Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

Hearing him say this Clara would expose her upper torso completely. As she moved to remove Sila's upper armor as well. Looking into his eyes she would speak seriously with a tone that was both dark and laced with pain.

" Once this starts, you need to keep in mind all that you will see and hear has already transpired. Thus you are gonna see, hear , and feel all of the horrors I have. Keep strong do not allow yourself to fall from your path. If you need breaks their can be moments to sever the connection."

Telling him all this, Clara would clap her palms together as runes began to form on them. The smell of burning flesh could soon hit the serpents nostrils. As she prepped her end, Silas would need to expose his entire chest to Clara for this to be done.
Once the process had begun, Silas would soon find himself standing in what appeared to be a void room. All white, before different landscapes flickered into existence and out around him.

Once it converted to what appeared to be a small dwarven town with in the mountains. Young girls could be seen running off in the distance. one looking to be a very young version of Clara, and the other
much taller, looking to be some kind of Goliath girl, however the two could be heard calling each other sisters. as they ran off tours a busted looking smithy. one which had strange purple smoke coming from the top.
with in it was an odd sensation one which would be familiar to Silas. as he was now in the memories of his woman, and learning what he could from the past, as things would become an experience for the reptilian stud.
Silas looked around in the waking memory, like he was a bystander in a odd stage opera, seeing this mountain town but also Clara. He moved through it like it was an illusion, knowing all he truly could do was watch while they shared memories. He has to also admit it was...hard not to be curious about these things.. hevstopped by the shop window, looking through it cautiously, like he could be seen.

Watching the events as they played out, Through the shop window, Silas would be treated to a horrible sight. the young sisters entering the shop, as a bulky, and burly looking short stout dwarven man was drunk. greeting the girls with a painful back hand each. only to then shout at them, as he moved to pull the very hammer which Clara now use off the shelf. but at this time, their was no golem engine on the end of it. as he would slam the blunt weapon forcefully upon Clara, crushing her one hand. then smashing her sister's knee.

spitting at them, the wicked man would shout to them to get healed, and go back out until they got what he needed. all the while both girls would be crying, and apologizing revealing this brute to be their father. However as he ordered this, and punished them. he would then proceed to enter the back room. the room which the door way was opened. However Silas would need to get a better angle for a view of the back room.
Silas scowled slowly to himself, watching the abuse play out, making his reptilian heart beat with a righteous rage. In Mistian culture, to lay a hand upon one's own family, would be met with harsh returns. He watched them leave, but ventured to follow their father into the back of the shop. He couldn't do anything to defend them now....and he doubted he could now either if Clara had the hammer
As the scene began to change around the paladin himself. a painful sensation began to rush through his head. As the world around Silas began to change. morphing to where the serpent was soon standing in the very room he was just looking into. Now the door before him led into a dark room. with a massive well built woman. Laying in the bed, as this was a unique sight to see. A fully stripped, and bandaged Goliath woman. One arm was missing as it was bandaged nub. the opposing eye was missing. This woman was in horrible shape, grasping the very orb in question in her remaining hand. she would have it held to her chest.

The drunken dwarven man came in, as he was slurring his words at this point. cursing at the woman for giving him such useless girls. Nether of them could ever inherit his forge, and name properly. as Women were to be bred, and used by men in this culture, however as he said this. the broken, and damaged woman seemed to cackle out with a wicked voice, of disgust, and hatred tours her would be husband.

"You don't deserve them, or this, So be thankful, for my final gift, I will make sure your precious heirloom will never be useable again for any male of your blood. " saying this, the angered dward would grasp his hammer, stopping short of smashing the injured woman's head in, as Clara, and her sister, both injured tackled their father. only to take the beating for their mother, which seemed to anger the injured and massive maiden once more.

as she began to stir, and scream, that's when it would become visible. the slave collar on the mother's throat, as it had ancient, and forbidden necromantic runes along it. this powerful, now mutilated warrior was being forced to become like a living battery for the wicked man's family treasure, but hell was being turned into the would be husband's hell.

as this began to play out, Silas would find himself able to interact with things in the room. Perhaps even inter act with the individuals in the memory or vision. as the flow of mana could be felt. as if his body was becoming one with the memory, however this would be part of the risk he was warned about.
Silas felt the winding of Mana around him, he wanted to get involved as the two daughters captured their father...but he didn't want to influence the memories. As much as it made his stomach turn with righteous fury He moved through the room, taking careful steps to try to take a closer look at the orb and collar.
As he took the time to watch and examine the occurrence. The sight began to grow darker, and more blood chilling.
as the scene played out, the girls were crying as they hugged their crippled, yet powerful mother. before being slapped out of the room.
as the wicked old dwarf began to forcefully drain small amounts of the mother's very life force into the orb, or engine, as he was trying to restore the golem tech.
however as this went on, the ominous aura began to grow, and become more bone chilling. However it was unknown how much longer Silas would be able to remain in this
memory, not for his own sake, but more so for the sake of Clara. if the serpent thought about it, he was forcing her to relive this, feel this all over, as if it was happening fresh to her.
despite it being in their linked mind, it was being felt by Clara as if it was happening to her body right now in the real world. Yet if he continued to force her to endure this with him.
the horrible truth he sought would be revealed, of how the countless lives he felt were actually the fragments of a single life. more then that, how it belonged to her biological mother, and more
so the reveal of the necromancer curse placed on her , and her sister, which was meant to prevent their growth, despite the dwarven blood making such things very mute.
"I need only a little longer Clara, please. Silas said, unsure if she could even hear him. She had promised him the truth, and as morbid and sick the scene was to play out...he had to continue it. As the monstrous act began, Silas wanted to ju,p in yet again. Even in this false reality, he wished only to leap in and protect the woman that was doomed to her terrible fate.
Force to endure the memory, watching and learning. Silas would discover far more then he ever wanted to. the father of his lover having two daughters which were failures in the man's eyes for their gender alone.
the abused, and cripple mother, used as a magical battery and baby production factory against her will at this point.

As the memory continued to play out, the scene and atmosphere began to grow chilled, darker. the coloration slowly turning more red then it should have been. more then that, Silas would see the scene of how the injured girls
were being forced to slowly kill off their own mother, when they came in to try and help her. However this was a fate worse then when they were tossed out prior. the good intentions lead to truly scarring events.

as the mother would soon be harvested for the orb, yet the experiment was a failure once again. The cracks in the old engine had been successfully restored by this sacrifice. more then that, the old man had a wicked and tainted
glow to his eyes. moving to turn on his own children. as the girls were now crying, he would smirk. the worse of the memory beginning to play out, if it was not stopped soon, the worse part would finally be revealed, and
the most painful part for both the paladin, and his woman. Yet this could very well be the truth he was seeking which would soon be revealed to him, but at what cost.
Silas reached out as the scene started to get darker and darker, filling with its horrors. "You can stop Clara, anytime you want." He said, knowing that it only could reach to deeper depths of horror and depravity than this. She wouldn't have to relive it any further if she so wanted it. If she wanted him to know like this, to open her memories to him, he would only accept it as far as she took him.
Finally getting released from the memory, Silas would find his woman laying on the ground, her legs bent, as she fell forward. her head in his lap. as she was out cold. it would not register right away, however the warm thick fluid on his leg would soon be felt. as blood had escaped from her mouth, nose, and ears. the strain was far worse then Silas had realized. now Clara would need healed, in more ways then one. as it would reveal she put herself at a much higher risk then she told him about, in order to grant her soon to be lord husband a glimpse of the truth he desired. However this would be the most dangerous place for such a price to be paid. deep in the mind, now defenseless, and the scent of blood would draw in more enemies.
"Clara?!" Silas gasped as he saw her condition, pulling her.oser to him. "What have you done!" He said as he laid his hand on her head, and another on her chest, starting to whisper scripture and draw on the energies of his God. The holy light seeped inside of her, trying to repair and revitalize her from her blood loss and strain.
Beginning to heal her to the best of his abilities. the curse of the dwarves was now all to well known to Silas. their natural resistance to all forms of magic, both a blessing, and a curse. for healing magic, even divine had very little effect. however it did work, just at a tiny fraction of what it should have. once she was stable enough, Clara would grasp his hands, with a soft albeit blood smile on her face. the now weak eyes looking into his, as she spoke up.

" You need the truth, I will not hide it, regardless of the cost. " saying this weakling, the once high strong, and practically breakable ball of lust, and energy was now like a cute weak kitten before his eyes. showing just how far she was willing to go, to ensure the serpent of what he needed, regardless of the cost. which would take things to an extreme, which would also be a good lesson for Silas to be careful of what he asked for. if she was willing to go this far for this, then what kind of hell would she be willing to unless if the wrong thing was asked.
"You didn't have to give up your life." He said with a slight smile, clearly trying to make things seem better than they seemed. Within his heart raced with nerves, trying to push his magics upon her a while longer but he drew back to his hips pouch to take out a healing potion. "You need to be careful...I can't have my wife dying before she's even seen my family" he said as he took off the cork and cracked her head to nurse the potion to her lips.
After the potion was used on her. Clara's now naked, body finally healed up. as she suddenly tackled SIlas. her tiny frame powerful enough to knock him into the wall, with her head snuggling into his chest. as she had tears in her eyes.
"Don't leave me like every one else. I don't care about nerco what ever, I just know Bonk has family heirloom on it. can't give it up, but cant give you up ether, please don't make me choose. "

as she was now acting out like this, in such an energetic display, it would show just how frail, and damaged she was mentally, despite how powerful and stubborn she was. Silas was seeing the weak side of his woman, and
one which would be a side only he knew, and would be able to deal with. more so with how it would feel as if a lesser species would be torn in half from such a tackle, despite it not meaning to do any harm, as it was painfully clear once more
how easily Clara forgets her own strength. seeing herself as a weak little woman needing a big strong man with her, unless angered.
(XD Goblin just explodes in her arms)

Silas held onto her as she cried in him, he lifted her up, pressing her head inti his chest to let her say her peace. "I'm not forcing you to give it up...I know the truth now, I know exactly what happened. I know what's inside of Bonk." He said softly, rubbing her hair, trying to calm her woth his presence. "It's more than an heirloom." He said softly
as some time passed, Clara would eventually calm down, and passing out in the arms of Silas. the reptilian paladin would find his tiny maiden as heavy on him, as she was soft against his frame.
however now with her finally calming and passing out to recover. the reptilian holy man would begin to hear the sounds of creature's massing and approaching from deeper in the mine. the sound of many different size
creatures, as well as a strange unexpected sensation which would begin like a tingle along his spine.
Silas looked up as he heard the Beasts looming in for them. The Paladin stood up, pulling Three Fang up in his great sword form again and stood between the creatures and Clara. He shifted his weight, nudging her as he held his gaurd up. The tingle made him look around, trying to see what was coming.
As the chill was felt, his back to Clara as to face the foe's coming for him. It would be the mistake Silas made, as right after realizing what the chill was. if the reptilian paladin looked back. he would see an undead.
as it burst through the earth. the wicked entity moving swiftly right for Clara, planning to possess her, and use the body to attack Silas. as it appeared like a dark mass, with glowing red eye, and a purple glowing scythe coming out
of one of it's arms. it was not a high level beast, but a dangerous one due to being able to possess other entities, and using them. or so it was believed to be able to do to any race.
Moving to smite the spirit, even with his speed, to Silas's dismay. his blade would just barely miss.

hitting the wall, as the entity had managed to dodge the strike, and retreated away from it's target. at least the holy reptilian warrior had prevented the attack.
however now it would hover their, with the glowing purple scythe, becoming all the more menacing. However the fact that Clara was still out cold, Only proved how much mental damage
the shared memory did. as the body was healed, but the mind needed rest, to recover still.
As the thing almost seemed to chuckle, it would begin to descend. vanishing into the ground. only for the wicked spirit to come rushing out of the ground from Under silas. attempting to strike the paladin's throat with it's glowing other worldly scythe.
if it hit, the ethereal flames giving it the glow would do some damage, even with all the protection, and blessings he had. albeit able to prevent the scythe's instant death ability, but would still hurt.

Yet it would become obvious every time this thing went in for an attack, it's body would become solid, to allow it to attack it's foe, which would be the ideal time for a counter attack, if possible.
as Silas dodged the first blow, and went to strike. the paladin would find his timing off just a hair. as he passed right through the spirit. his blade piercing into the wall with incredible force.
even cracking it. as the creature would turn, forming a second blade from it's opposing arm. now with a blade in one, and a scythe in the other. both of the spiritual weapons glowing purple.
however this would also mean it could be lured into a more complex combo.
Silas pulled his sword free, shifting its form into the longsword, and crossing the blade into a defensive stance as he faced off with the specter. "You think that frightens me?" He said as he crept in to draw the distance into close range again, starting to slash and test the spirit's resolve with a sharp hail of attacks.
Very soon the dance of death began, between the spirit, and the paladin. However as this would go on for what seemed like an eternity, only minutes passed. yet each time, The reptile was just moments off from a solid strike.
the patter of the attacks became more and more readable to his experience, and well trained eyes. it would not be long before this death dealing spirit finally began to move once more. this time aiming the blade to impale, and the scythe for a
decapitating slice. however this twin prong attack would also give the ideal chance to ideal chance. creating an ideal opening which would be both dangerous and gold for taking this entity out in one good hit. even if it meant some damage to his arm or leg. However depending on how he went about it. the chances for victory, and defeat were equal in this next strike.
As the death spirt slaying with its scythe, and aimed its impsling thrust, Silas held fast. His body shifting subtly, like he was caught out, the synching Strike aning of a death blow, but Silas shifted his grip on his sword and as the strike drew closer, he raise his arm taking the blow to his arm. His left arm slashed upwards against the spirt, aiming to rend its body frim its belly all the way up to its head.

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