General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

"Don't stay up on the phone with your new baby daddy!" Zyn called as Lyrin headed up the stairs. Zyn could hand the younger brothers, getting them under control to get cleaned up and refreshed for the concert show. Soon enough he was leading them out to the car and herding them towards the school concert.
Lgrin flops into bed, closing his eyes and readying to pass out. He was tired, more like exhausted, from the long day. His ass was still sore, amoung other things and sleep was ready to claim him. He plugged his phone in absently and turned it off, letting his eyes drift closed.

(I’m thinking Kalin is the one who gets sick. Should he get sick that night or should it wait?)
(XD that depends on how fast you would like it to happen, as you control that brother. Would be pretty much the icing on the "I need Billy even if I don't want him here" cake)

The Exhaustion took over, dragging him under into his sleep, his aches, his soreness salling at him little by little as he settled in. The phone couldn't ring to wake him of news, be it good or ill.
(I’m totally doing it then—)

Sometime After all the boys got home, Kalin was up in the middle of the night, tugging on Lyrin‘s arm. Lyrin stirred slightly, opening his eyes and groaning. “Kalin. . .” He mumbles, sitting up slightly and rubbing his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

Kalin whines, “My chest. . . it hurts.”

Lyrin sat up slightly, rubbing his eyes again, “Oh. . . Did you take some Tylenol?”

The younger boy nodded, “Yeah. . . A while ago. . . And some Advil. It’s not working. . .” He crawls up onto the bed, curling into a ball.

Lyrin bit down on his lip, running his fingers through his brother’s red hair. Red hair from their father. Lyrin’s hair was from their mother, and eveyone else had a mix of blood and red. He blows out a breath, “Just try to get some sleep. . . You’ll feel better in the morning.

Kalin did not feel better in the morning, in fact, he was worse. He could barely breathe, he was slight headed and he chest was in even more pain. Lyrin soothed his hand over his forehead and rushed to Zyn’s room, banging on the door. Forget the fact that there was school this morning and Zyn had work, everyone would be panicked at the older twins feelings, and no one would do much until it was figured out, “Zyn, get your butt outta bed!”
Zyn lurched his door open quickly, he was still in his night clothes, and blurr eyed. He fought through the haze, his body shaking through it all. "What is it? What's wrong?" He asked, but his face shifted to focus as he saw Lyrins panic. He rushed to Kalin, pulling him up to check on him, but just as soon he was rushing their middle brother down the stairs. "He needs a doctor- right now-"
Lyrin followed Zyn, “I know that, but I wanted to tell you before I just took off. I didn;t want you waiting up to a text or note.”

Kalin whines, pressing his hand against his chest and gripping onto Zyn‘s forearm, “It hurtssss—“

Lyrin bites down on his lip, “I can stay here and watch the others.“
"I got you Kalin-" Zyn said as He snatched his keys and phone from his jacket, rushing out to his car and clicking to unlock it "I was going to say the same, I'll call the second I can!" He called as he put Kalin in the back seat. He wished he could bring them all, to be there to support their brother. Zyn's heartbeat was like a stampede of horses in his chest, a rush of familiar fear coursing through his veins. A grim thought that he wouldn't dare even to whisper. He laid Kalin on the passenger seat and moved to the driver's side, instantly revving the engine to life to get out of the driveway.
Lyrin nodded, biting down on his lip as he watched and then disappeared into the house, pushing Soren back as well, “It’ll be okay. He’ll be fine. . .” He whispered, more to himself than the other twin. He goes to the kitchen, pulling out a little bit of food to start on breakfast. He then picked the phone up and started calling the schools each boy went to and informwned them about their lack of presence.

Kalin tries to curl up in the seat, his breathing heavy and shallow as he stares out the window. “I can’t breathe. . .” He whines and then shuts up because if he can’t breathe, he shouldn’t be talking. He looks at Zyn, his green eyes filled with pain and panic.
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Zyn reached out and put a hand on his brothers. "Don't- Don't panic, You'll be okay- " Zyn said as he kept his eyes on the road, trying to keep his cool and his driving on track. He knew the hospital, right where to go, he leaned on the horn, urging traffic to get the hell out of his way without driving as unhinged as he wanted to be.
(He‘s so freaking tf out. I’m also speeding things along because- no one needs a 23 hour car scene-)

Kalin looked up at Zyn for a moment. The car ride seemed to take forever, but once they’re reached the ER, Kalin clambered out of the car, stumbling slightly around to his brother and leaning on him. He looked up at Zyn for a moment, backfire gripping onto his fore arm again and stumbling forward.
(XD correct we need a 50 hour car scene)

Zyn put an arm around him, helping him along by drawing him up in his arms, his panic skyrocketing almost instantly. He ran into the ER rushing for the counter, moving to the reception. The nurse looked up to them, but then saw Kalin. "He can't breathe, his heart is- I think he's having a heart attack or something-" Zyn said.
(XD Not like Zyn knows that either tbf)

"Hurry- Please!" Zyn said as he glanced at Kalin, barely looking twice at the papers in front of him. He numbly grabbed onto the clip board, drawing back to find a place to sit. He was holding in his feelings, trying not to sling the clip board across the room, or to go rushing for someone else. He held his brother close, keeping his eye on him, trying to keep him calm as he off and on wrote out information.
Kalin was quiet now, gasping breaths sawing in and out of his chest, though that was the only sound he made.

After about 5 minute, the nurse walks out with another nurse behind her, “Please, go with him, he’ll get everything situated.” She motions to the nurse behind her, ”Finish filling the papers out as well.”
Zyn pulled himself up, holding his brother close as he lead him to the nurse. "I'm going as fast as I can." He said as he walked his brother down the hall, following the nurse through the hall. He stepped into the office, sitting aside on a chair to keep writing out details and medical information.
The doctor looks at the notes, “Well, it’s likely just chest pains, and the medication should work, but if you wanna to press, we can get a test done scanning him to see if it’s something else.”

Kalin looks at the doctor and then Zyn.

The doctor sighs softly, “Thoigh the test will need a heafty amount of money afterwards. We will do the test, then send a bil home to be paid in a month.”
(XD this Doctor has the worst comforting skills. Not even vaguely so.)

*"Doctor-his chest hurts, can barely breathe, and you haven't even double checked his heart rate-" * was how Zyn wanted to start off, to bite this man's head off for his seeming so lax. But he tightened his hold on his feelings. "I think it's just good to check." He said "please-."
(XD if you'd like to do a quick fast forward to skirt about the medical stuff, it's good)

Zyn sat by, watching the doctor running his tests and measuring out his brothers heart rate, and testing his chest for pressure or lack thereof to his lungs. Zyn gripped his phone in his hand, trying to keep himself from disturbing the tests.

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