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Your Blood...It's Intoxicating (Brit)

Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi’s body became even more womanly, filling out quite nicely. Her breasts were a beautiful teardrop shape, and her figure had that of an hourglass. She truly was a beauty to behold.


As Kazimir waited for Naomi to waken, a nurse came over and told Kazimir these words: “Your father requests us to sterilize her,” she speaks and had medical equipment in her hands. “We can do this while she is unconscious-“ she mentioned next, and Kazimir would notice a few more other nurses and doctors there as well to perform the procedure.
Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
And even so, the memories of before still poured into her mind- flashing here and there, and she was transported back to their very first night together, her 18 year old self staring up at him, her ballgown falling off her shoulders as he unlaced it bit by bit.

Somehow the dream felt all to real, even if it was a flashback, she had no idea Kazimir’s current feelings were influencing the past memories, reliving only the most intimate parts. Was Kazimir using this to remember as well?

“Kazimir- are-are you certain you want this?” She asked, her voice had took on a slight echo, but hardly noticeable. She had asked him, knowing the rules, the prince couldn’t be with someone like her..
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"Of course, Naomi..." He replied softly, the same echo present as he leant down to kiss her, the connection a lightning shock to her system as she awoke from that flashback to the current day, seeing him infront of her, his hands wrapped around her and holding her tight "And... You are mine, from now till forever..." He swept her up and took her to his room, where she'd see herself in the mirror.
Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gasped as she woke, being held close to his frame and was filled with confusion until she saw herself in the mirror. He would see her flush from just how older she appeared. Yet she was confused, touching her neck with her hand. “My king..?” She went to question, and then her ears picked up on the sounds of the other women in the room, laying there on the bed, and looking at Naomi, surprised to see her alive, but none dared said anything.

It was then at this moment, the doors to his chambers opened, and his supposed betrothed walked in, a tight black dress to her frame, her pale complexion as white as the moon, black hair and her lips painted a deep dark red. “Kazimir darling,” she smiled as she saw him, “I’m sorry I’m a few days early from the blood moon but..I’d figured we’d have a little fun before? Hm?” She noticed Naomi but didn’t say anything, figuring she was a part of his harem.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir smiled, kissing Naomi's neck before the woman walked in "Ah. Sophia. How nice of you to drop by." He spoke warmly enough, but compared to how he addressed Naomi... He walked across, leaving Naomi to inspect her new form properly as he kissed the Vampiress "So, how was your trip?"
Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi did and turned around, looking at her ass and blushing a bit. She then paused and glanced to Kazimir as he kissed Sophia. Before the blood moon she had mentioned and Naomi soon realized this woman was meant to be Kazimir’s queen..!

Naomi couldn’t help though but feel a tight sensation in her chest, those echoing words of Kazimir wanting her to be his queen, but apparently that had changed since she last had been here but, she’d figured she’d say nothing of the matter, as if it would be important to address anyway. She shifted on her feet and went to join the other women on his bed, getting looks of apologetic faces as they noticed what Kazimir did not.

Sophia moaned into his lips and pulled back, “Mm, a bit boorish- especially when you weren’t there,” she teased and looked to his harem briefly, before returning her gaze back to him. “So..when can I have you all to myself?” She asked softly, no hint of jealousy on her voice. She had nothing to worry about, Kazimir was hers.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir shrugged a bit "Whenever, I suppose. But I always found our playtimes more fun, when more of the girls got involved. But perhaps now would be best, hmm? After all, it's been a long while..." He moved, a gesture dismissing all the girls from the room, even as he removed Sophia's dress.
Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Sophia was pleased to see them leave, even that wolf girl who caught her eye. She heard the doors shut, and she smirked lightly at his words. “Mm, even you know that once you have a queen, your entire attentions will be on her- especially if you want her to carry your offspring-“ she reminded him, even though she was famous for sterilizing her many husbands harems over the decades so she was the only one able to reproduce with him and provide him an heir, but Kazimir wouldn’t know of that or what she had done.

Naomi returned to her room, the scar on her throat ached a little and she touched it gently. She sat upon the bed, even as she heard the door to her room open slowly. She half expected Kazimir but her blood ran cold on seeing his father there.

“Naomi,” he spoke her name and stepped forward, the door locking behind him. “You…returned, even after at all my attempts to keep you away,” he had his hands behind his back as he spoke, no weapons were present on him but that didn’t make Naomi any less wary.
Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Sophia moaned out at his fucking, letting him bite her, even if it was slightly uncomfortable there. “Mmm I love hearing you say that,” she spoke, her form beneath him after he had taken a bit of her blood- it was sweet, but it lacked the depth Naomi’s had. She stared up at him with her ruby red eyes but Kazimir couldn’t help but picture Naomi briefly.

Naomi was backed against the wall, and the elder vampire leaned close, “His affections for you are foolish, he is meant to wed his betrothed, Sophia.” And Naomi couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness.

He chuckled softly, “I’ll give you this one chance, go back to your pack, and leave here. He does not need to be distracted from his love,” he spoke and moved so Sophia could do what he told her to do.

While Kazimir was busy fucking Sophia, little did he know that Naomi was running through the forest, soon shifting to her wolf form for the first time. She had to scent where her pack had gone. She couldn’t return to the coven, it would be pointless anyways.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Even as she ran though, Naomi would find herself constantly getting turned around and returning to the Coven, her body running red hot with desire for Kazimir... Perhaps she needed to act more like an Alpha, to dominate in the fight for Kazimir's affections...

Kazimir moaned louder as his mind pictured Naomi, picking up his pace a little, even as he wished he was truly infront of Naomi, truly was taking her. He hadn't even gotten to feel her new, supple form and he couldn't wait for that chance.
Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She pants, looking around, confused. But- she was told to leave?

His father was waiting and he smirked gently before he appeared in front of her again. “Ah I forget, you’re riddled with jealousy, hm? So you won’t know which way was out even if shown.” He sighed and subdued her, knocking her out and made her whine- her form shifted back to it’s human appearance and his father began to drag Naomi away from the coven, going to dump her out in a place where scents were muddled and would be hard to track.

Sophia moaned out more, unaware of what he was thinking. She pulled him down in a kiss, tasting his tongue, wanting his focus to be on her entirely.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Nov 14, 2022
However, much to everyone but Kazimirs surprise, as change came across Naomi and Sophia, as the pair were switched by magic. Uncontrolled magic stemming from Kazimirs desires, yes, but magic nontheless. He looked down at Naomi and smiled warmly, starting to fuck her faster than he'd even done Sophia, as his father and Sophia had to figure out what the fuck was going on.
Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Uh she was knocked out cold? XD)

Even as it was magic, it was only a facade, as Sophia still laid underneath him- enjoying whatever had come over him suddenly.

His father had left Naomi there and had already came back to the coven, washing his hands free of Naomi’s blood before Kazimir would catch on.
Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
His father was in his own chambers at that point, unaware of what his son knew. He hummed lightly, “Thank you Sophia for being the perfect distraction,” even as he flipped through a book, reading it- he seemed content.

Naomi woke, shivering from the cold. What…what happened? She looked around, and winced in pain. She then glanced down at her stomach and her heart immediately dropped. Her womb had been taken from her- but she knew whoever had done then had left her ovaries, just to be cruel, let her have all of her womanly hormones but not be able to reproduce. Touching the inflamed skin, she shivered once more, trying to figure out where she was. Glancing to the sky, she felt cold rain begin to fall on her and she blinked as she looked up, but couldn’t see the sky as it was covered in clouds.
Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Sophia welcomed Kazimir back into his chambers and noticed his mood. “What troubles you darling?” She asked, noting how he sulked.

Naomi stood on her shaky legs, beginning to move but stumbling through the brush of the forest, unaware of how close she actually was to the coven. She had shifted back to her wolf form, using her pelt to keep warm but it was inevitably soaked, weighing down and chilling her further. As she padded along, she eventually came across the coven again, but as she scaled the walls, she got a glimpse into Kazimir’s bedroom, seeing Sophia embrace Kazimir. Naomi’s ears laid back, and she whimpered lightly. She realized then she may have been his favorite pet, but that’s all she would be, especially next to Sophia. A favorite pet.
Local Time:
6:02 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Sophia frowned, looking at him before shaking her head. “Are you really this distraught over some mutt?” She crossed her arms and glared at Kazimir. “You need to let it go, Kaz…remember, I’ll be your queen soon..” she reminded him, leaving his quarters. Wait. Did she really mention Naomi in this way?

Naomi watched and went to head towards his window, slipping and sliding on some mud, yelping as she did. She tried to gain traction as she fell but ultimately hit her head- going unconscious once more, laying out in the clearing. She had shifted back to her human form and laid there. Her body was cold and practically lifeless save for the small breathing that could be noticed in her chest.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir watched her leave, snarling softly, before frowning as he heard the yelp "Naomi?" He muttered, heading to the window and gasping as she fell. He ran through the coven to her, kneeling and feeding her his blood to protect her as he flashed back to his room, lying her on the bed, trying to warm her up.
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