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Your Blood...It's Intoxicating (Brit)

Local Time:
6:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She laid there in his bed, and Kazimir would notice the wound where her womb lay. Now…who would be the perfect specimen to give Naomi a womb back? It would be a tricky procedure but coerced under the right circumstances…

Even as his blood trickled through her veins, Kaz could see her shiver, her fever rising in her body no doubt.
Local Time:
6:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi laid there pretty much limp in his arms, her breathing steady but he could tell she was fighting against whatever she had caught out there. Her usually warm skin was as cold as his own, and Kazimir realized he would have to do the surgery soon or he’d risk losing Naomi forever.

Naomi’s eyes fluttered as she tasted blood, and she pulled back from his wrist, staring up in confusion at Kazimir. Her head was pounding and she was extremely cold. Shivering she laid her head back into the pillow, “My King- why do you waste time with a pet like me?” She asked, her forehead broken out into a sweat, and before she could hear him answer, she had passed back out once more.
Local Time:
2:18 AM
Nov 14, 2022
He looked down at her, holding her close "Because you will be my perfect queen..." He murmured, even as he knew she was out cold. He then stood, heading out to prepare everything he needed, dragging Sophia to the infirmary, and forcing the doctors to perform the operation. At the end, he cut Sophia's throat, letting her blood fall into Naomi's mouth, knowing that would awaken her and heal her.
Local Time:
6:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Sophia had fought as much as possible, screaming out in pain as the doctors performed the surgery- but her screams were cut short as Kazimir slit her throat, letting her blood be fed to Naomi.

Naomi’s pale complexion became more rosy, but she gasped as she woke- her eyes a brilliant golden red. Kazimir would soon take notice that she had ‘died’ with his blood in her system, and Sophia’s blood had completed her transition into a hybrid.

She coughed out, groaning softly as she felt new canines in her mouth, doubling what she already had before. She had no clue what had happened, even as the pain in her stomach had gone away, but was replaced with ravenous hunger. The poor doctors there would probably need to be replaced soon.
Local Time:
6:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
And with that, Naomi woke, her ears flicking gently as she realized she was still in her den.

The rain outside was falling quite heavily, and she got up on her paws and went to go view it from the entrance. She had felt warm underneath her pelt, realizing that she was just dreaming. The vampire she had met, Kazimir…let’s just say the ball and their shared night hadn’t happened yet, and his father certainly wasn’t against werewolves, but was still more…old fashioned.

Why did she dream of him though? It wasn’t like he’d actually fall for her.

(I hope you don’t mind where I’m going with this, I’d figured perhaps it all being in her head was something I could work with and we could build their relationship further)
Local Time:
2:18 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Of course, what Naomi couldn't know was how Kazimir truly felt about her. After all, she'd not seen him in months, he'd been up in his coven with his father, learning to be a lord. Why should he even spare a thought for the lowly wolf she was?

As she watched the rain, she'd note the presence of another wolf approaching her, a male who had not long ago professed his desire for her, and seemingly wouldn't accept her answer of no.
Local Time:
6:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi watched as the wolf approached, and her ears laid back- fearful of what he’d might do. But she remained calm, letting him get closer to her. “I see the rain doesn't stop you,” she remarked, flicking her tail gently. Her den was on the outskirts of the pack, but with the heavy rainfall, it’d be hard to hear anything.

If needed be, she’d bolt, but, she doubt she’ll get far in this weather.
Local Time:
2:18 AM
Nov 14, 2022
The wolf gave her a smile, teeth glinting "And why would it? How could anything deny me the pleasure of your visage, your scent?" He questioned her, still moving closer, and just ever so slightly blocking her avenues of escape as he did so. He paused, watching her closely, before giving a dark grin "However, that's not the reason I'm here... I'm here because you missed the Alpha's announcement earlier." He moved closer still, lust visible in his eyes "Due to the fact our pack is so small compared to the other local ones, he has given permission for any unmated males to pick a female to breed. Any female who resists will be used by everyone..."
Local Time:
6:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi gave a worried look as he spoke, “I-I don’t believe that…my brother wouldn’t-“ she noted he blocked her only route of escaping. She backed up, fear rolling off of her scent next. Her ears laid back and she swallowed slowly. She knew he would use her, take her virginity- and she didn’t want that. She looked around for any possible way to leave but it was hopeless, unless someone came from outside of the den, but that was unlikely.
Local Time:
2:18 AM
Nov 14, 2022
He sat there infront of her, and no one seemed willing to brave the rains, apart from him. He tilted his head and watched her closely, before licking his lips and approaching her again "So... Are you willing? Or do I need to make you mine?" He growled, looming over her, even as her mind would realise he must have been telling the truth, else he would never have tried anything this blatant.
Local Time:
6:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Even though she felt pleasure, she hated it. Her eyes began to well with tears as she felt his knot form. Her eyes widened and as his grip loosened, she pulled from him, feeling his knot pop from her depths and she scrambled to get out of the den. She ran blindly, the heavy rain hitting her face and mud splashing between her paws. She had to get out of the territory! Thankfully the rain and mud muddled her scent so the wolf would have a hard time tracking her.

Panting as she came to a clearing, she looked around, trying to find shelter. As she came across a hollowed tree, what she wouldn’t be expecting was that a certain vampire was there, taking this opportunity to have a moment of quiet to himself, unaware that his friend- Naomi would come stumbling in.

Her hair was soaked, the clothes she had on her body as well, hugging to her frame. Scenting blood, he could see it dripping down her thighs. She was dazed, her eyes a brilliant yellow. She looked once at Kazimir before she faltered and collapsed from exhaustion, falling onto him.
Local Time:
6:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi woke later, her eyes blinking as she felt a soft surface underneath her. Was she dreaming again? Groaning, she slowly drew herself up against the pillows and looked around. Her thighs had been cleaned up, probably by a servant- but she didn’t know that. And she had no idea that servant’s blood was shed for her, so she could recover more quickly.

Flicking her ears, she looked around the room and scented the air, Kazimir…
Local Time:
6:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Her eyes flicked to his form as he neared, his hand pushing some of her hair out of her eyes, she couldn’t help but flinch slightly at the gesture. “I-“ she swallowed slowly, “I was forced to mate,” she spoke, feeling ashamed she didn’t fight, well, she had a little but it had proved useless.
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