or so it would look. However the real purpose of these unique smaller runes would be revealed when they celebrated later, or so she would say and wink at him. if he mentioned anything about the smaller runes aiding her into the armament.
"Why for celebration?" He said almost innocently, as if he hadn't been cumming in her in the past 8 hours. "Eh, I'm sure you've made them special , and thats all i must know." He said as he shook his head to himself. "Are you ready then, my dear?" Silas asked of her, putting an arm along her broad dwarven shoulders.
"Let us begin the blast of smash " saying this with a great deal more excitement then one would expect. However Silas would soon discover the true horror which his little clara posed. as she had a much more savage side when using her weapon, and letting loose. However it was unknown if this unknown side to her would be a scary sight, or a turn on for the powerful warrior. however the den awaits them, as the floor, ceiling, and walls had thick powerful webbing. but instead of being the sticky kind. they were more like trip wires, and sensory cords. as it showed the kind of foe they would fight were the ambush predators. however if ether of them knew about how these kinds of predators hunted, they could use the threads to their advantage if one of the duo noticed it in time.
"Well, then perhaps we should evict them all, make sure they all go splat real nice. " saying this with a prideful and wicked tone. the tiny dwarven maiden would get her hammer up. as she slammed it onto the bundle of webs. which caused a powerful vibration to shoot through them all. this was not the plan which Silas seemed to have, but his woman had rang the dinner bell.
As the sound of many creatures moving from afar, in the distance out of sight, but the fact remained. their were many, and they were large. moving tours the duo. as she smirked.

"Well love, hope your ready were about to start our first game, see who can squish the most bugs. winner gets a favor from the loser. " saying this playfully with a wink, before twisting her hammer around skillfully, before moving tours the approaching sounds.
"We have no clue of there abilities!" He said as he heard the Beasts coming, but still he stepped forwards, , his longer legs carrying him forwards faster than Clara as he lifted his shield and it bloomed larger and brighter to take the first blow. Arachnid claw scrapping along the surface of divine energies, and the Paladin swung his sword, Slashing its limb off and then thrusting the blade into its head.
as the fight started, it all seemed straight forward, as the larger arachnids, were no more then usual spiders. just on a much larger, and more dangerous scale.

rushing past, silas, as the serpent took down one after another. Clara would rush past, with loud, and impressive strikes. Even silas would feel the vibrations of the hammer's impact rattling through his armor. as the tiny dwarf swung with enough force to even make one as well protected as himself, to realize just how powerful his tiny lover was. however powerful she was a handful, and over active, yet careless. laughing as she began to crush one after another. putting on a boastful show for Silas. stating if he didn't pick up the pace, she would slay more foes then he. however with how careless she was getting, it would soon become visible, that Clara would soon end up getting herself all tied up. as the tiny warrior did not notice how more and more strands of webbing was beginning to build up around her weapon, wrist, and ankles.
as they continued it would not be long before SIlas would notice a massive shadow in the distance. as a web was suddenly shot at them. snaring up Clara, as she would soon be dangling like a pinyata. as she kicked her legs helplessly.

"No fare, no one said their be a weaver in here to. " her fingers sticking out of the web, as her hammer was on the ground. as several smaller ones began to move tours the dwarf. while several medium size one, slightly smaller then horses moved tours silas, as if to assault him. when in fact they seemed to be trying to distract the holy warrior long enough to drag their dwarven prey tours the leader which shot the web from afar. as several globs would be shot tours Silas as well.
Silas raked his blade through the air, the great sword Slashing and slicing spiders two by two if he could get them the gr group up tight. "I'm coming!" Silas said as he looked to Clara's pinned form. He began to chantvlouder, , using one of the 154 scriptures that Eranral had granted the Guardian Knights. The divine tongue made his weapon glow, lashing and pulling towards its foe almost supernaturally accurate now, enhancing it all the further with the help of its new Runes.
As he went to town with his abilities, speed, and skill. Silas would soon hear Clara cursing and demanding to be freed. as the tiny, busty maiden was being quickly dragged off, as the rest continued to get butchered by the warrior. More then that, as he fought to get closer, and chase after his woman. The hammer which was dropped would glow, as runes began to activate one it. however if the serpent even tried to lift Bonk, he would discover that even with his strength and blessings, this weapon could not be lifted, at least not by him. As if it could only be lifted by the one who it was owned by, or the one who created it, in this case both were the same. However the fact remained, Clara would be quiet a hand full to fight with out a weapon. her tiny arms, and legs could only do so much against foes like this. showing him once more, how much of a head ache he had for a lover now.
"Clara! " Silas called out as his sword split another spider in two, hacking his way deeper and deeper. He started to chant all the harder, louder he left the hammer by the eBay side. He couldn't lift it himself so he would pray that Clara could draw it to her...or they he could secure the tunnel by then. His lungs burned, his voice pushing through the strain of his war chants to the Steel Champion to guide his blade to the truth.
cutting through the webs, and foes. Silas would eventually cut his way to the deepest of the den. as he would soon see the image of Clara squirming, and struggling. as a larger massive beast began to descend tours her. with several tendril like appendages coming out of the back side of it's abdomen. looking as if it was about to try and make use of Clara, as an incubator for it's eggs.

as this was going on, the larger thicker shelled arachnid, which would take several strikes to cut through would move tours her. it would seem like they were royal guards of this hive leader, or perhaps queen. as all the walls around them littered with humanoid shape cocoons.
Silas watched the monster descending slowly, the paladin seeing its intents clearly. Did everything want to lay its eggs in his bride?! She'd certainly have the Stamina to bear out plenty. As he saw the other hanging cocoons, Silas felt his divine will burn all the hotter. "If they are still Alice, ill save them" he said to himself as he saw the larger spiders coming, his shield starting to fade off, but he channeled his fervor and will into his sword, the glow becoming divine white flames along its edge. Silas darted forward at the guardian spiders,whirling the empowered blade at it with a roar of passion.
now with his enchanted weapon being empowered Silas would hear Clara's voice scream out, before going silent with gagging and moist slapping sounds. as the beast had begun it's process. all the while, it would take two or three hits to sever these armored guardian arachnid's limbs, and cleave them with their extra thick carapace armor. however it would not take long for the serpent warrior to notice the weakness in these armored beasts. their tiny eyes, as they had many, but they were unprotected. it would not kill them, but perhaps injure them enough to remove the threat they posed. all the while the sound of his woman being forced to endure, and get used. as she struggled, and squirmed with her body bound in webbing, as she was being ruined by this fiend. However something else seemed to happen. as if the runes in his armor began to glow. a strange heat, and empowering sensation would begin to flow into his body. that's when the surprise would finally become known and revealed to Silas. a forbidden way of fighting, a feral, and wild power of a berserker, but with out the side effects of going mad, or losing self control. it was a dwarven empowering runic version. something which would normally only be given to dwarven royal and elite warriors, no one outside of the species or kingdom would normally experience such a frenzy power. however this was forbidden yet slipped into his blessed armor. thus giving it a bit of a corruption or taint which his people would normally forsake. but in this case, it was a unique gift to him and him alone as she was his mate, so could it be seen as an attempt to corrupt her lover, or perhaps a means to protect what was hers? regardless his own emotions seemed to be the key to triggering this, as it was something he was not meant to tap into as of yet.
As the rage swallowed him, less of a traditional 'rage' and more of a focusing trance upon his mind. It made him shrug through blows to his armor, his blade flicking and Slashing at the eyes of the spiders. Ichor and blood slides around the den forcing the Beasts further and further back. "Clara!" He called put again as he left through the horde, going after the monster that was trying to have its way with his woman. He struck out at its abdomen, hacking at its body and limbs with fervor fury.
as soon as he managed to damage the beast enough to free his tiny vixen she would fall with a painful thud. squirming and struggling, as the cocoon around the mid section of her body would seem to bulge and shrink. it was almost comical, as Clara began to tear herself free via biting and pulling at the thick webbing with her mouth. All the while the swarm began to assault her mate. as he cut the wicked things down. the one which had been after his mate now bleeding and in pain would cause a massive wad of thick venomous web to spew right at Silas. aiming to stick him to the wall and poison him, so the young could eat this reptilian later. Unaware of how effective his current state would be against these annoying fiends.
Silas's eyes flicked as the web speed towards him, opening up in his direction, but his hands swung his sword around, the burning edge searing and boiling the web as he slashed it aside. "Filthy creature!" He seethe through his teeth, throwing another spider aside as he ran toward it, zeroing in on it to hack it in particular for this affront to his person.
rushing upon the massive brute which was the one that attempted to use his woman. Silas would find one of it's powerful arms moving to try and pierce him through the shoulder. as the beast wanted to pin the reptile to the wall, as this would allow it's brood to begin to bite, and cocoon the prey. however they way the acted, and fought did not give much room for mistakes. As Sila's was warrior on a mission, Clara was slowly freeing herself, spitting up globs of the web she tore with her teeth, until she could free at least one arm. at which point she would use a rune on her leather sleeve to generate a mana blade from two of her fingers to free herself.
As Silas closed the distance the spider limb drove forward, catching his shoulder and pinning him, but he couldn't even tell, his armor burst into a wall of spikes as the spider treated to have a go at him. The spikes and thorns forced them back, as he grabbed the limb and started to twist it with a stone calm. The Limb twisted and folded, threatening to snap the longer the spider tried to retrain the Serpent from his prize. He raked the thorned armor under the spider's leg then pulled all the harder like it was playing a game of tug o war with him. Clara certainly knew the right kind of guy to hook up with.

(XD So glad I picked one of my martial types and not a caster lol)
Now the fight began to really heat up, the reptilian warrior would soon notice his tiny diva of a wife on the move in the back round. her fists, feet, and even mouth was being used, as she was tearing apart every beast she got ahold off. like a savage beast, panting as she spat out a severed limb from her mouth. only to turn and rush tours her man. in a blood lust like state, however as this was going on, Silas himself was making relatively quick work of his foes. leaving the massive one to be dealt with before long.
Silas picked up his great sword, running at the massive spider again, his battle focused trance making him all the faster on his feet as it was all that was between Clara and himself. He parried away its spindly limbs, closing it on it as he slashed with a swift over head slash, nearly slicing it clear in two as I've dug deeper and deeper into its fless and its ichor gushed around his armor , but it wouldn't be tainted by the muck for long. Clara saw Slas hack his way through the rest of the spider, looking around in case there was more.
Now the two of them covered in gore, and ichor, would soon be standing back to back. as Clara laughed softly.

"Well their big boy, I thought for a moment you wanted to watch, glad to see your possessive then that. my big back snakey snake. "

saying this in a bit of a playful tone now. as she panted, wiping her mouth. whistling at how he looked covered in gore, and ichor from the den they just eradicated, and this was only the half way point into
the magical mine. however this would be a good spot for them to take and recover, while their were still many humanoid shape cocoons in this den. many of them seemed to still be alive, however unknown to
ether Silas, or Clara, all of them were already successfully incubating more arachoid eggs in them, in the wombs for the female, and the guts for the males.
"I would never let anything like that happen while I live." Silas said as he sheathed his sword, and then drew out a dagger to approach a cocoon and started to cut one one. "I'd be dead for your to be forced in such a way." He said as he split a cocoon open and started to drag out the people inside.

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