Flux transformed back to normal. "Ah-Sorry, did I frighten you?" He apologized nearly instantly, touching her hands. "I won't do that again." He said bowing his head to her.
She shook her head "N-No, It's fine... I just... I don't think I'm ready for that kinda feeling in my... uhm... butt." She told them, holding their hands in hers "Now, lets go shopping, huh?"
"I've been told I have a 5-star experience if it helps," Flux said though she couldn't tell if they were joking or not with her. Probably could check on reviews in the city probably. As she took the Ditto's hand, they morphed again, transforming into a Gardevoir...a male one, just in case people were looking for them.
She took his head, having already redressed, and headed for the local shop, asking him what he preferred as she bought the food they'd be sharing for a while, the basket soon full and almost too heavy for her to lift.
As she filled the basket with poke block and berries, his particular favorite seemed to be Sitrus flavored. when she struggled, Flux looked at the basket, focusing on it with Psychic to make to levitate on its own. "Is that better?" He asked as he looked at her, his eyes glowing with spectral blue energy.
She rubbed her strained arm and nodded gratefully as they headed to the checkout. Soon, they'd bought everything and were headed home to her apartment, with her now questioning him "So... What would you like to do when we get back? Like... Is there anything you've never tried that you'd like to give a go?"
The Ditto touched his chin. "Something I haven't done...gosh I've done so much in every which way one could do it..." He said still not quite understanding her intent. "I've even been a Magikarp in the bedroom, so I don...wait you mean something else right?"
She went bright red as he spoke, her eyes widening "I... Yes. I did mean something else!" She choked out, before shoving her into her flat "Now just... Look, just... sit there, and try to think of something unrelated to sex..."
Flux sat down on the couch as she asked her task of them, morphing back to normal. "I...only did that for so long, I don't know...I had some idea of going out looking for the mon I had eggs with." they said after a few moments of racking their brain.
"Not sure...I don't know...if I can be." Flux said shrinking, quite literally, their mass tightened and they shrunk inwards. "I don't have any idea if I even know how to do that." Flux admitted.
"Well, maybe... Instead of finding one of those children, you can try finding a form your comfortable in, and find a relationship with another Pokemon, so you can raise them from birth?" She suggested, tilting her head and moving a little closer to take their hand.
"That's not how it works for me...I don't...have a real me anymore, Im nothing." Flux said as she tried to reach through to them. "I can't just be one thing-"
"Then I suppose you need to find someone who'd be happy to be your partner even with you shifting and changing around them." She suggested, still trying to help them.
"Who would do that for me, I'm not worth it anyway! I've given up so much over and over to Mon and humans everyday." They said sighing, shrinking further,deflating a bit more.
She pulled them closer, nuzzling their neck "Oh don't talk like that... I'm sure there's someone out there who would. You just need to find them." She told him "Perhaps some poor girl who can't find a date, or a guy who's all alone..."
"....like you?" Flux said as she held onto him. Ofcourse he didn't think about he was saying by making the comparison. But if she had nothing in her cabinets and had nothing butvher work....welp lonely was lonely.
She blinked a bit "Ow. That one hurt." She muttered, before sighing and nodding "Yeah. Like me. Just... a Pokemon, instead. So you can have the family you desire. Well, unless your about to tell me you can breed with humans too."
She went still at that one "I mean... can... can you duplicate a human?" She asked softly, waiting for him "If... if you can do that... can... maybe you can breed a human..."
They stood up in front of her, starting to focus and shift, starting to try to visualize and shape themselves little by little to become her. As Flyx open her eyes, she had become her...well mostly, Flux had taken some liberties with the size I'd her assets, much bigger and much currier than tge original.
She flushed as she saw how much Flux had... Expanded her body, but otherwise "Wow... You... You can copy humans... So... That might mean you can... breed with us."
Flux giggled and laughed, bouncing up and down with glee. The doctor watched her enhanced body jiggle and bounce in ways she wasn't aware she could. "I can breed with humans!" She chirped , smiling at her abd hugging her suddenly, planning her muse firmly inti her cleavage.
The scientists blush got redder and redder as she watched the perfected, curvier version of herself jiggle and bounce around, before the hug into her own cleavage pushed her over the edge "I... Can... Can you... Try breeding me?" She asked, her voice muffled by the teats in her face.
She blinked and nodded "Uh, yeah. Science. Right." She mumbled, biting her tongue as she moved her hands to grab Flux's oversized versions of her breasts.
(XD "Science...yeah...run through me like a pokemon team for the science")
As she touched on her oversized breasts, Flux moaned out softly. Her voice lewd already, tingled with fire worthy of charizards. She reached up and grabbed the humans head, pulling her mouth closer to her nipple.
The poor girl could resist, her mouth wrapping around Flux's nipple and starting to suck upon the teat she'd been given, her attention fully around it.
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