Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

Luud put her hands on her mother's shoulders, planting her feet on the throne and pulled herself up suddenly at the news. Practically snatching herself off of her mother's cock , stealing the warmth of her favorite hole. "Oni? I'll butcher them up!" She said as she wobbled off her mother, dribbling cum all over the place. But that was Luud's passion, ruthless violence, especially when it came to a challenge, could not be ignored...well unless her mother forced her.
As she got up, the brutish giant of a woman would suddenly grasp her wobbly daughter. suddenly pull luud Back onto her lap, and penetrating her daughter's ass with that thick log of a cock. as she would speak up.

"Shaman when they in our territory come back to us. Until then, Luud needs to pay off her punishment time. "
saying this, as the wicked leader began to use her daughter's ass with out remorse, dominating's Luud like only she could. this time stretching and flooding the runt's tight back side. giving a hell of a show. however
the way she worded this. it would show, that Luud would have her mother join her in this slaughter, as it was interrupting their lay. as she planned to Fuck her little girl until the very last possible moments. not caring if
it meant Luud's own legs would be horribly weak by that time.
Luuds teeth grit together, her mouth opening in her own wild bellowing roar as her mother rammed her log into her daughter viciously. "M-m-mama- ha-fuck!" She moaned out, swearing and moaning as she was forced onto her lap. Her ass was tight, and squeezed like a vice, no matter how many times her mother tried to shape it and ruin it, she never lost the sweet tightness. "Ha-battle is-coming- must-prepare!'" She spoke between moans, her hands gripping the thrones arm rests tightly.
Laughing as she heard the struggling protest of her all mighty little girl. the wicked orc using such a powerful beast of a warrior like Luud for her own pleasure. lifting and slamming Luud with her powerful hands holding the runt by her waist. using her like a fuck doll, or like her daughter had done to so many toys prior. but unlike those toys, this orc would not break, which was what made her body so unbearably desirable.

"No worries, They come, we smash, until then I smash. " saying this as she began to release a thick monstrous load into her little girl with out warning, while not slowing down at all, as the thick hot baby batter coated Luud's tight internal bowels.
Luud moaned louder. "Mm-fucking-I'll fill you one day-" she panted almost like a threat. But it was what she always said, wanting to dominate her mother, and fill her guts with her own loads. Ofcourse that woukd be the day she likely took over the clan, or...caught her from behind. "Ah-ill make you my cum bucket mama!" She teased as she winced, pushing her body , slamming inti her mother's grip.
Hearing this only caused the massive beast to get rougher, using her little girl all the more excited.
"Oh poor Little Luud, mama will be waiting for that Day. after all, your so cute with that big old belly mama gives ya. Wonder how long till my Lil Runt finally get strong enough to give mama a belly."
speaking in a cruel, and teasing manor. However the fact remained, Luud's mother was the only partner who had the endurance, and size to make the terrifying runt of a leader weak in the legs. and even
on the extreme cases, fuck her until the warrior passes out. at least this would not be one of those sessions, but it was still an extreme one, as her threat excited the boss all the more. Yet Luud would be able to pick up
the faint sound of her sister's preparing for battle outside the tent.
Luud didn't know if she would cum or roar again as her mother tried to weaken her daughter. "I'm going to-I'm going to make your belly so fucking full!" She growled as she felt her eyes slowly crossing. He mother watched her daughter shoot her load out all over the floor, thick and hot, splattering her batter as her mother kept bouncing her. Luud's spunk was splitting against the walls of the tent, probably the furthered her load had shot yet getting poumded in her mother's tent.
Laughing with an almost maniacle sound, the mother would finally begin to slow down. as her daughter's belly was massive and bulging which could only be said to happen when she used Luud. the wicked mother would pull her completely down
with one last, and very aggressively hard impact. to hold Luud in place as her thickest, and healthiest load spewed into her daughter's back side.

Having pushed Luud this far, the Runt would find it hard to stand and move properly but not impossible. however Once she finally freed Luud, allowing her daughter to fall onto her belly. with the over flowing seed
escaping her back side. Luud would see her mother grasping her battle axe, as she growled.

"Well slay them real quick then we finish our fun, or more so your punishment for making mama wait to long. "
Saying this, as she would begin to walk out of the tent. A very rare chance would soon present itself to Luud, if she could muster the strength into her legs to act
at this moment. for her mother was turned back tours her, and could be caught, and pinned right as she was half way out of the tent. Even if the bosses didn't show up, the sisters of the clan could handle the Oni's
except perhaps the black oni, a leader or chief class. however chances like this would not present themselves to Luud very often.
Luud forced herself up to her knees, drooling slightly as her mother walked by her. Her eyes were focused on her rump, ready to jump on her for a moment, but she could hear the fight starting and distracting her. Jumping her mother was an option, she forced herself up, as erect as steel, drawing after her to grab her waist, the runt thrusting forward savagely, trying to ram into her ass.
Suddenly managing to get herself up, and tackling her own mother out of the tent. landing with an impressive thud. the way Luud's bulging belly hit into her own mother's back, would cause a suddenly sensation. as it caused a massive amount of fluids to escape her. while the Runt was successful. more then that, the sound and reaction from her own mother told her, this was surprising, yet enticing. all the while the massive brute under Luud began to wiggle herself, and pressing herself more, and more into her daughter.

"Well then, I guess it's your turn. Better make it good lil one. If not I will take one of those Elf's from you tonight, and make you watch mama ruin it, before returning. " saying this, as she began to wiggle, and squirm purposely. making the sensation even harder for Luud to keep it together. the incredibly tight, and restrictive muscles crushing, devouring, and abusing her monstrously python. As it would almost seem like her mother's body would milk, and wear Luud out just from the penetration of her ass alone. this was a rare chance, however it would be revealed this time, if she was ready for such fun, or would Luud herself hit her limit to quickly, due being exhausted prior to this assault chance.
Luud grit her teeth as her mother's muscles were flexing, if anything she was dragging Luud into her rather than having her daughter try to force her way in. But She wrapped her arms around her mother's waist, locking her arms together as she drew herself back from the tight cavern, and on her mother's next effort to pull her in, Luud thrust forward, adding her own force to it to fight back. Her belly was squashing and pushing against her mother's back, the bulbous belly pushing flatter ...and Luud's eyes rolling back as she felt her mother's load being forced out of her ass almost as hard as it was pumped in. "Ha-fuck, Mama- it's eating me-" She moaned out as she kept slamming herself into the new hole, managing somehow not to instantly empty her balls into her belly. "It won't let go-ha~ah~It's such a lewd ass~"
"Heh Heh, little one so cute, so strong. But never satisfy mama like this. Get rougher, faster. "
as she spoke saying this, It would not be long before Luud would feel how her mother used her size, and strength to suddenly roll over. getting on top. where she would begin to
bounce herself, as much as she could. however the motion would be limited, unless Luud released her arm lock. However she would find that this assault hat not just turned herself into
the aggressivor, but also the victim all over again. as the larger behemoth of an orc wanted to milk her little runt into submission. after having unloaded so much into her. showing how
the difference in their tolerance, endurance, and thirst was night and day still. However except for her mother. Luud was the unstoppable orc of the clan.
"Ha~get~tifhter!" Luud managed to grunt out as her mother started riding her and bouncing on her. Hee daughter shifted and pushed, her mother feeling her daughter thrashing harder, her daughters tusks scratching against her back and her neck. "Mm-im just- warming up mama- you'll have to feel me ram unto your cunt when I'm done-" her daughter challenged. Ofcourse Luud was mighty, and with a battle coming...her mother could sense her daughters primal strength building. Her barbaric rage had other uses than numbing pain and sending her in a fury for blood. If Luud let herself go wild during sex....her mother would have to have her daughter pried off her her gayrds b to ger her to slow down.
As she began to notice how her little girl was starting to get more barbaric with her motion. despite being under the mighty bestial woman.
The boss would slam herself down once more, before slowly pulling herself off, and with a wicked smirk across her face. she would speak up to the runt, and love child of this monstrous orc boss.

"You want that, then earn it. If you bring me enemy boss's head, and more kills then rest of sisters combine. Then for one night, mama will be your doll. but you fail, then your mama's doll for one night. "
saying this, she would chuckle softly, knowing by now her fellow warrior sisters would have a good number of the oni forces slain. however this did not make the task impossible, just even more difficult. while leaving
her daughter rock hard, and in need of satisfaction at this point.
Luud snarled, her eyes welling and flaring, not with magic, but with all of her might, making her very spirit charge with her emotions. Luud was practically feral in battle, but with her mother's goading, she only got up, snatching uo her mother's axe as she ran by. If Luud even had the capability to speak beyond the roaring rage she was devolving into, she may have had some cone back to her offer...but Luud was too erect for such a silly thing as speaking. It would be blood murder and a side of pounding.
Laughing as she watched her now blood rage, fueled daughter rush off, with axe's in hand. as Luud ran off like this. the blood shed would be truly magical to the sight of her mother, and even sisters in arm. Leaving Crued to be the only one
who seemed to be struggling. as she was on her back, with an oni pinning her down. his blade pressing against her own battle axe. due to the exhausting fun she had with lady Luud, Crued was now struggling against a foe which would naturally be an easier target.
However in Luud's current state it was unknown how she would react to this sight, or if she would even react at all, or just move on with her killing spree, leaving Crued to struggle on her own.
(XD Kill? The Oni is lucky to die, Luud might find a hole and get distracted.)

Crued saw Luud hacking her way through the battlefield, something about her was off, ofcourse Luud got off on battling, and her popping an erection in the face of dominating a foe was expected, but Luud was so hard that her erect cock was almost like an extra limb. Luud was soaked in blood, and was almost akin to gazing upon an angel of their gods. Wild, Ruthless, Cunning, and absolutely Virile to stud their way through the slave pens. The Oni on Crued reared back as it slapped her axe aside, but something cleaved the Oni's head clear frim it's shoulders. Blood spewed frim it's neck like a geyser, Luud kicking the Oni aside. Her boner hung infrint of Crued, her lady and future queen panting. Whatever passed her has a firm grasp upon her because she was moving before Crued could even begin to speak, nearly smacking the warrior in the face with her meat log as she whipped back to keep up her butchery.
(lol, it was set up for Luud to pounce on the oni, forcing him to go into her sister. thus giving our leader runt a double round. looks like he got off easy wink wink. )

Moving about, aroused, and wild Luud would be finding it harder, and harder to keep the kill count up. as her sisters were slaying foes one after another. However this would make it feel almost impossible to earn her reward from her mother.
meaning she might end up having to rut one of her sisters to sate her wild state. However the fact remained, their was still a chance, to earn her prize, even if it was growing slimmer by the second.
(XD Luud's only thought is Smash for Mama)

Luud whipped around, trying to keep up her numbers....she didn't exactly know her numbers, she just knew they were higher than 1 right now. She horned in as fast as she could to the kill, gutting anything that wasn't an Orc, and if it was....she pushed them out if her path to more. Could she do the impossible task?
As things continued to go on like this., Luud's mental state would calm down, as all the foes, except for the leader were slain. However she would discover, that this powerful leader being the last remaining foe, was also the tie breaker she needed to win her prize. Yet unlike the others, this one's body radiated with impressive might, and power. more so, on an intriguing level which rivaled Luud, and her mother's power. meaning if he could be subdued, this rare black oni could be used to produce children that could grow even stronger then Luud or her mother, if raised, and trained correctly. However if she let this bestial warrior live. then she would not achieve the number needed for her prize. a double edged sword, as if her own mother saw this out come, and wanted to test, Luud, seeing if she valued the well being of her sister's future or her own pleasure more.
Luud felt her rage subsiding, she swung the axe, splashing blood from her arms, her hands, and put it on her shoulder as she walked towards the Oni. A Prime suspect for the clan...but she approached him all the same. "You're going to kiss my feet, or loose your head!" She barked , brimming with her might. Ofcourse she was a bit weary, having cleaved her bloody path this far, a fresh set of minor wounds along her body. She hefted the axe forward, taking her stance.
The impressive, and powerful Black oni whistled at the site of this runt. her body quiet something. however he would point his blade tours Luud.
" Well know, despite being an ugly green skin, that body is quiet something. If I cut off that log down their, you would be worth knocking up, as a trophy baby maker. "

as he said this, the powerful warrior would begin to take an interesting stance. little did Luud know, this wicked thing was planning to try and pin her to sample the orc for himself, before deciding
if he would try to neuter her man part. however at the same time, if she was the one to subdue this power house of a stud. he would make an ideal breeder for her sisters, and the clan.
Luud smirked at him, grinning at him widely, brimming with malice. "Get used to looking at this log, I'll put it in you until you love it!" She grunts as she hefted the axe and shifted her stance, her muscles bulged again, drawing up all her rage again, the ground buckling with her power.

She burst forth, charging him like a wild boar, slamming into him to battle.
Now charging tours the impressive beast. as Luud charged in with her battle Axe drooling with blood. as the weapon seemed to be like a starving beast in the hands of the powerful maiden.
As Luud went to attack the wicked oni would show off impressive skill, using only a small shimmering knife. he would deflect the axe, causing it to go to his side and into the ground. as the short katana in the other hand would move to aim for
luud's shoulder. showing this beast would be one that required some tactics to win. he had experience, and skill, knowing how to deal with stronger foes. using their own power, and momentum against them. however this would make a harder fight for
Luud, but not impossible. if anything a more rewarding one.
Luud's eyes cut to the side as his katana slashed out, her heightened instincts letting her focus on its path. She let go of the axe handle, rolling backwards swiftly to dodge the blow. She growled and snarled, her stance low like a beast. She rushed him again, much like the savage she was bred to be, but her battle rage had her searching for her advantage, looking for the key points to put pressure on.
Now moving at a lower and more wild stance, Luud's action were like a wild beast, however it would be in this sudden charge, that the oni smirked. suddenly moving like a stream of water. dodging her head on assault. as Luud would feel his feet upon the top of her head, only for a second impact, to hit the back, pushing her past him, as he would land behind her. turning to face, the powerful warrior. their was a world in difference in battle experience, and in technique. While Luud was more experienced, this oni had odd, and uncommon techniques. as he turned to motion for her to come at him once more.

The more then went on, the more the enemy's scent would grow enticing, and arousing to the wild rage filled warrior. as if something different was slowly starting to stir in her. was it perhaps a warrior's heat, the kind of sensation her mother would have told her about back when she was little. the very reason she was conceived back in the day? if so, then this was truly a powerful, and worth wild foe to capture versus destroying.
Luud caught herself as he motions her to advance again, her rage simmering and burning hotter as he taunted her. She sensed the warriors heat, but her eyes dilated sharply she ran at him again, his hands snatching the the dirt as they came closer. But as he prepared his next move, Luud slammed her fists into the ground, raw strength and ferocity making the earth crack and kick up stone and dirt with a lesser shockwave.
The lesser shock wave enough to make the oni stumble a bit. as the lack of footing would create a small window of opportunity for the powerful shemale warrior.
as this would become quiet the sight, of two powerful warriors. both with equally cruel, and enjoyable ententions for one another. it was becoming a spectacle for the other girls to
look on and watch. to the point even Luud's mother would begin to grow more curious and advance from the safety of her tent. which was rare, as their were rarely any powerful foes,
or recruits strong enough to even cause her to break a sweat, let alone show any real effort.
Luud lunged as she saw the Obi's footing weaken, searching for stable ground. But the Black Obi saw his green opponent barreling in him , tackling him straight inti the fround and already moving to strip him of his weapons while she had the advantage. Luud's warrior scent was powerful as her rivals, if they did breed...the child would likely be even grander than both of them when it began to grow up.
as she was now pinning her foe, and stripping his armor and weapon. the Oni would smirk, releasing what could only be felt as a demonic martial arts aura. one which was rare, but known to only develop in the strongest of humanoids, as Luud's own mother had the same ability, but the aura would feel weaker then Luud's mother aura. but strong enough to push the powerful orc off of him. as the fiend stood up, taking an unarmed stance. as he smirked. knowing well that this orc was something else. his body bleeding from marks where her nails scratched his thick flesh, when he was partially stripped.

"tch, wild bitch. You will submit, and obey. "

saying this the powerful oni, did not know his ace up his sleeve was nothing Luud hadn't seen before. thanks to the training her mother put her through when she was little. beating Luud near death with full power, before nursing the runt back to health. this constant beating helped Luud to develop into the monster she was now physically. however this stance would be the thing to cause memories to enter her mind from such sessions.

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