Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

struggling a bit, yet accepting the aggressive assault. if nothing else more like being proud of her girl for being able to do this.
as the queen enjoyed and playfully struggled against Luud. the fact remained, she would soon discover that her mother was successfully knocked up
already, and by her pet at that. but this did not change the fact, that the sensation was still amazing. however once the queen would begin to use her
unique skills, to crush, and please the cock in her to milk luud for all she was worth, would the daughter realize how little endurance she had for some one like her mother.
Luud gasped as her mother's hole swallowed her up again, wincing as she felt herself getting milked so ruthlessly. Her body nearly giving up, but she managed to restrain herself, trying her hardest to keep her balls from dumping everything into her mother. She shuddered as she struggled harder, thrusting harder. Even if her pet had gotten there first, she would do the day.
trying her best, the queen laughed, and belittled her daughter for being so aggressive, yet so weak as a breeder. stating how she would not last much longer, before
the orc matriarch began to use her well trained internal muscles, and even began to move herself to slam into her daughter's thrusts. devouring all she was worth with each.
Luud would find herself being milked much sooner then expected, however the fact remained, she was one of only two which could excite her mother, the other being her pet.
Yet this was a rare achievement. as most who even entered the queen melted almost instantly, and more then that, it was more like she never noticed them, yet here she was enjoying
this far to much. even threatening to make a wonderful dildo out of her daughter for the entire night if she did not last long enough.
Luud yelped out a swear as her mother began moving her hips on her own, her insides trying to suck out her daughters soul it felt like. She held on to her broad hips helplessly, trying to stay up as she was forced to shoot into her mother's milking innards. Honestly. Luud was never mad that her mother milked her so aggressively. Their relationship was always like this. She remembered in her early trainings...she hardly got to pump her hips before her mother would be taking control...or she'd shoot everything she had into her upon putting it in.

Luud spanked her mother on the ass, making even thar firm muscle bounce a bit. "I'll do it mommy-" she whispered in her mother's ear hotly. "I love being inside mommy-" she mewled. None could every see Luud like this except for the Queen so willing to submit a bit like so.
Chuckling as she said this, the motherly orc would move to slam herself a bit more playfully into her daughter's thrusts.
"You have grown very strong, but still to soon to out last mamam. " as she said this with a playful tone. the orc queen would begin to prep her
muscles. if Luud realized this she would have a small window to try, and pull her mother's arms over her head to pin her to the ground.
if not, she would soon feel herself forced onto her back where the queen would begin to bounce upon her. all the while the Oni would be looking on with a mischievous smile
on his face. loving the show before him.
"Mm-i- last longer than Most-" she mumbled but as her mother moved,, Luud's force pushed her, catching her arms to pin them. "Ah ah-hmm- staying-stayimg on top-" She panted as she pinned her mother down. In Orc culture, it would be a shallow victory as her mother was practically power bottoming her daughter with her innards, but ifl Luud stayed on top, she would atleast be able to boast she was the one doing the fucking this time.
As this continued, the queen now pinned well under her daughter. something a bit more unexpected would soon be felt.
As Luud was struggling to remain ontop of her mother, as she filled the orc entrance with her impressive meat. more then that
the way her mother slammed back into her over and over again. however the unexpected bonus for Luud would be the sensation and sudden
assault from their pet. the Oni moving up behind his mistress with an evil smirk. his hands moving to press into her large plump ass cheeks.
before the short wicked stud moved to suddenly penetrate deep into his mistress. thus each time he would push into her, it would add more force
into Luud's own thrusts, while her mother pushing back against her, would add into the sensation of the Oni's thrust. however the unexpected part would be
the fact he took her tight star shaped entrance with out warning or remorse, despite her womanly entrance being prime and ready for abuse.
Hearing her words, the oni only seemed to give off an almost demonic giggle, before pointing to the right of them, where Luud would see her armor and trusted weapon.
it would be now that her mind would fathom that this was all set up by her mother from the get go. wanting another fun round, but the part she did not plan on, would be
Luud's dominating nature as she pounced onto her mother this time. As it was,, Luud could do much more then enjoy and try to abuse her pet's actions to her advantage, as
it was.
Hearing this, the wicked orc queen, would speak up.
"Oh my, how dare who? me or our little pussy whipped pet of yours hmm?"
as she jokingly said this, it would be the right moment, that both her, and the oni slammed into Luud.
the pet going deep into her tight warm bowels, as the ass slammed viciously up into her penetrating cock. thus giving both
the oni, and her daughter a massive sensation of pleasure at once, trying to get a chain reaction in a playfully evil way, which only
the queen would think to try even while on the bottom.
Luud's eyes crossed as her mother and the Oni pinned her between them, her cock blasting another thick losd inti her mother's occupied womb. Luud however managed to keep her hold on her mother somehow, infact dumping her load inti her innards only made her hang on tighter to her. Her ass clenched as she came, starting to milk on her Oni pet next. "Going-to- crush you-" she hissed out.
Laughing as she felt this, and heard her daughter's word, the queen would move to get a bit more playful in her own action. causing both Luud and the oni to bound against her powerful ass bumps into
Luud's thrusts. the sight and sensations were grwoing all the more enjoyable, and even more so exhausting for the orc general, and daughter of the ruler. as it would not last much longer, the playfully wicked
assault would indeed leave Luud in a very unique sensation of both satisfaction and in need of more.
"Mm-Mama- slow down-" she tried to urge, getting pushed despite how much she braced herself. Her mother's raw strength made slamming Luud back inti hercpet easy...though Luud wasn't sure if this was also because the harder her mother pushed, she only felt hee daughters cock getting even more rigid for her. PH how her precious daughter couldn't get enough, how if just kept pushing her little girl to even greater limits of Endurance.
Giving into the sensation and pleasure of the twin assault. despite how Luud had started the assault, she was now the one getting her endurance pushed to it's limits,
and quickly.

As this would go on, at least until Luud was ether warn out, or the duo upon her both sated. the sight, and sounds would echo from the tent.
as The queen smirked, loving every moment of this more so how her daughter struggled, despite being the one which jumped her first this time.
As the fun finally came to an end. Luud's body would be quiet heavy, and a mess. as the queen would chuckle. only to have the pet pulling his mistress out of her mother, and carrying her to the large
barrel of hot wash water. unaware of it. as he moved to lower, the powerful maiden gently into the wash tub of a barrel. she could easily pull her pet into the wash and punish him in her own playful way.

as it was a wicked trick to help her mother to play with her before a mission, when she was the one meant to get her revenge on the queen. however more then that. the duo would over hear
many of the sisters speaking of how she had such a loyal pet, and how they wanted to have some fun with it. despite how this oni would not lay with any one or thing weaker then it at this point. meaning
only two orcs could be enjoyed, and enjoy this bestial pet.
As she pulled him into the washing water, the Oni would surface spitting out a small burst of water onto the ground.
as he smiled looking to his mistress.

"I was going to get soap, and rags, so we can clean up properly, but if that is not desired, we can do it the hard way. "
saying this playfully the stud was always unique compared to other pets. even her loyal elf's, which had served her so faithfully, and unfaltering
would never dare to touch her, play with her mother, or even carry her like this one did. he was obviously far more free then a servant should be.
yet, he was loyal to only those stronger then He. despite this, several of the orc sisters would be approaching and requesting to pay for some time with Luud's
pet. which was not uncommon in their tribe, but unlike most pets. even if she accepted the payment, or trade, they would still need to defeat the oni one on one for their
desired time.
"Why would I apologize, mistress or not, you needed the fun as well. I saw your look, those lovely sounds."
as he spoke up, revealing how he enjoyed the sounds of her lips, the look in her eyes. the wicked oni admitted he would
never apologize for making his mistress look so pleased, and sound so cute. as such was a rarity, and enjoyable. however
before finishing his statement, the Oni did something which would shock all those approaching and would expect him to be severely
punished for.

the wicked stud would move to suddenly force his mistress into a deep kiss, one which would drain her strength suddenly. as it would be alot
like how her mother drained her with passionate kisses in the past. but different at the same time. as this one was not only lust but true passion felt.
at the same time his one hand slid down to stroke her impressive meat as his lips were locked with hers. not minding how the tusks easily cut his own cheeks, and
drew some blood.

once the kiss broke, he would speak up again.
"You are one of only two who are stronger then I, such I will always value my mistress, being the woman who defeated me first. I will always dedicate myself to the way
to make you happy, as well as any chance i can to see that lewd, and cute side. " as he spoke up, it would be unexpected, and also something most orcs had always seen
as a sign of pure weakness. yet this Oni was far from weak, value in strength first, then only would he value the heart after strength had been proven. yet he now given
Luud a reason to ether except his words, and actions or punish him for such things. even if the punishment was only due to this being done in front of an audience.
Luud scowled at him harder as broke away. "Get off me!" She said slapping his hands off her. "Get me my soap and rag you fool!" She snapped as she smacked him in the face next. The blows stung this time, but Luud looked away frim him. He could see her green skin flushing a bit greener from his words. Clearly she hasn't heard such words before. "And-And bring me my elves, they will wash me-" she demanded further.
as she reacted like this, the all powerful war hero of the tribe, in such a cute manor. the oni would move to take her chin once more. as he looked into her eyes.
" Deny it all you want, but a cute woman is a woman worthy of keeping and dying for. " with these words he would then finally finish teasing her, and follow the orders
of his mistress luud.

once the elves had all arrived, with the supply of soap, and rags. the oni had reported back to the tent, where he was now acting like he was on guard duty, however
it was not her mother's tent, but her own tent.

while this was going on, several of the other orcs would look to luud requesting to trade valuables for some time with the oni, knowing he could give strong seed.
yet even though, she now knew well. he would not accept others, even valuing Luud over her own mother, which no other pet, or orc would dare to do.
"Begone you beggers!" She said as sge enjoyed her bath with her elves, they were obedient, silent, perfect. She ran her hand along them both, licking her lips hungrily. She almost could ignore how her stupid Oni pet had made her feel so flush. She was a warrior, she would not let some soft words weaken her heart.
as she would think about it, if Luud wanted to admit it or not. Unlike her other pets, the Oni could be taken to the battle fiend, as he had just barely lost to her.
meaning much like herself he was easily one which could be considered a warrior. however if thoughts like this would enter the prideful orc's mind. it would mess with her all
the more. as it would coincide with his words. Yet little did she know, even if her mother had put her in harm's danger then he would step up. however as long as their was no
harm to his mistress he would play along for the rare sight of her cuter side. which none seemed to know.

with the loyal and obedient elfs taking care of it. it would seem like something was lacking now. the way they obeyed, and acted.
it lacked the interaction, the odd way it felt more amusing with her Oni. things had not build up for long yet some how her pet had already begun to weaken Luud so to speak.
and the only one who could see this, and possible help her understand such things would be her mother.
Luud closed her eyes and grunted to herself. The Elves freezing from the sound briefly. "Keep going knife ears, or I will get annoyed." She threatened, feeling them hurriedly get back to cleaning her. This Ini had done something to her, and she hated it. She considered executing him fir whatever trickery he had done to her, to butcher him into nothing and use what was left to feed the Goblins. She smirked at the dark revenge, knowing it would be a just victory then. He would pay for this weakness he was forcing upon her.
Standing their in her tent, the playfully wicked stud of an Oni would be messing with Luud's armor. adding some little tricks, and runes of his own to the inside.
it would not be noticed until something happened to trigger them, as they would protect, and enhance her strength in dire situations.

as he did this where no one could see. he would place them back right as the elf's had finished with Luud's wash. however he was now in a position where she would not be able to see him
in her tent. unless she walked into the tent backwards. as the oni had his own wicked plan to jump her once his mistress entered the tent. wanting some fun before she left.

If Luud went to her mother, to investigate this weakness, she would discover it was more of a strength then a weakness, for this was the same kind of weakness the queen
had for Luud, and pushed the queen to become the all powerful orc she was now. however if Luud wish to understand or to simply act out her own plan to try and be rid of said weakness she would have to choose
upon leaving her wash barrel.
Luud climbed out of her wash barrel, stretching. She walked by one of the ekfs, smacking them on the ass, nearly knocking them over as she passed them by to dry off and dress. She thought on her options. But walked to her mother's tent instead as she dressed herself again. Afterall they may have had carnal ball slapping incestuous sex...but she was also her mother, a Queen that would had down her throne one day. Luud has to understand these thungs.
Luud blushed slightly. "One day you will be the one getting milked." She said pointing a finger at her mother. "But I am not here for that right now. I have...a problem." She said walking to her mothers throne, shifting and sitting on her lap, cradling herself up to her as she always sldis when she was looking for answers rather than passion. She rested her cheek on her mothers breast. "I...have a weakness." She said softly

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