General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

(XD also Confirmed the teacher is a guy)

Billy opened the door to the classroom, the students were set together, two of them were talking about how their first night went with their little family. The boy looked tired, still holding their little bundle of joy...upside down. The girl was flipping through her phone. "And he called me like 3 times last night, while I was trying to get in some study rest, saying that the baby wouldn't stop crying-"

"It wouldn't! I couldn't sleep mom had to take it from me just so I could try to get ready for needed a burping and some milk-"

"Oh but you couldn't figure that out? I told you to do that.

"Sue, Johnathan, don't cut eachother off, it's very rude to each other...but perhaps you should work on communicating." Mr Moore said, as Billy sat at his seat. On his desk was Melanie who...was dressed up a bit, wearing a new kind of onesie, covered in pink glittery hearts and a small cat styled hood. She was tucked on a small chair supporting the doll up and cradling it. "
(Damn, well it’s fine. We all know my memory suck : D)

Lyrin rolls his eyes, muttering under his breath as he slides into his seat, “Spoil her too much and she might become a brat.” He comments, leaning forward slightly.

“How was everything Yesterday? I meant to ask but. . .“ He sighs softly, his eyes closing for a moment before opening again. “I had my own crying child to deal with.”

The corners of his lips twitch slightly, as if it might for a smile, but they drop back down again into his bland expression.
Lyrin rolls his eyes, “Lets save the drug and alcohol jokes for when we’re not in the class for parenting and child development. It makes you sound immature and stupid.” He tilts his head to the side slightly, narrowing his eyes on Billy.

”I am not taking care of a toddler doll with you for extra credit either.”
"If you can't, or don't want to make your own, I agree." Billy said as he looked over at him. "Ah so its a till death do us part relationship for us?" He whispered with a half smirk, shifting forward and pulling out their journal, opening it up. "Ah. Nearly forgot." He started to write inti the book. "We had a....Bonding exercise today."
"And then we'll go our seperate way." He said shrugging as the teacher cleared his throught. "Lyrin, William- how did you two fare with your first night?"

Billy glanced at Lyrin as he stood up. "Uh. I took care of Melanie- uh. Our baby, that night, it went pretty smoothly, I mostly allowed Lyrin to get time to himself." He said as the class looked at him, he fought the urge to scowl at them as he saw some of them looking at Lyrin and snickering "Ah and who chose to dress her?" Mr.Moore asked curiously. "Its not what I handed out after all."

"Uh-Lyrin thought this was a good idea." Billy said folding his arms.
Lyrin glared at Billy, “He did. I didn’t know anything about it. My brother got really sick, so I was unable to help with Melanie yesterday.” He crosses his arms, leaning back in his seat.

”But I do think she looks undercut and we shouldn’t subject the baby to the. . . Plain, clothes handed out, and of she’s comfortable and happy. . .” Lyrin shrugs.
"Hm...Whether or not it was You or William, I find it to be very nice that you are taking the project seriously. Keep it up." Mr.Moore said giving a nod. Billy looked at Lyrin and sat down slowly. "Aw Billy just loves playing with dollies" a boy whispered, the girl beside him giggling. Billy bristled, his muscles flexing briefly as he balled a fist silently under his desk. He wanted to jump up and start kicking his ass, but with Mr. Moore in the room...he was trying his best
Lyrin rolls his eyes, “Or maybe, he knows how to take a project seriously and not fuck off. Imagine if it was an actual baby and was screaming its head off because it was neglected. Not only would you get into trouble, but I’m sure you’d have more than just the baby screaming at you.“ Lyrin tapped the desk lightly.

”I’m sure most of you didn’t even care and just did whatever it took to get the thing to be quiet instead of actually caring for it. If anyone were to get the best grade, I’m sure it would be Billy and the rest of you can go fuck off. Now shut up before I lose my shit.”

(I don;t think it’s common for Lyrin to lose his shit, but it does happen— It’s never Happened at this school that’s for sure)
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Billy glanced at Lyrin as the boy turned around, opening his mouth. "Think hard about your next move." He said putting a hand under his chin, resting his hand on his fist. "Very. Very hard." Billy whispered.

He clammed up slowly and started to turn around again. He wasn't afraid of Lyrin threat, but Billy...the reminder of his place in the pecking order wasn't worth it. "If you want to be smart mouthed again, I'll make you eat your little baby booklet. And you learn something." Billy hissed as the boy shrank.
Lyrin kicked Billy’s chair slightly, hissing at him, “There’s a better way than just terrifying people.” He rolls his eyes and slumps back, his arms crossing. His green eyes were narrowed slightly but he slowly relaxed slightly. He looked down at his paper and then back up to the boy. He had never gone off on the kids her,e much less actually lost his shit, but he remembered the shocked expressions on the boy’s faces at his previous school.

Shorty after his parents’ death, when school was still paid for, he’d been volatile. Zyn had been fighting his case to keep all of them and working hard to prove he could support all six other boys. Lyrin had always been the quiet, hardworking student that no one really paid attention to. His grades had been average and he’d been involved in a few after school activities. He had been plain.

But his parents death had changed something, he’d begun to work harder and get better grades. Some of the other boys had thought they could pick on Al (it had been an all boys k through 12 school) and Lyrin had lost it. Small as he may be, he had grabbed one boy by the ear and dragged him away from his little brother, giving well placed blows and telling him off. The boys who had gathered around to witness Lyrin’s out burst hadn’y expected it, most had thought He’d just give one hit and then duck out. But they found out the hard way that no one messed for those Lyrin cared about.

Not that he cared for Billy, but he needed the other boy in order to pay for Kalin’s treatment, and he wasn’t going to let something affect that. He wasn’t afraid to fight someone over his brothers, and the classes their parents had made them take Made both Lyrin and Zyn formidable opponents. The other’s had been to young to join the classes, or to have gotten very far into them.

“Maybe try just being nice and then showing you won’t take their shit.” If only Lyrin could take his own advice. He took eveyone’s shit almost all the time.

(I may or may not have gotten carried away again)
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"Don't lecture me, I didn't ask you for help." Billy said as he looked away from Lyrin. "You're one to talk." He muttered as he looked out the window, his mood shifting sharply already. Any way he sliced it, He was Lyrin's way as being a door mat, and a easily tread upon one at that. Afterall, it didn't exactly save Lyrin from himself.

(XD it just shows how you consider Lyrin's temper.)
Lyrin rolls his eyes, “I know what I am, and I don’t care. I can tear into someone if I really want to. I’ve done it a few times before, I just don’t really care to. It puts me in to much trouble and I’m not going to do anything to take more of Zyn’s energy. He doesn’t need to worry about me.” He taps his fingers on his desk again.

”If I got into a fight with everyone who gave me looks or was a jackass to me, it would never stop. So walk on me however much you want, but even I have a breaking point.”
"Got it." Billy said simply, shifting up out if his seat as the bell rung. "Get crushed all you want, just don't expect me to do the same. It's your turn with Melanie." He said as he picked up his things quickly, his face shifting colder by the second. He didn't even pause to listen already turning and starting to walk out of class as the boy tried to escape him, starting to follow him like a young Terminator.
Lyrin framed his things and then picked the doll up, following after Billy for a moment, and sighing heavily, “Billy,“ He grabs the other’s arm and slips in front of him, walking backwards, “You really shouldn’t beat someone just for being a. . . Idiot.”

“It’s not worth the energy, and I think he gets the point.”
Lyrin huffs, “He doesn’t think he can get away with anything! It was a stupid off hand comment and you made him regret it. Leave him alone.” Lyrin stumbles slightly.

”I don‘t wanna watch, I want you to stop.” Lyrin snaps, his temper flaring slightly and he takes a breath, “Leave him alone, Billy.”
"Are you calling me stupid?" Billy snapped, his hands moved fast, gripping Lyrin up. "Do I have to remind you what the fucking rules are?" He said as he pushed him up against the wall, but there was no game, no gentleness in him here. He reared his fist back, but before he could decide if he was going to pummel Lyrin's face in, a whistle struck up in the air as the school security came on the scene, students parted as the authorities came running. Billy lowered Lyrin, his eyes full of that blind razor sharp rage. He stepped back as the security pulled them apart
Lyrin yelps, his green eyes wide, though he makes no move against Billy. “I’m not calling you stupid, you’re clearly not. I may be stupid sometimes, but I’m not that stupid.” He shrugs away from the security, his gaze pinned on Billy.

“Don’t do shit to get yourself into trouble.” He turns and stalks away, going towards his next class.
Billy didn't show up in class for a while. Probably tied up with talking to security...or getting into more trouble until he cooled off. The door opened and Billy walked in quietly, sitting down, far from his usual seat, towards the back....though everyone nearby him gave him some extra space in case he was mood to go punching people again.

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