Game RP The Perfect Partner (RedCoat)

Flux snorted hotly, steam billowing from his nostrils as he rutted into her squirting depths, her juices flattening his thick furry down but he rammed himself inti her again, starting to pant as his body starting to swell inside her, giving her the real load, like a baker pushing a pastry full to the brim with cream filling.
As she moved unto Poocheyana position, shaking her ass at him, Flux put his hands on her shoulders, small nails digging into her skin as he pushed his big, hard member inti her cream filled slit. He pushed forward, thrusting straight inti her. He was rough as a Taros, but thst was due to raw strength abd size, as a Houndoom he was much more willful, thrusting against her like she was a Mon he pinned in the alley. His nails dug inti her back, scratch lightly as he fucked her into the couch.
She could feel the difference in how he thrusted, her moans taking a different pitch from how they’d been before, the gasping tones of someone having the air fucked from her body, to ones of outright pleasure as she could actually focus on the thrusts, as well as the almost intimate way he held her down, the wet sounds of her pussy rising up around them as he fucked her into the couch, pressuring her belly and causing it to disgorge his previous load, ready for his next one.
Flux growled at her worse, the dark hounds Mon biting more of her neck, making it up with ring after ring of sharp marks. He ran his nails down her back slowly rutting his cock inti her, something thick and bulbous spreading her further as the Mon forced his knit inside of her, then snatched it back out, knotting her over and over again.
Flux was dominating her, ravaging her like he was trying to burn the memory in her mind. Perhaps on some instinctive level he was, taking the Guise of a Houndoom and falling into the aggressions of that persona so well. He knitted her again, forcing her ass up higher as she started to cum inside her again.
As she devolved into her moans, getting rutted by the mon on top of her, held up only by the hot powerful cock and knot inside of her, Flux pressed close to her, nuzzling her warmly for the moment. "Is this a good way for you to research Mon?" He growled, his dark type nature making his soft question almost more a demeaning mockery.
Flux chuckles at her expression, the morphling amused by her question. "You wanted to research breeding habits. I uh....breed with extreme efficiency. I think alot of Mon might fill up a girl like that only after going all night." They explained as he rubbed her head affectionately, finger forming and stabilizing to gently massage her head.
Flux blushed harder. "You pervert." They mumbled as they were hugged close. Though Flux did not pull away. Afterall, stuffing humans full? That wasn't new. The transaction simply had shifted. "You just like getting knotted!" They accused, though the tone was more playful now that they were in their normal form.
(XD is sge whimpering out of fear or because she thinks Flux is right)

As she moved over, the mon slapped ger on the ass a bit before she felt his cock slide against her, over her skit and the hot flesh pressed to hee belly. The Nons cock was thicker than a Houndooms, and it's skin was sticky still with her juices. "Don't worry doctor, I'll take good care of you. After all, I can't breed you. So I get to bust inside you all I want!"

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