General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

Lyrin rolled his eyes, sliding his paper into his bag, “What do you want?” He leans back slightly, staring up at Billy. He tilts his head slightly, his green eyes focused on Billy for a moment before darting to his bag and pushing his folder into it. He stands and runs his fingers through his hair, his mind lingering on Billy’s words. And maybe the guy was right, he would keep telling himself that, but it seemed better than the alternative. . .
(XD Billy: I'm going to the gym
Lyrin: sprinting while eating lunch
Billy:...dude I literally am having lunch...)

Billy was sitting by the gyms indoor bleachers, crunching on some fruit while he waited around. He watched some of the basketball players work, practicing drills. Zack weaved around on the court, , trying to keep his gaurd on the whole way through. As the doors opened, Billy looked over to Lyrin. 'Heh. I said I didn't want him and he still followed me. Guess his favorite big thing is on his mind.' He thought as he picked up his drink to sip on it.
(Naw, Lyrin always eats pretty fast. If the food is in his hands, it’s gone— he’s not sprinting, more like strolling? He only sprints to GET the food)

Lyrin rolls his eyes, sitting away from Billy and setting Melanie beside him. He pulls his book out and flips it open, though his gaze fells to the boys playing on the court.

(Pfft, let’s make him a little more interesting? I’ma say he‘s pretty good at Basketball and was on the team at his old school, but dropped it for his grades)
(XD got it)

"Sports fan?" Billy said as he reached around Lyrins back, scooping up Melanie gently and bringing the doll over to him. "Or are you trying to replace me?" Billy said smirking slightly as the game played out before them. The teams were pushing eachother back and forth, driving the ball up and down the court. The teams star shooter snatched up the ball as another narrowly missed a basket and the orange orb rebounded backwards. Zack honed in on him like a shark that had blood in the water. They squared off, dipping and moving around eachother to try to find a gap in the others defenses. Zack was quick, snatching at the ball mid dribble to keep his opponent from daring to focus a shot. As the teams churned about, sneaking about to align for a pass or interference, Billy leaned forward with Melanie. He wasn't a basketball player, it lacked some of the pressure he usually chased after in Football or in his out of school activities, but he was doing his best to read the holes in both defenses.
Lyrin blinked and turned his gaze to Billy, “What? Oh, sorta. I played on the varsity team at my old school.“ He sighed, “I think I was the only freshman on the team, but then everything happened and—“ He waves his hand.

”All of it out the window. Typically they don’t let freshmen onto the varsity team, but I dunno. Make exceptions every now and then. Don’t know if I could still play today. Haven’t had my hands on a ball in years.”

he watched and then huffs, “Could have actually taken the ball there.”
"He's leaning on him to keep him from taking a shot...I guess." He muttered as the shooter jumped back, going to dribble the ball and swung it down quickly, feigning a pass. Zack drew backwards briefly, but when the other tried to make their shot, he leapt up and blocked , immediately tossing it overhead towards their forward to drive it around the side of the defense.

"If it wasn't a foul I would just tackle someone by now." Billy muttered.
Lyrin laughs softly, “True, but if he had taken the ball, he could have been almost to the other end of the court and shooting. The whole team was gathered around their buddy, the goal and that one guy over there. Zack’s fast and smart, he could have done it.“ He shrugs and leans back again.

”But that’s just my thought on that.” He looks over at Billy for a moment Before away.

”Of course you would.” Lyrin rolls his eyes.

(Omg, this has been sitting here for like- 2 hours now? And I swear I thought I hit the button- Augh- life)
"Yeah, you know, slamming full force into my target and toppling them down. Well...and wrestling." He said leaning against Lyrin briefly Billy shrugged as Zack pushed through the defense again, taking the pass and bowling through another defender as he dunked the ball for final point. "If it helps. Zack mostly does what I say because he thinks it keeps him safe." Billy humming softly.
"No. I bend and beat the ones that disrespect me. I let them look at me funny." Billy said shrugging himself. "I don't backseat game." He said as he saw Zack walking off the court toward Billy and gave a funny look at Lyrin. " brought the shrimp with you?"

"He's getting obedience training. " Billy said as Zack sat down and drew out a cold water to drink. "Mmm-so?..." Zack mumbled as he looked over, Billy rolled his eyes. "Watch the door, don't fuck around with this doll, and if it cries, knock." Billy said pinching the bridge of his nose.
Lyric glares, “Not saying that either. You can still be a star Player and support your team. The team wants to win, so using your skill to get the ball and get halfway down the court and passing the ball to the team member you should keep at your end will show that, yes, you are a good player, but also care about your team. While stil getting more points and making it harder for the other team to win. I used to do it all the time.” He rolls his eyes.

He looks at Billy, “You said you didn’t—“
(XD Lyrin: pick a side are yiu going to plough me or not today- there is only one correct answer and only you can demand it)

Billy growled as he grabbed Lyrins collar roughly, Zack holding onto Melanie. "Don't hurt him- " Zack reminded as Billy started to steer Lyrin away, grabbing his backpack. "Nobody's going to know a thing, you just watch the fucking doll!' Billly ordered as he manhandled Lyrin against the door, pushing him on it. "Open it!" He barked

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