General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)


After a while, the doctor lead them back to the room ano then left. He came back a half hour later, a furrow in his brow. Kalin looked up frowning, he had taken to leaning against Zyn and sleeping lightly, as well as restless.

The doctor clears his throat, “It looks live Mr. Kalin has advanced Coronary Artery Disease.“
Zayn opened his eyes as he was holding onto Kaylin. His heart skipped a beat as he stared at the doctor. "What...what does does that happen...?" He said looking down at slowly. Kalin was so young..."Will that medicine yiu wanted ti give him still help him?" He said, instantly grasping at straws to battle looming fear and dread
Kalin frowns slightly.

The doctor sits down, shaking his head, “No, it’s the most common form of heart disease. It happens when something, like plaque buildup, reduces blood flow to the heart. It can increase your risk of heart attack. You were close when you said you thought he was having a heart attack, but he’s not there yet. Treatment for is will be about $15,000.” He replies.

Kalin blinks and looks up at Zyn, “We don’t. . .”
The doctor nods, “Just leave whenever you’re done. I’m done here, unless you have more questions?” The man stands.

Kalin leans into Zyn, falling back asleep.

Lyrin took a while, but eventually answered the phone, “Yeah? No, Soren— Eat the food, Al, don’t play with it— What is it?” He turned his attention back to Zyn.
(XD Jesus- This Doctor needs to get a Bedside Manner course)

Zyn waves the Doctor off. "Hey Lyrin...uh." Zyn took a slightly shaky breath. "Kalin has something wrong with his heart...and treatment...its a lot of money. I don' I can even afford it.."He whispered as he looked down to Kalin slowly.
(XDD His are like mine— non existant)

Kalin was still in his reastless sleep, struggling to breathe.

Lyrin’s own breath stilled, staring at the wall and then swallows, “Shit. . .” He mutters, “Oh, um, I’ll figure something out. I’ll do some after school tutoring Or something.” He mumbles, pulling at his hair slightly.
(XD Lyrin's going be getting his brain tutored out every other day and Billy s grades will not change, nor will he get any closer to knowing how to drive)

"You-you're sure they'd do that for you? It's alot of money..." zyn said sighing softly. Ofcourse Lyrin would hust...have to be extra convincing then to get Bolly to agree to paying him money.
(Pretty much)
Lyrin bit down on his lip, “I’m sure I ca get it. Any means necessary, we’re not loosing someone else, Zyn. Bring Kalin home and I’ll make mom’s sick soup. I’m sure that will help calm him down.” He rubs the back of his neck.

”I’ll go back to school tomorrow and see what I can do, I’ll call the old baby sitter and see if she will watch Kalin for free while you go to work.”
He sighed again. " work your magic, I'll see what I can do too." He said as he found his thigh wandering. Remembering the lost and helpless they all felt that day. He had never wanted to see another hospital again, much less see if little brothers in danger like this. He sat back, gently oetting his beirhers hair. "We'll be over soon-"
Lyrin sighed, “I love you. . .” He murmurs, hanging up and setting the phone down. He stared at the wall for a moment before blinking and getting back to taking care of the boys. He ruffles hair as he hands them their plates, each with two pancakes on them.

”Eat up boys. . .”

Kalin whines in his sleep, his eyes opening slightly, “Home. . .”
[Hm. I hope he gets better. You better show up tomorrow.] Billy sent back.

Zyn finally pulled up to the front of their house, jumping out to go around and get Kalin out of the other side of the car and to bring him carefully back into the house He didn't rush him, trying to let him take the load off however he could. The door opened. "We're back..." Zyn called out

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