Watching the Show (Craze)

His soft voice of reason, begging her to open up for him to view her side of things “dont you understand…I barely got a chance to say goodbye. You were gone forever it seemed and now by a miracle you are back but…” she snuffles. At some point she had started crying “but what if you get taken away again without me knowing?” Covering her face in her hands.
“I won’t allow it,” he said firmly, knowing she was crying now. There was no way he could get to her unless he broke the door down. He stayed there, giving a moment of silence. “I’m not trying to focus our relationship solely on..” he trailed off. “But…I’ve been craving you morning moon and night..and now that I have you..”
She would wipe her eyes trying to calm down with a few deep breathes while he reassured he would not allow it. He had no control of it then, what changed to him having it now? Slowly she got up from the bed, standing at the door when he admitted to have been desiring her all this time. Knowing him she knew he meant more than sex, her smile, her laugh, fixing her hair, holding her hand, hugs, and so much more. Reaching out she would unlock the door already feeling guilt of denying him to intimacy as love making for a family.
At the sound of the door unlocking he looked at her with a softness in his gaze. But then that softness turned to hurt, and he winced, his lower back hurting again from that past injury.

She would see him make a face and groan softly, touching the area and sway a little. Of course he would have sustained injuries from his time..
Opening the door to meet his sweet face did warm her soul until something changed. Searching his expression with concern as she approaches him in haste to touxh his arm that gestured to his back. “Lie down, please” not wanting him to fall encase he was unbalanced. Gently guiding him to bed clearly worry on her face but made no assumptions out loud.
He went to do so, clearly moving stiffly from the pain. “Fuck-“ he grunted out, “I-I was almost paralyzed,” he started to explain himself, “that’s why this’s a nerve that occasionally flares up now and then but my medicine-“ he motioned to his things in the bag he had on him from earlier, “helps,” she could clearly tell how much this pained him.
The pain in his voice hurt her that she could not take it away but he was here, he was walking that was important. Her head would turn to his bag, not fond of rifling through his things. “Stay” commanding him like a dog as she rushed over to kneel down, feeling in the outside pockets. How did he do what he did last night and this morning and now standing at the door flares it up? “Where is it?” Unzipping the main part to poke around.
“Center-“ he groaned, his eyes starting to haze over. When she saw the medicine, it was a direct syringe, the directions stating give one dose every 24 hours to manage pain as needed. An empty syringe laid by it, clearly showing he had used it prior to their meeting. He would have to get them filled soon, knowing that the pain wasn’t manageable without it , especially on days where it flared up worse than others.
He gasped as the medicine was administered to the area, soon offering a wave of relief. He pants and looks at her, grunting and groaning.. “fuck-“ he cursed softly, knowing that was his second to last syringe. He closed his eyes tightly and trying to focus- but she could tell waves of memories began to fill his mind, his breathing was rapid, like he was experiencing the field again. What..what could she do to distract him?
Setting the empty medication aside she kneels before him to be sure he was feeling alright. Unlikely she would learn of what he experienced in battle, just the after effects scared her. Seeing him seem to fade from reality made her nervous that he would freak out. “Malakai, focus on my voice okay” telling him as she gently touched his face, gathering herself into his lap.
His breathing was still rapid, and as he laid there now propped against the pillows, he began to murmur. “My’m sorry-“ he pants, but he heard her voice and felt her there, his eyes shot open and he looked around wildly, “I..I can’t lose you,” he breathed out quickly. “I’ve lost so many..” he seemed to be anchoring back to reality but still she would have to do something..

(*coughs* >_> )
Searching his face as he spoke and whimpered words of possibly his men, maybe even her as well. She glances around the room with uncertainty of how to react without him freaking on her. With a deep breath she gripped his face into her hands, rolling her hips into his lap as she pressed her lips against his hoping to spark him back into reality.
Breaking the kiss as quick she met his gaze with a sheepish smile "Welcome back handsome" purring softly to him, her eyes unable to hide how spooked she was from him vanishing on her. Would have been nice for a warning about this back pain along with these PTSD reactions, how to properly handle them though this seemed to work.
A few deep breathes of her own as she sat back onto his lap grateful they figured it out before he was too far gone "I understand you must have been through alot, will take time to learn it all but I would have preferred a warning dear" telling him in a gentle tone. She was not upset in the slightest, greatly concerned though as she glances toward his shot then back to his face with a small pout. "Want some water, a massage, talk about it?" offering him some options.
Getting off his lap she would fetch his water to fully take a moment to settle her racing heart, a real shock that was, forgetting how traumatizing war must be on a young man. Made her already concerned of how he may react to crowds, loud noises, hell a baby crying in the middle of the night. She would bite on her lip to remind herself to calm down as she returns with his glass of water to hand off to him. "I understand, you don't have to explain but a warning would be nice, we could have like a signal" trying to work with him on this while offering privacy.

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