General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

Billy heard his dad's car pulling up as Lyrin slept, looking overar him. He huffed a sigh to himself, starting to stand up and fix his uniform. He smoothed out his hair as he stepped out of his haven. In the hallway his mother was just closing the door. A tall woman with a soft warm look in her eyes,, with long wavy hair. She watched him stumble slightly as Chester stepped out of around her, looking at Billy as well, eyes accusing him. "Mom-...Dad's here" Billy said folding his arms.

"I know dear, Is your friend staying for dinner?" She asked gently.

"Eh...uh...I don't...know. he's kinda weird about being here soooo-" Billy mumbled, half hoping she would just drop it, but she frowned. "Well why not ask him-"

"He's sleeping!...he had a long day at practice." Billy said shaking his head.
Billy stepped back from his mother. "Okay...well if he's resting- if he wakes up- he is invited to stick around. " She said as she tilted her head. "If he's okay with that." She said turning away to move down the stairs. Billy held his breath as she disappeared from sight, twitching as Chester headbutted his shin gently. "...shut up- he should go home." He muttered as he opened the door and walked over to Lyrin. "Hey-" he said reaching out to shake him gently.
"My Dad is home." Billy said shifting back. " know...I figured you'd want to go." He said putting his hands in his pockets. Billy leaned back as he spoke, as if he was physically preparing for something annoying to happen. "Before more questions are asked about you." He said. Lyrin could smell something cooking steadily savor spices and freshly cooked food, perhaps something comforting and warm like pasta.

(XD im not! Billy is trying to-)
(Well then! Swats Billy BAD!)

Lyrin sits up, rubbing his eyes. He blinks once and then grabs his shirt, pulling it on and then huffing, "You popped a button off the damn thing." He grumbles.

He stands up, stretching his arms over his head and back. He takes a deep breath through his nose and feels his mouth start to water. He hadn't smelled food so good in years.

"What's wrong with questions?" He tilts his head.
"I wanted my shirt off, not in need of repairs." He laughs softly, slowly standing and moving closer to the other. He was clearly teasing, and not really trying to complain. Slightly.

"And why not? I'm trust worthy." He crosses his arms, pouting. "And no, I let you drive my car today, I'm getting my payment from both you and your dad."

(Pfft, your dad just knows that ur gay- XDD)
"When did you pay me? You cleaned the couch, pulled my pants up like I'm a child, gave me a blanket and then I passed out. I don't see any money either." He crosses his arms.

If he was being honest, Lyrin didn't particularly care for the money, and the only reason he was pestering was because Kalin's life depends on Lyrin getting that fifteen grand as soon as possible.

"And yes, you might. Just to lord it over me more." He rolls his eyes, the last comment a teasing jibe at the larger boy. "And you didn't answer my question as to why your dad wouldn't rust me."
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"I-...He-..." Billy stopped again, picking his words. "He got the call that I got in an accident...and when he caught wind of it, he was pissed because I had my attention lost because I was with that friend of mine. And.." Billy rubbed his face as he looked down. "I didn't see that friend again...anyway- He's never fully trusted any of my friends since." He said folding his arms. "I'll get the money...and just...If you want to stay for dinner, I try to keep him from grilling you."
Lyrin fought the urge to roll his eyes. Not at the accident, but the fact about getting grilled. "He won't learn to trust me if he doesn't learn anything about me, now will he?" He pokes Billy's arm slightly, grinning at him.

"Besides, who said I had to be your friend? I'm your partner on a project and we were working on it. Poor Melonie needs time with both parents together at the same time."
Lyrin bit his lip, chewing on it slightly at Zyn's question and then flicked his gaze up, peering at Billy. I dunno. I don't think he wants to be open about what's between us. Sooo- we're just saying we're friends. My socks are off, and his clearly arent. He giggles, pressing a hand to his mouth and looking back up at Billy.

"Oh- cool. I probably won't eat much, but I'll try."
[Better be those physical socks.]

As Lyrin came into the room he saw the dining room, as nice as the rest of the house, the smell of the home-cooked dinner was getting stronger. Billy's father was setting out plates, his stalwart expression from the other day was actually gone. His face light and even a smile as some light music played on the stereo set by the windows. He glanced up at Billy, then to Lyrin, his face shifting into that elusive wall. "William, I see your friend elected to" he said as he set out a plate for Lyrin. "Yeah...I couldn't convince him otherwise." Billy said as he pulled put his chair.

"Billy! Be nice, I worked on this dinner, anyone here should get a plate!" His mother said from the kitchen doorway. She glanced at Lyrin. "Hello! Good to meet you!"
Lyrin rolls his eyes at Zyn's words, Can't confirm until you elaborate. <3 He shuts his phone of and pockets it, looking up at the people in the room. He lifts his hand, waving it slightly. "Nice to see you again, sir." He said respectfully, a light smile on his face.

He turned to Billy's mother and nods, "Nice to meet you too, ma'am. I'm Lyrin."
"Hm? Billy said you were practicing with him today. "Kia said as she came out with a pot, her hands covered by two thick oven mitts, they were bright orange with a bit of a goldfish scale-like design along the forearms. "Not officially, He was helping me with my tackling, I uh got a little too focused on it and he was spent," Billy said as she set the pot on the table on the ceramic plate at the center. "Oh! Well, you should be careful, you don't want to hurt him." She said pointing a mitt at Billy with a scolding wave.

Biilly's father raised a brow but walked into the kitchen to retrieve the pasta next, with a pasta spoon. "What took you out of sports?" He asked

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