General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

Camron rolls his eyes, "Brat. Give me my fries back, you haven't even finished yours." Cam reaches for Lyrin's fries, pnly for Lyrin the glare and swat his hand,

"Bitch-" Lyrin hiffs, "Not my food."

"You stole mine!"

"Get it back then." Lyrin snickers as he dmos the last of the fries into his mouth. He picks up his own plate and eats a few before giving a handful to camron. "Sorry, im just starving."
Billy let go of the stroller, Micah hanging back with the doll by the elevator doors, feeling...more than a little bit awkward. But they didn't have much a choice. Billy walked towards the pair, putting his hands in his pockets. "Well, Well! Who do we have here!" Billy said as he shoved his emotions down into the maw of his role. "Lyrin has a public life?"
Billy looked at Lyrin, not taking his eyes off him. "Date hm? You've found some free time." He said rubbing his chin. "I thought you didn't keep up with your old friends." He added thoughtfully as he sat down, propping his elbows on the table. "I'm hurt Lyrin, and here I thought our baby girl made things special between us." He said as he reached out, grabbing a fry from the basket.
Lyrin shrugs, "He texted me out of the blue and I was free. So why not?" He smiles at Cam, then looks back at Billy.

Cam blinks, "Baby? Huh-?"

Lyrin waves his hand, "Project for child development." He swats Bully's hand, glaring.

"Those are my fries, asshat."

Cam snickers, "He punched someone for taking his food one time."
Billy smirked at Lyrin. "He's welcome to do it if he's willing to take the consequences." He said simply as he held onto the offending fries, drawing it to his lips and biting on it. "Are you really dipping your rod in your friend pool for dates, that's a bit messy. what if someone gets hurt?" He said as he reached for another fry.
Cam blinks, "Boy toy? Huh-"

Lyrin glares at Billy, "I was there spending time with you. Now, I'm spending time with Cam. Cam bought the fries for me, not you. If you're so upset with me seeing someone or trying find someone to date, then grow a fucking pair and tell me."

Cam clears his throat, looking at Lyrin, "I didn't sign up for this-"

Lyrin closes his eyes before grabbing the fries from the basket, setting them onto the plate with the nuggets and stands. "But last time I checked, we're not a couple, you shut that down pretty damn well Thursday, so. . . I'll see whoever I want."
Billy put his hand under his chin, looking at Cam for the first time since he came over. "Think he practiced that in the mirror today?" He said smirking before he looked at Lyrin. "As long as you fulfill your role, I don't care what you do." He assured as he clapped a hand against his back.
Lyrin crosses his arms, "If you didn't care, Billy, you wouldn't bother getting upset over it. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have come over here and interrupted me my friend." Lyrin stares at Billy for a long moment, "And besides. We weren't on a date. Just hanging out as friends. Cam was doing a favor for me."
"I don't care what you do, doesn't mean I don't watch in case you start getting funny ideas." He said scoffing at him as she looked away to Micah, who was being flocked by a couple of girls. He propped his arm up, considering whether or not to slid over to retrieve his project or letting Micah enjoy himself. But while Lyrin revealed the truth, Billy looked over again at him. "What favor?"
Lyrin peers at Billy for a long moment, debating whether to tell him the truth or not. He sighs and leans back on his heels, "You're gonna wanna punch me. Or something.'

He bites into a fry and the offers one to Billy before answering the question, "I was curious how you's react if you thought I was saying someone. Let's just say my hypothesis was correct."
"A steady diet of beer, cigarettes, and unlimited IPad videos playing only the most trashy brain dead pop TV nonsense. I haven't even tried to show her a color chart so she has to guess what those are like she's colorblind." Billy said as Micah shifted around. " 'Cuse us girls, We're just talking about a project, don't worry!' He said winking at one as he drew the stroller away so Mucah could continue on in peace.
"Oh, trust me, I nag my little brothers all the time, and then i nag Zyn until he goes to work. Zyn may make the money, but I run the house and keep every one in line." Lyrin laughs softly, rolling his eyes, "I'm sure I could get you in line and dancing to my tune eventually."

He nods slowly, "Okay, yeah- but I dunno where the baby store is."
"Doubt it, I'm a rebel." He said shrugging, but as Lyrin raised the question he gave him a funny look. "Baby store? Come on. Let's go to the Marcy's, they have all kinds of stuff, and it's decent. " He said starting to steer away, heading around for the larger department store in the mall.
(XD do you know what a Sears or JCpenny is?)

"You see me playing by your rules?" He said smirking still as they stepped onto the store, a massive General hub spot of aisles, departments od clothing divided by age and needs, to one side of the store floor, another dedicated to shoes, a another corner was for general shopping, for gifts or make up supplies, but Billy wandered through them all, seeming to be on a mission.
(yeah- i get the picture now)

Lyrin hums, "I can do things to make you react certain ways. Whether you admit you feel that way or not doesn't matter. I can still get out to react and do thing I want on a very baseline level. Byt true me, I don't manipulate people very often." He shrugs.

"Unless a brother is being stupid."

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