Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

Luud licked her lips as she got up, remembering her mother's harsh training, more like abuse by any other species word, but Orcs had little in the way of tenderness beyond their youngest child, or most favored of partners. Even then, it would be subtle. Luud stood up. "Your demon aura-" she spat at the dirt. "Is smaller than my mothers." She growled as sge felt the memories washing over her mind, the savage beatings that would have killed a lesser humanoid, Luud's mother showing rare affection and personally taking care of her daughters injuries in those days. Luud shook off the thoughts of pain...and her mother's almost equally crude medical care.

Luud shifted her stance, naturally shifting from her normal striking approach, commonly know as Boar Arts to her clan to Slaver Arts, a wider Grappling stance, putting her wild savagery all the high,it was meant for a few things. Capturing an opponent, controlling a slave, or. Putting one of the two victim's into position to fuck them.

"I submit to no one!" She growled as she moved for him again, swinging a mighty blow for him.
Taking the new stance, then moving upon her foe. Luud would find this powerful and skilled oni quickly side stepping, and twirling his body around her. as he moved to try and push the orc onto her belly.
so that he could move upon her, thinking it would be an easy victory. However things would not be as simple as the warrior might think. Despite how he did this, and countered her moves. Luud had the size, and raw strength advantage.
which would make it harder to pin her, let alone win in a head on head. Yet his smaller size, flexibility and speed would give the power house beauty a challenge of a win. But now knowing all the more. she would need to get a bit creative.
even if it meant taking a momentary loss to trap her foe, or to play dirty, even by the standards of her clan.
Luud snarled like a wild dog as he came close to her, her brute mass slamming into him as he tried to topple her. But she didn't buckle easily. She shoved him back, eying him. "Don't run away little one! You used you demon aura for this!" She taunted. Creativity, wasn't her sharpest blade, but she was far less crude than her mother tended to be. Luud shifted her weight, leaning forward all tye more as she went in to grapple him, throwing herself in a position that would seem to give him a clear change as getting her from behind.
Now in this position, Luud was apparently in a prime position of defeat. as the oni did not miss this chance. moving to try and pin her, once so he could ram his impressively thick log into her from behind.
However little did this warrior know, thinking he was about to lay claim to a new prize. he was walking right into her trap so to speak. Hell even more so, if Luud rolled over at the last moment, she could appear like a missionary position to entrap him with her legs,
and arms both. however regardless, her body seemed to be vulnerable, and inviting. not realizing how obvious this was. the fact remained, the two were now finding on feral, and carnal desires compared to how it started, well at least for the oni.
As the Oni honed in on his target, so arrogant to think he had an easy victory, he watched the Orc Beast suddenly move, rolling and sweeping his legs in her arms slamming him straight into the dirt to start to pin her none to tender mercies. In her grip, he could tell just how monstrously strong she truly was. He felt her log against his, rubbing up on him. "I don't know what I want to do more with you!" She growled in his ear. Her arms moved, trapping him in a head lock as the larger woman moved, her tip none to gently crashing against his hole.
A vile smirk came across the Oni's face, despite how he was pinned. as he grumbled up.

"You strong, but to much male then female, Unable to make proper strong babies. thus you want to take then give so pathetic. Even winning you never be good mother. "

saying this, as if insulting and challenging her to play the female role, as she teased his back side. instead of giving into the dread, and sensation of how she was about to ruin his back side.

However the fact remained, if she was to get knocked up by this Oni, the two would make a monstrously powerful Heir for the clan. Yet if she took her turn by ruining his back side. Luud would quickly discover
her mother would be the one to ruin his male member once her daughter was done with the oni. As the show had excited the boss of the clan.
Luud twistedher arms, flexing her muscles to chokecthe Oni a bit. "Maybe I want to teach you to submit to your new mistress properly." She said as he was suddenly flipped over onto his back and pinned down further as she straddled him. The Orc rolled her hips and his body crashed against her pelvis, almost more like a body slam than a tease. "What happens if I crush it!" She mocked as she shifted, rubbing her skit against him. Despite his barbs, he was correct after all, if they did breed, they would produce quite the child, even more so than this oni and Luuds mother.
Under her, the wicked Oni would smirk, as he was now able to see his foe. as she had him pinned, and was straddling the smaller stud.
"Tch, woman, break it, then no use for heirs. even if used, or being used, others will come, brothers, will seek."
saying this, it would be almost like a tempting promise of stronger studs like him, if they were even half as strong as this one. then it would become a truly amazing reward
for Luud, and her clan. However the fact remained. If she did not decide on what kind of action to take sooner, her mother would grow impatient, wanting a show, and would come up
to rip her daughter off this stud, and give the clan a show herself. however at this moment she was watching, and now in sight for all to see. in the complete nude, which was a rare sight for many of the orcs to see
except for Luud herself.
Luud loomed low over him. "You would be a good wife' she teased to him as she raised her hips again slowly. He felt her slut push in him, rubbing up to his tip. ""I'll just have to pluck this pesky log off and you'll be perfect.," he mocked as he felt her hips slamming downwards, enveloping his rod in her sex. The Black Oni felt soft yet dense warm muscle enveloping him, it's slick grip squeezing him roughly all ready. Luud started to move her hips, bouncing and rolling her hips on top of him, her powerful body ridding him , almost with the same fury of a bull trying to trample something to death. Ofcourse to the Oni, it was as savGe as all Orc ways, but to her people, she was performing, a rough, yet sensual ride. She loomed close, her mouth slammed against his, her body rubbing and pushing on his. Arching abd scenting her every thick curve and trained muscle.
Now with the two beginning the act, more then that, Luud was riding, and giving this oni an experience most like him would never know. however the busty, muscular, yet impressively thic warrior would suddenly feel herself flipped over. however instead of trying to get away, break free, or even attack the powerful orc. the smaller and equally impressive oni's reaction to being dominated seemed to be flip the position, and ravage her like it would be the last thing he would ever do. However this act of aggressive power would be impressive, and enjoyable, albeit unplanned or welcomed if the reactions of the watching orcs were anything to go by.

as this began to happen, Unless Luud managed to use a hand or motion to stop her sisters, or mother. the Oni would be ripped off of her before the fun could go on to much like this. as it was starting to go into a battle of dominance for procreation, all the while, this would also be a battle of who would break who first in endurance, and pleasure if it was allowed to go on like this.
As Luud was suddenly flipped,her back slamming into the ground as the Oni tried to throw himself into getting one last go. Luud threw out a hand, warding away her clan before they dared to get involved. The Oni felt her pussy squeeze and flex, her sex gripping him and milking him savagely with every thrust. He almost could think he was dominating her, but Luud wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around him to roll with him to wrestle him more. "Ha-you really want to fight hm? I was so nice to you!"
as the two began to roll around, as their bodies were locked together. Luud's legs locked around the oni's waist. as his own thrusts dug impressively deep into her feminine entrance. one moment he would be ontop of her, biting at the orc's lips or breast, the next she would be the one ontop free to scratch up and bruise up his chest, and face. however as the two went at it like this. she would hear the excited grunting and panting voice.

"only powerful women worthy of leader's seed. if one submitted then not worthy. now prove you are the worthy one of these whores. "
his fighting words would seem to both signal out her mother, and the woman he was in right now. However the fact remained, regardless who won, Luud's tribe would win in the long run, with how powerful a child she would gain from this.
if the orc warrior maiden managed to come out on top, and exhaust her foe first, she could then use or train him to breed with herself, and her sisters or mother to make even stronger sisters. however if he ended up winning, Luud would know better then any one, this oni would use the law of tribal races to take her from this clan home, and make her his else where, like a trophy breeding slut.
"You're dream of conquering." Luud snarls as she rolled with him.again and again, the two powerful warriors Grappling, biting, and slamming eachother like they were locked a heated duel all over again. She locked her hand around his arm, twisting it and pushing him back underneath her as she pounded his hips down on his harshly for a few savage beats. "Are lost! You are going to be my trophy!" She grunts as she scratched his chest with her nails.
(sorry this one is a 1x1 rp, however if you are interested in doing RP with ether of us, feel free to Pm, and ask for some details. If you wish for a small group one, we can make a small chat to work out the details. Once more thank you for showing interest, and sorry for the delay response. as this rp specifically is a 1x1 rp )

Once she had been ontop of the Oni long enough, Luud would sudden feel her well built belly beginning to slowly deform, and bulge, as the impressive load began to erupt into her depths. the trophy stud under her would move to free his arms suddenly, as he grasped her breast with incredible force. only to suddenly roll over once more. to try and lick his lips against hers forcefully. his grasp on her smaller more muscle like breast, as he slammed himself faster, with shallow strikes, while still flooding her depths. the wicked little oni was filling this warrior up to a point even her own mother could only feel jealous of. However pinning the powerful warrior, however this would be his most brutal attempt, and at the same time. it would be the attempt which would bring Luud to the very brink of breaking for the first time in her life. however despite how close this wicked warrior would get her to breaking, and submitting the mighty orc maiden would end up winning, but just barely. which would be all the more impressive, showing this stud could only be enjoyed, and handled properly by herself, and her own mother. any of her sisters would break with what this wicked stud could offer.
Luud gave soft breath as she felt his intensity, his last efforts and full desperate attack for victory. The Oni feels her squeezing and her body, powerful, robust like carved marble, quake just slightly. The only tell that she almost gave in, but he was already cumming inside her. She shifted her legs, wrapping them around his hips, but the Orcs eyes gleamed in a way that only could be mirrored by predators toying g with a meal. She wasn't Grappling out of submission, she was Grappling to keep her trophy close. "Mm-mm- good boy, shoot it all inside " she teased to her new stud as she grabbed his hair, twisting it so she could slamm his lips with hers.her kiss was full and as aggressive as the rest of her. As her belly bulged full, she broke it as the last of the Oni's load finally was spent inside her. She licked his lower lip playfully. "Mm~my mother and I will keep you to ourselves!"
now with them both panting, in this condition, the impressive oni, would look into her eyes, as he would speak up in a surprising manor.
"My lady, as long as we have strong heirs, I will be yours, and your kin, but if you ever prove to become to weak to be my better, or equal, I will become the one to take you. "
as he submitted with a threat. it was now obvious that this price oni would allow himself to be her, and her mother's breeding toy, only as long as they remain the stronger of the pair.
but the instant they appeared weak he would go to break them, and make this woman, and perhaps her mother his. it was a rare, yet exciting victory, one who could truly not be broken was
now her new plaything, as long as she was the strongest of the duo. meaning their would be a good reason to keep up with Luud's own training, in both the art of flesh, and war.
"I yield to no one." She reminded between her breaths, pushing herself up, her legs twitched slightly, any lesser woman would likely collapse after such rough play. She looked to the crowd of Orc Sisters, and she put her foot on the Oni's chest. "This is my Trophy. If I even see an eye wander for it, I will remove them and fucking eat them!" She snarled to the gathering. Ofcourse Luud's mother was Queen and her family, such a claim dud not apply...but Luud looked absolutely beautiful and ferocious while laying. Even with her belly swelled with Oni's seed, her might and will was proven. However there remained a problem Luud was leagues and miles more horny than She had been jumping into battle. She stepped off her new Trophy husband. "You will be marked as our goods." She snarled as she gestured for some gaurds to drag the exhausted Oni off their battle field.
as two of her warrior sisters moved to drag the prize back to the lady, and her mother's den of a tent. Something a bit unexpected would happen.
with impressive ease, the Oni would get up, breaking free, and disabling the two ladies with out much effort. as he smirked. looking to the other orcs. the short yet powerful
beast would point tours all of them. as he spoke up, despite being defeated, he still had some pride, and it was showing.

"Only the strong may touch me, If you wish to even dare, then prove it. " saying this, he would look back tours the powerful maiden which had indeed won their battle. as he winked tours her
before stating, the battle was hers, but their personal war was only beginning. Little did this powerful fiend know, his little declaration would not just make him more desirable as a toy to the one which claimed him, her mother, but several of the so called stronger warriors of this clan. Yet the say so of who could even try to earn a round with this stud was up to lady Luud.

as this was going on, she would see her own mother licking her lips, as if torn to take the new toy out for a spin or to jump her baby girl to finish off what had been started. as both seemed so tempting but she would be unaware of the fact, that this oni and her daughter would both be on par with each other when used, or enjoyed by the clan leader herself.
Saying this, the wicked stud would smirk, as he looked around. rubbing his chin as if it was actually him being given the choice.
"Oh, no you are indeed strong, I will admit, But any other, any where near as strong? Even A dog needs his playmates after all. "
saying this, even if this oni would Obey Luud, she would find that he was not even going to obey her mother, or any other unless they
proved their strength and power over him. this was both rewarding, and troublesome. for one it meant she would not need to worry about sharing
with any one who was weaker, but also meant if any of her sisters made the mistake of trying to take her toy for a spin while Luud was not around.
their would be a very real chance of him breaking one of her war sisters.
"My mother would certainly make you consider shutting your mouth while you can." Luud said simply. She looked to her mother, knowing only a few of her sisters of war truly were a match for Luud. She had no siblings after all, any other orc would be pressed to challenge her. A warrior raised her spear, stepping forward. Luud shot a glance at them. "You will watch your words, you are no match for me!" The Orc deemed, a fierce looking woman, lither than rhe others, even Luud's who had mixed blood. Her muscle was lighter, her form seemingly softer. How she joined the Elite class, it was yet to be seen by the Oni physically. "Doru. You are not prepared for this battle." Luud denied her with flat disdain for her arrogant claim.
Cracking his knuckles, and neck, Come now, You I admit my place to, but if they think they can win. I will show them the difference between grunts, and warriors. "
the oni smirked, saying this. as he would seem to wink at his futa mistress. it was rare but this over powering toy, seemed to be more the willing to submit to Luud herself,
due to admitting his defeat. however this was soon becoming an honor thing, with how Doru was speaking up, and more so belittling the woman who had defeated this powerful

as he would begin to move, the powerful beast would smirk, as he spoke for all the weaklings to come to him at once, he would take them out in the blink of an eye. it would be this statement, which
would reveal to Luud. that a good fight was always gonna be a good way for this warrior to recharge for a good lay. However as it currently was, he only knew of Luud herself to be worthy of his seed.
Yet he had not encountered those who were close to her equals, let alone her mother who was even stronger then Ludd, albeit much more reserved in comparison.
"Hold!" Luud barked, her muscles flexxing as she stomped the broken earth under her feet. Doru froze almost instantly, Luud walked to her mothers side. "Prehaps you would like to face a true opponent, face my mother, of you are so bold for more thrashing!." Luud said, curious if the Oni would be so eager to challenge a even stronger foe. "After all if you are above them, should you not strive for the head first?, or are you trying to make yourself feel big and strong after losing to your mistress!"
An evil smirk would come across the oni's face. as he looked to Luud.
"if I beat this mother of yours, then you will submit for me, at least for one night no?"
saying this, with a wicked and playfully evil smirk. however the brute had no idea that unlike with Luud.
it would be even more one sides, as Luud knew well her mother did not hold back. more then that she did not care for the condition of
her toys when beating them into submission. Yet it would be quiet the show, however it would also come to Luud's attention that her sister, despite weaker
still believed she could take this brute on. Despite the fact Luud knew better then any one her one combat sister stood no chance at all.
Luud looked at the Onis smile, listening to his wage. She glanced at her mother briefly. But the older orc queen knew why. Her mother had already bet her body to her daughter tonight in return for her to slaughter her enemies and subjugate the Oni's. "Very well. I'll entertain you." She said quite comfortably. "But only for a single night" she said.

Would her mother dare let a lesser creature, this Oni force her daughter to submit to him? To anyone other than herself?
As this would begin, the oni cracked his neck with a wicked smirk on his face. thinking the older orc maiden would be weaker then her daughter, and it would be an easy win, compared
to his wrestle with Luud. However little did the Oni know, that she was actually stronger, and fiercer in battle then her daughter, albeit it, not by much but still noticeable.

as the two would be looking each other over very soon, the wicked Oni, licking his lips, as he figured this would be an easy win, even stating if she would submit he would be gentle with the older
warrior maiden, as he wanted to make his mistress, his for a night at least. however it was unknown to this wicked stud, and trophy breeder husband that he was making a very bad mistake on his own part,
or perhaps an opportunity for the mother to enjoy her daughter in a more twisted kind of way, if she wanted to use both er daughter, and have this oni at the same time.

( care to take over the Role of mama bear for our little duel over Booty? )
(XD no problem!)

The Queen smirked at the Oni's attitude, glancing to Luud a moment as she strudel onto the battlefield. "My, how generous of you." She said as she pondered the option. Depraved sex with h3r daughter and her new breeding stock. But. He also made the mistake of boasting his strength, and no orc could resist the urge to test the steel of such a thing. "The only thing you're going to do is beg for mercy when im finished with you." She said as the larger full blooded orc lurched down and despite hee size, was already moving to grapple him at full force.
Taking his stance, the tiny Onie would crack his neck, as he heard the massive, yet impressive queen of the clan speak.

"Well then, Pretty thing, let's see if you can stand on par with little mistress their. "
as he said this, the tribal like markings began to glow, as steam was visibly coming off his muscles. this would not be the first time this was noticed.
However this little bodily enhance would not have been noticed by others, unless it was by Luud herself, when they were in the sex battle so to speak. this oni's
unique blood trait would allow him to become much stronger then he should be naturally. However to the queen's surprise, at best he could stale mate with her, head on head.
yet unlike an orc, a small oni's power is best paired with their agility, which this was a head on contest, thus he would to lock hands with the motherly warrior, and matriarch, thing he could
over power her. even willing to whisper if she lets him win, then he would give her quiet the show with the mistress, or even introduce her to new things they could do to his mistress together.
as this would be whispered at a moment to look as if he was trying to flip the queen. it would reveal the true desires of this so called pet, yet he would truly give his all in a head on fight, wanting a
good exercise, yet also wanting to get some fun later this night, instead of being only a fodder toy for his first night.
As the two of the clash, clenching together, the two fo them now equal, but the Queens sneer never left her face. "You're persistent." She grunts as she held the stalemate, holding her posture. The offer was tempting enough, taking her daughter was something that she'd never turn down. Her grip however only tightened further, her muscles rippling. "But you will have to work to convince me!" She said as her pressure increased on him, starting to push him back.

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