Twisted Desires (Knight)

She looked to him and bit her lip, “Are you sure? I’m certain I can just-“ she paused, and Marie looked at the conveniently placed wood pile. “Huh. Imagine that,” she said and frowned lightly. “I don’t like this…it feels too convenient..” she mentioned to him but they didn’t have any other choice.
She licked her apparently dry lips, “My father probably stuffed them in some human shell unable to die as a form of eternal punishment….in return to have them do his bidding since he spends his days with my mother.”

She went and sat by the fire. “If anything…this demon will lead us to where we need to find the map to the one we seek to help us..”
“My father’s minion will dare not to harm me, if so it will face a punishment worse than what it has already suffered,” she mentioned to Derek, sitting close by to him, her eyes falling on the flame.

She looked to him briefly, wondering how he was truly feeling. Surely he must have been tired, she knew she was drained physically and mentally but she had to persevere for his sake.
When night did fall, what he was waiting for…didn’t arrive. Apparently his mark was nulled by the effects of Marie’s demon blood and the poison pumping through his veins. It was an odd sense to feel- but it would offer some relief.

Marie watched Derek hold his breath, waiting for something to happen. She glanced out to the forest and then back at him. She was only on edge because of him, waiting to relax when he did.
Derek kept his eyes on the jungle, but he didn't feel the touch of dread or chills on the air. He leaned back, wondering if he was close enough to dead that the mark wasn't able to reveal him as easily. If that was even was better. He didn't completely relax, but he turned frim the jungle, looking at Marie. ,"we're okay" he said
She moved closer to him once he spoke, and she laid a hand on his cheek, her eyes searching his. “Derek…” she began, biting her lip gently. He would feel a warm sensation move through his body, something that would offer the mortal rest- and he would drift off to sleep.

When he ‘woke’ he would find Marie sitting across from him still, but she was in her demon form, her skin the color of blood- black swirling marks on her arms, electric yellow serpent eyes and dark raven colored hair.
“You’re in a sleep state,” she breathed out to him, the surroundings felt all too real.

“I have this power to lull anyone into a deep sleep- I -“ she paused, “I don’t really use it much but here,” she motioned to herself, “you can see my true form, not just my shell.”

She didn’t make a move towards him. “You’ll be asleep for a while, but I promise you’ll be safe.” She made sure before she had joined him in the dream realm.
“Yes,” She replied truthfully. What he wanted to do with her that was completely up to him.

“I could feel your energy levels…you were running completely on adrenaline and I’m sorry that I’ve caused most of it-“ she apologized next. But something about her would lure him in- just like their first encounter between one another a few weeks ago.

Obviously they both had a thing for one another so acting on what they felt wouldn’t be surprising but she was reserved almost as if…she was worried of hurting him.
“Not exactly,” she hummed out, feeling him lean slightly against her. “I’m resting with you, that’s why I’m here in this realm as well. I put you to sleep but the only reason I’m here is because when I wake so will you.” She tried to explain it the best she could.

Her skin was very warm, almost like he was hovering his hand over an open flame. But…she wasn’t too warm to where he’d be burned.
He nodded along as she spoke to him, taking her explanation as he reached out and put an arm around her. "You know you're really warm" he said as he drew closer, like he was going to kiss her for a moment. But he shifted his head and laid his head on her shoulder, humming with the inviting heat. "Its so....nice."
She drew a small breath in anticipation and she smiled softly at his words. “My normal temperature is much hotter than this,” she explained to him, “but I figured this would be nice enough for you to touch and yet not be burned..” even though it was in a dream world, she still was wary of her own powers.
(Hey it was her father who did that so)

She gave a small laugh, “Hm well, I’m only showing you because I feel extremely comfortable around you to let my guard down.” She explained further, but couldn’t deny the blush she felt from his teasing. Although he wouldn’t be able to see it with her red skin and all but her body temperature did rise just a little.
As his hand touched her chin and then her lower lip with his finger.. she felt like her entire body was on fire, and not how it normally was..

As he brought her closer to him, she couldn’t shy away anymore. “I-“ she paused, he was so close. “I-I don’t want to hurt you,” she whispered out, afraid to even mention the idea, considering they had only shared one night together.

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