The Human Princess and her Vampire Knight (Dream)

“I didn’t mean for it to hurt,” he says suddenly, remembering her yelping. But that pain wouldn’t be present anymore, now that he had marked her- she would only feel pleasure from his bite, and his bite alone. He watched her touch her scar and he couldn’t help but wonder how she felt about him cumming inside of her. He knew he wouldn’t be able to impregnate her- not unless she became a creature like himself, and under the blood moon which allowed supernatural creatures like vampires to procreate..but those thoughts would be pushed aside for now.
Hearing his concern for her yelping earlier did lead her to pout, touching his face with her hand that had just graced over her scar "I am fine, I'm fine" softly reassuring him. Her gaze falls along his body to where they were connected "We are together now, right?" biting on her lip a little, quite nervous about all of this.
Her nerves settled down feeling him shift into laying beside her, his arms holding her close "perfect" whispering as her eyes fall closed knowing he was not warm but least her body can make up for it. She belonged to him now, someone actually wanted her, such a thought as she entered sleep created a huge smile on her lips.
Sleeping until morning she groans awake, rubbing her eyes as she shifts a little to find his member had slipped out of her at some point in the night making her blush at the thought. Blinking her eyes open in search for him hoping that he had remained with her all night and still was at her side. Clear minded she had no many more questions for him.
He slowly opened his eyes at the first sign of her stirring, and he met her gaze with his own. "Good morning," he murmured out, though being a nocturnal creature- he should really have been awake mostly at night than throughout the day, but he took this change of schedule on to be Cassandra's Knight.
Meeting his gaze she blushes deeply, a speed version of everything that happen last night echoing through her mind "mor-morning" sitting up to find she was quite sore drawing a soft groan past her lips. She reaches up to touch on her neck where he left his mark creating a smile "So, you are mates with a princess, how do you feel" giggling a little.
(Just witnessed the real time update to the thread and it was *chef's kiss*)

He would blush, if he could, but at her groan his attention changed. "Why don't I draw a bath for you.." he didn't want to say that he was the prince of the vampire kingdom, well- his the backstory was complicated, and he didn't want to trifle her with the details.
Seeing him snap to attention drew slight concern but nods her head "Um sure" scooting herself to the edge of the bed to drape her robe over her body knowing she probably should keep to bed today, last night was alot on her. She barely realized how little she truly knew about vampires let alone Eric, she gave herself to him and had to trust him.

(Beautiful! )
Taking his hand she used him as a crutch on their way to the bathroom where she took a seat to watch him prepare a bath, the strong sense of the small amount of essential oils taking hold of the room along with the stream. She takes in a deep breath soothing her lungs before exhaling with a smile "Eric, did you have a life before becoming my knight?" she questions him.
"More of..who am I still.." he trailed, looking to her. "My family entrusted me with keeping the bloodline of the humans intact..but unless the king produces a male heir- that's where you come in." He looked almost ashamed, he had known her for a while now and yet had not told her this. "My family..are the royals of the vampire clan."
She scoots to the edge of the bench before rising to her feet, slipping her robe off before finding her way to the tub where she slowly stepped in while listening to his tale of remaining who he was then to now which made her wonder what he meant. Settling down with a soft sigh, the warm water hugging her body to relax she felt herself tense up by the reminder of her father needing a male heir but her mother died at child birth and he refused to remarry, he had children but they were bastards and unfit to rule. She frowns looking down at her reflection in the water feeling ashamed for killing her mother and being so sick she could not court. Then she froze, her gaze looking up to him feeling betrayal as he voices he was from the royal bloodline of vampires "How do I exactly fit into this little plan? I am a woman and I am...weak medical wise" she spoke in a rather refrained tone, trying not to be to angry or he may not tell her more.
"At first..." he sighed, beginning to move into the tub with her, the look of regret on his face as he began to share. "At first I wasn't opposed..until I fully began to know you, and have my dead heart captivated by you-- that I started to make other plans," he paused, looking to her face, "I know the king said that he wouldn't remarry and to be honest he's not the only human my family can off themselves if they think I'm going to go along with their wants."
Far as she knew, the condition she held had no cure or heal as he used so she did not believe him but she was silent as she sat back thinking of how he could have been healing her before she opened herself up to him. She glances as his hands and wrists a moment remembering the taste of his blood after he first drank from her, it was subtle but similar to her morning smoothie that held an iron tang to it. Even him admitting his love to her, she could not hear such words right now after knowing he had been lying to her "we both know that there is no cure and the human race is done for in the royal sense" she explains simply to him. "Even if there was a cure, no one could make me marry or have children" reaching out to fetch some soap.
He remained silent as she spoke, watching her grab the soap and then he grabbed a washcloth for her. "I came to my resolve last night," he admitted, "Your blood..the way my heart years to be loved by yours..I could care less of what my family's wishes are.." he tells her next, hoping she would forgive him.
She scoffs hearing he came to his decision last night after drinking from her, sharing blood with her, claiming her virginity and as his mate. Unable to imagine her life if she was to be cured, the thought scared her, so many would be after her while currently no one knew she even existed or cared. "Why doesn't you family see I am a lost cause, humanity is lost" adding quietly.
He let out a breath of relief, one he didn't know he had been holding- and she could see him visibly relaxed. "I'm no werewolf but I was sure I was destined for the dog house- banished from your chambers until you said otherwise..." she would hear him semi joke after her kiss, holding her lightly to his frame.
Laughing to his joke referencing werewolves that were currently nonexistent since the war, she rather not think about the history and focus more on her life. "Well, you are in no dog house, you were trying to keep what is good for me in mind and your heart" smiling softly as she reaches up to tangle her fingers into his hair. "Besides, humans and vampires only get along because you need us to survive and our numbers are dwindling. Don't get how a royal heir would fix things" she adds with a shrug.
She hums guessing he was similar with his parents as she was, dead mother, and distant father that never allows her in on his choices in the kingdom or her life. A deep breath was taken from her as she presses her forehead against his "highlight, I am yours now" murmuring mostly to herself, so happy to have someone to call her own. But she must be careful for she father may take him away if he found out what they were doing.

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