General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

As Lyrin looked up he was at a large black gate, with a security gaurd standing by. Up on the hill, was a long drive way, up to a fine looking mansion a seperate garage off the side, a huge stretch of lawn colored the front if the yard with thick colorful flower arrangements. Billy was already out the door, plucking out his things from the back seat. He was moving rather quickly about it to. In the rear view, a jet black car was coming up the braked behind Lyrin. Billy glanced up. "Fuck." He muttered to himself as he closed the door and, walking to the other car, waving at it.
LYrin leans back, watching in the merror as the car pulled up. His gaze shot to Billy’s as the curse left his mouth and frown softly. He hums absently, puting the car in park. He picks his phone up and looks at his text from earlier. From Al, asking when he’d be home with dinner because. . . He looked at the time, “Fucking shit—“ He bites down on his lip. He had an hour to get food and get it home. He pulls at his hair slightly, looking at the black car behind him.

(He’s panicing)
(XD hm. How can I make it worse.)

Billy was at the cars passenger window, lined into it, talking...he gestured to Lyrin's car a couple times. And from a distance, Billy was already agitated. Then he leaned back, ruffling his hair. "No!...come on-" Billy turned and walked up toward Lyrin's side window. "My Dad wants to you for a minute..."Billy said
"You can buy food on the way back or something, not like your cooking a 5 course meal." Billy said folding his arms as he walked over with Lyrin, but he stood a ways back as he leaned against Lyrins car. The Drivers side window rolled down as Lyrin approached, showing a dark haired man with shocks of silvered hair along the sides. A manicured goatee, and a hard look in his eye, like his spirit was made of forged iron. His eyes fell on Lyrin. " aren't one of my sons friends." He said as he looked at Lyrin, then to Billy through the tinted windshield.
"Would you be driving him home every day then, or is this somethingyou'vedoneout of the kindness of your heart?" He asked as he looked at Billy still. "Perhaps you could get him to drive...." he said as Billy folded his arms, likely guessing what was going on. His father slowly glanced back over. "Ah. Hm. I apologize, am I holding you from something?"
"No no. Not your vehicle, perhaps a rental service. But he needs a teacher, others have not been helpful." His father said shaking his head, but looked up as Lyrin mentioned his family. "Mm. I see, apologies." The man said as his iron stare became...rock like, he turns the engine over. "Think on it!" He said as he started to back up, moving back to allow Lyrin to get out.
Lyrin blew out a breth and walked towards Billy, “Are you a jackass to everyone?” He hisses under his breath.

”Because I was just asked to teach you how to drive! I’m seventeen! I’m not qualified to teach!” He walks to his door, opening it. “Make sure you take not of everything that happens with Melanie.”
Billy looks over. "I told him not to ask." Billy deadpanned as he stood off of the car, walking around to the side. "I don't need it, but he wants it." He grumbles. As he put the bag over his shoulder. "Yeah yeah, I'll handle it, stop helicopter parenting, I'll give her plenty of beer and cigarettes."
(BILLY, DON’T MAKE ME SMILE LIKE THAT— that’s fucked up)

”You do need it.” He slides into his seat, “Driving is a necessary skill.”

He glares at Billy, “Billy.” He huffs and rolls his eyes, the corner of his lips tugging into a smile, but he fights it down into a frown.

”Don’t joke about that.”
The Ride back home went by well, cutting through the upper scale side of town, traffic was smoother, and quiet as a mouse up in the suburb. Though life was never smooth for Lyrin, he was only getting a smooth ride after taking his tormentor home, taking time from his schedule...still a bit sore. Zyn wouldn't be home for a while even when he got there, perhaps he could quickly clean himself up and manage to pass things off. For dinner, he had earned a nice chunk of money all in one evening too...he could treat the family to something even better than before.
Lyrin decided to go and get burgers, sticking with the plan to save half the money. He was able to get everyone’s favorite drinks, and things that they liked on their burgers. It had been too long since they had eaten like this and Lyrin was happy to treat his little brothers. He got home just intime, walking inside and calling out, “Dinner!”

he heard yelling and running feet, then gasps when the boys say the bag of burgers. Hands reached out and Lyrin sways hands away, “No, no, everyone has their own burger tonight.“ He sorted through the food and then handed out burgers and drinks. He reveled in the bright smiles and happy giggles.

“If you guys want to go to Al’s concert, you guys need to hurry up.” He opens his burgers and sits down in his seat, eating swiftly.
As the boys scrambled about to get to their select burgers. Seeming to be perfectly in heaven with every bite and drink, the front door unlocked as Zyn made his way. "Hey...what did we get." He said s he stepped into the dining room, his eyes falling on the burgers and giving a half smile. "Ah! Someone came into some good money huh?" He said glancing st Lyrin. "Bern holding out?" He teased as he moved to pick. Up his burger and started to open it up.
(XD given the truth would kill him...)

"Ah-well thanks Lyrin, you always have such a big heart." Zyn said nodding as he patted his brother on the back gently. The meal brought the levity up in the younger twins. "Mm." Zyn swallowed the rest of his burger. "After you all finish, get cleaned up and we can go see Al's epic concert debut!"
(The truth would kill them all besides Lyrin. Lyrin’s already dead- XDD)

Lyrin rolls his eyes, “Whatever.” He muttered, though a good natured smile graced his features as he watched his brother’s scarf down the food at Zyn’s words.

Al laughed, “It’s just a stupid sixth grade concert. Nothing to be proud of. I’m not like Soren who’s literally amazing.”

Soren pokes his little brother in the ribs, smirking, “Nice to hear you brag about me, but I’ve heard you practicing. You’re the best trombone player in that band. So shut up, eat your food and then go get changed.”

Al sticks his tongue out at Soren and looks back at his food, eating some fries.

Kalin looks at Soren for a moment and then Al, “Both of you are amazing, wonderful musicians. Don’t down play your skill.“ He gets up, throwing the trash away.

Lyrin yawns, “As much as I would love to go, Al, I’m sorry, but I’m terribly tired and need sleep. There’s another test to tomorrow, as well as a parenting assignment for a class in which I have to bring a screaming baby doll home at some point.” He rolls his eyes, ”I’ve already dealt with five of them.” He smirks slightly.
"Oh? You've become a daddy? Man I should have given you a better talk." Zyn said with a laugh. "Are you a single patent now or will I have to keep an eye on you and some girl sneaking around?" He said as he picked up his drink and slurped on his straw. Zyn was joking...mostly. Lyrin was studious, hardworking, honest...but still a human, and a teenager.
Lyrin rolls his eyes, “Oh, shut the f-“ He cleared his throat, glaring at Zyn and then rolling his eyes, “Shut up.” He grumbled, his green eyes filled with amusment.

“ACtually, it’s a guy. There was a shortage of girls or something in the class, so the teacher paired me up with another guy. But aparently, according to him, I’m the mother. I’ve told him no mutipule times, but he doesn’t seem to care. So, sneaking off with some guy is more like it.” He smirked slightly.
"Mmm." Zyn brought up his hands, bringing his pointers and thumbs together as if he was a director imagining a scene. He aimed his camera over Lyrin. "Well you could be the hard working modern mom..." he teased. His brow raised slightly and he smirked back as Lyrin mentioned sneaking around with said guy. "Well good to know you can't make a second baby. Just keep your socks on and your snakes wrapped."
Zyn bit his lip snickering at the question and shook his head. "When- when-" he started, trying to keep his laughter at bay, grinning at his brother. "It's a uh, old
joke military thing, to avoid saying it's gay when some men would be...friendly, and didn't want to come out, as long as you wear socks and say a phrase afterwards, it doesn't count!"

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