Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

as Silas began to cut the cocoons, and free them. He would soon notice How clara began to kill some of the people and help others. at first it might come off a bit alarming, however if he heard the sounds of those she killed. he would quickly realize they were the ones which were to far gone for aid. killing them, also killed the babies growing in them. preventing a new generation of horror. However it was unknown if the serpent would realize this or if he would make the mistake of stopping her, thus allowing a new arachnoid queen to be born and scuttle off, deeper into the mine to start the spider den all over again once they were done in it.
Silas looked over as Clara was in the midst of her slaughter,, rushing over yo try to catch her arms. "What are you doing!" He said holding onto her fir a moment as he looked at the victims. But he caught on fast with how swollen and bulbous they were. "They're...egg carriers" he said letting her go. A sickening feel danced inside of him, knowing he very well had to decide what dlto do...if he could even use his magics to undo this horror...or join in the affair with Clara's butchery. W
coving her face, as the victim came to screaming blood curdling pain filled wails. as her stomach exploded. the gore and splatter hitting both clara and silas. as a new species was now born and rushed off into the depths of the mind. sighing, as she looked to her man.
"well that's gonna be an issue once it's all grown up. the ones we fought so far all born from wild animals. ones born from smarter prey become smarter, stronger, and grow faster. "

saying this she would begin to wipe the blood off herself, however as their were still a few more cocoons. Silas would discover out of them all, only two of them were saved the rest had to be executed to preserve them from the fate of becoming a hatchling's birthing chamber. yet he would not be able to deny the way Clara was looking over him. now covered in blood, and having enjoyed the heat of battle. it was taking everything this little dwarf had not to jump her man, and take him right her in the blood webbed filled chamber.
(XD Clara: You uh need to take off your armor, I need to check it for damage and are wounded my fiancee, as a wife I should check that too....lemme...check your entire body hmmmm?)

Silas sighed to himself as he looked at the doomed survivors, his greatsword in his hand. "Great Defender, guide my hand and these poor souls, flbefpre I give them the only mercy I had left in." He prayed, running his hand along the holy symbol. He lifted it, propping it on his shoulders. He stepped up as Clara could only watch, her man's swift technique, beheading one monster carrying survivor after the other, he was swift, and precise, trying to keep them from any hint of pain or fear. By the last ones death, he put his blade down slowly, his head lowering to start to pray again it seemed for forgiveness and for blessings upon the families he had to prevent the reunions of.
Once the horrible ordeal was over, the victims laid to rest. As silas had given a blessing, and a death sentence, he would soon find his misses, Burying the bodies their. placing small stone head stones. using runes to craft regular stones into head stones. as she buried each one. thanking them for their part in the circle of life, and apologizing for their suffering. It would seem the dwarf had her own way of seeing things. However once this was all done, she would stand up, dusting herself off. as she smirked looking over her reptilian husband to be.

"Well then, Looks as though we know the den is real, but this is only the first part of our job. You up for another journey? Were only half way into the depths and we ran into these creepies, so their probably far more waiting for us in the depths. "

as she said this, licking her lips. the busty short stack seemed to have something else up her sleeve, or in her mind. wanting to get away from the source of all this death, but so much violence had turned her on in more ways then one. however more then that,
she would be eyeing silas up like a piece of fine cut meat.
"We aren't finished down here, we must clear it. And you still desire the ore doen here." He said simply as he cleaned his sword. "Are you feeling up for more battling? Or should we take a moment to rest, just a short one to keep our edge?" He said as he looked to hod future wife. He could see the way she was leering at him, practically tear his armor apart with her very eyes.
Taking the time to fully strip herself from head to toe, Clara would begin to tear off thick chunks of arachnoid skeleton chunks. reinforcing her own armor with it. as she looked up tours her reptilian stud. with a wicked smirk, as her brain had a few things going on. her own wicked desires obvious, however the fact remained, she needed the ore, and they needed to finish the task here.

" Well, I guess it would be best to prep for more of a tussle down their. after all, these were but babies, the real challenge will be by the ore. "
saying this, as she seemed to sound more excited, then she should be. which would leave one to wonder what actually dwelled with in the mine. as Clara was obviously reinforcing her own armament, with arachnid shells, to prep for more combat.
"Welp, before being dragged off like a piece of seductive meat, I had a sack of healing herbs, dehydrated meat, and a few water skins. probably still back their with mama's Hammer. want to grab it? and see if that stud can handle such a pole hmm?"

saying this, as she winked at Silas, as they both knew, their would be a trick to it, for him to lift the weapon, as it was rune guarded, and protected. However this could be easily done if a simple rune was given to him, be it a temporary mark on a wrist or palm, or a permanent mark some where else on the body. Wanting to see he noticed her protected weapon back their, let alone if he knew what would be needed to collect it himself, or if he would have her go and get it herself. All the while, Clara spoke and said this, making oddly seductive, and playful body gestures tours her reptilian stud as she spoke.
with a wink, she would motion for Silas to expose his wrists to her. the dwarven vixen's fingers began to glow.

"Oh simple Rune lock, I can place rune on your wrists, so you can carry as well. Want permanent rune so you can touch all my goodies?"
throwing the last part in, with a bit of a playful tone, and wink, however a temporary one would be quick and easy, while a permanent one would be like having it scarred into his flesh
with heated nails.
Once his wrists were presented to her, Clara began to start her work, as the finger's glowed. a hissing and burning pain would be felt where her nails slid along his flesh, and scales. crafting a temporary rune upon his flesh, as it would hurt for a short while. the runes would last for a few days, before naturally vanishing on their own, as if it was never done. As she would move to kiss each once she made them. before giggling a bit at her stud.

"well then, Off with you, I need my Lord Husband to get our supplies, and return, While I craft some arachnid armor to replace my ruined armor segments. "

saying this, she would look to the kills, and body parts, even walking over to tear off a fang from one of the severed heads, and tossing it to Silas, stating that the venom even after death can still be useful in emergencies for first aid, or even self defense.
Silas examined the fang, but slid it into his hip Pouch. "I'll be back in a few" he said patting Clara on the shoulders before turning to go gather up her supplies. He ventured back up the cave, and grabbed her hammer up, propping the heavily weapon on his shoulder. He examined his wrist, thebpain nit much of a problem in the long run. He had the constitution and will for it.
Once he was alone and near the oddly heavy, yet unbalanced weapon. Silas would feel how the hammer reacted to his runes. as they glowed, he would hear it. the voices of so many lost souls, all of which were entrapped in the gem on
the opposite side of the hammer. this would reveal what the warrior had gotten himself into. his fiance or dwarven bride was also a necromancer as well as a rune smith. a forbidden and dark art, but one which could be used for
ether good or even. as it was a dark and forbidden art by most cultures, but not all. More so, this would also reveal the secret to how her runes were able to be so effective, if they were empowered by souls.

The one thing which would be questioned now, would it be best to confront clara about this? or just smash the gem, and free all those souls trapped with in it. as the dwarven maiden trusted her serpent lover
with no restrictions. even going so far as to the forbidden abilities she gifted him with to protect her man. But could this be over looked by a holy warrior even if their species had different views on such subjects?
(XD Dang Clara is a necromancer?! Welp no more Serpent love for her)

Silas felt the souls within the gem, their voices. In Mistia, Necromancy was highly scrutinized, almost constantly monitored fir even something as simple as speaking to the dead. In his faith, it was considered something to keep at arms length if not out right distrust. Clara seemed normal, wasn't particularly a corpse eating mad necromancer, or a corrupted witch, but why would she draw on souls for power? The Serpent knight walked back to their rest stop, but he laid her weapon near his helmet, approaching her from behind. "Clara.." he started as he laid his hands on her stout shoulders, watching her work. "Would you ever...lie to me?" He asked as he rubbed on her shoulders slowly, yet firmly to Penetrate her Dwarven muscles with some proper effort. The question in itself might have been easy to deny, especially to this warrior she only had met and chose to entangle herself with in only a single night. But...perhaps it was why he was asking, Silas was the shy type, sentimental and pious, so pious that to even dare take up coupling with her he chose to marry her with complete intention of following through with it. But she still had to get to know him...or at the very least allow him to know her.
looking to him, her eyes filled with the usual desire, love, and excitement.

"Why would I, were now together, and you already had your claim to me in more ways then one. what is it your curious about? Why am I always so horny, I'm a dwarf, How can My assets be so big for my small size? I'm a half breed? you want to know what kinds of tricks I can do, well you will have to earn them, I can share them but, you will have to earn the enjoyment of them of course. " saying this winking, as she spoke up like this. Having absolutely no idea what silas wanted to know, or more so about what he thought of her weapon Bonk, as the crystal on the one end of it was the serious reason for his question, However little did the dwarf know, her weapon would become the source of new issues, and drama, be them redeemable or not.
"Well my darling, your....ahem appetite and proportions, are not what I mean. Nor your skills. I have a question of your hammer...the gem stone that has souls within it." He said as his hands smoothed along her shoulders, up her neck....but cupped underneath her chin so they looked eachother in the eyes. "Are You are a necromancer?" He asked as he held her gaze. His voice was veiled with confusion, but what cut all the deeper was his eyes. Worry in them, about her, about others, no doubt he was already fearing for her soul.
as he asked this, the response would be even more puzzling for SIlas, as Clara's eyes would tell him that she had no idea what he meant.

"Soul's? Necromancer? you mean the Golem's Heart on the base of Bonk? Its a dwarven Rune engine passed down in the family for generations, Why is it broken? did something happen,
was their some back lash?" with the last statement she would suddenly release an odd aura as her body pushed Silas onto his back suddenly, as she jumped onto him, with out wasting a moment,
he would soon find the upper part of his armor torn off, as she began to feel along his muscles and chest. asking in a panic if he felt any pain, did the gem shock him burn him?

apparently getting the wrong idea, and searching his body for a cursed rune mark which could come from the Golem's engine, as she called it. as it would seem Clara was clueless that
the Golem's engine was the same as a Necromancer Soul harvestor orb.
Silas grabbed Clara's wrists as she checked him, the Paladin pushing back and putting her on the ground as he straddled her. "I'm fine! Nothing hurt me. But you must tell me what that Golem Heart is charged with because it feels very similar to something that can be very bad in the wrong hands!" He said as he pinned her onto her arms down. "Do you not know what a Soul Harvestor is?"
"First off, Golem engines are rune locked to who ever created it, and their blood line. I have no idea what it is charged with, as that one is an ancient Engine. One which no one has been able to use successfully. But I plan to make the first
self aware golem with it. " saying this sounding almost prideful at first. she would then blink a few times, before looking at Silas.

"So Uh, what is a Soul harvestor? and how can a Golem's engine be dangerous, when it is not in a golem?"

asking this, it would become painful once again, how little Most Dwarves knew of magic and the variety, However the facts were still the facts.
to make things more dangerous, if he asked, Silas could discover that Clara was actually a half breed, as such one of her parents could easily be one he is most concerned with.
"A Soul harvester is a orb, or gem stone that can trap the souls of...well any living thing that dies within its proximity. Some are made to only trap direct victims, or only take in certain kinds of soul. Necromancer use them to gather souls for spells or Dwarves just not know this?" He said looking more confused than worried as he held her arms over her head still, how r ung over her. "Something must be within thatvorb, I feel their souls, tons of them."
"Oi, ether eat me, fuck me, or let me go. I can't do anything with the orb, and being held like this is getting boring. "

saying this, she was growing restless, as the dwarve was now rubbing her thighs together under silas who had her pinned still. However what Clara would offer, is to
activate the orb with in Silas's hold, thus he could see what she could with the orb. However the fact remained, what she knew was far less then the serpent paladin himself.

However if nothing else, one could say that this tiny vixen would not harm this stud, but the threat she posed was far more annoying then dangerous. as she was very aggressive when horny,
and being pinned like this was doing just that, getting her riled up, while he needed answers more then a ride.
Silas looked up at her words, clearly not noticing their position. "Ah...right. this must be distracting." He said starting to climb off of her as hecdeltvhercthighs wiggling, knowing what that meant. "You're not getting a rub until we resolve this." He said firmly, which probably only made the matter a bit worse, Silas was handsome but when he got stern and firm, it only made his Mistian features sharper, her stern husband that would give her ass a spanking and her hair a pull if she didn't listen.
" You want to see the secrets of the golem's engine. I can easily share it, but not until a special rune is placed on your body. One which will be permanent, more then that, it will also be a permanent bond for our bodies.
However this will allow you the full access to the power of the orb, just like me. But it could be over whelming at first. "

Telling silas this, the secret of the dwarven Golem Engines was a secret even nations would go to war for if it was possible to learn. However so few knew that it could be learned or shared with other species, as it was
the most well kept secret for the dwarven people. However now Silas was being given a once in a life time offer, however the serpent would know better then any one, the kind of Price his missy would make him pay for such a
thing once this was resolved, if it was resolved in her favor.
"It is not something which can be explained in words properly. Best to experience it personally. as it differs from species to species. however most can not endure the truth, we dwarves are not as sensitive to magic as most, or should I say
the bulk of our species can't even sense or use magic, very few of us can. " saying this, revealing to Silas, that the more magically sensitive individuals could understand the power of the engine far more so then even it's creators. however it would
pose a risk, thus the binding rune so he would be able to rely on her natural resistance to magic to protect his mental state.

saying this, the tiny vixen would smile tours her would be lover. as it was becoming harder of a situation to deal with, however the way she spoke would tell the paladin that his would be lover was not lying to him at least. yet the issue remained, if this was an
ancient engine passed down by generations, then who knew just how powerful it's core was, let alone the level of risk which would follow such an act, not just for himself but others if such an artifact was to become active or worse destroyed half hazardly.
Silas sighed as he looked to Bonk. "You understand that if we bind this way, you very well may actually sense magic as I do on some level, even if it cannot harm you" he said knowing she wasn't lying. Something about her smile, perhaps how genuine it seemed made the Serpent seem to calm further.
"It is the onlyh way for you to understand the secret of the engine, however you might be able to learn something we do not know about it. But it will have to be our secret.
Other races are not meant to know about Golem engines. " as she said this, accepting the risk, however asking in return, for this would be the only way to truly get the answer
the holy serpent wanted. thus she would leave the final choice to him if they would go through with it or not. as he would gain access to such an artifact, however
she would be altered by his sensitivities forever.

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