Game RP The Perfect Partner (RedCoat)

He grinned at her words as she spoke her desires, drawing back, his cock sliding over her slit a moment before he thrusted inti her, ramming himself inside her. "You're going to be my breeder slut now?" He teased as he thrusted into her, slapping her on the ass as he started to get wrapped up in her body again.
Flux listened to her begging, her debased words practically throwing all of her body to his mercy. As a Mightyena, it was all too easy, all too fun, making him feel all the more powerful. His thrusts only picked up the pace on her, rocking her body as he bullied and battered her gspot. His body was powerful, overwhelming, caging her woth his stronger hands.
(XD Doctor the next day: so....I know I said some....things-)

Aa she pleaded, throttling herself in the pit of her desires dedicating herself into becoming the cum rag of every form he had, Flux snarled and growled with enjoyment, content with her answes. He pushed his hips harder, slamming his knot inside of her again to fill her again.
(XD Nah Flux is actually nice.)

Flux watched her eyes roll back and how she went slack suddenly as her belly bloated with his load. 3 different types of mon cum mixed up inside her. He pulled our if her slowly, morphing again to normal as he pet her head. "Mmm-most people pay alot fir that much" he said as he looked around her apartment to get a blanket to cover her up.
(XD Ruthless? Tad Malicous? Ego driven? Maybe masking some faint care in copious wads to the face? Idk why. I have others that are quite different, but then I rp with you and I just make an absolute villain)
Flux patted the human on the cheek gently as she snuggled into their soft mass. "Doctor?" They whispered gently, nudging on her lightly.
(XD idk, might just be the trend set by Deep Space, Mala crushing Voids mind into mush seemed to have set thus standard. That we must have out good heroes get absolutely covered in cum and go "Maybe o don't have to be a hero.. this is a nice fate"

XD because that happened in Drowning in Sins too.)

"Flux giggled at she raised her head. Her skin made soft slurping sound as it broke contact with the Dittos body. A imprint of her face was left behind. "Yes, im here doctor...did you sleep well?" They whispered.
("Why be a Hero, when being Master's messy cum dump is so much easier?" True. That does seem to be our baseline XD)

She blinked as she heard the sound, the giggle and the slight slurping "I... I did, thank you." She replied, her eyes seeing the imprint of her own features she'd left behind in his malleable form "What would... You like to do today?" She asked softly.
Flux blinkedvat the question. "I...uh..." they froze as they thought, feeling almost strange as they tried. "I don't...know?" They said slowly. "I never had a day to choose what to do...' they admitted as their mass smoothed back out.

(XD "why save the world when...I can get breed and give milkies")
(XD omg a Hero knight or something that goes out to save the world because she is prophecized to gathervan army and slay a Demon lord, but she finds like bandits or goblins and instantly loses and gets passed around in a camp site....but it turns out that's how the army is gathered.)

Flux flushed purple. "Uhhhh I wake up...and eat my breakfast." They said. Ofcourse leaving out that breakfast was either pokeblock ..or giving someone the best head in the city.
(Alternatively, the Prophecies really vague and instead of "Saving the world FROM the Demon Lord" it turns out to be "Saving it FOR the Demon Lord" by filling it with half demon children.)

"Breakfast? Oh, okay. What do you tend to eat?" She asked, moving to her kitchen again, forgetting she hadn't any food in... She'd still not been shopping. Looks like Flux had one option...
("And this is the statue of the Great Heroine getting fucked Full Nelson. It was her fifth pregnancy, and her third set of triplets.")

She nodded absentmindedly as they listed what they ate, before her mind caught up and she flushed red, the fact she had no food too... "O-Oh... Ri... Right, I... I see." She moved back into the living room and dropped the blanket she'd wrapped herself in "I... I've only got one thing I can offer you..." She mumbled, sitting and spreading her legs to them.
(XD tomorrow even aftervshopping she's just like "oh no we have no food again zip")

As he drank her fluids, Flux pulled back, pulling his tongue out of her, it curved, rubbing agaunst her exposed dark star, teasing it still. If she didn't stop him, he'd give her another new experience in less than a second. But such was his learned behavior.

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