Twisted Desires (Knight)

Derek wound his way down, his body, or at least this perception of himself suddenly feeling drained and worn out. His body slowly laid up against hers, his arms locked around her as he caught his breath, a tide of feelings storming inside of him. A chaotic feeling he couldn't quite understand but it was both foreign and yet familiar. He pressed his head against her cheek, his voice held back by the need to keep this moment close.
As they settled together, the fire inside them both burning lower into a warm comfort than a scorching inferno of desire , Derek pressed his head against hers his mortal hands tracing along her back, as he rested so close to her, his senses slowly untangling from hers little by little
Her metaphysical tendrils slowly pulled away from his very being, her succubus like nature going into a hibernation of sorts as she returned to that mortal form he was so familiar with. The black swirling marks on her arms returned once more, but the marks seemed corrupted by the wound she had inflicted on herself with that demon blade from earlier that she used to save him with her blood.. to be honest, it didn’t look that much better than what was going on where his own wound was at.
She noted his concern and she looked to the wound. “I’ll heal,” she assured him, trying to quell her own fears. She knew she wasn’t as hurt as he was- especially since he was a mortal and she wasn’t.. so the effects of the blade would be different. “If anything the most it’ll do will be hindering my magical abilities,” he would hear her say next.
She waited for what he would say next, but when he leaned in and moved to kiss her - that was something she did not expect. She kissed him in return, but lightly, as if she wasn't sure where he was taking this.

(uh...where are they again?) Edit: nvrmind, Marie just got done mind fucking him XD)
Marie was falling into the kiss, giving into her hidden wants- and when he pulled back, she took a small gasp, searching his eyes as she heard him speak. "Derek I-" she was about to say something she had never thought she would feel for a mere mortal, but here she was, showing him her true self in the dream realm - not really knowing if he'd be repulsed or not.
As she started to speak Derek faded away from her grip, suddenly slipping out of thus dream scape, like smoke on the wind. It started to disintegrate, the every shaking and bucking. Marie would feel someone shaking her, as she woke fully, she saw Derek kneeling iver her. "Marie, get up, quickly."
Marie was startled awake, the dream hanging over her like she’d been sick. She blinked and groaned softly when Derek told her to get up quickly, but she did so, her senses on high alert. She had made them safe from harm, with her wards, before they had slept..what was the danger all of a sudden?
Marie waited for him to say something and she tilted her head, “Mm…it may be that demon before that was residing here in this hollowed tree..” she murmured out, before lifting the wards and the veil dropped, the demon was in fact there, mumbling about her- satan’s daughter, and then effectively shutting up when he saw Maria standing there in front of him.

Marie pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose and sighed, “I’m not sure,” looking the demon up and down. “I’m assuming you’re the keeper of part of this famous map my father went through lengths to hide away from me?” She asked, wondering if the demon would respond.
The angel blade on her hip began to vibrate lightly, as if it was sensing the demon there. She had kept it as a gift from her mother, but never had fully took to learning how to wield it. As she had suppressed that side of her. She unsheathed it, and pressed the tip of the blade to the demon’s supposed chin, the blade ignited with holy flame but not strong enough to harm him. “But you have memories of the location..I can see through your deception,” she hissed in return, much like how a serpent would- her pupils shifting to much more serpent like than before, still a brilliant emerald green.
“Oh? Don’t you remember though, I have visions like my father..except, mine are more..controlled..” she seemed like she was searching for an answer. “That’s right! I can rip my demon fangs right through your tar like flesh and take the memories then, but you’d be no more than a husk of a demon you once were..” as she spoke the holy flame on her blade turned to a bright white flame, burning hotter than before.

(Kinda theory like how in media if vampires feed on you sometimes they can see your memories through your blood)
(uh...because Marie has morals?)

The demon could see the wheels in her mind turning as she paused from his words. She tsked in frustration and backed off, before another demon appeared, "Why in haste, princess?" It's leather skin proving to show how old the demon was.

"Because-" she glanced to Derek, her eyes clearly searching for a way to help him. That had to be in her memory somewhere..right? She looked back to both demons, feeling defeat curl it's tendrils around her, and she dropped her blade down to her side once more. "Fuck it, I'll figure this out on my own then," she sharply looked at both demons, "Get out of here before I send you back down to my father," she hissed, sheathing her angel blade next.
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(XD Yes but if she absorbs their memories via drinking other demons, A. The demons don't die, so why wouldn't they just do it irregardless, B. If this is a ability Demons have, even as a rare occurrence ,more than likely no Demon would dare share information of any kind to prevent such a problem. )

The Demon curled it's lips, it's hissing Visage distorting and it's very body twisting, it's skin folded and bones crunched and popped. It's body started to sink inti the dirt, the smell of hellish sulfur and brimstone came as the ground started to swallow the Demon.

Derek looked to the other. "We need that map-please- it's to prevent something horrible!" He said desperately, his face, normally so cool and focused breaking into one of shock. "If you keep your path, you will only find more horrors Mortal!" The Demon said as it finally slid under the grasp of the earth, the hell pit pooling with dirt and sealing itself slowly.
(eh I'll write it out XD)

The other demon that remained, looked to the pair, and Marie could have sworn she had seen something of what she would call compassion in the demon's eyes. Before it joined it's brethren it told Marie, " already have..close to you, you need to remember.." it spoke in riddles and soon was nothing but smoke remaining.

Marie stood dumbfounded, looking at where the demons had been and she looked at her hands. . "I must have seen it when I was younger..but my father may have had those memories hidden.." she spoke more to herself than Derek.
(XD sorry! I know that idea is cool tho, I'm just keeping things in mind in case we'd have to write around such things. I hope It doesn't feel like I'm being difficult.)

Derek looked at her, reaching out slowly to touch her arm. "That not a bad thing, we need to find a way to undo that then?" He suggested.
(no you're fine XD Also apparently bumped threads when they get replied not give me a notification XD)

Marie looked to Derek as he touched her arm. "I just..don't know where to start." she spoke, clearly upset and frustrated.

Damn it!

Marie cursed silently to herself and felt utterly powerless. The only thing she would think of doing is to contact her father. No. Mother? Her father would be outraged if he found out what she was doing...but her mother, her mother would understand, wouldn't she? But. She wasn't even confident in herself to make a portal home, considering how unstable everything was.

(now on the course of Derek being a mage, obtaining the demon eye..should we delve into that more? he learns magic from ... Marie? hm)
(I'd say it's possible for him to pick.up some things from Marie given the source of his eye is demonic. It wouldn't be particularly hard for him to grasp onto that flow of power)

"Is there anyway we can find others that ...alter minds? Maybe they can be convinced to open up your memories?" He suggested as he came up, gently laying his hand on her back as she pondered her options.
(good point)

"Alter minds..." she muttered out, her mind drifting, and then- as if an light turned on in her head, she had an idea. "You know, there is one person, well..thing..that could help." she mused a bit, and looked up towards the darkening sky. "I wonder if he will be willing," she questioned out.

(jokes on them, Udo is the 'map' all along, that's why it was hidden in her memories? IDK It's been a bit since I've been engrossed in this plotline ngl I'm kinda lost)

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