Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

The instant she said this, Luud would find Snik taking Voli in his little green clawed arms. silencing his whimpering sister with a deep, and messy albeit impressive kiss. which also presented
her cute little hybrid ass for Luud to properly abuse. while being fucked herself, she could fuck this little cum balloon for all she was worth, and thus enjoy a little group session with her loyal little
knight to be, and her mama's new personal toy at the same time.
Voli felt her legs held apart, the orcs saliva had her slit and ass shining practically.. then the tiny maiden felt the tip smack against her pussy like a battering ram. "Mm-afyer I fuck you, I'm ficking your sister too Voli! Let's see which of you sexy gremlins give me a Hobgoblin first!" She growled ever so lustfully as she started to push into her folds.
as she said this, it was almost like a sudden burst of pleasure and heat. as the new form of her little titan under her.
snik began to release a much hotter and thicker load into the orc's womb. more then just that, she would feel a strange sensation
as if her belly was forming an unexpected mark, which would become visible like a corrupted heart right above her cock. which was now filling
and breaking the struggling little voli. who was struggling while her mouth was occupide by her brother. the threesome had begun to go wild to say the least. a

the while, Luud could now really dig into her enjoyable little toys with out mercy at this point.
Luud jerked slightly as the load suddenly pushed into her, the magic marking upon her making her accidentally slam all of her cock straight into the Goblins pussy at full force. She didn't pause to check on her, seeing as...well she didn't feel anything pop inside of Voli or anything.
Giving into the pleasure, and more then that, the new sensation, as if the odd marking which was forced upon her by Snik would only
enhanced the pleasure she felt, however it was only with snik. as this went on more and more, it was almost comical with how Voli's belly began
to expand, as Luud could feel it in her palm. however she could use her massive finger, or thumb, to easily play with the breast of her tiny fuck toy victim.
Sniik didn't have to guess long if Luud was truly even aware of what he had done. Her thumb and forefinger pinched on Volis small chest, her cock slamming inti her savagely, but what would give away her complete passionate madness was her roar, bellowing as she reached the height of her frenzy and rage.
giving into the pleasure, the tiny voli would soon pull herself away from her brother's kiss, as she would scream out,
all the while feeling how Luud ruined her. the tiny imp like hybrid would soon be filled, and on the verge of passing out from the assault
all the while. The new marking from Snik upon luud would be no different then allowing a weaker male to successfully claim her, once it was seen by her
mother. however it would become even more entertaining once it was revealed the one which successfully did this, was a weaker stud, and more so it was snik
of all the potential studs. despite how her mother seemed to have been hell bent to try and help her pet Oni claim her thus far.

thus showing how the tiny Snik was one step closing to making Luud his, despite how he was going about it, by giving his family to her specifically one member at a time.
(XD her mom: Hoe could this happen!

Luud:...Goblin pussy.

Her mom:...sigh yeah they almost got me like that in those days.)

Luud's wild sex frenzy made her nearly inconsolable by either of the two Goblins in her threescore, Snik getting slammed into the ground, that was a messy dent of their shared climax and sweat. Voli fared even worse now that Luud was in full swung, her belly only getting bigger and bigger, her hybrid stretching pushed more and more to the limits as Luud only xame inside if her like she was trying to breed the Goblib girl right then and there . Orc cum spilled put of the tiny vessel stopping it way across Snik and the dirt as Voli took another vile filling straight into her baby maker.
It would not be long before Voli would feel how the orc mistress over filled her to a new extreme. the depths of the tiny hybrid squealing and screaming was
like music to her massive partner's ears. more then that, the sensation of how Snik filled luud would push the orc to new levels of pleasure induced lust. however as this would
go on for some time. for the first time sense her mother did it to her. Luud would begin to tire out before her partner, as Snik would soon be the one ontop of her. squishing
Voli between his evolving body, and the well tone body of Luud.
it was not much longer, before Luud finally found herself pinned on her back. one of the orc's muscular legs folded, up as if trying to fold the powerful maiden in half. all
the while the tiny Voly pinned between her, and Snik. as she would find his twin cocks filling her, more then that. he would move to latch onto his sister's little tit, and suckle it. as he moved her body with his own.
thus making it feel as if Snik was fucking her, and using a squirming flesh light on Luud all at the same time. if nothing else, it would seem the powerful orc maiden had found a secret lover which she could be proud to enjoy. despite the mark which was now on her, due to Snik's claim upon her flesh. even if it was not allowed, it was to late now. despite how even he would state that the little evolving goblin was no where near worthy enough to become hers as of yet. but this session would be one of the very rare times where Luud's lustful rage, and sexual frenzy could be said to have been fucked out of her. where it was normal for her to break the partner instead of how things were going now.
Luud felt her strength, her rage being cut through by the pleasure being rended upon her, the Goblin knight making her heightened trance actually feel overwhelmed. Her hands moved our, grabbing at Snik as he rutted away into her, even being pushed onto her back, her grasp held onto him, seeming to be still unyielding in the face of such a battle.
As things continued like this luud would soon notice how little Voli would pass out completely.
now more then that, Snik was still swelling within the now slightly bulging belly, all the while, it would not be hard for the orc
to pull little voli off her cock at this point, or continue to enjoy the warm fleshy cock sleeve, as she was being ravaged. yet it was clear that Snik would
soon hit his own limit. however it would be a hell of a fun round for the orc maiden. as this new form was one which was pushing the orc maiden to a limit
very few could claim to have pushed her into.
Luud, ever the greedy beast she was, would not let Voli free of the monster pole that had her impaled upon ir. Her bulged belly was pushed and bounced, the Hybrid Goblin helpless as she still kept the unconscious soon to be breeding toy for her hungers. She started to sense Snik's growing weakness , she started to push back against starting to fight for control again.
as she began to push back for control, the wicked tiny titan would move to force one of her legs into a position where he could nibble along her thigh, and
tease her while filling his powerful and prideful mistress. even though he was weakening, the still evolving goblin was assaulting her flesh, scraping her muscles
with his teeth and nails. hitting sensitive ways which were new to the orc. unaware this was also thanks to the enhanced sensation his saliva causes like a minor aphrodisiac venom.

as this was going on, it would not be long before Luud would get the dominating position, however more then that, she would, it was becoming a truly lustful show.
Luud pinned the Goblin as she took back her top position, the aphrodisiac venom making her eyes dilate as she drew herself up, pulling her slit off the Goblins cock, she shifted her position, angling her ass against his tip as she slammed the tighter hole around him, the Orc Princess gobbling him right up to milk him with almost a hellish vengeance now that she was struck with his venom.
Now giving into her desires, to take both wicked spears in her much tighter back side. Luud would enjoy herself completely. giving into her new soon to be toy.
as this was but an appetizer to say the least. yet as she did this, VOli would be free from her own cock. as she would lay their, bulging, burping, and gurgling.
the tiny hybrid laying in a puddle of fluids. as her brother, and new mistress were still going at it. all the more, Luud would find this new evolution being a very rare one,
as well as one which was brought on by her taking his very first time, and how the two were pushing one another none stop. Even if she had to give up taking this one with her for now.
her mind would imagine the potential of an ever stronger and more powerful Snik to play with on her next visit. however with the venom now in her, the orc would find her desires, and needs
being sated in such a way, it even rivaled the brutish lover which was her mother, and out did her pet the Oni for now. showing this little shit of a inter species brother potentially could become her ideal plaything in the future. as her body could easily out last him, but he did all he could to dominate and win her over, unaware that he had already successfully won his over powered mistress's affection long before his evolution took place, due to his wicked loyalty, and vile plane to ensure he got her one way or another.
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As Snik was forced to be milked dry for the final time in his new brilliant power up, Luud pulled herself up from his grip, forcing him revel in the aftermath of his first true experience with Luud. Through even her climatic bliss. She somehow was standing tall and her body was steadying as she caught her breath and her strength. She grabbed Voli by the ankle, then Snik, starting to drag her hopeful warrior and plaything back to the Shaman's tent.
now with them both in hand, and exhausted to defensless bodies. the most surprising thing would be how Snik's body had reverted to the way it was prior to his sexual evolution.
showing that perhaps this was a unique form or state he could learn to master later. more then that, the fact she was the only one who truly knew about this, showed how unique this tiny
stud was to her. thus giving the idea of training him to become the strongest fuck boy for her personal use in the future, once he was strong enough to be taken by her in the future.

However on the other side. the little Voli, being dragged, would be leaking cum from her mouth, nose, and even cunt. leaving quiet the messy trail behind them. as the shaman would begin to laugh once
he saw the three returning. clapping his little claws, thinking that she was going to take Voli, and perhaps snik for a high price, even though snik himself stated he was not ready yet, but wanted to test himself with her,
unaware of how far he pushed Luud. even further then her jealous Oni, who was sitting their waiting for his mistress's return. with eyes showing a bit of anger, seeing how messy she was, and how she had the male in her hands.
Luud yawned a bit and smirked at the Shaman. "Ah- i think that provides you proof?" She said as she held up her two unconscious Goblin friends. "Mm, Snik practically have away Voli as well so I'll be fucking both your grand daughters. ' She licked her lips. "Going to probably have plenty of little Hobs for you to add on the family line " She said winking at the Goblin girl she still had yet to render into a a sexual dazed lump. She flopped back onto the pillow, crudly as she put the two girls on her Lao and kept Snik's exhausted body beside her as her Oni seemed see his mistress fondling and playing with her new pet Goblins more readily than even notice him again. Perhaps to show she was quite a fan for the Shan, or her romping had made her a bit too focused on listening to Goblin girls squealing and whining. "Mm-where were we again?"
" well then looks like we have a special deal of sisters for you, however that doesn't quiet end our business. Yet it seems our strongest warrior is very fond of your lineage. so how long you think till
you can provide us more tiny kin?" asking this in a wicked yet playful tone. the shaman would be making a deal for a strong half orc goblin to be brought to him in the future, to add muscle to their village,
a kind of future request so to speak which was rare but not unheard off. however the key here was the fact she still needed to finalize the deal, as the sound of her women, and other goblins out side of the tent
starting to get heated, as they seemed to be arguing over trades of goods, services, and potential fun time. this only caused the shaman to chuckle, as he would ignore the outside noises.
"That's what the sisters are found be for. " she said with a brutish chuckle but looked at Snik. "Hm. You want me to breed Snik ' She grunts thoughtfully. Ofcourse while she would be the one carrying the child, the Shaman knew certainly Snik would be the one getting put through a breeding plan. If anything Snik was though bred mare in Lineage of the future Orc Queens standard. "Might have to take a while, I don't particularly lead a soft pink skin female life. But I'm sure you will see Kin when the strongest seed withstands the journey."

Afterall Luud was a warrior princess, a Barbarian at that, if her pregnancies survived battlefield after battlefield, the kin that would be given would certainly be quite the warrior class.
chuckling as he heard this from, the little shaman would begin to chant, as a magical contract formed. as it appeared before Luud.
if she looked it over, the smaller print would be a promise to prove the goblin clan with a powerful hybrid off spring, which would become the next of kin
of the leader's off spring in the future. be it female or male, it would need to come and become the strongest leader of the goblins in the future. in return the shaman's two daughters
would be gifted with a small portion of the shaman's power to ensure they could produce worth wild hybrids for the orc's amusement.

as this little contract was made, it would also be the one which snik's had previously signed, showing it had been pre planned by her little stud and his father.
as now it was Luud's turn to sign if she was willing to make a contract to ensure once Snik was strong enough, he could produce the strongest goblin hybrid to date with
Luud the most powerful current warrior of the orc clan.
She grunts as she looked at the contract. But shrugged. It wouldn't have been the first Goblin clan that had made such a deal. With her future spawn on the leadership, effectively, the two clans would be closer to one Kin and expanding the reach of the Slaver Guilds. She snapped her fingers over her head, a elf slave rushing to hand over a stamp for the Barbarian. She read the contract again, taking her time just in case there would be aby tricks within it.
As she went over it, the one thing which would be eye catching was a special clause which was added in by snik of all people. one which would be almost comical to one such as Luud. as it was ensuring that Snik would only need to pleasure Luud, and if the need arises, Aunty, which only he called her mother, and was able to get away with. however this was also something which Luud could use to her advantage in ether wanting alterations to it, or even using it as a means to train Snik more often. as only she knew of his unique evolution which was triggered during their little mating spar, due to how his body was looking the way it did prior, showing this unique form he had was something which did not show itself easily.
Luud barked out a laugh as she examined the clause. "Snik made a clause just to ensure we fuck. I cannot believe this. " She said shaking her head. "If I'm to sign this, I require to change something." She said smirking. "If Snik wants to pleasure me and his dear Auntie, he must ensure his fucktoy sisters do their duty to bear my children. " She half teased.
hearing this, the wicked looking little old goblin shaman smirked. as he would wait for the reworked cause to be done by Luud so he could review it. However more then that, the sound of several elven, and human slaves alike could be heard, as it seemed a few of her sisters were trying to barter for some human toys from the goblins. while they wanted some of the elves which were not here to be sold or traded, but acting as the servants of the orcs.

as all this was going on outside, it could lead to some extra trades and deals once the current one was done. all the while, Luud knew she had the sister with what ever deal she made, but more annoyingly was the young goblin priestess which was forced into the deal due to the act of her own pet oni prior. Yet this could be seen as a potential boon if one used this as part of her advantage with the little sly shaman.
"Sounds like someone is making a show market out there." She said as she considered her options, Luud leaned over, dragging the priestess over and laying her on her lap, using the small Goblin as a table. "Hmm, your granddaughter here is not as pure as she would have been in the original barter. While it was my pets indiscretion, she is no longer a Virgin, and worse still it was not me who deflowered her, wouldn't it be best to give us a few more things to sweeten her up before handing her over to me?" Luud said as she prodded the Goblin, spreading her legs like she was appraising her one last time.
as she spoke like this, the shaman got very serious, as he looked to Luud.
"Their will be no alterations to our priestess, as this one is your responsibility, as it was your pet acting out which caused this. and she was meant to remain pure, until she took my place, as our next shaman. You how hard it is for one to remain clean that long, be it male or female. " as he spoke very seriously, also reminding Luud how their would be little room with this specific one for negotiations, unless she lost the favor of this village, and thus her mother's favorite trade partners. If nothing else, one would see this as a good reason to punish her loyal pet later, however it would also become troublesome, as Luud knew better then any one, her Oni pet was also being trained into a hard to deal with masochistic, and playful devil by her mother when she was not looking.

as the shaman went to change the subject once again from his daughter's situation, to the dealings on the papers.
"so then, for our deals, with the other goods, as well as alterations to Voli, and Snik's unplanned additions. " as he returned to a business mind set, showing the same troublesome determination, and single minded view of end goals, as her own mother had. Luud might be stronger, but it showed she would need some more experience, when dealing with ones like this shaman, as even her power, and potential threats had no effect on him.

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