General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

Lyrin watched the interaction between Billy and his mother with a slight smile. He rolls his eyes slightly, "Like I said. He'd crush me. Two tackles in and I was sure I was going to bruise. I playing Basketball for a reason. No contact." He points at Billy, "I am never helping you with your tackles again." He grins slightly.

His gaze flicked to Billy's father, his green eyes dimming slightly. He takes a breath and then swallows, "My parents died on the night of a big game. I caused my team to lose it, and then three more games after that. I was kicked off the team after that. . . I decided to focus on my studies." He picks up his fork, fidgeting with it. He could remember his coach's words, blaming Lyrin for his decline in focus. Blaming him for letting the grief overcome him like that. When, really, Lyrin should have been benched during that time, he shouldn't have been playing.
Kia brought a hand over her mouth. "Oh-I'm so sorry for your loss-that's absolutely- I couldn't imagine-" she said hardly able to truly express the pain that it would bring upon her. Her husband put a hand over hers. "I didn't know, and I'm sorry that happened." He agreed gently.

Billy shifted forward. "Thats why football should be on the list, you can usethe stored up energy in yiur chicken legs." He said

(XD Billy: how do I change this it!)

Lyric drops his gaze for a moment, swallowing, “Thank you. . .” He murmurs, clearing his throat. He blinks once and looks at Billy.

“Seriously? Hell no! I’m not doing that.” He rolls his eyes, “If I ever get back into sports, it’s basketball. One, because I’m good at it, and two, so I can wipe the floor with Zack’s face.”

He crosses his arms.
"If you don't even have to get tackled! You could be a waterboy." Billy said smirking at him, proving his elbow on the table. "Or maybe a manager, to save your little bird bones"

"William, be nice." His father cut in, making his son grunt. "And elbows off the table!" He reminded as his mother lifted the lids off the pots. "Our first course is simple Spaghetti, whole wheat pasta, homemade sauce, with a side od salad!" She said as Billy lifted his arms off the table.
Lyrin glared at Billy, “Or, I can do basketball.” He repeated, shaking his head.

“I ainn’t gonna be your water boy, be your own water boy.” He rolls his eyes, “And these ‘bird legs’ can take and give a lot. I’m pretty sure I can run you to the ground.”

Lyrin looks at the food, his brow bunching slightly. “Looks good.” He smiles slightly.
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Billy leaned forward but whatever he was planning to retort with, he hesitated as his father looked at him. "Mm. If you had the speed you thought, you wouldn't be as roughed up as you look." He said as he sat back. "Boys, you can test your skills later hm? Dig in!" Kia said clapping her hands together as she offered out the serving spoons to Lyrin first.

Billy sighed. "Sorry." He grumbled as he folded his arms.
Lyrin glares at Billy before taking the offered spoon with a bright smile, “Thanks.” He gets a small serving, putting it onto his plate and offering the spoon to Billy. While the serving looked large to Lyrin, he was sure it was small to the others. Limited money and resources had caused Lyrin to give up many meals, and the ones her did eat were small. He couldn’t eat much anymore, but he could indulge a bit.

“So, is this a family recipe, your own or something you learned elsewhere?” He asks, looking at Kia, whom he assumed had cooked as she’d been home before Billy’s father, and the food was ready just as the man had gotten home.
"My grandmother taught it to me, I just added a few little twists."Kia said with a gentle smile as she watched Lyrin go for more. "We have plenty more to come if you can survive" she said jokingly. Billy slid his plate forward, rising up as the oven beeped gently. "Thank you Billy!" She chirped as hevmoved without a question to retrieve the next peice of the dinnertime meal.

"Do you get alot of meals cooked at home? If you would like, I can give you some containers?" She offered
Lyrin shifts slightly, "We used to. But there's seven of us boys and only one of Zyn. My older brother insists I focus on school so I don't really have a job. Sometimes I'll save enough extra cash to get the stuff to make steak." He looks down at his food, taking another bite.

He blinks and looks up at Kia, hesitating before shaking his head, "I don want to take your food."
"No! I insist- there's only 3 of us there, and I really have made too many servings for just ourselves sometimes." She said as Billy stepped out with a platter, gently setting down a small stack of steaks and rolls. "My boys can only take so much for lunches or left overs."

Billy sat down. "Could just go back to Catering mom." He said as he pulled a steak off the pile.
"Mm-got things I wanna do-" he muffled.

"William don't talk with your mouthful, you know better." His father said as he shook his head. Billy swallowed.

"And yiu shouldn't put your friend off, be considerate" Kia said, making him lower his head slightly as he folded his arms. "Yeah. Right. I said I would help...." he grumbled
Lyrin presses his lips together, trying to stifle the laughter budding up in his at the scolded look on Billy's face. He shakes his head, a snort coming from his nose and he coughs, "Look, its fine. He can just show me where everything is. Besides, we have part of our project due tomorrow, and I'm sure Billy needs to finish his part for the check point. I know I do." He shrugs lightly.

Lyrin hums, at least trying to give Billy a decent out and go 'spend time with Melanie.' He honestly didn't care what Billy did, as long as all the journal entries were filled out.

(Lyrin: reads notebook after teacher graded it and screams IM NEVER LETTING YOU MAKE FINAL TOUCHES-)
(XD "Listen the clap practice is a code!")

Billy glared at him as Lyrin kicked his chair. "Mm." He rose up slowly. "Its over here." He grunted as he started to step back and lead him out of the dining room. Billy started to head up the stairs again, turning away from the hall that lead towards his room, heading the other direction.
After dinner, Lyrin brought home enough leftovers for at least two meals or all of his brothers. They all enjoyed the meal that night immensely, and Lyrin was happy see them happy.


Over the weekend Lyrin did some. . . Obviously stupid things. Very stupid in retrospect, but he was curious as hell, and his impulse control was shit. He'd called Camron and made a deal with his old friend. Camron would pretend to be his boyfriend and Lyrin would stop charging him money to tutor Camron's little brother fir a few months.

So that Sunday the two went out to the local stripmall, both if them sitting at a table in the food court chatting and laughing. Sharing a plate of chicken nuggets, Lyrin realized how much he missed spending time with his old teammate and honestly regretted not meeting up with him sooner as pkainold friends and not two dicks pranking another dick.
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Billy walked through the mall, pushing along a baby stroller, Micah at his side. "I had to get some new clothes for the project." He said glancing at the taller boy, who merely grunted. "You asked me to come. Why?" Micah said bluntly, looking around at the sporting shop they passed.

"Who goes to the mall alone Micah?" Billy said looking up to him with a tilt of his head. "Ah...fair. hm? Isn't that Lyrin?" Micah said as he looked over to the food court. Billy looked over quickly, assuming he was out with his brothers, but saw Camron. "Who's that...." Billy said to himself. Micah glanced over to his friend. "Old friend?"
Lyrin snorts, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "Cam I don't play ball anymore. Not after what I did to the team."

Camron scowls, "That was coach's fault! He shouldn't have made you play under all that stress. All I'm asking is for one game of pickup. Show those losers who is the real champ on the court."

"Im barely 5'6! That's not basketball champ height." Lyrin throws a fry At Cams face, the other boy catching it in his mouth, grinning.

"You have a hella arm strength though. It helped that you could lob that ball from half court and score three outta five times. That won us games. I just wanna play a pick up game. One on One. I'll even make it a requirement for this to be a successful date."

Lyrin hesitated and then sighs, "Fine. First time ten will win." He snatches the plate of fries from Cam and starts chowing down.
Micah looked at Billy as they watched the pair interact, not close enough to hear what they were saying, but the implications were enough. They seemed close. "Hey, I'm sure it's nothing..." Micah said briefly, his normally impassive expression softening, reaching out to try to put a hand on Billy's back

"Shut up Micah." Billy said before he could touch him, the taller boy freezing and taking his hand back. "We're changing plans. We need to see who this prick is." Billy said as he started to draw the stroller around to the elevator. "What, you're bring the doll-"

"You're going to watch Melanie." Billy said as he jabbed the button. "R-right." Micah agreed quickly.

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