Fantasy AU The Lady of the Mansion and Her Warlock (Orion)

She snickered a little, “I’m sure he’ll be busy cleaning up that stain, and his servant fondling all over him like she normally does..” she sighed, leaning back a little. “Even in infidelity, he’s seemingly having more fun..” whatever could that have meant? She shakes her head, “Nevermind. You owe me a dance,” she speaks, grabbing his hand with hers and pulling him to the dance floor.
He let her pull him towards the group’s of dancing people, snickering as he followed behind her. “You don’t have to pull me so hard. I’m not going anywhere.” As they reached the dance floor and began to dance together, he followed her lead just as they had practiced. Now that they were together, he was a lot less on edge than he thought he would be. She really did have some supernatural way of putting him at ease. “How has your night been so far?”
“Well, I’m glad I could help alleviate your boredom.” he said, as they spun past another couple. “ I don’t need to poke my nose in your business Rae, but I’m worried about you.” A note of concern began to creep into his voice. “What’s going on with you and… him?” he glanced in the direction that Peter had walked.
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She seemingly wasn’t surprised by his question, and responded to him, “Well..honestly I’m not even sure myself..” she trailed off. “Our arranged marriage is already strained enough as it is, as he too doesn’t wish to marry me..and word got out that he’s seeing someone else..” of course, if a rumor had spread like that for would bring shame on her and her coven.
“Oh…” He caught on to the warning that she was trying to give him. Though that did unsettle him a little, he tried to hide it best he could. “Well how about we focus on something a little more pleasant!” Attempting to lighten her mood, he quickly spun her around before catching her hands again. “Should we continue dancing mi’lady, or would you like for me to bring you a drink?”
“Then I will be right back.” he says right before bowing to her, and going to get her a drink. He returns a minute later, holding a glass with some red liquid inside it. “This drink is a little sweet. I hope you don’t mind.” he says while handing her the drink and also simultaneously realizing that asking her what she wanted would’ve probably been a good idea.
“What?!” Any note of humor that was still in his voice immediately fell away, and he began to sound a little panicked. His hand swiftly found its way to her shoulder, and he began to usher her off to the side of the ballroom. “ speak to me Rae.” He placed his other hand on his temple to try and compose himself. “Can you still breathe?”
“I don’t know, but you should probably sit down.” He pulled out a chair for her, barely registering anything at all beyond her well-being. “I am so sorry. I had no idea that this would happen.” he spoke low, and a Faint Trimble began to enter his voice. “Is there anything that you need me to do? Anything at all? Just tell me, and I’ll do it.”
“It’s Peter- I..I knew he was up to something,” she coughed out, wincing in pain. But why so soon? Wouldn’t be have waited to..but that didn’t matter. She was glad she didn’t drink more, or else she’d be in worse shape. “Dante..our guests..for some reason haven’t..noticed-“ she coughed again, her head was reeling and even as she had sit down, she was paler than usual. The others were drinking the same wine! Shouldn’t too?
“I knew there was something off when I first saw him, but this…!” Dante hissed. he glared around the room, looking for someone that could help, but everyone was acting as if they couldn’t see what was happening. There was no way he could’ve convinced all of these people to act as if nothing was going on, right? They had to have been missing something. “He left long before I got that drink. How could he have done this?!” he racked his brain for an answer, but only one came to mind. “Could this be Magic?”
"I- I think I can walk," she assured, even as they went to her chambers. "I don't know what happened," she told him as they finally settled in her chambers, she was sitting on her bed, and she touched her throat with her hands. "I'm unsure if Peter truly is behind this but I know what his intentions are.."
“I don’t know what he’s trying to do, but I don’t like it.” He said as he closed the door. After making sure no one was listening in on their conversation, he walked over to the bed and took a seat beside her. “What do you think he wants?” He asked as he placed a hand on the base of her neck and began funnelling some of his magic into her. He wasn’t the best healer in the world, but he was hoping that because she hadn’t drank too much of the poison, he wouldn’t have to be.
“Raelynn.” He took his mask off and turned to face her. “I may be gifted when it comes to using magic, but healing is not my strong suit.” He was nervous about what was going to come next, but he knew she needed this. “So, do you want to… um…” a blush came over his face, and he tilted his head to the right gesturing to his neck.
Raelynn removed her own mask, brushing some of the glitter away from her skin. Hearing his question and then the motioning to his neck.. “Are..are you comfortable with me doing so?” She asked, knowing if Peter found out something terrible may happen..but her room was protected by wards, Peter could not use any magic to spy on her in here..
“It’s for you Rae. Of course I am.” He looked away from her, and began to drum his fingers along the bed. “I’ve actually thought about this before believe it or not.” he said shyly. He had thought about doing a lot of things with her, and this was one of them, but he didn’t think any of those daydreams would ever come to pass. Especially not this one.
He would hear her shift after he closed his eyes, and as she neared him.. Dante would be able to feel Raelynn's breath on his neck, the slight scratching of her fangs across his unblemished skin.. she should have taken from his wrist first.. for only intimate situations was the neck saved for during feeding.. But she could hear his blood pumping throughout his body, the scent from it..she could scent it, even as her fangs broke through the skin of his neck..that first taste, the bite..the flooding of his blood into her mouth..she could not help but moan softly against his skin. And Dante, surprisingly enough..although the bite was sharp, like needles pressing into him..the pleasure he would feel would overwhelm that pain..
After her fangs pierced his neck, a moan left him as well. The mix of pleasure and pain was not something that he had expected, and it quickly overwhelmed him. The feeling of her breath against his neck, the scent of her hair, and even the sound of what he knew very well was her swallowing his blood all seemed like they would drive him insane.
After a few moments, Raelynn would feel Dante’s hands resting on the back of her head, desperately yet gently pressing her just a bit further into him. “Take as much as you want Rae.” he whispered breathlessly into her ear. “I’m all yours.”
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She was surprised from his reaction, but continued to drink nonetheless. She then pulled back after a few minutes, and Dante would feel slightly lightheaded. Raelynn leaned away from him and was panting, catching her breath and wiping the corners of her mouth. She looked to Dante. "Are..are you alright?" she asked, the urge of something else was there. She couldn't help but feel like she needed to react to it..dive into the urges she felt.. but should she?
“i’m fine.” He answered, a barely noticeable Trimble in his voice. Dante placed a hand on his chest, and after a long inhale, he opened his eyes releasing the breath he was holding. he wanted more of her, but even with his mind in its fogged state, he knew that could be a step too far. they were alone though. Who would catch them? “I just need to rest for a second.” He moved to lay next to her on the bed, but instead of laying his head beside her, he unknowingly ended up resting his head on her chest.

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